경안천 유역에 대한 MIKE SHE모형의 적용

Application of MIKE SHE Modeling System to the Gyeongancheon Watershed

  • 발행 : 2003.10.31


The physically based distributed modelling system, MIKE SHE, has been applied to the upper sub-watershed of the Gyeongancheon watershed. A horizontal grid square was constructed to represent the spatial variations in watershed characteristics, landuse, soil, and rainfall distributions. The hydraulic model MIKE 11 was also coupled with the MIKE SHE to simulate river flow in the main and tributaries of Gyeongancheon. The simulated daily stream flow at the outlet of the watershed was compared to the observed data for the period of 1988 to 1991. The results demonstrated the applicability of a comprehensive hydrological modelling system as management tool for watershed and floodplain.
