Proceedings of the KSME Conference (대한기계학회:학술대회논문집)
The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
- Semi Annual
Reburning is an efficient combustion technology to reduce nitrogen oxide by injecting hydro-carbon fuel to the downstream of the main combustion. In this paper LPG has been used not only as main fuel but also as reburn fuel and air was used as an oxidizer with 15kW swirl burner. Experimental studies have been done to evaluate effect of reburning for NOx reduction. Also to examine the effect of the amount of burnout air for complete combustion by reburn fuel on NOx reduction, test was conducted by reducing the amount of burnout air. Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulation was performed using the commercial CFD code FLUENT 6.3 to simulate experimental results and investigate the thermo-chemical characteristics. An evaluation of reaction models for swirl burner has been carried out for propane-air with two step finite-rate eddy-dissipation model in FLUENT.
The NOx emission characteristics of DME in counterflow nonpremixed flames were investigated numerically, and brief experiments were carried out to compare the flame shapes and NOx emissions with those of
$C_3H_8$ and$C_2H_6$ . The DME flames were calculated using Kaiser's mechanism, while the$C_2H_6$ flames were calculated using the$C_3$ mechanism. These mechanisms were combined with the modified Miller-Bowman mechanism for the analysis of NOx. Experimental results show that DME flame has the characteristics of partial premixed flame and the flame length becomes very shorter compared with general hydrocarbon fuels and then, the NOx emission of DME is low as much as 60% of$C_3H_8$ . In the calculated results of counterflow nonpremixed flames, the EINO of DME nonpremixed flame is low as much as 50% of the$C_2H_6$ nonpremixed flame. The cause of$EI_{NO}$ reduction is attributed mainly to the characteristics of partial premixed flame due to the existence of O atom in DME and partly to the O-C bond in DME, instead of C-C bond in hydrocarbon fuels. -
The effects of carbon dioxide addition to oxygen have been investigated with swirl-stabilized premixed methane flame in a laboratory-scale pre-mixed combustor. The methane fuel and oxydant mixture gas (
$CO_2$ and$O_2$ ) were mixed in a pre-mixer and introduced to the combustor through different degrees of swirl vanes. The flame characteristics were examined for different amount of carbon dioxide addition to the methane fuel and different swirl strengths. The effects of carbon dioxide addition and swirl intensity on the combustion characteristics of pre-mixed methane flames were examined using chemiluminescence techniques to provide information about flow field. The results show that the flame area increases at upstream of reaction zone because of increase in recirculation flow for increase in swirl intensity. The flame area is also increased at the downstream zone by recirculation flow because of increase in swirl intensity which results in higher centrifugal force. The OH and CH radical intensity of reaction zone decrease with carbon dioxide addition because the carbon dioxide plays a role of dilution gas in the reaction zone. -
In this study, fire simulations were performed to analyze the characteristics of the fire driven flow and the effects of the platform screen door on the smoke flow in the station, when the fire occurred in the center of the platform. Soongsil Univ. station (line number 7, 47m in depth underground) was chosen which was the one of the deepest underground subway stations in the Seoul metro, SMRT. The parallel computational method was employed to compute the heat and mass transfer eqn's with 6 CPUs of the linux clustering machine. The fire driven flow was simulated with using FDS code in which LES method was applied. The Heat release rate was 10MW and The Ultrafast model was applied for the growing model of the fire source. The 10,000,000 structured grids were used.
The thermochemical recycling of waste tires by pyrolysis is studied to recover the value added three by-products; a pyrolytic carbon black, a pyrolytic oil, and a non-condensable gas. The exhausted energy from pyrolysis of waste tires is converted for electricity power and process steam in cogeneration system. The characteristics of the pyrolysis recovered by-products as alternative energy resource are investigated with the design of a demonstration and a commercialization plant including cogeneration system, as called integrated pyrolysis cogeneration system.
In autothermal reforming reaction, oxygen to carbon ratio (OCR) and steam to carbon ratio (SCR) are significant factors, which control temperature and carbon deposition into the reactor. The OCR is more sensitive than the SCR to affect the temperature distribution and reforming efficiency. In conventional operation, hydrocarbon fuel, steam, and oxygen was homogeneously mixed and injected into the reactor in order to get hydrogen-rich gas. The temperature was abruptly raised due to fast oxidation reaction in the former part of the reactor. Deactivation of packed catalysts can be accelerated there. In the present study, therefore, the effect of the oxygen distribution is introduced and investigated to suppress the carbon deposition and to maintain the reactor in the mild operating temperature (e.g.,
$700{\sim}800^{\circ}C$ ). In order to investigate the effect numerically, the following models are adopted; heterogeneous reaction model and two-medium model for heat balance. -
The most concerning issue of these days is the energy crisis by increasing threat of dependency on foreign oil and its volatility itself. In the situations, the PHEV is drawing attention for the next generation's car which could give a chance to decrease the dependency on foreign oil. As well as, the Korean electric power infrastructure is a strategic national asset that is under utilized most of the time. With the proper changes in the operational paradigm, it could generate and deliver necessary energy to charge the PHEVs which could penetrate the market within few years. In doing so, it would reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve the economics of the electricity industry, and reduce the energy dependency. This paper investigate the technical potential and impacts of using the existing idle capacity of the electric infrastructure in conjunction with the emerging PHEVs technology to meet the majority of daily energy needs of the Korean LDV fleet.
Vanadium pentoxide (
$V_2O_5$ ) powder was prepared and mixed with Molybdenum Oxides ($MoM_3$ ) to form Mo-doped and -undoped$VO_2$ films by a sol-gel method on graphite conductive substrates. X-Ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to investigate the chemical compositions and microstructures of the Mo-doped and -undoped$VO_2$ films. The variation of electrical resistance was measured as a function of temperature and stoichiometric composition between vanadium and molybdenum. In this study, it was found that Mo-doped and -undoped$VO_2$ shows the typical negative temperature coefficient (NTC) behavior. As the amount of the molybdenum increases, the electrical resistance of Modoped$VO_2$ film gets reduced under the transition temperature and a linear decrease in the transition temperature is observed. From these experimental results, we can conclude that the electrical resistance behavior with temperature change of$VO_2$ films can be utilized as a self-heating source with the electrical current flowing through the graphite substrate. -
A new method is presented for developing a simulation program which can analyze the heat transfer characteristics of fin-tube heat exchanger. This method is able to describe several types of refrigerant circuit arrangement. The delivery path of air and refrigerant properties is simplified by transforming three-dimensional array into one-dimensional array. By comparing simulated results with experiment results, the deviation was 8.2%. Several fin-tube heat exchangers of different design factors and operating conditions were simulated using this program. It was shown that this program could be used for designing practical fin-tube heat exchangers.
The crude oil pump system is the equipment for transporting crude oil and it consists of 3 major components, a motor and an impeller which discharge underground crude oil, a pipestack that transmits the cooling oil and power, and a cooling oil unit & junction box that provides cooling oil and electric power. When considering the system characteristics that it has to be installed at a depth of deeper than 100 m, a design technology for the efficient control of the heat occurring at a conductor and motor is necessary and it is the essential factor for ensuring system durability. In this paper, therefore, cooling oil flow has been calculated to satisfy the limit value of the system temperature by analyzing heat flow considering the related losses such as loss of conductor, contact resistor loss at the conductor connection, and operation loss of motor. And the operation temperature has been set up based on the temperature of crude oil and the heat of motor and conductor. Also, a design for cooling of crude oil pump system has been proposed by calculating the operation pressure loss and selecting the capacity of a cooling oil pump and a heat exchanger.
In present study, the flow field near the fin surface of plate fin - oval tube heat exchanger with delta wing vortex generator was numerically analyzed. As results, the well developed vortex behind delta wing was observed. These vortex can improve heat transfer fin surface behind delta wing vortex generators.
In this study, we have investigated the effects of upstream rectangular winglet pair (RWP) on the heat/mass transfer coefficients in a dimple. Dimple print diameter was fixed at 20mm and the dimple depth was 4.0mm (0.4H). The dimple surface was coated with naphthalene for mass transfer experiment and the test plate was positioned at a rectangular straight duct whose aspect ratio (W/H) was 20. A rectangular winglet pair was positioned at y/d=-2.5. The RWP angle (
$\beta$ ) was varied from$15^{\circ}$ to$60^{\circ}$ . The Reynolds number, based on the duct height (H), was 5,000. with changing the RWP angle ($\beta$ ), the induced vortices had different flow characteristics; longitudinal or transversal vortices. These variation of induced vortices affected on the heat/mass transfer characteristics in the dimple. -
The CPLs(capillary pumped loops) are two phase heat transfer devices which enable active control of operating temperature of heat absorbing elements(or evaporators). Although the CPLs gain increasing interests as promising heat transfer devices for future missions such as spacecraft and commercial applications, their intrinsic complexity in operating principles makes the widespread use of these devices difficult. The key element and main cause of this complexity in operating principles is the two phase hydrodynamic accumulator or reservoir which controls the saturation state of the remaining loop and, particularly for the CPLs, it is separated from the evaporator. Thus, in this study, the operating characteristics of the CPL is investigated experimentally and theoretically. Mainly focusing on the role of reservoir the thermodynamic operating principle is examined first and the experimentally obtained steady state and transient state operating characteristics are discussed in detail.
Recently, Electronic & Electrical Products have problems how to reduce heat in trend reducing size and increasing speed. heat pipes worked by latent heats can solve problems for effective and quiet electronic applications. Heat Pipes have to be suitably designed for the external conditions due to showing optimum performance. it has influence on efficiency of heat pipes to the exterior structure changed by length, bending angle, diameter. Designing heat pipes has depended on experience from trial and error. this method wasted too many resources, but can't guarantee efficiency. to prevent those wastes, this study aims at making the thermal transfer coefficient predicting efficiency. In this study, the thermal transfer coefficient has been made from experimental results that used variables - lengths between heat source and radiation, bending angles, diameters of heat pipes. variables become non-dimensional in modeling process for making the coefficient.
The increasing heat generation rates in CPU of notebook computers motivate a research on cooling technologies with low thermal resistance. This paper develops a closed-loop two-phase cooling system using a micropump to circulate a dielectric liquid(PF5060). The cooling system consists of an evaporator containing a boiling enhancement microstructure connected to a condenser with mini fans providing external forced convection. The cooling system is characterized by a parametric study which determines the effects of volume fill ratio of coolant, existence of a boiling enhancement microstructure and pump flow rates on thermal performance of the closed loop. Experimental data shows the optimal parametric values which can dissipate 33.9W with a film heater maintained at
$95^{\circ}C$ . -
It was investigated thermal performances on two array types of a serial circulation and a two-way parallel circulation for six water-cooled cold plates covered with non-metallic material (polycarbonate, PC) to reduce weight of the cooling devices for humanoid robot cooling. Six cold plates attached on
$10{\times}10\;mm^2$ copper base :$0.5{\times}0.5\;mm^2$ pin-finned surfaces of 1.5 mm high with 0.5 mm array spacing, was mounted on six copper heating blocks with isothermal conditions of$50{\sim}90^{\circ}C$ , respectively. In order to compare thermal characteristics according to two circulation types, the surface temperatures of heating blocks and the cooling water temperatures at inlets and outlets of cold plates were measured. From the results, it was found that a two-way parallel circulation was better performance than a serial circulation in terms of total thermal resistance, total heat transfer rate, and surface temperature rises from$1^{st}$ heating block to last one for six multiple cold plates. -
When a thermocouple is placed in a high temperature gas-flow stream, the measured temperature could be biased from the true gas temperature due to a large radiation heat loss from a thermocouple surface to its surroundings. In this study, two thermocouples of unequal diameters with 1/8 inch and 1/16 inch are used to correct the radiation effect. The method is called the reduced radiation error (RRE). The preliminary test results show that the radiation and the sheath conduction cannot be negligible for the gas temperature measurement. To minimize the sheath conduction effect, all the thermocouples will have a grounded junction and 1/8 inch thermocouple will be replaced with 1 mm thermocouples. In addition, the computational fluid dynamics code analysis shows that there is a negligible temperature difference between the positions where the thermocouples were installed.
Kim, Kyung-Ryul;Park, Jun;Kim, Hyung-Gyun;Kim, Hee-Sub;Hwang, Woon-Ha;Yoon, Jong-Cheol;Lee, Mong-Su;Cho, En-Byul 2064
The Resonance Control Cooling System (RCCS) prototype installed in KAERI site has been designed to control the resonant frequency of the normal conducting drift tube linac (DTL) for the Proton Engineering Frontier Project (PEFP). The RCCS water pumping skid is composed of two channels as a by-passing the cooling water and a plate heat exchanger. The required temperature can be achieved by mixing both channels in order to control its the resonant frequency at 350 MHz. The temperature controlled water pumping skid operates in combination with the Low Level Radio Frequency (LLRF) system. We have discussed the design, modeling with each components, control scheme, fabrication and test results of the water pumping skid for resonant frequency control of the DTL cavity. In conclusion, the fabricated RCCS prototype through the optimization of modeling has corresponded with the design requirement and concept. -
Identification of steady-state is the first step in developing a fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) system. In a complete FDD system, the steady-state detector will be included as a module in a self-learning algorithm which enables the working system's reference model to "tune" itself to its particular installation. In this study, a steady-state detector of a residential air conditioner based on moving windows was designed. Seven representing measurements were selected as key features for steady-state detection. The optimized moving window size and the feature thresholds was suggested through startup transient test and no-fault steady-state test. Performance of the steady-state detector was verified during indoor load change test. From the research, the general methodology to design a moving window steady-state detector was provided for vapor compression applications.
In this study, a new concept of a flow sensor is developed using dielectric barrier discharge (DBD). Current of DBD generated between two electrodes is changed with varying flow rates. Therefore, it is possible to measure the flow rate by correlating generated DBD current with flow rates. The effects of flow rate, frequency, channel height, diameter of electrodes and distance between electrodes on the performance of the flow sensor using DBD are experimentally investigated.
The heat transfer process from steam to web through the cylinder drum consists of the thermal resistance by condensate thickness. thickness of shell, and the contact resistance between cylinder and web. The most thermal resistance in conventional cylinder drum dryer is generated by condensate, which is increased by the increase on revolution per minute(RPM). Therefore, the increase of RPM for the production enhancement results in the more thermal resistance, and eventually RPM is restricted. In this study, the theoretical analysis on the characteristics of heat transfer in cylinder drum for paper dryer was performed in the stationary state of steam in drum. The overall heat transfer coefficient, steam quantity and heat transfer quantity were predicted by diameter and length of drum, condensate thickness, revolution per minute and steam temperature for experimental apparatus design.
In this study, flow field measurement of the Pebble Bed Reactor(PBR) for the High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor(HTGR) was performed. Large number of pebbles in the core of PBR provides complicated flow channel. Due to the complicated geometries, numerical analysis has been intensively made rather than experimental observation. However, the justification of computational simulation by the experimental study is crucial to develop solid analysis of design method. In the present study, a wind tunnel installed with pebbles stacked was constructed and equipped with the Particle Image Velocimetry(PIV). We designed the system scaled up to realize the room temperature condition according to the similarity. The PIV observation gave us stagnation points, low speed region so that the suspected high temperature region can be identified. With the further supplementary experimental works, the present system may produce valuable data to justify the Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD) simulation method.
A numerical and experimental studies are carried out to investigate the transient heat transfer characteristics of 5kWth dish-type solar air receiver. Measured solar radiation and temperatures at several different locations are used as boundary conditions for numerical simulation. Many parameters' effects (reflectivity of the reflector, the thermal conductivity of the receiver body, transmissivity of the quartz window, etc.) on the thermal performance are investigated. Discrete Transfer Method is used to calculate the radiation heat exchange in the receiver. A transient heat transfer model is developed and the rate of radiation, convection and conduction heat transfer are calculated. Comparing the experimental and numerical results, good agreement is obtained. Using the numerical model, the transient heat transfer characteristics of volumetric air receiver for dish-type solar thermal systems are known and the transient thermal performance of the receiver can be estimated.
A numerical analysis was conducted to predict the heat transfer characteristics of a high-temperature, high heat flux solar receiver as the end-wall angle varied. The concentration ratio of the solar receiver ranges from 200 to 1000 and the concentrated heat is required to be transported to a certain distance for specific applications. This study deals with a solar receiver incorporating high-temperature sodium heat pipe as well as a typical one that employs a molten-salt circulation loop with the same outer dimensions. The isothermal characteristics in the receiver section is of major concern. The diameter of the solar thermal receiver was 120 mm and the length was 400 mm. FLUENT, a commercial software, was employed to deal with the radiative heat transfer inside the receiver cavity and the convection heat transfer along the channels and heat pipes. The numerical results were compared and analyzed from the view point of heat transfer characteristics the solar receiver system.
Nanofluids have been studied as possible alternatives for heat transfer fluids to improve the efficiency of heat exchangers. There are deviations of measured effective thermal conductivities between research-groups, and the mechanisms of the effective thermal conductivity enhancement of nanofluids are not confirmed yet. In this study, the effects of particle shape on the effective thermal conductivity enhancement are discussed and presented as a possible explanation of the deviations. The particle motion effect is found to be negligible for nanofluids of high aspect ratio cylindrical particles, which is believed to be important for nanofluids of spherical particles, while the percolation network formation and contact resistance play dominant roles in determining the effective thermal conductivity.
In this study, We disigned and manufactured the Hot Chuck which can be operated until
$120^{\circ}C$ . Its shape is circular, wide is 300mm and depth is 15mm. Two types working fluid was used as working fluid(distilled water, 0.1%-$TiO_2$ nanofluid). The experimental results were compared to each working fluid. The effect of various working fluid, charging volume ratio was investigated. Also we investigated heat transfer rate against each working fluid. By using nanofluid, heat transfer rate can be enhanced and the wick structure can be constructed automatically on smooth surface. The experiment of 40% charged 0.1%-$TiO_2$ nanofluid showed the best performance of thermal accuracy and uniformity. To improve performance of Hot Chuck, more study is needed. -
Removal of particles at rich
$CO_2$ condition has been important in the gas cleaning for$CO_2$ capture in Oxy-fuel combustion. Electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) have been widely used to remove particles in exhaust gases from present air combustion. However, few studies on characteristics of ESPs under a$CO_2$ rich gas condition have been conducted. In this study, we investigated integration of electrostatic precipitators (ESP) for removing submicron particles along with corona discharge characteristics and collection efficiency of submicron particles at$CO_2$ rich condition. The overall performance of ESP is represented by collection efficiency as function of energy consumption. The experiment results showed that higher the concentration of$CO_2$ gas, the corona discharge currents were lower at the same applied voltages and the spark over occurred at lower voltages, and the collection efficiency of submicron particles under 50, 80%$CO_2$ conditions was much lower than that under 100% Air. -
Because the reheating furnace consumes a large amount of energy to heat up the slabs, it is very important to find an optimal temperature patterns in the furnace for energy saving as well as uniform target temperature at the exit of the furnace. In this study, the temperature profiles in the slab are determined by solving the transient one-dimensional heat conduction equation in conjunction with boundary conditions with total heat exchange factors. The optimal temperature patterns are obtained to minimize the fuel consumption with satisfying the predetermined constraint conditions. The design optimization is performed by using a genetic algorithm and the optimal results are validated with results obtained from the PIDO tool, called as P.I.A.n.O.
