Multi-dimensional Trust Building Process to Explain Customer Satisfaction on e-Commerce

  • Choi, Jae-Won (Department of Business Administration, The Catholic University of korea) ;
  • Sohn, Chang-Soo (Department of Business Computer Information Systems, G.R.Herberger College of Business, Saint Cloud State University) ;
  • Lee, Hong-Joo (Department of Business Administration, The Catholic University of korea)
  • Published : 2007.11.15


Advanced online environment and communication technology have made the e-commerce environments evolved rapidly. In the e-commerce area, one of the most important concepts regarding the relationship between seller and buyer is the "trust." Considering the purpose of purchase and satisfaction of website, the users may face problems such as consumer's transaction security or personal information sharing when they make transactions over web sites. It could be difficult to pursue the goal for the users to purchase product or service over online if the seller or service provider cannot establish trust to the customers. In this paper, through multi-dimensional viewpoints of trust, satisfaction can be accounted for by cue-based trust and experienced trust. The purchase intention mediates the experienced trust when online users purchase products or use online service.
