Study on the Target Tracking of a Mobile Robot Using Active Stereo-Vision System

능동 스테레오 비젼을 시스템을 이용한 자율이동로봇의 목표물 추적에 관한 연구

  • 이희명 (울산대 대학원 기계자동차공학부) ;
  • 이수희 (울산대 대학원 기계자동차공학) ;
  • 이병룡 (울산대 기계자동차공학) ;
  • 양순용 (울산대 기계자동차공학) ;
  • 안경관 (울산대 기계자동차공학부)
  • Published : 2003.06.01


This paper presents a fuzzy-motion-control based tracking algorithm of mobile robots, which uses the geometrical information derived from the active stereo-vision system mounted on the mobile robot. The active stereo-vision system consists of two color cameras that rotates in two angular dimensions. With the stereo-vision system, the center position and depth information of the target object can be calculated. The proposed fuzzy motion controller is used to calculate the tracking velocity and angular position of the mobile robot, which makes the mobile robot keep following the object with a constant distance and orientation.
