완전이진트리의 이항트리에 대한 임베딩

Embedding Complete binary trees in Binomial trees

  • 윤수민 (전남대학교 전산학과) ;
  • 최정임형석 (기전여자대학 사무자동학과 전남대학교 전산학과)
  • 발행 : 1998.06.01


Trees are the underlying structure for divide-and-conquer algorithms and the graphs that provide the solution spaces for NP-complete problems. Complete binary trees are the basic structure among trees. Therefore, if complete binary trees can be embedded in binomial trees, the algorithms which are provided by complete binary trees can be performed efficiently on the interconnection networks which have binomial trees as their subgraphs or in which binomial trees can be embedded easily. In this paper, we present dilation 2 embedding of complete binary trees in binomial trees.
