한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference)
- 한국지반공학회 2005년도 지반공학 공동 학술발표회
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- Pages.489-498
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- 2005
일정수직강성시험을 통한 암반근입 현장타설말뚝의 주면마찰력특성분석
Shear Load characteristics of drilled shafts considering socket-roughness in Constant Normal Stiffness(CNS) Test
- Jeong, Sang-Seom (Dept. of Civil Engineering, Yonsei Univ.) ;
- Jung, Woo-Hyun (Dept. of Civil Engineering, Yonsei Univ.) ;
- Seol, Hoon-Il (Dept. of Civil Engineering, Yonsei Univ.)
- 발행 : 2005.10.07
In this study, the shaft resistance of drilled shafts socketed into weathered-and soft-rocks was examined by the constant normal stiffness(CNS) test. Large scale model tests were performed for different unconfined compressive strength, socket roughness, initial normal stress, and normal stiffness for identifying shear load transfer characteristics. Through comparisons with previous studies, it is found that the results by the present approach is good agreement with the general trend observed by existing empirical and analytical results.