상해기동차사회정차장(고)적 규화, 건설여관리

  • Published : 1995.05.01


With speeding up the process of being international municipality, the gravity of lacking parking lots in Shanghai urban area, which directly blocks the traffic in the city, has been revealed. This thesis analyses present automobiles parking capability and forecasts the future's needs for the city. To solve the problem, the concept could be to expand parking areas in city center recently to relax the tention and to do thoughtful planning in the near future on the foundation of fully consideration the trend. The municipal government has to set up policy properly, amplify regulations, strenthern the administration and open up a path to raise founds. Berween road system administration which is dynamic and parking lot system administration which is static, there are a knot on macroscopic meaning and an interference as well. The coordination of these two systems would be reflested on the effects of whole municipal traffic adminisration. Basically, public parking lots are city's foundal facilities, just like roads, bridges, etc. The main problems now in Shanghai are large parking space demands, insufficient facilities, cheap parking expenses comparing with the cost of parking lots construcion and poor administration. According to the forecast on social economy development, there will be 580 thousand automobiles in Shanghai by the year 2000, and the amount of private cars will increase greatly. The frequency of automobiles going out will be 1.45 million per day. Public parking lots being able to afford 105 thousand units are needed. To satisfy the demands, the recent aim of planning should be speed up the parking lots construction, the planning objective in next period should be developing reasonably and exceed the demands properly. In order to realize the planning objective, the government has to formulate correct policy and amplify administration regulations. The government has to adopt both administration and economy means, including charging parking people reasonably, collect necessary taxes, bringing the parking lots planning into general municipality planning, opening up an effective path to raise founds, such as set up founds for parking lots construction, issue bonds and stocks, get loans at home and abroad, etc.
