Spread Spectrum Method based Power Line Communication for Plant Monitoring and Control System

전력선 통신을 이용한 plant 감시 제어 시스템

  • 서민상 (삼성중공업 중앙연구소 메카트로 개발센터) ;
  • 성석경 (삼성중공업 중앙연구소 메카트로 개발센터) ;
  • 안병규 (삼성중공업 중앙연구소 메카트로 개발센터)
  • Published : 1997.07.01


Localized communication networks for office automation, security monitoring, environmental management of buildings, computer communications, and other applications enjoy every increasing demand. This paper proposes a direct sequence spread spectrum communication system for use in power line data transmission. Advantages of power distribution circuits include reasonably universal coverage and easy access vis a standard wall plug. Disadvantages include limited communication bandwidth, relatively high noise levels, and varying levels of impedance, noise, and attenuation. Spread spectrum signalling provides immunity to narrow-band signal impairments and multiplexing capability. Our prototype power line communication module supports completely physical and data link layers based on the international standard ISO 10368 for reliable high-speed power line communication system. Moreover it provides useful functions to compose a plant monitoring and control system. All the circuits of the communication module are included in one compact circuit. Thus a functional communication system for the power line plant monitoring and control is implemented.
