공동기초상 복합 전단벽 구조물의 모델링 기법

Modeling Techniques of the Complex Shear Wall Structure on a Common Foundation

  • 김종수 (한국전력기술(주) 책임기술원)
  • 발행 : 1997.04.01


The super-structure in a soil-structure interaction analysis is commonly idealized as lumped parameter system. In this study, the complex shear wall structure is modeled using three different kinds of modeling techniques : 1) full FEM comparatively as an exact solution, 2)equivalent shear spring model assuming mainly shear deformations of the wall, 3) equivalent beam-stick model made by independent static analysis. Dynamic characteristics due to three different modeling methods are compared and investigated before performing structural response analysis. The beam-stick model in comparison to shear spring model gives closer dynamic responses when compared with the full FEM, even though it requires additional unit load static analyses.