Gasoline engine have proved its utility in light, medium and heavy duty vehicle in every sector of the world community. The concern about long term availability of petroleum and the increasing threat for the environment by the increasing load of vehicular emission, compel the technology to upgrade itself for meeting the challenges. CNG is environmentally clean alternative to the existing SI Engines with out much change in the hardware. Many researchers have found this as a potential substitute to meet the energy requirement. Higher octane number and higher self ignition temperature make it a good gaseous fuel. Although power output is slightly lesser than the gasoline it's thermal efficiency is better than the gasoline for the same SI Engine. Results showed that reduced CO, hydrocarbon emissions is a favorable outcome, with slight increase in
$NO_x$ emission when compared with gasoline fuel to dual fuel mode in the existing SI Engines. -
The characteristics of heat transfer and pressure drop in an offset strip fin heat exchanger was studied with a steady-state three dimensional numerical model. Flow Reynolds number
$Re_{dh}$ ranged from 10 to 3500 and Prandtl number Pr ranged from 0.7 to 50. The dimensionless performance factors, i.e. 'the pumping power factor F' and 'the heat transfer performance factor J' were analyzed and obtained a relationship between them. Finally, the prediction of F and J factors was generalized for different Prandtl numbers. -
This paper investigates the plate loop heat pipe system with an evaporator mounted with fin-wick structure to dissipate effectively the heat generated by the electronic components. The heat transfer formulation is modeled and predicted through thermal resistance analysis of the fin-wick structure in the evaporator. The experimental approach measures the thermal resistances and the operating characteristics. These results gathered in this investigation have been used to the objective of the information to improve the LHP system design so as to apply as the future cooling devices of the electronic components.
Kerosene-driven solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) system with reformer, desulfurizer and after-burner was mainly developed for this study. Originally the system was developed for 1kW class SOFC system for residential power generation (RPG) application. As a preliminary study of 1kW class SOFC system operation, a short stack was applied to the system. The short stack consists of 7 cells of
$10cm{\times}10cm$ area and was operated at$720^{\circ}C$ . The effect of anode inlet gas composition to stack performance was investigated. Firstly, I-V characteristics of SOFC with different fuel of kerosene and hydrogen were studied. Secondly$CH_4$ internal reforming was performed at various anode inlet gas compositions of$H_2$ ,$CH_4$ and$H_2O$ . Through these experiments the effects of each anode inlet gas component to stack performance were analyzed and the significant operating parameters were iscussed. -
A large-scale fire test was done for interior materials from a vehicle installed within a fire test room. The interior materials are satisfied with the Korean guide for the safety of rail vehicle. The guide has taken effect since December 2004 in Korea. Ignition source (gas burner) was increased in several controlled steps. The objectives of this test are to assess the fire performance in terms of ignition and flame spread on interior lining materials and to provide data on an enclosure fires involving train interior materials that grow to flashover. This data will be used to develop and calibrate an Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) model for fire growth on the interior vehicle.
In conventional air-conditioning systems, when the circulated air from the air-conditioned space pass through the cooling coil in the air-conditioning system, the air is over-cooled to eliminate the moisture as well as to decrease the temperature. The purpose of this study is to test and evaluate performance of the cooling/reheating system which can save both cooling energy and reheating energy by exchanging heat between the cooled air and reheated air. Experimental apparatus consists of fan, ducts, polymer exchangers, cooling coil, electronic auxiliary heater and data acquisition system. Two types of polymer exchanger, plate type and dimple type, made of polypropylene for cooling/reheating system are designed. Heat transfer and dehumidification characteristics of system are tested. The results show that the energy saving is up to 40% in the range of present experimented conditions, and it decreases with increasing velocity, inlet temperature and specific humidity.
Miniature Joule-Thomson cryocoolers have been widely used for rapid cooling of infrared detectors, probes of cryosurgery, thermal cameras, missile homing head and guidance system, due to their special features of simple configuration, compact structure and rapid cool-down characteristics. The cool-down time, the temperature at the cold end, the running time and the gas consumption are the important indicators of the performance of the J-T cryocooler. In this study, the initial cool-down stages of the J-T cryocooler were investigated by numerical simulations. The results show the effects of the initial charging pressures of gas on the cool-down time and the temperature at the cold end and the gas consumptions.
The cooling load in winter season is significant in many commercial buildings and hotels because of the usage of office equipments and the high efficiency of wall insulation. Therefore, the development of a multi-heat pump which can cover heating and cooling simultaneously for each indoor unit is required. In this study, the characteristics and performance of a simultaneous heating and cooling heat pump in the cooling-only and cooling-main operating mode was investigated experimentally with a variation of indoor air dry bulb temperature which is from
$21^{\circ}C$ to$35^{\circ}C$ . EEV opening was adjusted from 20% to 24% during the tests. When the indoor air temperature varied, the performance in the cooling-only mode was more sensitive to the temperature than in the cooling-main mode. The total capacity and COP were increased by 53.8% and 48.1%, respectively, in the cooling-main, while those were increased by 19.6% and 19.3% in the cooling-only mode. The performance differences between the two operating modes became larger at lower temperatures, especially for the COP. -
The design of thermal radiation shield cooled by a cryocooler is presented. This study is motivated mainly by our recent development of prototype superconducting magnet system for the Cyclotron K120. The superconducting magnet system is composed of the magnet cryostat, transfer line and supply cryostat. In order to minimize thermal radiation load, the superconducting coil form in the magnet cryostat is enclosed by the thermal radiation shield which is thermally connected to the first-stage cold head of a two-stage cryocooler in the supply cryostat. Since the supply cryostat is located far from the magnet cryostat large temperature gradient along the thermal shield is unavoidable. In this paper, the thermal radiation shield is optimized to minimize temperature gradient with taking into account the cryogenic load, system structure and electrical load. The effect of heat source from thermal conduction through mechanical supports on the temperature distribution of thermal radiation shield is also discussed.
Oxy-fuel combustion has been gaining its significance as a means of migrating the green house effects. Some experimental measurements were conducted to investigate the characteristics of oxy-fuel combustion and to aid a fundamental design of a lab-scale oxy-fuel combustor with a coaxial burner. CO emission was measured along the combustor centerline while combustion of methane and oxygen diluted by CO2 took place. Substitution of CO2 with N2 indicates a possibility that some CO is formed by dissociation of CO2. Some parametric tests were also performed to see the mixing effects of reactant gases on CO emission by changing the gas injection velocity at the burner nozzles with various heat loads. The overall results indicate that CO emission was reduced when the reactants are injected at higher velocities of similar magnitude.
Fuel processing systems which convert HC fuel into
$H_2$ rich gas (such as stream reforming, partial oxidation, auto-thermal reforming) need high temperature environment($600-1000^{\circ}C$ ). Generally, anode-off gas or mixture of anode-off gas and LNG is used as input gas of fuel reformer. In order to make efficient and low emission burner system for fuel reformer, it is necessary to elucidate the combustion and emission characteristic of fuel reformer burner. The purpose of this study is to develop a porous premixed flat ceramic burner that can be used for 1-5kW fuel cell reformer. Ceramic burner experiments using natural gas, hydrogen gas, anode off gas were carried out respectively to investigate the flame characteristics by heating capacity and equivalence ratio. Results show that the stable flat flames can be established for natural gas, hydrogen gas, anode off gas and mixture of natural & anode off gas as reformer fuel. For all of fuels, their burning velocities become smaller as the equivalence ratio goes to the lean mixture ratio, and a lift-off occurs at lean limit. Flame length in hydrogen and anode off gas became longer with increasing the heat capacity. -
Wie, Jae-Hyug;Kim, Young-Soo;Yang, Dae-Bong;Kim, Yang-Ho;Jeong, Young-Ki;Ryu, Jeong-Wan;Lim, Jae-Beom;Chang, Young-June;Jeon, Chung-Hwan 2186
An experimental study was performed to investigate the effect of swirl condition and secondary air rate on the Ion voltage and CO emission characteristics. In this study, the combustion characteristics were investigated with the variation of swirler diameter, vane angle, suction air rate. The result of this study, the Ion voltage increase with increasing the diameter of the swirler. Additionally with increasing the suction air rate, the Ion voltage is the same. The CO concentration depends on suction air rate. In the other hand, it is almost unaffected by swirler's diameter. The flame length and Ion voltage decease with decreasing O2 percentage of surrounding air. -
Jeong, Yong-Ki;Kim, Yoong-Soo;Yang, Dae-Bong;Kim, Yang-Ho;Ryu, Jong-Wan;Wie, Jae-Hyug;Lim, Jae-Beom;Seok, Jun-Ho;Chang, Yoong-June;Jeon, Chung-Hwan 2192
An experimental study was performed to investigate the effects of configuration of burner and air excess ratio on CO & NOx emission characteristics of the cooktop burners which are used extensively. In this study, the combustion characteristics were investigated with the variation of design factor of cooktop burners. The results showed that as the thermal input increases, flammable region go narrower. With the increase of loading height from the cap to grate, the CO emission decrease owing to the reduction of quenching by flame impingement on the load. Additionally, the CO emission increase with angle of main slot, however the NO emission is almost unaffected. -
Hydrogen which can be produced through reforming process of hydrocarbon fuel is supplied into anode side of fuel cell system. In the fuel cell, only 70% of hydrogen is consumed through electrochemical reaction and 30% hydrogen passed by as anode off gas. When electrical output of fuel cell is within range of 1.0 to 3.0kW, burner for the reformer uses only anode off gas. And it uses mixture gas of anode off gas and LNG within range of 3.5 to 5.0kW in electrical output. CHEMKIN 4.1 program's Premixed code was used for calculating the properties of each gas. Results show that burning velocity and adiabatic flame temperature are 34.4cm/s, 1681.7K at equivalence ratio 0.8 within range of 1.0kW to 3.0kW and for cases of 3.5kW, 5.0kW, of electrical output, burning velocity and adiabatic flame temperature represent 30.5, 29.8cm/s and 1722.8, 1750K respectively. CO shows the lowest emission index at equivalence ratio 0.8 and NOx reveals the highest emission index at equivalence ratio 1.
Flame pattern in burner used in steel industry that constitutes 30% of country energy consumption is generally characterized as long narrow flame pattern so that localized heating causes product quality worse and many burners are needed for proper heating. This paper deals with flat wide flame pattern which has advantage in terms of uniform heating using less number of burners. For that purpose, impinging jet system of fuel and oxidant was used for making flat wide flame. Results show that nozzle angle
$75^{\circ}$ of impinging jet is found to be optimum configuration for making effective wide flame which has uniform radiation heat transfer and flame temperature is also most uniform along the flame width for that nozzle angle. -
In the present study, effects of degree of confinement on heat transfer characteristics of a micro-scale slot jet impinging on a heated flat plate are experimentally investigated. The effects of Reynolds numbers (Re =
$1000{\sim}5000$ ), lateral distances (x/B =$1{\sim}10$ ), nozzle-to-plate spacings (Z/B =$1{\sim}20$ ), and degree of confinement ($B_c$ /B = 3, 48) on the Nusselt number are considered. The results show that the effects of the degree of confinement on the cooling performance of the micro-scale impinging slot jet are significant at lower nozzle-to-plate spacings and higher Reynolds numbers. In addition, it is shown that the cooling performance of the micro-scale unconfined slot impinging jet is 200% higher than that of the micro-scale confined slot impinging jet. -
The thermal contact resistance(TCR) of nanosized contact spots has been investigated through a multiscale analysis which considers the resolution of surface topography. A numerical simulation is performed on the finite element model of rough surfaces. Especially, as the contact size decreases below the phonon mean free path, the size dependent thermal conductivity is considered to calculate the TCR. In our earlier model which follows an elastic material, the TCR increases without limits as the number of nanosized contact spots increases in the process of scale variation. However, the elastoplastic contact induces a finite limit of TCR as the scale varies. The results are explained through the plastic behavior of the two contacting models. Furthermore, the effect of air conduction in nanoscale is also investigated.
The objective of this paper is to describe the experimental and numerical investigation of the analysis of the heat transfer in a solar chemical reactor. These are compared about methane steam reforming process in the solar chemical reactor which was a volumetric absorber consisting of honeycomb and a multilayered catalyst supports. With this high operating temperature, convective heat loss, thermal fracture are important features for designing SCR. In order to estimate the system performance and to design the actual solar reactor with various conditions, CFD analysis was used in this study. The nickel oxide porous metal is inserted inside the solar chemical reactor to increase the conversion rate of the reforming reaction. Simulation has been carried out based on the experimental data. According to the simulation results, the optimum methane-steam mole ratio and thickness and numbers of catalyst supports were obtained.
Crossover of nitrogen from cathode to anode is inevitable in typical membranes used in PEM fuel cells. This crossovered nitrogen accumulates in anode recirculation system and excessive buildup of nitrogen in the recirculating anode gas lowers the hydrogen concentration and finally affects the performance of fuel cell stacks. In this study, characterization of nitrogen gas crossover was investigated in PEM fuel cell stacks. The mass spectroscopy (MS) has been applied to measure the amount of the crossovered nitrogen at the exit of anode. Results show that anode and cathode stoichiometric number (
$SR_c$ ) have a big effect of nitrogen crossover. -
Thermal performance of fusing system in laser printer is determined by FPOT(First print out time) required and toner fusing quality. FPOT is influenced by the thermal resistance of fusing system between heat source and nip region. Also FPOT is depended by the heat source power and toner fusing temperature. The fusing quality of toner is decided by the temperature, pressure and duration time in nip region. In this study, I have performed thermal analysis for the toner fusing system. Computational simulation has been used to understand the effect of heat source power and printing speed etc. on the temperature distribution of the fusing system. Also in order to predict fusing quality, numerical simulation of the process that paper is continuously supplied to the nip regions were performed. In comparison with the experimental results of the fusing quality vs transferred calory to the toner layer, I could evaluate various fusing condition parameters effected on the thermal performance.
The surface heat flux of nuclear fuel rod is the most important factor which can affect safety of reactor and fuel. If fuel rod surface heat flux exceeds the CHF(
${\underline{C}}ritical$ ${\underline{H}}eat$ ${\underline{F}}lux$ ), fuel can be damaged. In case of double cooled annular fuel, which is under developing, contains two coolant channels. Therefore, a generated heat in the fuel pellet can move to inner or outer channel and heat flow direction is decided by both sides heat resistance which varied by dimension and material property change which caused by temperature and irradiation. The new program(called DUO) was developed. For the calculation of surface heat flux, a both sides convection by inner/outer coolant, s gap temperature jump and conduction in the fuel are modeled. Especially, temperature and time dependent fuel dimension and material property change are considered during the iteration. A sample calculation result shows that the DUO program has sufficient performance for annular fuel thermal hydraulics design. -
Kang, Kyoung-Ho;Youn, Young-Jung;Park, Jong-Kuk;Choo, Yeon-Jun;Chun, Se-Young;Song, Chul-Hwa 2242
A series of experiments have been performed in a vertical tube of 9.4 mm inner diameter using the Freon, HFC-134a as working fluid medium under the supercritical pressure range. Two kinds of experiments, i.e. steady-state and pressure transient, have been carried out. As for the steady-state heat transfer experiment, the mass flux was in the range between 600 and$2000\;kg/m^2s$ and the maximum heat flux was$160\;kW/m^2$ . The selected pressures were 4.1, 4.3 and 4.5 MPa which correspond to 1.01, 1.06 and 1.11 times the critical pressure, respectively. In the pressure transient experiments, the inlet pressures were varied from 3.8 to 4.5 MPa and vice versa in the pressure transient simulations. In this study, heat transfer correlation and criterion for the heat transfer deterioration are suggested under the supercritical pressures. And also heat transfer characteristics during the pressure transient are examined. -
A numerical study on oscillatory thermocapillary flow in half-zone has performed to understand the effect of axial rotation. 2d unsteady code is developed to observe the onset of oscillation. 2cs Silicone oil with Prandtl number of 26.5 is used as a working fluid. The critical temperature difference at onset of oscillation is investigated under the different aspect ratios and rotation modes. It is shown that the onset of oscillation is delayed when aspect ratio reduces and rotating speed increases. The oscillatory flow is strongly reduced under top rotation and co-rotation modes, while it is augmented under bottom rotation and counter-rotation modes. It is thought that interaction between return flow and bottom wall is important to explain the oscillatory flow.
Thermoforming is one of the most versatile and economical process to produce polymer products. The drawback of thermoforming is difficult to control thickness of final products. Temperature distribution affects the thickness distribution of final products, but temperature difference between surface and center of sheet is difficult to decrease because of low thermal conductivity of ABS material. In order to decrease temperature difference between surface and center, heating profile must be expressed as exponential function form. In this study, Finite Difference Method was used to find out the coefficients of optimal heating profiles. Through investigation, the optimal results using Finite Difference Method show that temperature difference between surface and center of sheet can be remarkably minimized with satisfying Temperature of Forming Window.
The electric snow melting and deicing system by electric heating cable which is adopted in this study is a part of road facilities to keep surface temperature of the road higher than freezing point of water for melting the snow or ice accumulated on it. The electric heating cables are buried under paved road at a certain depth and a certain pitch and operated automatically and manually. Design theory, amount of heating, and installation standard vary according to economic situation, weather condition, and installation place. A main purpose of this study is figuring out the appropriate range of required heat capacity and installation depth and pitches for solving snowdrifts and freezing problems with minimum electric power consumption. This study was performed under the ambient air temperature(
$-2^{\circ}C$ ,$-5^{\circ}C$ ), the pitches of the electric heating cables (200 mm, 300 mm), heating value ($250\;W/m^2$ ,$300\;W/m^2$ ,$350\;W/m^2$ ). -
In this paper, drying mechanism is analyzed for improving the energy efficiency of an electric clothes dryer which consumes more electric power than other appliances. For the purpose, characteristic curves of the dryer such as temperature, relative humidity, evaporation rate, mass transfer coefficient, remaining moisture content curves are experimentally obtained. Based on the experimental results and analysis of drying mechanism, the effect of power of a heater and heat loss on the power consumption of an electric clothes dryer are systematically presented. These results demonstrate the feasibility of controlling heat loss at the heater as well as backduct component to decrease the power consumption of an electric clothes dryer.
