한국통신학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Communication Sciences Conference)
- 한국통신학회 1987년도 춘계학술발표회 논문집
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- Pages.22-26
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- 1987
단안시에 의한 무늬그래디언트로부터 연 방향 복구
Recovering Surface Orientation from Texture Gradient by Monoculer View
Texture provides an important acurce of information about the threedicensfornarry information of visible surface particulary for stationary conccular views. To recover three dicmensinoary information, the distorging effects of pro jection must be distinguished from properties of the texture on which the distrortion acts. In this paper, we show an approximated maximum likelihood estimation method by which we find surface oriemtation of the visible surface in gaussian sphere using local analysis of the texture, In addition assuming that an orthographic projection and a circle is an image formation system and a texel(texture element)respectively we derive the surface orientation from the distribution of variation by means of orthographic pro jemction of a tangent directon which exstis regulary in the are length of a circle we present the orientation parameters of textured surface with saint and tilt and also the surface normal of the resvlted surface orimentation as needle map. This algorithm was applied to geograghic contour and synthetic textures.