Application of Shield Property on Radiation Noise

Radiation Noise의 Shield를 위한 Paint 특성

  • Published : 2006.11.09


A physical model for reduction of Electromagnetic Interference(EMI) or its predecessors, Radio Noise, Electrical Noise, or Radio-Frequency-Interference(RFI), is a rapidly expanding digital technology. It covers the frequency spectrum from DC to about 3 GHz EMI is the poisoner which does not allow radio, TV, radar, navigation, and a lot of electrical, electro-mechanical, and electronic and communication devices, apparatus and systems to operate compatibly in a common frequency spectrum environment EMI can result in a jammed radio, heart pacer failures, navigation errors and many other either nuisance or catastrophic events. Therefore, it follows that this spectrum pollution problem has reached international levels of concern and must be dealt with m proportion to the safety and economic impact Involved.
