Impact of Complex Hemodynamics to the Management of ArterioVenous(AV) Fistula

동정맥루의 복합성 혈류학 소견이 그 관리에 미치는 영향

  • Published : 2002.08.01


Human circulatory system between heart and tissue is not directly connected in normal condition but mandatory to go through the capillary system in order to fulfill its physiologic aim to deliver oxygen and nutrients, etc. to the tissue and retrieve used blood together with waste products from the tissue properly. When abnormal connection between arterial and venous system (AV fistula), these two circulatory systems respond differently to the hemodynamic impact of this abnormal connection between high pressure (artery) and low pressure (vein) system. Depending upon the location and/or degree (e.g. size and flow) of fistulous condition, each circulatory system exerts different compensatory hemodynamic response to this newly developed abnormal inter-relationship between two systems in order to minimize its hemodynamic impact to own system of different hemodynamic characteristics. Pump action of the heart can assist the failing arterial system directly to maintain arterial circulation against newly established low peripheral resistance by the AV fistula during the compensation period, while it affects venous system in negative way with increased venous loading. However, the negative impact of increased heart action to the venous system is partly compensated by the lymphatic system which is the third circulatory system to assist venous system independently with different hemodynamics. The lymphatic system with own unique Iymphodynamics based on peristaltic circulation from low resistance to high resistance condition, also increases its circulation to assist the compensation of overloaded venous system. Once these compensation mechanisms should fail to fight to newly established hemodynamic condition due to this abnormal AV connection, each system start to show different physiologic ${\underline{de}compensation}$ including heart and lymphatic system. The vicious cycle of decompensation between arterial and vein, two circulatory system affecting each other by mutually negative way steadily progresses to show series of hemodynamic change throughout entire circulation system altogether including heart. Clinical outcome of AV fistula from the compensated status to decompensated status is closely affected by various biological and mechanical factors to make the hemodynmic status more complicated. Proper understanding of these crucial biomechanical factors iii particular on hemodyanmic point of view is mandatory for the advanced assessment of biomechanical impact of AV fistula, since this new advanced concept of AY fistula based on blomechanical information will be able to improve clinical control of the complicated AV fistula, either congenital or acquired.
