Proceedings of the KOSOMBE Conference (대한의용생체공학회:학술대회논문집)
- Volume 1998 Issue 11
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- Pages.167-168
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- 1998
Parametric study on the development of pedicular screw suitable for Korean
국산 척추경 나사못 설계를 위한 parametric study
Song, J.I.
(Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Changwon National University) ;
- Bae, S.I. (Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Changwon National University) ;
- Choi, Y.C. ;
- Ahn, M.W.
- Published : 1998.11.20
The purpose of this study is to verify the biomechanical characteristics of the custom-made(our) pedicle screws which are designed the different types of shape, pitch, and profile. The results of experiments for our pedicle screw were summarized. 1) The screw of larger outer diameter showed greater holding strength. 2) The holding strength of cylindrical shaped screw was superior to that of conical shaped screw. 3) The holding strength of buttress shape of thread profile showed superior to that of V-shape. 4) The pull out and holding strength of our pedicle screws was superior to that of commercialized screw (Diapason and CD) which is widely used.