천해환경에 의해 변형된 시변신호의 신경망을 통한 식별

Neural Network Based Classification of Time-Varying Signals Distorted by Shallow Water Environment

  • 발행 : 1997.06.01


In this study , we tried to test the classification performance of a neural netow and thereby to examine its applicability to the signals distorted by a shallow water einvironment . We conducted an acoustic experiment iin a shallow sea near Pohang, Korea in which water depth is about 60m. The signals, on which the network has been tested, is ilinear frequency modulated ones centered on one of the frequencies, 200, 400, 600 and 800 Hz, each being swept up or down with bandwidth 100Hz. we considered two transforms, STFT(short-time Fourier transform) and PWVD (pseudo Wigner-Ville distribution), form which power spectra were derived. The training signals were simulated using an acoutic model based on the Fourier synthesis scheme. When the network has been trained on the measured signals of center frequency 600Hz,it gave a little better results than that trained onthe simulated . With the center frequencies varied, the overall performance reached over 90% except one case of center frequency 800Hz. With the feature extraction techniques(STFT and PWVD) varied,the network showed performance comparable to each other . In conclusion , the signals which have been simulated with water depth were successully applied to training a neural network, and the trained network performed well in classifying the signals distorted by a surrounding environment and corrupted by noise.
