구조물 기초보강용 짧은 쇄석다짐말뚝(Geopier)의 적용성 및 활용방안에 관한 연구

Application of Rammed Aggregate Pier(Geopier) for Foundation Reinforcement of Structures

  • 발행 : 2005.10.07


Geopier soil reinforcement system which crushed aggregate is put into a hole and rammed the aggregate with tamper is a viable alternative to deep foundation to over-excavation and replacement. Also, Geopier is intermediate foundation of deep and shallow foundation. In this paper, the value of Geopier element stiffness modulus($K_g$) when designed is compared with the measured value($K_g$) by the in-situ modulus Load test in the field. Also, this paper presents a technology overview of system capabilities and application for foundation reinforcement of structures.
