행렬 하이퍼큐브 그래프 : 병렬 컴퓨터를 위한 새로운 상호 연결망

Matrix Hypercube Graphs : A New Interconnection Network for Parallel Computer

  • 발행 : 1998.06.01


In this paper, we propose a matrix hypercube graph as a new topology for parallel computer and analyze its characteristics of the network parameters, such as degree, routing and diameter. N-dimensional matrix hypercube graph MH(2,n) contains 22n vertices and has relatively lower degree and smaller diameter than well-known hypercube graph. The matrix hypercube graph MH(2,n) and the hypercube graph Q2n have the same number of vertices. In terms of the network cost, defined as the product of the degree and diameter, the former has n2 while the latter has 4n2. In other words, it means that matrix hypercube graph MH(2,n) is better than hypercube graph Q2n with respect to the network cost.
