A Novel Thermal Shut Down circuit

새로운 고온 보호회로

  • 박영배 (페어차일드 반도체 주식회사) ;
  • 구관본 (페어차일드 반도체 주식회사)
  • Published : 2006.06.01


A Novel way to support typical Thermal Shut Down(TSD) circuit is proposed. In power ICs, on-time or on-duration is the key factor to anticipate an abrupt increase of internal temperature. Such an abrupt raise of the temperature can cause TSD circuit cannot protect on proper time due to the temperature detection delay come from the physical distance or the imperfect coupling between heat sources and detector. The proposed circuit checks the duty ratio touched their maximum or not in every cycle. Once duty ratio touches the maximum duty, new circuit generates the warning signal to the TSD circuit and lowers pre-determined temperature for shut down to compensate the detection delay. The novel circuit will be analyzed to the transistor level and checked the validity by simulation.
