Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference (한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2004.03b
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- Pages.807-814
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- 2004
A strategy to enhance the efficiency of land seismic reflection method via controlling seismic energy radiation pattern.
지면 탄성파 반사법의 효율성 향상을 위한 탄성파 발생원 에너지 방사형 변조기법
- Kim, Jung-Yul (SOAM Consultant Co.,Ltd.) ;
- Kim, Yoo-Sung (SOAM Consultant Co.,Ltd.)
- Published : 2004.03.25
Land seismic reflection survey has been increasingly demanded in various civil engineering works because of its own ability to delineate layers, water table, to detect cavities or fracture zones, to estimate seismic velocities of each layer. However, our shallow subsurface structures are very complex. The relatively thin layer(mostly soil) to the wavelength directly followed by a basic rock with high impedance used to generate complicated surface waves, kind of channel waves with high amplitude that is dominate in entire seismograms and hence the useful reflection events will be almost hopelessly immersed in the undesired surface waves. Thus, it would seem that the use of traditional seismic survey could not be likely to provide in itself a satisfactory information about our exploration targets. This paper hence introduces an efficient measuring strategy illustrating a properly controlled arrangement of the vertical single force sources commonly used, yielding a very sharply elongated form of P-energy with a minimum of S radiation energy, what we call, P-beam source. Abundant experiments of physical modeling showed that in that way the surface waves could be enormously reduced and the reflection events would be additive and thus reinforced. Examples of field data are also illustrated. The contribution of P-beam source will be great in civil engineering area as well as in general geological exploration area.
- P-beam source;
- physical modeling;
- Land seismic reflection survey;
- surface waves;
- Telemetry measuring system