The drying model has been used to obtain the fundamental information required to design the heat pump dryer with the simple thermodynamic model. In the model, the input conditions are crucial to obtain the acceptable results. The model includes one-stage heat pump cycle, simple drying process using the drying efficiency. The drying efficiency is defined with the conditions of inlet and outlet in the dryer. The experiment has been carried out in the pilot dryer with one-stage heat pump cycle. Refrigerant 134a is used in the heat pump cycle. In the dryer, some of drying air flows through the heat pump system and the rest of air bypasses the heat pump system and circulates through the drying chamber. Some operating conditions from the pilot dryer are used as input conditions of the model and the results are compared with experimental results for the validation.
This paper numerically investigates thermo-flow characteristics of offset strip fins to obtain a correlation of heat transfer and pressure drop. The flow is divided into three regimes, i.e. laminar, transition and turbulent. The predicted j and f values from the SST k-w turbulence model agree with previous correlations with the error less than 20% in transition and turbulent regimes. Prandtl number is varied from 0.5 to 40 and a correlation to predict heat transfer and pressure drop for offset strip fins is suggested.
A general flow distribution model and a simple process of numerical analysis, which can be applied to multi-pass systems with manifolds, are presented. Correlations are derived from the discrete model, and numerically calculated using a modified equal pressure method. The predicted pressure distribution agrees well with the available experimental results of other researchers with the average error less than 2% for 10 branch manifolds, and 4% for 20 branch manifolds. A parametric study is performed to demonstrate the effect on the flow distribution.
Some electronics component, which is adopted as components of antenna for radar or satellite system and used for amplifying signals to transmit, is accompanied by very significant heat dissipation levels because of the inefficiencies inherent in radio frequency wave generation. So, proper cooling performance for that system is base requirement for thermal design. On this paper, we applied heat spreading structures to reduce thermal density and find the optimum values of heat sink design factors through theoretically, numerically and evaluated by product test. As the results, the performance of the cooling system shows the propriety of cooling high density heat dissipation electronics components.
Recently, a study on condensers for refrigerators has focused on new model which will cost less and will be more efficient. Some widely used condensers for domestic refrigerators are wire-and-tube type condenser, hot-wall type condenser, and spiral type condenser. Some companies which use the spiral type condenser at the moment try to develop a new type condenser which will cost less and will be as efficient as the spiral type. The new type condenser consists of a steel tube, steel plates and louver fins attached to the tube. The tube and the plate are bent into a single-passage serpentine shape.
The increasing demands for the recently released CPU which has had higher heat density, the confined space of desktop PCs, and so on are the main drive for continuously improving PC cooling systems. In order to meet number of demands, this paper describes the flow and thermal behavior of the heat sink combined with heat pipes, and a fan through the numerical analysis by using the computational fluid dynamics(CFD) code and discusses how to extend the cooling capability.
The objectives of this paper are to study the characteristics of heat transfer and pressure drop of the micro channel heat exchangers using diffusion bonding technology. Four types of heat exchangers are designed and manufactured, which are straight type, long dot type, splited wavy type and straight double side type. Heat transfer and pressure drop performance of each heat exchangers are measured in various operating conditions, and compared each other. The results show that the
$(j/f)^{1/3}$ performance of splited wavy type and long dot type increases about 10.3% and 6.1% at the Reynolds number 470 compared to that of straight type, respectively. On the other hand,$(j/f)^{1/3}$ performance of straight double side type decreases 19.7%. -
In this paper, study on performance analysis of bubble pump on the domestic solar water heater system is presented. Device of this experiment is consisted of bubble pump, solar collector and heat exchanger. At the mean time, this system have attached temperature sensors and pressure sensors at bubble pump. In addition, the flow meter was installed at outlet of heat exchanger. And then result of experimental study, average value of the heat exchange amount in heat exchanger was about 7.9kcal/hr, the maximum value of the heat amount in water tank(
$0.4m^3$ ) was 489.7kcal/hr and the maximum value of the mass flow rate in bubble pump was about$0.5{\ell}/min$ . -
This paper presents an improved performance of heat transfer for shell-and-tube and thermal analysis based on the Bell-Delaware method for single tube. Heat transfer has been compared for a smooth tube, helical tube and surface-coated tube. In general, the results showed that properly designed helical tube and surface-coated tube offer a significant improvement in heat transfer. The numerical results derived from the Bell-Delaware method for the shell-side heat transfer coefficient were verified with experimental results. The thermal analysis aids significantly in the solution of the design problem.
This paper is to provide analysis model that can be used to investigate the improvement in energy efficiency for cooling tower by using fresh air. Numerical analysis of Air-cooled heat exchanger for single-phase flow with variations of outdoor air temperature has been performed. A complete set of correlations of the heat transfer in both refrigerant and air sides was employed for predicting the heat transfer rate. The numerical results derived from the correlations were verified with experimental results. The energy consumption for a hybrid cooling tower has been compared for variation of a outdoor air temperature. The results showed that the hybrid cooling tower in low outdoor temperature offers a significant improvement in energy efficiency. The thermal analysis aids significantly in the solution of the design problem of hybrid cooling tower.
The experimental study was carried out to evaluate the heat transfer performance on the shell side of shell-and-plate finned tube heat exchanger with three different tube numbers(9, 13 and 19). Oil flowing on the shell side was cooled by cold water flowing inside the tubes. A shell-and-tube heat exchanger of an oil cooler consisted of one shell pass and two tube passes with the inner tube diameter of 8.82 mm and the tube length of 575 mm. Mass flow rate was varied from 1.2 to
$6.0\;m^3/h$ for oil and from 0.6 to$3.0\;m^3/h$ for cold water, respectively. From the experiment of shell-and-plate finned tube heat exchanger, the shell side heat transfer coefficient of heat exchanger with 9 tubes was compared with that of 13 and 19 tubes. It was found that the heat exchanger with 9 plate finned tubes showed more performance of heat transfer than that of 13 and 19 tubes. -
This paper proposes an improved mathematical model for predicting the frosting behavior on a two-dimensional fin considering the heat conduction of heat exchanger fins under frosting conditions. The model consists of laminar flow equation in airflow, diffusion equation of water vapor for frost layer, and heat conduction equation in fin, and these are coupled together. In this model, the change in three-dimensional airside airflow caused by frost growth is accounted for. The fin surface temperature increased toward the fin tip due to the fin heat conduction. On the contrary, the temperature gradient in the airflow direction(x-dir.) is small throughout the entire fin. The frost thickness in the direction perpendicular to airflow, i.e. z-dir., decreases exponentially toward the fin tip due to non-uniform temperature distribution. The rate of decrease of heat transfer in the airflow direction is high compared to that in the z-direction due to more decrease in the sensible and latent heat rate in x-direction.
Cylindrical stainless-steel/sodium heat pipe for a high-temperature application was manufactured and tested for transient and steady-state operations. Two layers of Stainless-steel screen mesh wick was inserted as a capillary structure. The outer diameter of the heat pipe was 12.7 mm and the total length was 250 mm. As thermal transport conditions, the effective transport length, the heat flux, the tilt angle and the operating temperature were varied. The heat was supplied by an electric furnace up to 1 kW and the cooling was performed by forced convection of air. The effective thermal conductivity and the thermal resistance were investigated as a function of heat flux, heat transport length, and vapor temperature. Typical range of the total thermal resistance was as low as
$0.036^{\circ}C/W$ at$175.8\;kW/m^2$ of heat flux and$700^{\circ}C$ of operating temperature. -
This study deals with heat pipes inserted into the metal hydride(MH) reactor to increase the effective thermal conductivity of the system and thus to enhance the thermal control characteristics. A numerical analysis was conducted to predict the effect of inserted heat pipes on the heat transfer characteristics of MH, which inherently has extremely low thermal conductivity. The numerical model was a cylindrical container of O.D. 76.3 mm and length 1 m, which is partially filled with about 60% of MH material. The heat pipe was made of copper-water combination, which is suitable for operation temperature range between
$10^{\circ}C$ and$80^{\circ}C$ . Both inner -and outer- heat pipes were considered in the model. Less than two hours of transient time is of concern when decreasing or increasing the temperature for absorption and discharge of hydrogen gas. FLUENT, a commercial software, was employed to predict the transient as well as steady-state temperature distribution of the MH reactor system. The numerical results were compared and analyzed from the view point of temperature uniformity and transient time up to the specified maximum or minimum temperatures. -
Heat transfer and performance characteristics have been investigated for a rectangular wavy duct with dimple or protrusion arrays. The test duct was 15mm in height and 105mm wide. The print diameter of the dimple/protrusion wall was 12.99mm and the depth/height of the dimple/protrusion was 3.75mm. Local heat transfer coefficients on the dimple/protrusion wall were measured using a transient TLC technique. The Reynolds number was varied from 3,000 to 10,000. For the wavy duct tested in this study, adverse static pressure characteristics occurred at turning region of the wavy duct due to secondary flows. For the wavy duct with protrusion array, higher heat transfer enhancement level of 7.4 times than smooth straight case in maximum was obtained at low Reynolds number due to the high heat transfer enhancement by vortex flows. Also, the protrusion array increased the performance level of 3.0 at low Reynolds number of 3,000.
LHP is different from a conventional heat pipes in design and heat and fluid flow passages. The situations of the former is much complex than the latter. In LHPs, evaporation occurs at the contact interface between the heating plate and the porous wick, so some micro channels machined at the contact interface serve to let the vapor flow out of the evaporator. This complexity of contact geometry was known to cause a high resistance to heat flow. The present work was to study the problem of heat passage across the contact surface for LHPs and determine those values contact resistance. For two cases of contact structures, the thermal contact resistances were examined experimentally, one being obtained through mechanical contact under pressure and the other through sintered bonding. Nickel powder wick and copper plate were used for specimens. The result showed that a substantial reduction of contact resistance of an order of degree could be obtainable by sintered bonding.
The objectives of this paper are to measure the heat transfer and pressure drop of the plate heat exchangers for absorption system applications. Three types of plate heat exchangers with different chevron angles are tested in the present experiment. Heat transfer and pressure drop performance of plate heat exchangers are measured in various operating conditions, and compared each other. The results show that the heat transfer rate of high theta (
$120^{\circ}$ ) and mixed theta plate heat exchanger increases about 118% and 98% at the solution flow rate 350 kg/h compared to that of low theta ($60^{\circ}$ ), respectively. The effectiveness of high theta was evaluated about$0.70{\sim}0.83$ in this experimental range. -
In the precision hot plate for wafer processing, the temperature uniformity of upper plate surface is one of the key factors affecting the quality of wafers. Precision hot plates require temperature variations less than
${\pm}1.5%$ during heating to$120^{\circ}C$ . In this study, we have manufactured the flat plate heat pipe hot chuck of circle type(300mm) and investigated the operating characteristics of flat plate heat pipe hot chuck experimentally. Various liquids(aceton, FC-40, water) were used as the working fluid and charging ratio was changed($14{\sim}36\;vol.%$ ). Several cases were tested to improve temperature uniformity. Major working fluid to be investigated was water. Using water, various parameters such as charging ratio, wafer operation on-off time, different working fluids. In case of water, the temperature uniformity was${\pm}1.5%$ , response time of wafer were investigated. -
Park, Gyeong-Seo;Kim, Woo-Song;Yim, Hong-Jae;Jang, Si-Yeol;Lee, Kee-Sung;Jeong, Jay-Il;Lim, Si-Hyeong;Shin, Dong-Hoon 2375
Controlling of thermal environment and flow in nanoimprint process chamber is important to ensure high precision levels of products. The purpose of this paper is to build optimal nanoimprint process environment. Because of this, Optimum PI control parameter for precise temperature control has been examined. Also porous medium of ventilation system is simulated for uniform flow in the equipment chamber. The porous medium consists of mesh structure, and is installed to place which flow the influx of the air flows. PID control parameter is based on the data obtained by experiment. And then heating and cooling method which simultaneously operated was used for decreasing an error. In conclude temperature in the equipment chamber was able to control precisely in the range of${\pm}0.1^{\circ}C$ by the PID control parameter and Deadband. -
The heat exchange between the Borehole Heat Exchanger(BHE) and the surrounding ground depends directly on ground thermal conductivity k at the certain site. The k is thus a key parameter in designing BHE and coupled geothermal heat pump systems. Currently, although a thermal hydraulic Response Test(TRT) is mostly used in practice, the thermal hydraulic TRT needs additional power and is generally time-consuming. A new, simple wireless probe for hi-speed k determination was introduced in this paper. This technique using a wireless probe is less time-consuming and requires no external source of energy for measurement and predicts local thermal properties by measuring soil temperatures along the depth. Measured temperature data along the depth was analyzed. As a result, the electronic wireless probe can replace the conventional hydraulic TRT method after carrying out the additional research on a lot of local heat flow, etc.
This is the experimental research that tries to explain a variety of RH is how to affect the cell performance and the flooding phenomenon of proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC). A value of PH changes to 0%, 50% and 90% as its variation, either stoichiometric flow rate changes to 1.5, 2 and 4. Into the comparison between theoretical and experimental value, this study analyzes that a variety of PH is how 10 affect flooding in the cathode of the proton exchange membrane fuel cell. The effect of air stoichiometry, air humidity and different flow fields are also discussed in this paper This study has accomplished the measurement of performance as the variety of RH in the cathode of proton exchange membrane fuel cell, moreover it has recorded the visualization of flooding in the cathode with a high-speed micro camera.
The water droplet motion in an air flow microchannel with pores through which water emerges is studied numerically by solving the equations governing the conservation of mass and momentum. The gas-liquid interface is tracked by a level set method which is based on a sharp-interface representation for accurately imposing the matching conditions at the interface and is modified to implement the contact angle conditions on the wall and pores. The numerical results show that the droplet growth and detachment pattern depend significantly on the contact angle and inlet air velocity. Also, the dynamic interaction between the droplets growing on multiple pores is investigated. The pore arrangement subject to droplet merging is found to be not effective for water removal.
The motion of small heavy particles in homogeneous isotropic turbulence in the present of gravity is investigated using Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) at moderate Reynolds number. The Lagrangian velocity and acceleration statistics of particles and of flow for a wide range of Stokes number, defined as the ratio of the particle response time to Kolmogorov time scale of turbulence, were obtained for the direction of the gravity and normal direction, respectively. It is found that particles lose their correction faster than the case without gravity. Then, a significant increase in the average settling velocity was observed for a certain range of Stokes number. Our focus is placed on gravitational effect on very small particles. Our simulations show that as the Stokes number reduces to zero, their mean settling velocity approaches the terminal velocity in still fluid.
In the present study, a three-dimensional least square/level set based two-phase flow code was developed for the simulation of three-dimensional sloshing problems using finite element discretization. The present method can be utilized for the analysis of a free surface flow problem in a complex geometry due to the feature of FEM. Since the finite element method is employed for the spatial discretization of governing equations, an unstructured mesh can be naturally adopted for the level set simulation of a free surface flow without an additional load for the code development except that solution methods of the hyperbolic type redistancing and advection equations of the level set function should be devised in order to give a bounded solution on the unstructured mesh. From the numerical experiments of the present study, it is shown that the proposed method is both robust and accurate for the simulation of three-dimensional sloshing problems.
The concept of optical mobility in the optical particle separation was derived. To verify the concept of the optical mobility, three particles were chosen to test the effects of optical mobility, namely, PSL, PMMA and silica particles. Three different experiments were performed. Firstly, retention distances of the different sized particles were measured and predicted. Secondly, retention distances of particles, having same size but different refractive indices, were measured and predicted. Finally, retention distances of the particles, which had the same optical mobility but very different sized and refractive indices, were measured and predicted.
Human heart valves diseased by congenital heart defects, rheumatic fever, bacterial infection, cancer may cause stenosis or insufficiency in the valves. Treatment may be with medication but often involves valve repair or replacement (insertion of an artificial heart valve). Bileaflet mechanical heart valves (BMHVs) are widely implanted to replace the diseased heart valves, but still suffer from complications such as hemolysis, platelet activation, tissue overgrowth and device failure. These complications are closely related to both flow characteristics through the valves and leaflet dynamics. In this study, the physiological flow interacting with the moving leaflets in a bileaflet mechanical heart valve (BMHV) is simulated with a strongly coupled implicit fluid-structure interaction (FSI) method which is newly organized based on the Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) approach and the dynamic mesh method (remeshing) in FLUENT. The simulated results are in good agreement with previous experimental studies. This study shows the applicability of the present FSI model to the complicated physics interacting between fluid flow and moving boundary.
Polydiacetylenes (PDAs) are very attractive chemical substances which have distinctive features of color change and fluorescence emission by thermal or chemical stress. Especially, when PDAs contact with solutions of a particular pH, such as a strong alkaline sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution or a strong acidic hydrogen chloride (HCl) solution, PDAs change their color from non-fluorescent blue to fluorescent red. In this study, we propose a novel method to detect alkaline pH using PDAs and NaOH solutions by hydrodynamic focusing on a microfluidic chip. Preliminary results indicate that the fluorescent intensity of PDAs increases in respond to the NaOH solution concentrations. Also, the fluorescence is quenched back when the PDAs are in contact with a HCl solution. These results are useful in a microfluidic PDA sensor chip design for pH detection.
Some of the scallops like Amesium balloti have an excellent level-swimming ability, i.e. they can swim about 20m by single level swimming with a maximum swimming velocity of about 1.6m/s in the sea. On the other hand, some species like Patinopecten yessoensis have longitudinal grooves on the upper and lower surfaces and others do not. Therefore, in the present study, we measure the lift and drag forces on a real scallop model (Patinopecten yessoensis) in a wind tunnel. Experiments are performed at the Reynolds number of 75,000 based on the maximum chord length, which is within the swimming condition of real scallop (Re =
$30,000{\sim}300,000$ ). To see the effect of longitudinal grooves, we measure the aerodynamic forces on a scallop model by removing the grooves. With the grooves, the lift force increases at low angles of attack (${\alpha} < 10^{\circ}$ ). The drag force increases slightly at all the attack angles considered. The lift-to-drag ratio is increased by about 10% at${\alpha} < 10^{\circ}$ . -
A turbo classifier having a rotating rotor of two stage classification region has been developed to have a cut size of 1 micro meter. Particle number concentrations were counted using Aerosol Particle Sizer (APS, TSI co., USA) at inlet and outlet of the classifier. Partial classification efficiency was obtained at various rotation speeds, total flow rates, and feed rates of powders, and classification characteristic depending on design parameters was discussed. Classification performance was enhanced as rotation speed of rotor increased and total flow rate decreased.
