약초자원 홍보관 계획

Plan for Public Information Museum of Herb Resources

  • 차상기 ((주) 중앙테크, 대구예술대학교)
  • 발행 : 2004.11.05


Currently, with the development of an advanced industrial form, attention to human life has risen gradually. On the basis of aboves, Oriental medical industry has been achieved revolutionarily, and moreover the new word 'Well-being' has been born due to the value of life and attention to health. All who live in the 21-century have worried about problem with health and well-being, and the substitute medical science centering around the Oriental medicine has come up as the major concern, not to speak of the Oriental the West. Domestically, Research and attention to the Oriental medicine has increased, and its importance has appeared. At the moment, locally self-governing groups have taken an active step to study the genetic resources centering around locally- breedy wild medicinal herbfor their economy growth. Accordingly, in the historic view, to discover our medicinal herb's essence and to supply professional, systemical infomation of herb genetic, the necessity of professional exhibition museum can come up. under the above circumstances, I propose the public information museum in local area.
