볼록 이분할 그래프에서 최대 매칭을 찾기 위한 불리안 회로

A Boolean Circuit For Finding Maximum Matching In A Convex Bipartite Graph.

  • Lee, Sunghee (Dept. of Computer Eng, Hankuk Univ of Foreign Studies) ;
  • Yoojin Chung (Dept. of Computer Eng, Hankuk Univ of Foreign Studies)
  • 발행 : 2004.04.01


We've developed a Boolean circuit that finds a maximum matching in a convex bipartite graph. This circuit is designed in BC language that was created by K. Park and H. Park(1). The depth of the circuit is O(log$^2$nㆍlog b) and the size is O(bn$^3$). Our circuit gets a triple representation of a convex bipartite graph as its input and produces the maximum matching for its output. We developed some Boolean circuit design techniques that can be used for building other Boolean circuits.