A rotary vane blower was developed as an air supply system for fuel cell application. As one way of improving the blower efficiency, a roller was adapted between vanes and cylinder housing. The performance of blower was investigated experimentally. The blower power input was about 115W to compress the air at normal atmospheric condition to 0.2 bar with the flow rate of 140 NLPM, resulting in the blower overall efficiency of 43%. After 400 hours of operation, the performance of blower was not changed. The result showed that developed blower was confirmed to be suitable for fuel cell application.
This paper was studied on the cavitation instability of a Solution Pump Inducer in an absorption chiller-heater. Inlet pressure of LiBr and rotational speed at nominal mode are 2,800 Pa and 3,500 rpm respectively. Due to the marginal operation of available NPSH, the cavitation performance of the inducer is critical for the stable operation without the deterioration of head performance. In the study, cavitation performance and its mode of instability was investigated experimentally. Water was used as the working fluid and the test inducer was scaled up as 1.75 times for detail measurements and flow visualization. Inlet pressure was controlled by a vacuum pump. This research focused on types of cavitation instability and phenomena to investigate the possibility of harmful damage due to cavitation instability. Casing wall pressure and instantaneous inlet pressure was measured to observe the unsteady flow characteristics. Through the visualization and spectrum analysis of pressure, the occurrence region and intensity of asymmetric cavitation and cavitation surge are analyzed in the test inducer.
This paper presents a three dimensional shape optimization procedure for a low-speed axial flow fan blade with a weighted average surrogate model. Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations with shear stress transport turbulence model are discretized by finite volume approximations. Six variables from airfoil profile and lean are selected as design variables. 3D RANS solver is used to evaluate the objective functions of total pressure efficiency. Surrogate approximation models for optimization have been employed to find the optimal design of fan blade. A search algorithm is used to find the optimal design in the design space from the constructed surrogate models for the objective function. The total pressure efficiency is increased by 0.31% with the weighted average surrogate model.
A new 3D-PTV algorithm (a Volume PTV) based upon a hybrid fitness function has been constructed. A coherency fitness function is introduced using the information of space and time to sort out the correct particle pairs between the two camera images. The measurement system consists of two-high-definition-cameras(
$1k{\times}1k$ ), a Nd-Yag laser and a host computer. The developed algorithm has been employed to investigate the flow features of the cylinder wake. The Reynolds numbers with the cylinder diameter (d=10mm) are 360, 720, 900 and 1260. Two-dimensional displacements of the particles of each camera's image and neighbouring constraints were introduced to reduce the calculation loads. More than 10,000 instantaneous 3D vectors have been obtained by the constructed algorithm. The constructed algorithm could recover more than$80{\sim}90%$ of the particle numbers in the image. -
The present study numerically investigates the flow and heat transfer characteristics of rib-induced secondary flow in a cooling channel with staggered V-shaped ribs, extruded on both walls. The rib-height-to-hydraulic diameter ration (h/
$D_h$ ) is 0.17; the rib pitch-to-height ratio (p/h) equals 2.8; the Reynolds number is 50,000. Shear stress transport (SST) turbulence model is used as a turbulence closure. The present results are compared with those for a continuous V-shaped rib. Computational results show that, for average heat transfer rate the staggered V-shaped rib gives about 2.5 times higher values than the continuous V-shaped rib, while, for the streamwise pressure drop the former gives about 5 times higher values than the latter. Consequently, for the thermal performances, based on the equal pumping power condition, the staggered one gives about 2 times higher values than the continuous one. Also, for the staggered V-shaped rib, complex secondary flow patterns are generated in the duct due to the snaking flow in the streamwise direction, and more uniform heat transfer distributions are obtained. -
The objective of this paper is to find out the most effective injection angle for the purpose of deicing through SC/Tetra, a commonly used CFD software. Nowadays, vehicles are developed giving priority to an improved interior which emphasizes a pleasant environment and thermal comfort without decreasing the basic performance. Clear visibility is one of the most important phenomenon. The primary factors which affect the efficiency of deicing are 3D geometry of Defrost Nozzle, the inlet velocity and temperature of the flow and the injection angle. However in this paper, all these parameters are optimized by changing the injection angle. A wide range of injection angle from 5 degree to 50 degree have been considered for analysis. A very good defrosting performance has been achieved with 45 degree injection angle which can satisfy the condition of NHTSA.
The present paper suggests new method to know the effects of molecular diffusion and the helicity of microchannel flows on mixing in passive micromixers, which are essential components of a microfluidic chip. In this study, 'Helix Index' is newly defined as the magnitude of chaotic advection. Relationship between Helix Index and Mixing Index is analyzed numerically such as the wide range of Peclet and Reynolds numbers in three dimensional serpentine microchannel when using soluble solutions (water/glycerol). As a result, a simple algebraic equation is derived by this relationship based on a regression analysis. The algebraic equation is found to be able to accurately predict the mixing performance without solving the coupled, complex momentum and mass transfer equations.
A new surface shape of an internal cooling passage which largely reduces the pressure drop and enhances the surface heat transfer is proposed in the present study. The surface shape of the cooling passage is consisted of the concave dimple and the riblet inside the dimple which is protruded along the stream-wise direction. Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) for the fully developed turbulent flow and thermal fields in the cooling passage is conducted. The Numerical simulations for the 5 different surface shapes are conducted at the Reynolds number of 2800 based on the mean bulk velocity and channel height and Prandtl number of 0.71. The driving pressure gradient is adjusted to keep a constant mass flow rate in the x direction. The thermo-aerodynamic performance for the 5 different cases used in the present study was assessed in terms of the drag, Nusselt number, Fanning friction factor, Volume and Area goodness factor in the cooling passage. The value of maximum ratio of drag reduction is -22.86 [%], and the value of maximum ratio of Nusselt number augmentation is 7.05 [%] when the riblet angle is
$60^{\circ}$ (Case5). The remarkable point is that the ratio of Nusselt number augmentation has the positive value for the surface shapes which have over$45^{\circ}$ of the riblet angle. The maximum Volume and Area goodness factor are obtained when the riblet angle is$60^{\circ}$ (Case5). -
Turbulent flow and heat transfer to water at supercritical pressure flowing in vertical pipes is investigated using direct numerical simulation (DNS). A conservative space-time discretization scheme for variable-density flows at low Mach numbers is adopted in the present study to treat steep variations of fluid properties at supercritical pressure just above the thermodynamic critical point. The fluid properties at these conditions are obtained using PROPATH and used in the form of tables in the simulations. The buoyancy influence induced by strong variation of density across the pseudo-critical temperature proved to play an important role in turbulent flow and heat transfer at supercritical state. Depending on the degree of buoyancy influence, turbulent heat transfer may be enhanced or significantly deteriorated, resulting in local hot spots along the heated surface.
Effect of computational domain size in simulating of periodic obstacle flow has been investigated for the flow past tube banks. Reynolds number, defined by freestream velocity (U) and cylinder diameter (d), was fixed as 200, and center-to-center distance (P) as 1.5d. In-line square array was considered. Drag coefficient, lift coefficient and Strouhal number were calculated depending on domain size. Circular cylinders were implemented on a Cartesian grid system by using an immersed boundary method. Boundary condition is periodic in both streamwise and lateral directions. Previous studies in literature often use a square domain with a side length of P, which contains only one cylinder. However, this study reveals that size is improper. Especially, RMS values of flow-induced forces are most sensitive to the domain size.
To mitigate the effects of cavitation and flashing, several types of orifices have been installed in the pipeline of new nuclear power plants. To review the effects of wall thinning caused by flow-accelerated corrosion by the types of orifices, which are cone and plate, and the relation between flow behavior and local wall thinning, experiments and numerical analyses for the downstream pipe of two types of orifices were performed. The experimental results in terms of static pressure obtained for the experimental facilities were compared with those of three-dimensional (3D) numerical analyses using the FLUENT code. As the results of review of flow-accelerated corrosion effects based on the experiment and numerical analysis, it was identified that the orifice of cone-type can be comparatively mitigated the effects of cavitation and flashing, but can not be mitigated the effect of flow-accelerated corrosion.
The two-dimensional circular cylinder freely falling in a channel has been simulated by using Immersed boundary - lattice Boltzmann method in order to analyze the characteristics of motion originated by the interaction between the fluid and the solid. The wide range of the solid/fluid density ratio has been considered to identify the effect of the solid/fluid density ratio on the motion characteristics such as the falling time, the terminal velocity and the trajectory in the vertical and horizontal directions. In addition, the effect of the gap between the cylinder and the wall on the motion of two-dimensional circular cylinder freely falling has been revealed by taking into account a various range of the gap size. The Reynolds number in terms of the terminal velocity is diminished as the cylinder becomes close to the wall at the initial dropping position, since the repulsive force induced between the cylinder and wall constrains the vertical motion. Quantitative information about the flow variables such as the pressure coefficient and vorticity on the cylinders is highlighted.
We simulated the mixing characteristics in micro T-channel using Lattice Boltzmann Method. We studied the relation a mixing length and pressure-drop due to inlet and outlet ration in Reynolds number 0.5, Peclet number 500 and Schmidt 1000. The ratio of a down-inlet to up-inlet was
$0.5{\sim}1.5$ times, up-inlet to outlet was$1{\sim}3$ times and outlet length was 250 times to up-inlet. The mixing length decrease linearly as outlet ratio decreased, and pressure-drip increase non-linearly. Initial stage of micro channel mixture was fast by down-inlet ratio, however, the mixing length is not influence. -
We found that a droplet placed on a superhydrophobic surface jumps upward when we controlled the electrical wetting tension appropriately by applying AC voltage. We investigated how the surface deformation and jumping phenomenon of a droplet are affected by applied frequency under constant voltage. We found that a droplet jumps up continuously at a resonance frequency.
A nuclear fuel test loop (after below, FTL) is installed in IR1 of an irradiation hole in HANARO for testing neutron irradiation characteristics and thermo hydraulic characteristics of a fuel loaded in a light water power reactor or a heavy water power reactor. When HANARO is normally operated, the fuel loaded in the irradiation hole has a nuclear reaction heat generated by a neutron irradiation. To remove the generated heat and to maintain an operation condition of the test fuel, a main cooling water system (MCWS) is installed in the OPS of the FTL. This paper describes the cold function test results of the MCWS. It was confirmed through the test results that the system met the design requirements under a cold operation condition.
Yu, Dong-Hyun;Ahn, Young-Ki;Ahn, Duk-Min;Kim, Tae-Sung;Lee, Hee-Myoung;Kim, Jeong-In;Lee, Yang-Lae;Kim, Hyun-Se;Lim, Eui-Su 2511
As the minimum feature size decreases, techniques to avoid contamination and processes to maintain clean wafer surfaces have become very important. The deposition and detachment of nanoparticles from surfaces are major problem to integrated circuit fabrication. Therefore, cleaning technology which reduces nanoparticles is essential to increase yield. Previous megasonic cleaning technology has reached the limits to reduce nanoparticles. Megasonic cleaning is one of the efficiency method to reduce contamination nanoparticle. Two major mechanisms are active in a megasonic cleaning, namely, acoustic streaming and cavitation. Acoustic streaming does not lead to sufficiently strong force to cause damage to the substrates or patterns. Sonoluminescence is a phenomenon of light emission associated with the cavitation of a bubble under ultrasound. We studied a correlation between sonoluminescence and sound pressure distribution for the minimum of pattern damage in megasonic cleaning. -
The vacuum interrupter (VI) is widely used in medium-voltage switching circuits due to its abilities and advantages as an environmental friendly circuit breaker. An understanding of the vacuum arc flow phenomena is very important for improving the performance of vacuum interrupter. In order to closely examine the vacuum arc phenomena, it is necessary to predict the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) characteristics by the multidisciplinary numerical modeling, which is coupled with the electromagnetic and the thermal flow fields, simultaneously. In this study, we have investigated arc plasma constriction phenomena and an effect of AMF on the arc plasma with the high-current vacuum arcs for the cup-type AMF electrode by using a commercial finite element analysis (FEA) package, ANSYS. The simulation results applied with various AMFs and constant Joule heat generation show that strong axial magnetic field (AMF) permits the arc to be maintained in a diffused mode to a high-current vacuum arc. However, further studies are required on the two-way coupling method and radiation model for arc plasma in order to accomplish the advanced analysis method.
When constructing a high-speed railroad, the reduction of the distance between track centers and the width of track bed will save the construction cost. However the shortening the distance between track centers may cause the stability problems due to higher wind pressure. Therefore the extensive technical review and aerodynamical study should be performed to determine the adequate distance between track centers. In this study, the impact that the increase in wind pressure due to the change of aerodynamic phenomena with the change of the distance between track centers may have on two trains passing by each other was predicted, and the stability of train operation was analyzed in order to review the distance between track centers suitable to Honam HSR trains. We conducted the parametric study of the effects of train wind on the running stability.
The thermal system like a combustion chamber is believed to experience a significant instability problem with vibration in case that the thermal energy or the acoustic energy are transformed into a different form through a relevant path. This study deals with a numerically- predicted, Thermoacoustic instability in a Rijke tube by using a non-linear model for a heat source. The heating part where the energy transformation occurs actively is modeled after simulating two-dimensional cylinder case with constant surface temperature, and a nonlinear model that accounts for the transfer function of magnitude- and phase-characteristics is properly implemented so as to be dependent on the pulsation strength in the tube. The heat source model is observed to result in equivalent Thermoacoustic instabilities in the Rijke tube except low flow-rate cases in which the natural convection is dominant.
The Visualizations of the flowfield through tube banks with in-line and staggered arrangements were investigated by PIV. Strouhal numbers, velocity vectors and velocity profiles around the cylinders with in-line and staggered arrangements were observed at the pitch ratio
$P_t/D=2.0$ and Reynolds number of$Re=4.0{\times}10^3$ . As the results The flow patterns through tube banks were almost a straight line in case of the in-line arrangement while it was almost 八 type in case of the staggered arrangement in the direction of the wake. The average velocity in the rear region of the tube banks with the staggered arrangement was far smaller than that with the in-line arrangement. The Strouhal number in the last rank was far smaller than that in the front ranks in both of the in-line and staggered arrangements. The wake of each cylinder changed with time and with the position of the cylinder. -
A study has been made on how to occur inertial oscillations in a rotating flow. The flow is considered to be induced by differentially-rotating top and bottom disks with infinite radius. The top and bottom disks are assumed to be set in motion over a finite initial start-up time duration from initial solid body rotation (
$\Omega$ ) to each finial state, i.e., the top disk is rotating at the angular velocity (${\Omega}+{\Delta}{\Omega}$ ) and the bottom disk (${\Omega}-{\Delta}{\Omega}$ ). The system Reynolds number, which is a reciprocal of conventional Ekman number in rotating flows, is very high so that a boundary layer flow near disks is pronounced. From a strict theoretical analysis, it is clearly found the fact that inertial oscillation in a rotating flow is caused by excessive input of torque during start-up phase. Above finding comes from the following physics of theoretical result: in the case of abrupt start-up within very shorter time-duration than spin-up time scale, the inertial oscillation is magnified but it could be completely depressed in the case of mildly accelerated start-up, i.e., start-up process being established over diffusion time scale. -
Liquid crystal displays (LCD's) are continuously coated with some chemicals in the clean room of a factory. Spreading of these chemicals is causing serious problems both in controlling clean room quality as well as to the workers inside the factory. It is required to alleviate or properly control the offensive odor which is mainly composed of propylene glycol mono ethyl acetate, novolak resin and photo active compound. The control strategy employed is to bleed the offensive odor gas out the clean room. A full scale 3D CFD model was created with anisotropic porous media, chemical species transport with no volumetric reaction, and thermal diffusion with propane gas (tracer gas) to simulate the odor spreading. A segregated implicit solver with standard k-
$\varepsilon$ model is employed. The detailed CFD analysis made it possible to develop an effective method of ventilating the coater room and optimizing their capacities. -
A micro channel heat sink has been studied and optimized for mixed pressure driven and electroosmotic flows through three-dimensional numerical analysis. The effects of ionic concentration represented by zeta potential and Debye thickness are studied with the various steps of externally applied electric potential. Optimization of the micro channel heat sink has been performed considering two design variables related to the micro channel width, depth and fin width. The surrogate-based optimization is performed using a search algorithm taking overall thermal resistance as objective function. The thermal resistance is found to be more sensitive to channel width-to-depth ratio than fin width-to-depth of channel ratio.
Prediction of the rotor blade performance is important for determining design factors such as weight and size in development of a small-scale helicopter. Generally, prediction of helicopter performance means the estimation of the power required for a given flight condition. However, due to lack of test data and analyzed results for small-scale rotor blade operated at low Reynolds numbers (
$Re{\approx}10^5$ ), this is not an easy task. As an initial research, this work performs a modeling of a single rotor configuration with FLIGHTLAB and a experimental research with rotor test bed. In this process, we performed small-scale isolated single rotor by experimental and numerical method and achieved good agreement of the hover performance on the test data and simulation results. -
Effect of a particle's spin is investigated numerically by considering the effect of lift occurring due to difference of rotations of a particle and of fluid such as the Saffman lift and Magnus force. These lift forces have been neglected in many previous works on particle-laden turbulence. The trajectory of particles can be changed by the lift forces, resulting in significant modification of the stochastic characteristics of heavy particles. Probability density functions and autocorrelations are examined of velocity, acceleration of solid particle and acceleration of fluid at the position of solid particle. Changes in velocity statistics are negligible but statistics related with acceleration are a little bit changed by particle's rotation. When a laden particle encounters with coherent structures during the motion, the particle's rotation might significantly affects the motion due to intermittently large fluid acceleration near coherent structures.
In the present study, a parallel Taylor-Galerkin/level set based two-phase flow code was developed using finite element discretization and domain decomposition method based on MPI (Message Passing Interface). The proposed method can be utilized for the analysis of a large scale free surface problem in a complex geometry due to the feature of FEM and domain decomposition method. Four-step fractional step method was used for the solution of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations and Taylor-Galerkin method was adopted for the discretization of hyperbolic type redistancing and advection equations. A Parallel ILU(0) type preconditioner was chosen to accelerate the convergence of a conjugate gradient type iterative solvers. From the present parallel numerical experiments, it has been shown that the proposed method is applicable to the simulation of large scale free surface flows.
Jet impingement on a moving plate, which is applicable to cooling of hot metals in a steel-making process, is investigated numerically by solving the Navier-Stokes equations in the liquid and gas phases. The liquid-gas interface or free surface is tracked by a level-set method which is improved by incorporating the ghost fluid approach based on a sharp-interface representation. The computations are made for multiple jets as well as a single jet to compare their flow characteristics. Also, the effects of the nozzle pitch, moving velocity of plate and jet velocity on the interfacial motion and the associated flow and temperature fields.
