Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Communication Sciences Conference (한국통신학회:학술대회논문집)
- 1986.04a
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- Pages.194-197
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- 1986
MIC를 위한 2선 및 3선 결합선로의 Quasi TEM Mode 정수계산
- Ryu, Beom (Dept. of Electronics Eng. Dankook Univ.) ;
- Kim, Cheong-Sik (Dept. of Electronics Eng. Dankook Univ.) ;
- Chin, Yeon-Kang (Dept. of Electronics Eng. Dankook Univ.)
- Published : 1986.04.01
The normal mode parameters of microstrip coupled lines are datermined from the self and mutual capacitance and inductance of microstrip lines. In this paper, these capacitance are computed by using the relaxation method based on Quas1-TEM model for shoelded structure. Using these results, the normal mode parameters of two and three microstrip coupled lines are obtained.