대한전기학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the KIEE Conference)
- 대한전기학회 1996년도 하계학술대회 논문집 C
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- Pages.1536-1540
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- 1996
배선용 차단기의 소호실 설계를 위한 Arc의 자기구동력의 3차원 해석
3-D Finite Element Analysis of Magnetic Force on the Arc for Design of Arc Chamber or Molded Case Circuit Breaker
- Song, Hee-Chan (LG Industrial Systems Co., Ltd.) ;
- Son, Jong-Man (LG Industrial Systems Co., Ltd.) ;
- Kang, Sung-Wha (Chungbuk National University) ;
Lim, Kee-Joe
(Chungbuk National University)
- 발행 : 1996.07.22
The Design of are quenching parts of molded case circuit breakers depends on the utilization of strength and distribution of the magnetic field by which the arc is forced. The magnetic field causes the are to move into a set of V-slotted iron grids, where the are is extinguished rapidly. This paper present the effective method 10 design V-slotted iron plates of the are breaking chamber of molded case circuit breakers. This magnetic force was calculated by using the flux densities in the arc which are obtained by three dimensional finite element method, as a result of that this paper verified by testing that a grid model which has biggest magnetic force is excellent in the are quenching ability.