A drop impact on the liquid film/pool generates several phenomena such as the drop floating, bouncing, formation of vortex ring, jetting, bubble entrapment and splashing. These phenomena depend on the impact velocity, the drop size, the drop properties and the liquid film/pool thickness. These parameters can be summarized by four main dimensionless parameters; Weber number, Ohnesorge number, Froude number and non-dimensional film/pool thickness. In the present study, the phenomena of the splashing and bubble entrapment due to the drop impact on the liquid film/pool were numerically investigated by using a Level Set method for the sharp interface tracking of two distinct phases. After the drop impact, the splashing phenomena with the crown formation and spreading were predicted. Under the specific conditions, the bubble entrapment at the base of the collapsing cavity due to the drop impact was also observed. The numerical results were compared to the available experimental data showing good agreements.
The screw-feeders are used at gathering the minerals at the seafloor, transportation of the sewage, and at the beverage industry. This study was carried out to study solid-liquid mixture hydraulic transport of solid particles in a horizontal and inclined screw-feeders with rotating. This study is about the amount of the alteration amount of the material transportation for regular transportation. In this study a clear acrylic pipe was used in order to observe the movement of solid particles. Relates to the angle, rpm and ratio of pitch ; finding the optimum condition and knowing about designing the screw feeders shape. As a result, we found the suitable rpm and a suitable angle. According to the experiment, the best rpm and angle are 100-200rpm and
$10^{\circ}$ , respectively. -
In predicting the critical heat flux (CHF) in pool boiling systems, the contact angle between the boiling surface and the liquid and the surface roughness are considered to be the important parameters. From the microscopic viewpoint, those are affected by the micro/nano structure of the surface. Several studies have been reported on the dependence of CHF on the surface microstructure such as height and width of the cavities and distances between them. In this paper, the effects of the boiling surface characteristics on CHF are reviewed and the future research issues are discussed for better prediction of CHF.
In the present experimental study, the regime limit and pressure drop of dry-plug flow (dry wall condition at the gas portions of plug flow) in round mini-channels has been investigated. The air-water mixture was flowed through the round mini-channels made of Teflon, where the tube diameters ranged from 1.26 to 2.06 mm. For the present experimental range, with decreasing of the tube diameter, the transition between the plug and slug flows (wet and dry) happened at the higher gas superficial velocity region, which were in good agreement with the previous flow pattern maps tested. On the other hand, the transition between the wet- and dry-plug flows was little affected by the change of the tube diameter. In the pressure drop of dry-plug flows, among the correlations tested, the Lee and Lee's (2008) correlation best fitted the measured pressure drop data within the mean deviation of 10% for the present experimental range.
In a fuel cell vehicle using polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell(PEMFC), hydrogen is over-supplied to gain higher stack efficiency. So it is needed considering fuel efficiency to re-circulate hydrogen which is not reacted in stack. And to re-circulate hydrogen, a blower or an ejector is used. Ejector re-circulation system has several merits compared with blower system, for example no parasite energy, simple structure and no lubrication system. But the secondary flow of an ejector in fuel cell vehicle, has high humidity because of crossover problem in stack. Therefore in this paper, ejector is designed by 1-D modeling and CFD with the primary and secondary flow of hydrogen. And the ejector which has the primary and secondary flow of air, is designed to have the same Reynolds number and Mach number at the nozzle exit as the hydrogen ejector's. And this air ejector is tested while the humidity of the secondary flow is varied.
This study deals with the development of PMSM(Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor) for automotive EDC(Electric Drive Compressor). We have already developed the previous version of PMSM. It showed the characteristics of small size and high efficiency. But noise and vibration levels were higher than target values, so it was impossible to apply. So, in order to reduce noise and vibration levels, many parameters like the numbers of slots, the numbers of winding turns, and slot open width were changed. As a result, noise level of newly developed PMSM was decreased about 36.9% at maximum operating frequency (8600 rpm), and was reduced about 37.7% at rated frequency (6000 rpm) with the same sized and more efficient PMSM.
Turbo-fans for a FFU unit should be aerodynamically designed to provide the FFU system with the given flow-rate at the lowest rotational-speed by considering the interaction effect with the FFU casing. In this study, slim and highly efficient turbo-fans are designed to satisfy the given performance at the specific speed by using the hybrid-stacking method of an inducer and a 2D-bladed turbo fan. The mean-line analysis, cascade theory, and CFD technique are all together applied to control the passage areas on the meridional plane from the inlet to the exit of the blade. Furthermore, the torque control algorithm is adopted to improve the performances within the constraints by the motor rpm-torque characteristics, and the resulting measured performances of mock-up fans are discussed.
The high energy fluid leakage from the high temperature and high differential pressure drop system of NPPs (Nuclear Power Plants) decreases efficiency and consequently leads to considerable economic loss due to less power production. Also, the leakage possibly damages critical parts of components such as valve and trim with the effect of cavitation, flashing, and erosion, etc. and deteriorates its performance. Thus, in this study, we diagnosed the as-is leakage for four (4) main steam drain valves and two (2) steam traps of Yonggwang 1,2 units during normal operation by using multi-measuring technique and observed the occurrence of fine leakage. In the course of measuring fluid leakage, the sign of fine leakage is estimated to be the leakage from orifice. By converting the leakage to energy loss, it is equivalent to the amount of several hundred thousand won per each unit, which supports the basis for the justification of fine leakage.
Diaphragm seals have great effects on the performance of large power-generation steam turbines. Hence, it is important to decrease the leakage flow through the diaphragm seals and understand the flow characteristics within the diaphragm seals. In this study, numerical analysis was carried-out with the seals of large one-body type diaphragms developed by a domestic company. CFX, which is a commercial CFD code, was used to analyze the performance and flow characteristics of the diaphragm seals for three difference clearance cases. The results of numerical analysis show variations in the performance and flow characteristics according to the changes of labyrinth seal clearance.
AOV used fluid capacity and fluid pressure control in nuclear power plant with heating power plant. AOV structures safely must be secured the reliability and a safety of the atomic power plant. but, AOV where is used from domestic is using the product of the overseas enterprise. The AOV design and maintenance technique is insufficient. Therefore According to ASME designed AOV, The performance test resultant fluid leakage did not occur and AOV design was satisfactory.
The study on the measurement method of the aerodynamic performance of a turbo compressor was conducted. It is well known that the performance and the efficiency of the compressor can be calculated from the temperature and pressure distribution in each stage of the compressor. In the past Pitot tubes and thermocouples were used to measure pressure and temperature respectively, and recently pressure and temperature rake is used in order to decrease the measuring time and the number of measurement. The miniature total pressure rake which is available in the compressor with a small axial gap is designed and is under development.
Horseshoe vortices are formed at the junction of an object immersed in fluid-flow and endwall plate as a result of three-dimensional boundary layer separation. This study shows preliminary results of the kinematics of such horseshoe vortices around a circular cylinder with a cavity (slot) placed upstream to disturb the primary separation line. Through the cavity, no mass flow addition (blowing) or reduction (suction) is applied. The upstream cavity weakens the adverse pressure gradient before the cavity. With the upstream cavity, a single vortex is found to form immediately upstream of the cylinder whereas a typical two vortex system is observed in the absence of the cavity. Furthermore, the strength of the single vortex tends to be reduced, resulting from the interaction with the separated flow convecting directly towards the leading edge of the cylinder.
The most components and piping of the secondary side of domestic nuclear power plants were manufactured carbon-steel and low-alloy steel. Flow accelerated corrosion leads to wall thinning (metal loss) of carbon steel components and piping exposed to the flowing water or wet steam of high temperature, pressure, and velocity. The feedwater heaters of many nuclear power plants have recently experienced sever wall thinning damage, which increases as operating time progress. Several nuclear power plants in Korea have also experienced wall thinning damage in the shell wall around the impingement baffle. This paper describes the comparisons between the numerical analysis results using the FLUENT code and the experimental results based on down-scaled experimental facility. The experiments were performed based on several types of impingement baffle plates which are installed in low pressure feedwater heater.
The ever increasing demand for power and the shortages encountered during summer calls for the implementation of strategies for power saving in industry. Inlet fogging of gas turbine engines is quite popular due to the ease of installation and the relatively low initial cost compared to other inlet cooling methods. In the present investigation, a detailed analysis is carried out on the basis of coincident wet bulb and dry bulb temperature data of a compressed air plant from April to October, 2007 to determine the evaporative cooling potential for the period. The power gain that can be obtained by employing inlet fogging of the air compressors is analyzed based on the real climatic data at several sites in Korea. An experimental set-up was constructed and tests were carried out with the standard impaction pin nozzle. The experimental results were found to match with the theoretical calculations.
Starting characteristics of the axi-symmetric supersonic exhaust diffuser(SED) with a second throat are numerically investigated. Main purpose of this study is to predict theoretical starting pressure of STED using 1-D normal shock theory and to present the range of optimum starting pressure through parametric study with essential design parameters of STED influencing on starting performance. Renolds-Average Navier-Stokes equations with a standard
${\kappa}-{\varepsilon}$ turbulence model incorporated with standard wall function are solved to simulate the diffusing evolutions of the nozzle plume. Minimum(optimum) starting pressure difference of$20{\sim}25%$ between 1-D theory and experimental evidences validated from previous results[5] is also applied to predict those in this system. The analysis results indicate that dominant parameters for diffuser starting in this system is diffuser expansion ratio($A_d/A_t$ ), which has optimum value 120 and second throat area ratio($A_d/A_{st}$ ), which has optimum range$3.3{\sim}3.5$ . -
In AC electrowetting, it has been reported that there is a flow inside droplets. The flow characteristics such as flow rate, direction and the pattern of streamline are altered according to the frequency range of applied voltage. However, the mechanism of the flow has not been explained yet. This work is concentrated on investigation of the flow mechanism when high-frequency voltage is applied to droplets. We propose that this phenomenon arises from the electro-thermal flow. A numerical analysis is performed for the needle-electrode-plane geometry in which the Coulombic force term is included in the Navier-Stokes equation. According to our analysis, electrical charge is generated due to conductivity gradient which is originated from the nonuniform Joule heating of fluid medium. The result of the analysis is compared with experimental result.
An analytical study was carried out on the flow resistance of tree-shaped channel flow architectures, based on the principle of the constructal law of evolutionary increase of flow access through the generation of better flowing configurations with two diameters in the square domain. Two types of tree-shaped configurations are optimized. The minimized global flow resistance decreases definitely as the system size, N, increases. And the best channel configurations among the first construct and second construct as a result of regarding pressure drop was selected. We also show that the freedom to morph the design and to increase its performance can be enhanced by using tree-tree configurations with
$2^{nd}$ construct when N is greater than 18. -
In the present study, we designed a microfluidic flatform that generates monodisperse droplets with diameters ranging from hundreds of nanometers to several micrometers. To generate fine droplets, T-junction and flow-focusing geometry are integrated into the microfluidic channel. Relatively large aqueous droplets are generated at the upstream T-junction and transported toward the flow-focusing geometry, where each droplet is broken up into the targeted size by the action of viscous stresses. Because the droplet prior to rupture blocks the straight channel that leads to the flow-focusing geometry, it moves very slowly by the pressure difference applied between the advancing and receding regions of the moving droplet. This configuration enables very low flow rate of inner fluid and higher flow rate ratio between inner and outer fluids at the flow-focusing region. It is shown that the present microfluidic device can generate droplets with diameters about 1 micrometer size and standard deviation less than 3%.
Feedwater heaters of many nuclear power plants have recently experienced severe wall thinning damange, which will increase as operating time progresses. Several nuclear power plants in Korea have experienced wall thinning damage in the area around the impingement baffle-installed downstream of the high pressure turbine extraction stream line- inside number 5A and 5B feedwater heaters. At that point, the extracted steam from the high pressure turbine is two phase fluid at high temperature, high pressure, and high speed. Since it flows in reverse direction after impinging the impingement baffle, the shell wall of the number 5 high pressure feedwater heater may be affected by flow-accelerated corrosion. This paper describes operation of experience and numerical analysis composed similar condition with real high pressure feedwater heater. This study applied squared, curved and new type impingement baffle plates to feedwater heater same as previous study. In addition, it shows difference of pressure distribution and value between single phase and two phase based on experience and numerical analysis.
We introduce a new type of surface microscope using hydrodynamic phenomena. The fluid flow through the opening of the pipette probe is blocked at short distances between the probe and the surface, thus increasing the pressure loss. Therefore, a scanning flow impedance microscope (SFIM) can image the surface topology by scanning the probe with measuring the pressure loss. The SFIM can display the topology regardless of surface hardness, surface electrical conductivity, and surrounding fluid. The present letter contains the first experimental results on surface topography obtained with this novel microscope. The preliminary results in air demonstrate the lateral resolution of the SFIM is very close to the inner diameter of the probe.
In previous studies, Convex cyclone are proposed to reduce pressure loss which are design cyclone wall with a single continuous curve. Studies about a prediction model for pressure loss and cut-size has focused on conventional cylinder-on-con cyclone. Therefore, the models do not perform well for uncommon design. In this study, a predict model for pressure loss and cut-size depend on cyclone wall curvature are developed. The tangential velocity below vortex-finder is obtained with consideration about friction area and momentum loss on the cyclone wall, and with this the variation of vortex-core and core velocity is obtained. Pressure loss is predicted using a Rankine vortex hypothesis. The prediction results are well agreed with experiments and CFD results.
Depressurized drainage systems have been used for more than 30 years and are becoming a common part of urban drainage infrastructures. The hydraulic principles governing the operation of the depressurized drainage systems were studied in this paper and particularly, focused on the analysis of unsteady characteristics of the two-phase flow. A definition of the filling ratio was outlined and types of flow pattern were classified according to the filling ratio. Experiments were conducted to investigate the main features of pressure fluctuation. All results were found to depend on the filling ratio of the upstream pipe flow as well as the upstream Froude number.
This study addresses a microfluidic method to uniformly form diacetylene (DA) liposomes and control their size. DA liposomes are biochemical sensor materials with a unique property such that when they are polymerized to polydiacetylene (PDA) they exhibit non-fluorescent blue to fluorescent red phase transition upon chemical or thermal stress. The liposome size and distribution are important because they significantly affect the phase transition. So far, DA Liposomes, have been prepared by mixing of bulk phases leading to heterogeneous, polydisperse distribution in size. Therefore, additional post-processes are required such as sonication or membrane extrusion to obtain an appropriate size of liposomes. Here, we report a novel strategy using a microfluidic chip and hydrodynamic focusing to form DA liposomes and control their size. Preliminary results obtained by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and dynamic light scattering (DLS) show that the microfluidic strategy generates more monodispersed liposomes than a bulk method.
Polydiacetylene (PDA) is chemosensor materials that exhibit non-fluorescent-to-fluorescent transition as well as blue-to-red visible color change upon chemical or thermal stress. They have been studied in forms of film or microarray chip, so far. In this paper, we provide a novel technique to fabricate continuous micro-fiber PDA sensor using in-situ laser-polymerization technique and 3-D hydrodynamic focusing on a microfluidic chip. The flow of a monomer solution with diacetylene (DA) monomer is focused by a sheath flow on a 3-D microfluidic chip. The focused flow is exposed to 365 nm UV laser beam for in-situ polymerization which generates a continuous fiber containing DA monomers. Then, the fiber is exposed to 254 nm UV light to polymerize DA monomers to PDA. Preliminary results indicate that the fiber size can be controlled by the flow rates of the monomer solution and sheath flows and that a PDA sensor fiber successively responds to chemical and thermal stress.
Microfluidic chips have been frequently utilized to perform biochemical analysis, like cell culture, because they reduce the consumptions of analytes and reagents and automate multi-step analysis processes. It is often critical to monitor temperature in a microchannel for the analyses in order to control a reaction condition of bio or chemical molecules. We propose a novel method to monitor temperature of a microchannel flow by using polydiacetylene (PDA), a conjugated polymer, that has a unique property to transform its color from visible blue to fluorescent red by thermal stress. We inject PDA sensor droplets generated by hydrodynamic instability into a microchannel with a microheater incorporated on the channel bottom. Also, we change the channel temperature by providing the different electric power to the microheater. The results show that the florescence intensity of PDA sensor droplets linearly increases in response to the flow temperature increase within a certain range.
An experiment on bubble-driven flow was performed in order to understand fundamental knowledge of flow structure around a rising bubble in a stagnant fluid. The measurement technique consists of a combination of the three most often used PIV techniques in multiphase flows: PIV with fluorescent tracer particles, the digital phase separation with a masking technique and a shadowgraphy. The key point of the measurement is that the background intensity of a PIV recording can be shifted to a higher level than a bubble region using a shadowgraphy in order to distinguish from fluorescent particles and a bubble as well. Flow fields were measured without an inaccurate analysis around a fluid-bubble interface by using only one camera simply.
We perform an active control on flow over a circular cylinder using a synthetic jet at Re=3900. The synthetic jet is issued from a cavity located inside the cylinder, generating a train of vortices near the surface. These vortices interact with and weaken the main vortices, resulting in drag reduction at a high frequency.
The objective of this work is to study various vortical structures from controlled circular jet such as trifurcating and blooming jets. The numerical simulations of flow from a circular jet are carried out at
$Re_D=4300$ based on the jet-exit velocity and jet diameter using large eddy simulation with the dynamic Smagorinsky model in a cylindrical coordinate system. The excitation for the controlled jet is achieved by combining axial and helical excitations. The axial velocity controlled by blowing and suction at the jet exit has several peaks in their cycle with respect to ratio of axial to helical excitations. This active control changes the spreading angle and vortical structures in the downstream region. -
Whole flow fields of a room air conditioner (RAC) have been visualized by a Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) technique to analyze the flow structure with various inlet and outlet angles, and to control an eccentric vortex which affects an efficiency and noise of the RAC. A test model with 5 stages of a cross flow fan has been manufactured and a transparent acryl has been installed at the side of the test model for the PIV experiment. The inlet and outlet flows and the flow inside the cross flow fan have been analyzed by varying the inlet grill angles and outlet blade angles. The movement of the eccentric vortex has been investigated experimentally by developing the measurement technique for the inner flow field of the cross flow fan. From the visualization of the inner flows, the origins of the noise inside the RAC and the condensation points around the outlet parts of the cold air have been observed and the solution of the problems can be proposed in this study.
