울산시 북구 신주거지역의 아파트 계획을 위한 북구 거주자의 주거선택행동 예측

A Study on the Forecasting of Decision Behavior the Choice of Housing of Potential Purchasers in Bukgu New Housing Area, Ulsan

  • 김선중 (울산대학교 주거환경학과) ;
  • 권명희 (울산대학교 주거환경학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.11.13


The purpose of the study was to identify the status of satisfaction level, moving motivation, the level of housing choosing behavior, and housing needs of potential purchasers in bukgu new housing area, Ulsan. The survey used questionnaire from 336 households living in bukgu area and analyzed using descriptive statistics, and one-way analysis of variance and Scheffe' multiple range test. The research results showed low degree of residents' satisfaction in storage space, neighborhood environment. The moving motivations were physical environment improvement, education environment, walking road, view and lighting.
