Human Proteome Data Analysis Protocol Obtained via the Bacterial Proteome Analysis

  • Published : 2005.09.22


In the multidimensional protein identification technology of high-throughput proteomics, we use one-dimensional gel electrophoresis and after the separation by two-dimensional liquid chromatography, the sample is analyzed by tandem mass spectrometry. In this study, we have analyzed the Pseudomonas Putida KT2440 protein. From the protein identification, the protein database was combined with its reversed sequence database. From the peptide selection whose error rate is less than 1%, the SEQUEST database search for the tandem mass spectral data identified 2,045 proteins. For each protein, we compared the molecular weight calibrated from 1D-gel band position with the theoretical molecular weight computed from the amino acid sequence, by defining a variable MW$_{corr}$ Since the bacterial proteome is simpler than human proteome considering the complexity and modifications, the proteome analysis result for the Pseudomonas Putida KT2440 could suggest a guideline to build the protocol to analyze human proteome data.