The Roll-to-Roll system including continuous flexible thin materials and roller has its wide range of applications especially in the electronic printing industry. The industry is growing rapidly and the printing speed is also improving. However, the printing machine based on web and roller system has it own problem. As the web speed increases, the failure to wet the surface may occur and the air entrains between the liquid and the paper web. Air bubbles may remain attached to the paper web causing defects on product surface. With the development of image processing technique, the air airflow around the web and rolls can be visualized and calculated by PIV method. In our experiment, the simple web and rolls system is used to R2R simulator. The flow field is studied at various web speeds and positions. The result shows that the flow field has complicated structure with turbulent characteristic and the main trend of flow is obtained by taking time average of flow field.
The present study is numerically and experimentally performed to reveal the pumping characteristics of a helical-type molecular drag pump (HTDP) in the molecular transition flow region. In the experimental study, the pressures are measured simultaneously at the 5 positions along the helical channel of rotor under various conditions of outlet pressure and throughputs, and nitrogen is used as test gas. The outlet pressure is in the range of 26-533 Pa. As results, the local pressure changes are checked corresponding to the various outlet pressure and throughput of HTDP. In the numerical study, Navier-Stokes equations with slip boundary conditions are employed (Re< 1000, Kn< 0.1). The local pressure distribution and the pumping speed are calculated. The numerical results are compared with the experimental results. The numerically computed value agrees with the experimental data within an error of approximately 5%.
Cylindrical film-cooling hole is formulated numerically and optimized to enhance film-cooling effectiveness. The Kriging method is used an optimization technique with Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes analysis of fluid and heat transfer with shear stress transport model. The hole length-to-diameter ratio and injection angle are chosen as design variables and spatially averaged film-cooling effectiveness is considered as objective function which is to be maximized. Twelve training points obtained by Latin Hypercube Sampling for two design variables. Optimum shape shows the film-cooling effectiveness increased.
The present study numerically investigates three-dimensional laminar flow past a rotating circular cylinder placed in a uniform stream. For the purpose of a careful analysis of the modification of flow by the effect of the rotation on the flow, numerical simulations are performed at a various range of rotational speeds(
$0{\leq}{\alpha}{\leq}2.5$ ) at one Reynolds number of 300. As$\alpha$ increases, flow becomes stabilized and finally a steady state beyond the critical rotational speed. The 3D (three dimensional) wake mode of the stationary cylinder defined at this Reynolds number has been disorganized according to$\alpha$ , which were observed by the visualization of 3D vortical structures. The variation of the Strouhal number is significant when the wake pattern is changed according to the rotational speed. As$\alpha$ increases, the lift increases, whereas the drag decreases. -
A study on the performance of the finned tube heat exchanger affected by the frosting using CFD toolWe conducted a study by computational simulation about the effects of frost thickness on the pressure drop and heat transfer characteristics as whole heat exchanger configuration changes. In order to perform the analysis for validation, we assumed that frost properties have constant values and the frost layers that are formed on the fin and tube surfaces are uniform. In order to find the constant thermal conductivity of frost layer, a variety of frost thermal conductivities are performed in our work and compared with the results by Lee et al. [4] and Yang et al. [5] proposed many experimental data about the 2-rows and 2-columns finned tube heat exchanger. The numerical results agreed well with the experimental data when frost conductivity is 0.07W/mK. After the validation had performed, we applied this procedure to the finned tube heat exchanger of domestic refrigeration and investigated the thermo-hydraulic characteristic of the heat exchanger affected by frost thickness according to the inlet velocities and temperatures of air considering the configuration change such as fin pitch.
Numerical calculations are carried out for the natural convection induced by temperature difference between a cold outer square cylinder and a hot inner circular cylinder for Rayleigh number of
$Ra=10^7$ . This study investigates the effect of the inner cylinder location on the heat transfer and fluid flow. The location of inner circular cylinder ($\delta$ ) is changed vertically along the center-line of square enclosure. The natural convection bifurcates from unsteady to steady state according to$\delta$ . Two critical positions of${\delta}_{C,L}$ and${\delta}_{C,U}$ as a lower bound and an upper bound are${\delta}_{C,L}=0.05$ and${\delta}_{C,U}=0.18$ , respectively. Within the defined bounds, the thermal and flow fields are steady state. When the inner cylinder locates at${\delta}{\geq}{\delta}_{C,U}$ , the space between the upper surface of inner cylinder and the top surface of the enclosure forms a relatively shallow layer where the natural convection characterized as the pure Rayleigh-Benard convection forms alternately the upwelling and downwelling plums, as a result that a series of cells known as Benard cells is derived. -
This paper introduce the CFD analysis for predicting the heat transfer at the Ultrasonic horn. Approximately Ultrasonic horn separates two part. One is preheating part and the other is cooling part. Temperature of preheating part rise up by
$260^{\circ}C$ that make it possible to attach a chip to a semiconductor. Also there is a piezo material in the cooling part. When piezo work, it generates heat of$100^{\circ}C$ . It can stand by$150^{\circ}C$ . But the high temperature conducted from the preheating part has a bad affect on the piezo. These situation make it necessary cooling at piezo. Previously except of the piezo, all of them are composed of the SUS440c that has good thermal conductivity. This study shows way that not only cooling the piezo but also cutting off the conduction between preheating part and cooling part by using the Ti and Duralumin that have low thermal conductivity compare with the SUS440c. Conclusion of CFD analysis that the heat coming from the piezo can't be transferred the horn cause of the Ti and Duralumin. -
Numerical investigation has been carried out for laminar flow (
$Re{\leq}150$ ) past a square cylinder in cross freestream with an angle of attack. This study would be the first step towards understanding flow-induced forces on cylindrical structures under a strong gust of wind from the viewpoint of wind hazards. Collecting all the numerical results obtained, we propose contour diagrams of drag/lift coefficients and Strouhal number (St) on an Re-Angle plane. -
Turbulent mixed convection in heated vertical annulus is investigated using Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) technique. The objective of this study is to find out the effect of buoyancy on turbulent mixed convection in heated vertical annulus. Downward and upward flows with bulk Reynolds number 8500, based on hydraulic diameter and mean velocity, have been simulated to investigate turbulent mixed convection by gradually increasing the effect of buoyancy. With increased heat flux, heat transfer coefficient first decreases and then increases in the upward flow due to the effect of buoyancy, but it gradually increases in downward flow. The mean velocity and temperature profiles can not be explained by the wall log laws due to the effect of buoyancy, too. All simulation results are in good quantitative agreement with existing numerical results and in good qualitative agreement with existing experimental results.
The purpose of tunnel ventilation system for long road tunnels is to keep certain levels of Visibility Index and the concentration of CO. Additional equipments such as jet fans are used in road tunnel to discharge pollutants in the road tunnel. The control algorism of tunnel ventilation system takes the value of sensors as input, and then gives the operation method of jet fans in tunnel as output. Information on the variation of CO concentration in tunnel when jet fans are running is needed to minimize their operation time. Numerical analysis is used in this paper because of the difficulty of conducting experiments under standard condition for ventilation of road tunnel. The concentration of CO has been calculated by using 3-dimensional CFD under transient condition with speed of cars, quantity of air ventilation, and the results for various operation position of jet fans are compared.
AOV is fluid capacity and fluid pressure control in nuclear power plant with heating power plant. The control valve in order channel to control a high differential pressure developed in the form which is complicated and precise control form. Form the research which sees in order description below analyzed the performance comparison which follows in trim forms of the control valve with CFD. The Result, multi-stage trim are a fluid kinetic energy small will prevent damages of AOV.
Gas atomization of liquid metal using nozzle technology has more advantages over other methods. Previous study shows that high-velocity gas is important for effective liquid metal atomization. An important first step towards understanding the gas atomization using nozzle is complete evaluation of the flow fields. This will provide a basis for understanding how well high velocity gas is brought to bear on the liquid metal. Present work is a fundamental study of liquid metal atomization for various pressure ratio, different gas and temperature. A two-dimension, axisymmetry compressible Navier-Stokes equations are considered. Two-equation k-epsilon turbulence model is selected.
The subcavity passive control technique is used in present study. Cavity-induced pressure oscillation has been investigated numerically for a supersonic three-dimensional flow over rectangular cavities at Mach number 1.83 at the cavity entrance. Time dependent supersonic turbulent flow over cavity were examined by using the three-dimensional, mass-averaged Navier-Stokes equations based on a finite volume scheme and large eddy simulation. The results showed that the resultant amount of attenuation of cavity-induced pressure oscillations was dependent on the length and thickness of the flat plate.
A numerical analysis has been conducted for flow characteristics and performance of a micropump with piezodisk and MHD(Magnetohydrodynamics) fluid. Various micro systems which could not be considered in the past have been recently growing with the development of MEMS(Micro Electro Mechanical System) and micro machining technology. Especially, micropumps, essential part of micro fluidic devices, are being lively studies by many researchers. In the present study, the piezo electric micropump with electromagnetic resistance for electrically conducting fluids is considered. The prescribed grid deformation method is used for the displacement of the membrane. The change of the performance of the micropump and flow characteristics of the electrically conducting fluid with the magnitude of the magnetic fields, duct size, the position of the inlet and outlet duct are investigated in the present study.
The pneumatic waste collection system, which is a complete solution for solving the waste collection problems, are constructed in many countries all over the world. However, research data for piping network design are insufficient. In this paper the pressure losses of the straight and curved pipes, pipe junctions are obtained using the numerical method in order to investigate the optimal pipe network design for the waste collection system.
The confined slot air jet impinging normally on a moving flat surface has been investigated numerically by using commercial CFD code Ansys CFX-V11. Turbulent flows are modeled using k-w turbulence model. Two-dimensional turbulent flow is considered. Calculations were conducted for a nozzle-to-plate spacing of eight slot nozzle width, at three Reynolds number(Re=4500, 6700 and 10,000) and four surface-to-velocity ratios i.e. 0, 0.25, 0.5 and 1. Results are compared against corresponding cases for heat transfer from a stationary plate. Local Nusselt number is calculated under constant wall temperature condition. The analysis reveals that the average Nusselt number increases considerably with the jet exit Reynolds number, but decrease with the plate velocity.
Experimental results and numerical computations were conducted to investigate the effect of the confined wall on the flow and heat transfer characteristics for a two-dimensional impinging jet. Experimental results and Numerical solutions were obtained by using the particle image velocimetry and the commercial CFD code (CFX 11), respectively. The parameters studied were jet Reynolds number (Re=5,000), conditions of confined wall (unventilate), nozzle to plate spacings (
$H/W=1{\sim}16$ ), and nozzle to nozzle spacing (S/W=6). Experimental and numerical results were agreed well with each other. The maximum heat transfer point was found variation of nozzle to plate spacings. -
Flow pulsation in the gap connecting with two parallel channels is investigated by RANS and URANS approaches. The two parallel channels are connected by a small channel called for a gap. The parallel channels are designed to have different cross section area with its ratio of 0.5. Computations are conducted using a CFX 11.0 code. The bulk Reynolds number is 60,000. Predicted results are compared with the previous experimental result. Mean velocity profile at the center of gap region are compared with experiments for its validation. Spectral analysis on the lateral velocity in the center of the gap is presented. Auto and cross correlation for the axial-flow velocity pattern are presented. The unsteady structure of the flow pulsation was visualized in the region of the gap in the parallel channel.
This paper investigates the flow field and organism concentration in a UV disinfection channel in which vertical ultraviolet lamps are arranged in a staggered configuration. Turbulence is described by low Reynolds number
${\kappa}-{\varepsilon}$ turbulence model and standard${\kappa}-{\varepsilon}$ turbulence model, respectively. P-1 method has been employed to solve the radiative transfer equation. The obtained incident radiation is used to compute the inactivation term in the species equation. The CFD results are in good agreement with the existing experimental data for the UV channel. For the flow field, the low-Reynolds number${\kappa}-{\varepsilon}$ model is superior to the standard${\kappa}-{\varepsilon}$ model. The approach velocity has a significant effect on the disinfection efficiency. The organism concentration at the outlet decreases fast to a low inlet velocity. -
Among the main components of PEM fuel cell, the functions of GDL are to transport reactants from the channel to the catalyst and remove reaction products from the catalyst and transport heat from the catalyst to the channels in the flow filed plate. Permeability of GDL is known to make it possible to enhance the gas transport through GDL, devoting to get better performance. In this paper, three dimensional numerical simulation of the fuel cell by the permeability of GDL is presented by using a FLUENT modified to include the electrochemical behavior. Results show that as permeability is higher than
$10^{-12}m^2$ , gradients of temperature distribution, oxygen molar concentration and current density distribution in MEA were decreased. Although heat generation was increased as high permeability, MEA's temperature was lower than the low permeability of GDL. This seems because that convection was higher affects in mass and heat transfer process than diffusion as permeability of GDL is increases. -
Water management is one of many operating parameters, which influences the performance and stability of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC). Local humidity condition including liquid water saturation has profound impacts on the distributions of overpotentials, current density, and membrane water content. Computational fluid dynamics simulations were conducted to investigate the effect of the inlet humidity variation on the performance of a PEMFC of
$9\;cm^2$ active cell area with serpentine flow fields. The results showed that the performance of the simulated PEMFC remained at an almost same level when the cathode inlet humidity was changed from 100% to 60%, while reaching its maximum at air humidity of 80%. However, further decrease in the cathode inlet humidity below 40% started to significantly deteriorate the performance of the PEMFC. The variations of overpotentials, membrane water content, etc. due to the change in the cathode inlet humidity were also discussed. -
An free breathing proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) was developed. This paper presents a study of the several effect on the performance of a fuel cell such as air flow rate, opening ratio, and cathode structures. Especially, an air flow rate is critical condition to improve the fuel cell performance. In this paper, we developed a synthetic jet micro air blower to supply high stoichiometric air. The synthetic jet actuation is usually generated by a traditional PZT-driven actuator, which consists of a small cylindrical cavity, orifices and PZT diaphragms. In comparison with free convection fuel cells, the forced-convection fuel cell which equipped synthetic jet micro air blower brings higher performance and stability for long term test. Also, power consumption of the synthetic jet micro air blower is under 0.3W. The results show that the maximum power density was
$188mW/cm^2$ at$400mA/cm^2$ . The maximum power density was higher 40% than power density of free convection fuel cell. -
A PEMFC(proton exchange membrane fuel cell) is a good candidate for residential power generation to be cope with the shortage of fossil fuel and green house gas emission. The attractive benefit of the PEMFC is to produce electric power as well as hot water for home usage. Typically, thermal management of vehicular PEMFC is to reject the heat from the PEMFC to the ambient air. Different from that, the thermal management of PEMFC for RPG is to utilize the heat of PEMFC so that the PEMFC can be operated at its optimal efficiency. In this study, dynamic thermal management system is modeled to understand the response of the thermal management system during dynamic operation. The thermal management system of PEMFC for RPGFC is composed of two cooling circuits, one for controling the fuel cell temperature and the other for heating up the water for home usage. Dynamic responses and operating strategies of the PEMFC system are investigated during load changes.
Long Term Asset Management(LTAM) means a plan developed by using LCM(Life Cycle Management) process for optimum life cycle management of significant plant assets at each plant across the fleet. As a part of development of LTAM Strategies on nuclear turbines, a method so as to determine the future failure rates for low pressure turbine facilities at a nuclear plant was studied and developed by using both plant specific and industry-wide performance data. INPO's EPIX data were analyzed and some failure rate evaluation values considering preventive maintenance practices were calculated by using EPRI's PM Basis software. As the result, failure rate functions applicable to a priori and a posteriori replacement of low pressure turbines at a nuclear plant were developed and utilized in an assessment of economics of LCM alternatives on the nuclear turbine facilities in the respects of 40-year and 60-year operation bases.
Very High Temperature Reactor (VHTR) has been selected as a high energy heat source for a nuclear hydrogen generation. The VHTR heat is transferred to a thermo-chemical hydrogen production process through an intermediate loop. Both Process Heat Exchanger and sulfuric acid evaporator provide the coupled components between the VHTR intermediate loop and hydrogen production module. A small scaled Compact Nuclear Hydrogen Coupled Components test loop is developed to simulate the VHTR intermediate loop and hydrogen production module. Main objective of the loop is to screening the candidates of NHDD (Nuclear Hydrogen Development and Demonstration) coupled components. The operating condition of the gas loop is a temperature up to
$950^{\circ}C$ and a pressure up to 6.0MPa. The thermal and fluid dynamic design of the loop is dependent on the structures that enclose the gas flow, especially primary side that has fast gas velocity. We designed and constructed a small scale sulfuric acid experimental system which can simulate a part of the hydrogen production module also. -
A catalytic burner has been developed to utilize thermal energy from the fossil fuel without nitrogen oxides (NOx) emission. The burner is shaped into a mat to maximize the heating surface. Premixed combustion has been developed to be used in a closed chamber, such as a radiation type industrial dryer. The burner yields the thermal energy in the form of thermal radiation in the infrared regime, which is proved to be effective to dry organic substances for low moisture condition. Thermal efficiency including the sensible heat is better correlated to the moisture compared to the dry rate.
High-temperature components of gas turbine operated for certain period of time can be reused by being repaired or rejuvenated. In case of the gas turbine combustion liners, the biggest and the most important one in the high-temperature components, come in a repair shop after operated for 8,000 or 12,000 hours according to the model and go through the repair and rejuvenation in order to be reused. A stated combustion liner is the first channel which has the combustion gas reached a nozzle from a fuel nozzle. Materials and coating properties of old and new model combustion liners were investigated. To repair these components after the visual inspection, the coatings of combustion liners were removed and then FPI(Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection), a kind of the NDI(Non-Destructive Inspection), was conducted. Damage patterns and the number of the damaged components were classified and analyzed based on data provided from the visual inspection over a long period of time. Focusing on the difference between old model and new model combustion liners, we analyzed the damage distribution and changes and consequently concluded that new model combustion liner would increase repair rate.
Carbon Monoxide(CO) poisoning accident is higher than any other gas accident in the rate of deaths/incidents. In the last five years, 36 people died and 104 were wounded because of carbon monoxide poisoning accident. Most of these CO poisoning accidents were caused by defective exhaust tube in the old gas boiler and multi-use facility. In this study, the spread of incomplete combustion gas(CO) released from leakage hole of exhaust tube was analyzed by computational flow modeling and concentration measuring test. CO gas leaked form exhaust tube in a building was highest concentrated near the ceiling and formed the circular currents along the walls. Through these experiments and simulation, the reasonable installation location of carbon monoxide alarm was made certain and suggested.
