Sputtering of Solid Surfaces at Ion Bombardment

  • 발행 : 1998.02.01


I Ion beam technology has recently attracted much interest because it has exciting t technological p아:ential for surface analysis, ion beam mixing, surface cleaning and etching i in thin film growth and semiconductor fabrication processes, etc. Es야~cially, ion beam s sputtering has been widely used for sputter depth profiling with x-photoelectron S spectroscopy (XPS) , Auger electron s$\pi$~troscopy(AES), and secondary-ion mass S야i따oscopy(SIMS). However, The problem of surface compositional ch없1ge due to ion b bombardment remains to be understo여 없ld solved. So far sputtering processes have been s studied by s따face an외ysis tools such as XPS, AES, and SIMS which use the sputtering p process again. It would be improbable to measure the modified surface composition profiles a accurately due to ion beam bombardment with surface analysis techniques based on sputter d depth profiling. However, recently Medium energy ion scattering spectroscopy(MEIS) has b been applied to study the sputtering of solid surface at ion bombardment and has been p proved that it has been extremely valuable in probing the surface composition 뻐d s structure nondestructively and quantita디vely with less than 1.0 nm depth resolution. To u understand the sputtering processes of solid surface at ion bombardment, The Molecular D Dynamics(MD) and Monte Carlo(MC) simulation has been used and give an intimate i insight into the sputtering processes of solid surfaces. In this presentation, the sputtering processes of alloys and compound samples at ion b bombardment will be reviewed and the MEIS results for the Ar+ sputter induced altered l layer of the TazOs thin film 뻐dd없nage profiling of Ar+ ion sputt얹"ed Si(100) surface will b be discussed with the results of MD and MC simulation.tion.