The Selective catalytic reduction(SCR) system is a highly-effective device of
$NO_x$ reduction for diesel engines. Generally, the ammonia($NH_3$ ) generated from a liquid urea-water solution is used for the reductant. The ideal ratio of$NH_3$ molecules to$NO_x$ molecules is 1:1 based on$NH_3$ consumption and having$NH_3$ available for reaction of all of the exhaust$NO_x$ . However, under the too low and too high temperature condition, the$NO_x$ reduction efficiency becomes lower, due to temperature window. And space velocity also affects to$NO_x$ conversion efficiency. This paper reviews a laboratory study to evaluate the effects of$NO_x$ and$NH_3$ concentrations, gas temperature and space velocity on the$NO_x$ conversion efficiency of the SCR system. The maximum conversion efficiency of$NO_x$ was indicated when the$NH_3$ to$NO_x$ ratio was 1.2 and the space velocity was$60,000\;h^{-1}$ . The results of this paper contribute to improve overall$NO_x$ reduction efficiency and$NH_3$ slip. -
Design lifttime of a wind turbine is required to be at least 20 years. In the meantime, the wind turbine will experience a lot of load cases such as extreme loads and fatigue loads which will include several typhoons per year and extreme gusts with 50 years recurrence period as well as endless turbulence flow. Therefore, IEC61400-1 specifies design load cases to be considered in the wind turbine design and requires the wind turbine to withstand the load cases in various operational situations. This paper investigates the ultimate loads which the wind turbine will experience for 20 years and their characteristics based on the IEC61400-1 using an aero-elastic software, GH-Blade. And the performance characteristics of a wind turbine such as electrical power generation and annual energy yield are also investigated.
The purpose of this study is to develop a highly-efficient and compact steam reformer for PEMFC changing the burner types. For the purpose some of the Can type flat burners were adopted and the results were compared with 'O' company's typical cylinderical flat burner. We used commercial STAR-CD tools for numerical calculation. We found the optimum Can type STR burner and this type of burner was highly efficient comparing with typical burner.
Plasma techniques have been proposed to generate a hydrogen enrich gas to investigate a feasibility of plasma techniques on a fuel reforming, we considered a dry reforming and a partial oxidation with methane in the atmospheric pressure. For these experiments, we employed an arc jet plasma reactor. The effects of input power and oxidizer in each process were investigated by product analysis, including carbon monoxide, hydrogen, ethylene, propane, and acetylene as well as methane and carbon dioxide. In both processes, input electrical power activated the reactions significantly. The increased ratio of the carbon dioxide to methane in the dry reforming doesn't affect to a methane conversion, whereas increased ratio of oxidizer to methane in the partial oxidation was very effective for the reaction. Moreover, for a simultaneous treatment of methane and carbon dioxide, a feasibility of a dry reforming combined with partial oxidation also has been investigated.
The coal considerably is the energy resource which is important with the new remarking energy resource. The coal conversion has two processes which are coal devolatilization and char oxidation. Coal devolatilization is important because it describes up to 70% weight loss and has been shown that nitrogen contribute 60 to 80% of the total NOx produced. The chemical percolation devolatilization(CPD) model is used here to describe coal devolatilization. The model was developed to describe coal devolatilization behavior of rapidly heated coal based on characteristics of the chemical structure of the parent coal. This paper describes CPD model in detail and makes an analysis of Shenhua coal(bituminous) which is used calculated 13-C NMR(carbon-nuclear magnetic resonance).
The liquid phase LPG injection (LPLi) system (the 3rd generation technology) has been considered as one of the more promising fuel supply systems for LPG vehicles. To investigate the characteristics of LPG residue in LPLi system, various rubbers were reacted with LPG fuels. The results showed that the residue of a cover rubber in a fuel pump after test increased 10 times higher than that before test. Furthermore, the amount of sulfur, nitrogen species which are considered as main sources in deposit formation in the LPLi fuel injector were also found to be higher than that in original LPG fuel. And these residues made the core parts of LPLi injector such as a neddle and a nozzle, partially worn, which eventually causes a leakage in LPLi injectors.
This paper was investigated the behaviors of the engine and combustion phenomena for various LPG compositions in the semi-return type system, which is not recircurated to LPG tank through furl rail, applied LPi engine during a cold idle condition and including a cold start of the engine. Cyclic HC and NOx emissions were measured at exhaust port to examine their formation mechanical and reduction mechanical with fast response gas analyzers. Various ignition timing is experimented to study the characteristics of combustion phenomena, HC/NOx emissions during fast idle. Also, this study was investigated start delay time, cylinder pressure, HC/NOx emissions, Mass Fraction Burned, starting time to evaluate performance of transient cold startability. Compared to the return type system, the semi-return type system have advantages in point of production cost and equivalent performance of engine starting time and pressure settling time.
Kim, Byeong-Guk;Choi, Young-Ha;Oh, Jin-Woo;Lee, Dong-Geun;Yoon, Suck-Ju;Kim, Dong-Sun;Han, Jong-Kyu 2916
This paper presents the performance and characteristics of small spark-ignited small 2-stroke engine. A single cylinder, two-stroke, air cooled 23cc SI engine for brush-cutter was used in this study. For the performance of the engine, rpm, torque, fuel consumption and lubricate oil consumption were measured, and also HC, CO, NOx emissions and excess air ratio according to throat open ratio under two lubrication method were measured and analyzed. The results showed that maximum of engine rpm is nearly same in both methods and also, torque, power is similar. exhaust emissions tend to decrease with throat open ratio. -
The test of engine performance using the engine dynamometer needs technical researchers and facilities. A variety of CAE analysis programs and DoE(Design of Experiments) are used to analyze data efficiently instead of tests. The study got data from simulations of WAVE that used to model the SI engine to identify performance of engine. DoE makes it possible to know effectiveness of factors for power, BSFC, volume efficiency and find optimum condition in each factor through minimizing number of experiments. CA50 has effect on power and BSFC as volume efficiency is related with cylinder liner temperature and heat coefficients. The final result in DoE could be identified of consistency above 98% after substituting the data to WAVE.
Trends of the automotive market require the application of new engine technologies, which allows for the use of different types of fuel. Since ethanol is a renewable source of energy and it contributes to lower
$CO_2$ emissions, ethanol produced from biomass is expected to increase in use as an alternative fuel. It is recognized that for spark ignition (SI) engines ethanol has advantages of high octane number and high combustion speed. In spite of the advantages of ethanol, fuel supply system might be affected by fuel blends with ethanol like a wear and corrosion of electric fuel pumps. So the on-board hydrogen production out of ethanol reforming can be considered as an alternative plan. This paper investigates the influence of ethanol fuel on SI engine performance, thermal efficiency and emissions. The combustion characteristics with hydrogen-enriched gaseous fuel from ethanol reforming are also examined. -
We conducted a test of a direct burning of crude Jatropha oil (CJO) in a commercial boiler system. The fuel, crude Jatropha oil is not biodiesel which comes from transeterification process of bio oil, but it is pure plant oil. The higher heating value (HHV) of the CJO is 39.3 MJ/kg (9,380 kcal/kg) and is higher than that of a commercial heating oil, 37.9 MJ/kg. The kinematic viscosity of CJO is 36.2 mm2/s at
$40^{\circ}C$ and 8.0 mm2/s at$100^{\circ}C$ . The burner used in the test is a commercial burner for a commercial heatingoil and its capacity is 140 kW (120,000 kcal/h). We did a preliminary test whether the combustion is stable or not. The preliminary test was a kind of open air combustion test using the commercial burner with crude Jatropha oil. We found that the combustion can be stable if the crude Jatrophaoil temperature is higher than$90^{\circ}C$ . We measured the flue gas concentration by using a gas analyzer. The NOx concentration is$80{\sim}100\;ppm$ and CO concentration is nearly 0 ppm at flue gas O2 concentration of 3.0 and 4.5%. -
The scale of 2.4 MW MCFC was taken to construct a high-efficiency and economical power generation system without CO2 emission into the atmosphere for utilizing its exhaust gas. The conventional steam turbine power generation system (STGS) was evaluated and the net generated power (NGP) was estimated to be only 133 kW and the STGS is not economically feasible. A CO2-caputuring repowering system was proposed, where low temperature steam (LTS) produced at HRSG by using exhaust gas from MCFC is utilized as a main working fluid of a gas turbine, and the temperature of LTS was raised by combusting fuel in a combustor by using pure oxygen, not the air. It has been shown that NGP of the proposed system is 264 kW, and CO2 reduction amount is 608 t-CO2/y, compared to 306 t-CO2/y of STGS. The CO2 reduction cost was estimated to be negligible small, even when the costs of oxygen production and CO2 liquefaction facilities etc. were taken into account.
Combustion instability is a major issue in design of gas turbine combustors for efficient operation with low emissions. Combustion instability is induced by the interaction of the unsteady heat release of the combustion process and the change in the acoustic pressure in the combustion chamber. In an effort to develop a technique to predict self-excited combustion instability of gas turbine combustors, a new stability analysis method based on the transfer matrix method is developed. The method views the combustion system as a one-dimensional acoustic system with a side branch and describes the heat source as the input to the system. This approach makes it possible to use the advantages of not only the transfer matrix method but also well-established classic control theories. The approach is applied to a simple gas turbine combustion system to demonstrate the validity and effectiveness of the approach.
Park, Won-Sik;Jeong, Jae-Hwa;Ju, Yong-Jin;Seo, Seok-Bin;Seo, Hye-Gyeong;Lee, Min-Cheol;Hong, Jin-Pyo;An, Dal-Hong 2952
Ra, Ho-Won;Choi, Young-Chan;Yoon, Sang-Jun;Hong, Jai-Chang;Kim, Hae-Ho;Ra, Ho-Won;Kim, Jae-Ho;Lee, Jae-Goo 2953
습식 석탄가스화란 석탄을 물과 혼합한 슬러리 형태(CWM, Coal Water Mixture)로 사용하는 것을 말하며, 분류층 가스화기에 빠르게 적용되었던 이유는 석유류 가스화와 공급방식이 유사하다는 점에서 출발하였다고 볼 수 있다. 1950년도에 사용되어 왔던 석유류 가스화 이용은 1970년 이후로는 유가 상승의 영향으로 석탄가스화로 바뀌게 되었다. 합성가스의 활용공정인 화학물질 제조 또는 복합발전의 운전 압력이 대부분 높기 때문에 가스화 압력을 높게 유지하기 위하여 슬러리 공급 방식이 많이 이용되었다. 슬러리 형태의 석탄 연료는 석유류가스와 시스템을 유사하게 활용할 수 있는 장점이 있으며, 특별히 고압을 필요로 하는 경우에도 비교적 간단한 시스템을 이용하여 공급 가능하다. 본 고에서는 현재까지 한국에너지기술연구원에서 수행된 습식 석탄가스화 기술개발 내용에 대하여 기술하고자 하였다. -
Effects of split injection and oxygen-enriched air on soot emissions in a DI diesel engine were studied by the KIVA-3V code. When split injection is applied, the second injection of fuel into a cylinder results in two separate stoichiometric zones which increases soot oxidation. As a result, soot emissions are decreased with split injection. When oxygen-enriched air is applied together with split injection, higher concentration of oxygen helps secondary combustion which results in a higher temperature in the cylinder. The increased temperature promotes growth reaction of acetylene with soot but doesn't improve the acetylene formation during the second injection of fuel. As more acetylene is consumed in the growth reaction of acetylene, the net acetylene mass in the cylinder is decreased, which leads to a decrease of soot formation. With an increase of soot oxidation caused by split injection, the soot emissions are decreased significantly. However, to avoid excessive NOx emissions with increased oxygen concentration, the level of oxygen concentration should be lower than 22% in volume.
Recently, there has been growing interest in the oxyfuel combustion cycle since it enables high-purity CO2 capture with high efficiency. However, the oxyfuel combustion cycle has some important issues regarding to its performance such as the requirement of water recirculation to decrease a turbine inlet temperature and proper combustion pressure to enhance cycle efficiency. The purpose of the present study is to analyze performance characteristics of the oxyfuel combustion cycle with different turbine inlet temperatures and combustion pressures. It is expected that the turbine inlet temperature improves cycle efficiency, on the other hand, the combustion pressure has specific value to display highest cycle efficiency.
An Experimental Study on the Combustion Characteristics with Hydrogen Enrichment in a Dump CombustorThe combustion characteristics of a partially premixed flame in a dump combustor were studied to determine the effects of hydrogen enrichment in propane. Bluff-body was used for flame stabilization. Fuel mixtures containing a hydrogen mole fraction ranging from 0.1 to 0.5 were burnt at ambient pressure within a quartz chamber. Tests were carried out keeping the total reactant flow rate by adjusting the fuel and air flow rates. The fluctuations of pressure were measured by piezoelectric pressure sensor. The instantaneous flame structure and OH chemiluminescence images were described by High-speed Intensified Charged Coupled Device (HICCD) camera and Intensified Charged Coupled Device (ICCD) camera. The present results show that hydrogen enrichment in fuel changed the location of primary reaction zone from inner recirculation zone to turbulent shear layer and pressure signal. The reason is that chemical aspects take precedence over flow aspects in the hydrogen-enriched flame.
Numerical analyses are carried out in order to understand complex thermal characteristics of a gas turbine combustor liner such as combustion gas temperatures, wall temperatures and heat transfer distributions. As results, The maximum internal and external heat transfer is
$2218W/m^2K$ and$2358W/m^2K$ , respectively. The combustion gas temperatures range is 673K to 1760K. A range of temperature on TBC is 676K to 1382K. Lastly, temperature range on outer surface of combustion liner cooled by compressed air is 676K to 1188K. -
The shopping center in underground passage for efficient space utilization is increased in urban area. This study describes operation characteristics of HVAC systems with ventilation and individual heating and cooling unit for shopping center in underground passage. In order to compare energy saving, thermal environment and installation space, etc., an integrated simulator with heat production and distribution system was designed and constructed. Energy delivery efficiency is improved over 20%, and energy saving of the hybrid system is calculated as over 30% compared to conventional all air type in the case of heating. And also the results showed that humidity decreased about
$5{\sim}6%$ , also characteristics of thermal control is improved over 34%. -
Understanding of the impinging behavior of an electrically charged spray is essential in determining appropriate operating conditions for electro-spraying of paints, surface coating materials and insecticides. In the present work, the wall impact behavior of an electrically charged drop has been investigated and compared with that of a neutral drop experimentally. The critical Sommerfeld number representing the spread-splash boundary for the charged drop impacting on the dielectric substrate turned out to be larger compared to that for the neutral drop with the same surface condition. The change of the transition boundary is due to the increase in the surface wettability of the drop on the substrate. However, with the electrically conducting substrates, the charging effect on the transition boundary appeared negligible. This is because the electric discharging time is much shorter than the time required for the flattened drop to reach its maximum extent.
Recently, the internal combustion engines have focused on reducing both the CO2 emissions in order to cope with severe regulations for greenhouse effect. Therefore, various new technologies have been developed in many countries. Among them, the cooling system is spotlighted because it has great effect on fuel efficiency. However, the present engine cooling system is almost same as one of the 50 years ago. The needs for high performance and compact size make it important to improve engine cooling system, down-sizing and control method of coolant flow. Thus, low fuel consumption technology such as control and synthetic management of cooling system was necessary to satisfy with these needs. In this study, we applied electric thermostat to improve the fuel economy. The fuel consumption was compared after driving FTP-75 mode on both conditions which were with a conventional wax thermostat and with a electric thermostat. The coolant temperature of opening the electric thermostat is higher.
Lee, Byoung-Hwa;Bae, Myung-Jik;Han, Dong-Sik;Jeon, Chung-Hwan;Chang, Young-June;Song, Ju-Hun 3007
Multidimensional simulation has been carried out to be clear the role of initial combustion in a marine diesel engines on reduction of NOx and soot emissions by different pilot injection condition. Pilot injection can shorten the ignition delay, thus it reduces the premixed combustion phase. Since most NOx is formed during premixed combustion, pilot injections is one of reliable strategies to reduce the NOx. The formation of NOx consists of that formed by pilot injection and that formed by main injection. The result explains that 25-3-75 among the pilot injection conditions is effective to reduce the NOx, due to optimal combination pilot injection with main injection. The purpose of this study is to explain the characteristics of combustion with pilot injection of the marine diesel engine on reduction of exhaust emissions by examining the combustion process in a cylinder and to explore the formation mechanism of NOx between pilot injection and main injection. -
Supercharging system was adopted to investigate the influence of boost pressure on operating range, brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) and exhaust emissions by using a supercharger at low temperature diesel combustion (LTC) condition in a 5-cylinder 2.7 L direct injection diesel engine. The experimental parameters such as injection quantity, injection timing, injection pressure and exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) rate were varied to find maximum operating range. The result showed that operating range with boost was expanded up to 41.9% compared to naturally aspirated LTC condition due to increased mixing intensity. The boosted LTC engine showed low BSFC value and dramatically reduced soot emission under all operating range compared with high speed direct injection (HSDI) mode. Finally, this paper presents the boosted LTC map of emission and the strategy of improved engine operating range.
An experimental study was performed to assess the effect of diesel and JP-8 aviation fuel on the spray characteristics, performance and emissions in a single cylinder optical diesel engine. Both fuels were injected via an 8-hole solenoid-driven injector in a common-rail injection system. For better understanding of spray development, the macroscopic images were captured with high speed camera, offered evidences for the results of performance and emissions. From macroscopic spray images, the spray tip penetration of JP-8 shorter than that of diesel while spray angle of JP-8 was wider than that of diesel. It indicates that the vaporization of JP-8 is superior to that of diesel. The lower cetane number of JP-8 resulted in increased portion of premixed combustion. The IMEP with JP-8 is lower than that of diesel-fueled engine. Especially, using JP-8 has a potential for reducing soot.
In conventional closed-loop crankcase ventilation systems, the lubrication oil had to be re-circulated to the intake manifold, in the form of oil mist mixed with the blow-by gas. This blow-by gas containing the engine lubricant oil affects on the engine problems and the exhaust emissions. A high-efficient oil separator is required to minimize consumption of engine oil and reduce harmful emissions. In the conventional oil separator of CI engines, it has good oil separation performance even though separator design is simple, due to lots of the blow-by gas. As the emission regulation becomes severe, the oil separator for SI engines is also required. But in SI engines, separator design should be optimized, due to small size of oil particles and little amount of blow-by gas. In this study, oil separation performance classified by diameter of oil mist in cylinder head cover internal model which has three cyclones and two baffle plates for SI engine is calculated with CFD methodology.
Variable Valve Timing (VVT) system can be used to improve fuel economy, performance and emissions. This study is identified the effect of VVT in terms of wide open throttle torque, Residual gas fraction, volume efficiency. Engine cycle simulations are performed on 2.0L DOHC in-line 4-cylinder SI engine by using WAVE of Ricardo. Results of the simulations had good agreement with WOT torque experimental data, and helped to predict the tendency of performance as the valve timings change. WOT torque was higher when intake valves were closed early for low rpm and late for high rpm.
Tumble or swirl flow is used adequately to promote mixing of air and fuel in the cylinder and to enlarge turbulent intensity in the late time of compression stroke. However, since in-cylinder flow is a kind of transient state with rapid flow variation, that is, non-steady state flow, swirl or tumble flow has not been analyzed sufficiently and not been recognized whether they are available for combustion theoretically yet. In the investigation of intake turbulent characteristics using PIV method, different flow characteristics were showed according to SCV figures. SCV installed engine had higher vorticity, turbulent strength by fluctuation and turbulent kinetic energy than a baseline engine, especially around the wall and lower part of the cylinder. Consequently, as swirl flow was added to existing tumble flow, it was found that fluctuation component increased and flow energy was conserved effectively through the experiment.
It is well known that Premixed Charge Compression Ignition (PCCI) diesel engines according to many technologies such a change in injection timing, multiple injection strategy, cooled EGR, intake charging and SCV have the potential to achieve homogeneous mixture in the cylinder which result in lower NOx and PM as well as performance improvements. This may generate merely the infinite number of experimental conditions. The use of Response Surface Methodology (RSM) technique can considerably pull down the number of experimental set and time demand. This paper presents the effects of both fuel injection and engine operation conditions on the combustion and emissions in the PCCI diesel engine system. The experimental results have revealed that a change in fuel injection timing and multiple injection strategy along with various operating conditions affect the combustion, emissions and BSFC characteristics in the PCCI engine.
Kim, Chong-Min;Lee, Youn-Wha;Kim, Man-Young;Kim, Hyung-Gon;Hong, Dong-Jin;Cho, Ju-Hyeong;Kim, Han-Seok;Ahn, Kook-Young 3049
MCFC(molten carbonate fuel cell) power generation system is prime candidate for the utilization of fossil based fuels to generate ultra clean power with a high efficiency. In the MCFC power plant system, a combustor performs a role to supply high temperature mixture gases for cathode and heat for reformer by using the stack off-gas of the anode which includes a high concentration of$H_2O$ and$CO_2$ . Since a combustor needs to be operated in a very lean condition and to avoid excessive local heating, catalytic combustor is usually used. The catalytic combustion is accomplished by the catalytic chemical reaction between fuel and oxidizer at catalyst surface, different from conventional combustion. In this study, a mathematical model for the prediction of internal flow and catalytic combustion characteristics in the catalytic combustor adopted in the MCFC power plant system is suggested by using the numerical methods. The numerical simulation models are then implemented into the commercial CFD code. After verifying result by comparing with the experimental data and calibrated kinetic parameters of catalytic combustion reaction, a numerical simulation is performed to investigate the variation of flow and combustion characteristics by changing such various parameters as inlet configuration and inlet temperature. The result show that the catalytic combustion can be effectively improved for most of the case by using the perforated plate and subsequent stable catalytic combustion is expected. -
We develop a heat exchanger modules for a multi-burner boiler. The heat exchanger module is kind of a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG). This heat recovery system has 4 heat exchanger modules. The 1st module consists of 27 bare tubes due to high temperature exhaust gas and the others consist of 27 finned tubes. The maximum steam pressure of each module is 1 MPa and tested steam pressure is 0.7 MPa. In order to test these heat exchanger modules, we make a 0.5t/h flue tube boiler (LNG,
$40\;Nm^3/h$ ). We tested the heat exchanger module with changing the position of each heat exchanger module. We measured the inlet and outlet temperature of each heat exchanger module and calculated the heat exchange rate. The results show that if module C is placed at second stage (the 1st stage is always module O, bare tube module), there is no need to attach an additional heat exchanger module. In this case the exit temperature of module C is low enough to enter an economizer which is more effective in heat recovery than a heat exchanger module. -
It is reported that the life of generator stator windings is expected about 30 years and a leak and water absorption phenomena can be progressed by fatigue, vibration, and corrosion. The water-cooled generator stator windings which were operated over 15 years are over 20 units and the mechanical problems such as leak and water absorption were found in the generator stator windings. In this paper, the systematic mechanical integrity evaluation methods which are applied to the water-cooled generator stator windings within the country are introduced.
A two-dimensional model for anode-supported IT-SOFCs is proposed in order to accurately consider the heat and mass transport processes with a fully-developed axial velocity profile in channel flow. A comprehensive micro model is employed to describe the electrochemical reaction in anode and cathode of SOFCs. This paper investigates the effects of operational parameters (inlet temperature, the amount of flow rate, and air flow rate) including flow configurations (co-flow and counter-flow) on the current density and temperature distributions in the IT-SOFCs.
A Study on the Soot Measurement in Laminar and Turbulent Diffusion Flame Using the Laser DiagnosticsIn this study to find out the amount of soot, LII method, which utilizes a laser, was used in laminar diffusion flame and based upon the temperature and soot measured from the turbulent Diesel diffusion flame in the constant-volume chamber using the two-color method. Through these experiments, we could know that the LII signal is generally proportional to the soot amount in a laminar diffusion flame. And we could acquire the temperature and soot using the two-color method in a turbulent Diesel diffusion flame effectively. In addition to, this experiment revealed that the KL factor was high on parts of the chamber where the temperature dropped. On the other hand, the KL factor was low where the temperature increased rapidly. Also, it was possible to measure the highest temperature of a turbulent Diesel diffusion flame is approximately 2300K.
A fast response
$CO_2$ analyzer has been developed for measuring the$CO_2$ concentration during transient condition of SI engine. The analyzer is based on the non-dispersive infrared absorption technique, electrical chopping system and water cooling system. The analyzer has good repeatability, linearity and permissible drift characteristic. Besides, it has 18ms with a response to measure the$CO_2$ concentration. The fast response$CO_2$ analyzer was applied to single cylinder SI engine and the$CO_2$ emission was examined during engine start. Simultaneously, the standard exhaust gas analyzer, which has slow response time, was used for considering the engine-out$CO_2$ characteristic. The developed analyzer showed much faster responsive characteristic than that of a standard analyzer and made cycle by cycle exhaust gas analysis possible. The transient engine operating characteristics will be estimated and the transient behaviors on engine-out emission and performance will be improved. -
Bae, Myung-Jik;Lee, Byoung-Hwa;Han, Dong-Sik;Jeon, Chung-Hwan;Chang, Young-June;Song, Ju-Hun 3085
In order to reduce NOx and Soot emissions simultaneously, characteristics of diesel spray and combustion were investigated by numerical simulation with StarCD in this paper. This work focuses on effect of Spin Injection. A simulation model of combustion, spray and emissions is developed for heavy duty marine diesel engine application. Simulation is performed with change of spray angle between first and second directions at fixed engine speed, injection timing, injection duration and etc. The results show that Spin Spray Injection method can reduce NOx emission. And the results show that the 1st injection considerably interfere with 2nd injection characteristics. -
In this study, variable compression ratio system(VCRS) was applied on the heavy-duty CNG engine and the characteristics of power and emission was investigated according to the increasing of compression ratio. As compression ratio increasing, the increasing of thermal efficiency in direct injection is three times higher than that in port injection. The emission of HC and CO in direct injection is reduced about 14.2%, 17.7% but NOx is increased because of increasing temperature in cylinder.
Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) technology is well-known to be effective for the reduction of NOx emission. So car manufacturers has adopted Ures-SCR system to be satisfied with emission regulation. This paper discusses the effective of
$NH_3/NOx$ ratio and SCR catalyst temperature in the$NH_3$ -SCR reactor on DeNOx performance. So it is shown the characteristic of NOx conversion and ammonia slip using the$NH_3$ instead of Urea-Solution. From the result of this study, it is found to optimize$NH_3/NOx$ ratio to have the best case of high NOx conversion and low ammonia slip at variable SCR catalyst temperatures. Lastly, it is also found the characteristics of NOx conversion and ammonia slip with compared with Urea. -
This paper was focused on the particulate matter (PM) on the gasoline and bio ethanol. Bio ethanol as a clean fuel is considered one of the alternative fuels that decreased the PM emission from the vehicle. Particle formation in SI engine was depended on the fuel and engine operating condition. In this paper, Particle number concentration behaviors were analyzed by DMS500 (Differential Mobility Spectrometer) and CPC (Condensation Particle Counter) instrument which was recommended by PMP (Particle Measurement Programme). Particle emissions were measured with various engine operating variables such as air excess ratio (
$\lambda$ ), spark timing and intake valve opening (IVO) at part load condition. In vehicle test, the number of particulate matter was analyzed with golden particle measurement system, which was consist of CVS (Constant Volume Sampler), particle number counter and particle number diluter. -
This paper investigated the behaviors of combustion characteristics at part load condition with various intake charge motions induced by the port masking schemes in the CVVT (Continuously Variable valve Timing) engine. Time resolved in-cylinder and exhaust emissions were measured by the fast response HC and NOx analyzers to examine their formation mechanisms and behavior characteristics. As a result, in-cylinder HC decreased with the advanced intake valve timings but HC at the exhaust port increased due to the worse combustion stabilities. However HC reduction could be achieved by the application of the port maskings with a enhancement of the engine stability. NOx also decreased with early intake timings by internal EGR but increased with the charge motion controls which enhance the combustion behavior.
Numerical study on PEM fuel cell performance with variation of GDL permeability and channel geometryRelatively high convective flow exists in the under-rib regions of a gas diffusion layer (GDL) when serpentine flow fields are employed in a PEMFC. This under-rib convection is believed to be favorable for the performance of PEMFCs, by enabling more effective use of catalysts in the under-rib regions. From the fact that the under-rib convection in a GDL is directly proportional to the permeability of the GDL, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations were performed to discover the relationship between the GDL permeability and the PEMFC performance. Single-, triple-, and quintuple-path parallel serpentine flow fields for
$9\;cm^2$ active cell area were considered while changing the GDL permeability from$1{\times}10^{-12}$ to$5{\times}10^{-11}m^2$ . The results showed that higher GDL permeability generally resulted in better performance of PEMFCs, but the degree of performance enhancement became smaller as the parallel path number increased. The effects of the permeability on the local variables were also discussed. -
Cho, Jun-Hyun;Ha, Tae-Hun;Kim, Han-Sang;Min, Kyoung-Doug;Park, Jong-Hoon;Chang, In-Gab;Lee, Tae-Won 3120
A three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis is performed to investigate flow characteristics in the anode channels and manifold of the internal reforming type molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC). Considering the computational difficulties associated with the size and geometric complexity of the MCFC system, the polyhedral meshes that can reduce mesh connectivity problems at the intersection of the channel and the manifold are adopted and chemical reactions inside the MCFC system are not included. Through this study, the gas flow rate uniformity of the anode channels is mainly analyzed to provide basic insights into improved design parameters for anode flow channel design. Results indicate that the uniformity in flow-rate is in the range of${\pm}1%$ between the anode channels. Also, the mal-distributed inlet flow-rate conditions and the change in the size of the manifold depth have no significant effect on the flow-rate uniformity of the anode channels. -
Coal is one of the most abundant and cheapest energy sources in the earth, but its typical combustion product,
$CO_2$ , is related with serious recent environmental issues such as global warming. The Integrated Coal Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) with$CO_2$ sequestration is one of the most promising options to produce electricity using a relatively cheap fuel (coal) with minimum impact on environment. In IGCC power generation systems, some chemical reactions are required to gasify coal to produce syngases such as$H_2$ and CO, which would be burnt in the combustor to produce heat for power generation, with a penalty of additional energy consumption. In this paper, several chemical reactions for the gasification of coal are considered and their characteristics are investigated. -
This paper presents an energy harvester using piezoelectric elements that is a kind of generator which converts the mechanical power to the electric one using windmill system with many PZT actuators. In this study, low frequency characteristics of the cantilever-type piezoelectric actuator are experimentally investigated. Advantages of the cantilever use are to take a very large displacement and to improve the endurance of the PZT element. The material of cantilever is an aluminum and three kinds of cantilever of which size is
$150[mm]{\times}20[mm]{\times}1.5[mm]$ ,$170[mm]{\times}20[mm]{\times}1.5[mm]$ and$190[mm]{\times}20[mm]{\times}1.5[mm]$ were experimented, respectively. The cantilever was fixed on the vibrator. The characteristics of frequency and mass variation of cantilever end part such as 0[g], 5[g], 10[g] are investigated. Maximum voltage was outputted at the condition of$150[mm]{\times}20[mm]{\times}1.5[mm]$ and 10[g] of mass. It was confirmed that the lower natural frequency at the larger length of cantilever and at the bigger of mass is gotten. -
The object of the paper is to design two PI controllers. One provides the stable target temperature to the steam reforming reactor in 1kW PEMFC system. The other controls burner to operate within a permissible range of temperature. Feedforward control is applied to obtain temperature stability against disturbances such as changes of operating condition resulted from load change. Step response tests show that these controller work well with an error tolerance of
$5^{\circ}C$ . -
The output power efficiency of the fuel cell system depends on the demanded current, stack temperature, air excess ratio, hydrogen excess ratio and inlet air humidity. Thus, it is necessary to determine the optimal operation condition for maximum power efficiency. In this paper, we developed a dynamic model of fuel cell system which contains mass flow model, diffusivity gas layer model, membrane hydration and electrochemistry model. In order to determine the maximum output power and minimum use of hydrogen in a certain power condition, response surface methodology (RSM) optimization based on the proposed PEMFC stack model is presented. The results provide an effective method to optimize the operation condition under varied situations.
A simple transient simulation of ground source heat pump system was carried out to investigate the effects of ground thermal conductivity on its performance. The TRNSYS code with a simple water to water heat pump model was used to compare the COP variation of the system. A new ground heat exchanger called by semi-closed loop was proposed and constructed in the real site. The effective thermal conductivity was measured using the test equipment developed by according to the line source model. The simulation results showed that highly efficient thermal conductivity of the grout material could increase the performance of the heat pump system very well. And the new ground heat exchanger showed the increased effective thermal conductivity as the penetration water flow rate(PWFR) was increased. Therefore, the performance improvement of the heat pump system using the proposed ground heat exchanger can be expected.
Residential fuel cell cogeneration systems have gained much interest due to its high efficiency. In this study, we have performed numerical simulation of residential fuel cell cogeneration system which includes a fuel cell/grid hybrid system. The cogeneration system consists of 1kW PEFC, cooling system, inverter/converter and reformer. Several empirical models have been employed for respective components to improve the accuracy of the simulations. The load varies seasonally. The present simulations can successfully predict the characteristics of the hybrid cogeneration system and thus it can be utilized for establishing an optimal operating strategy of the system.
A liquid rocket engine performance has been analyzed as a function of combustion pressure with LOx/RP-1R. The present method is verified by comparing the specific impulse for various combustion pressure with given pump head model. The optimal combustion pressure is between 150 bar and 200 bar for given efficiencies. Both the optimal combustion pressure and the specific impulse increase for increased turbine efficiency. The optimal combustion pressure decreases and the specific impulse increases for increased combustion efficiency. The pump efficiency and the turbine inlet temperature have the same qualitative effect as the turbine efficiency.
A sensitivity analysis of the liquid rocket engine has been made. A mode analysis program is used to predict the performance change due to the variation of rocket engine operating environment. The propellant supply pressure and density are the major variables of the operating condition. The material properties of the turbine driving gas is assumed as the function of mixture ratio. The discrepancies of performance change between constant turbine driving gas properties and variable properties are greater for the case of fuel pump inlet pressure change than the oxidizer pump inlet pressure change.
Pulverized coal (PC) has become an important auxiliary fuel in the iron and steel industry since the technique of pulverized coal injection (PCI) system was developed for iron making. Combustion efficiencies of pulverized coal in blowpipes and tuyeres under various operational are numerically predicted to recognize the performance with the locations of nozzles in a blast furnace. A variety of parameters including the pulverized coal quantities, oxygen amounts, inlet temperature of the tuyeres and mass flow rate of coal carrier gas are taken into consideration. Also In order to develop more efficient than existing coal injection system, this study applies a flame measurement system using a charge couple device (CCD) camera and frame grabber. And it has used algorithms of auto sampling from flame shape information and composed the device for location control of PCI. This study find to further improve the blast furnace performance by the control of PCI locations.
Future power plants will be required to adopt some type of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies to reduce their CO2 emissions. One of distinguished CCS techniques expected to resolve the green house effect is to apply the oxy-fuel combustion technique to power plant, and a lot of research/demonstration programs have been going on in the world. In this paper, CO2-capturing power plants based on gas turbine and oxy-fuel combustion are investigated over several types of configurations. As a prior step, simulation model for 500 MW-class combined cycle power plant was set and was used as a reference case. The efficiencies of several power plants was compared and the advantages and disadvanteges was investigated.
Impact of Multi-dimensional Core Thermal-hydraulics on Inherent Safety of Sodium-Cooled Fast ReactorA metal-fueled pool-type liquid metal fast reactor (LMFR) provides large margins to sodium boiling and fuel damage under accident conditions. The favorable passive safety results are obtained by both a reactivity feedback mechanism in the core and a passive decay heat removal system. Among the various reactivity feedbacks, the ones by a thermal expansion of a radial dimension of the core and by the control rod drivelines are strongly dependent on the flow conditions in the core and the hot pool, respectively. The effects of multidimensional thermal hydraulic characteristics on these reactivity feedbacks are investigated by the system-wide safety analysis code SSC-K with advanced thermal hydraulics models. Particularly a detailed three dimensional thermal hydraulics reactor core model is integrated into SSC-K for use in a whole system analysis of the passive safety aspects of LMR designs. The model provides fuel and cladding temperatures for every fuel pin in a reactor and coolant temperatures for every coolant sub-channel in the reactor.
Cha, Jae-Eun;Eoh, Jae-Hyuk;Lee, Tae-Ho;Sung, Sung-Hwan;Kim, Tae-Woo;Kim, Seong-O;Kim, Dong-Eok;Kim, Moo-Hwan 3181
The supercritical$CO_2$ Brayton cycle energy conversion system is presented as a promising alternative to the present Rankine cycle. The principal advantage of the S-$CO_2$ gas is a good efficiency at a modest temperature and a compact size of its components. The S-$CO_2$ Brayton cycle coupled to a SFR also excludes the possibilities of a SWR (Sodium-Water Reaction) which is a major safety-related event, so that the safety of a SFR can be improved. KAERI is conducting a feasibility study for the supercritical carbon dioxide (S-$CO_2$ ) Brayton cycle power conversion system coupled to KALIMER(Korea Advanced LIquid MEtal Reactor). The purpose of this research is to develop S-$CO_2$ Brayton cycle energy conversion systems and evaluate their performance when they are coupled to advanced nuclear reactor concepts of the type under investigation in the Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems. This paper contains the research overview of the S-$CO_2$ Brayton cycle coupled to KALIMER-600 as an alternative energy conversion system.