• 제목/요약/키워드: work strategy

검색결과 1,489건 처리시간 0.032초

대구광역시에 거주하는 맞벌이부부의 일-가족조정전략이 일-가족 갈등과 일-가족 향상에 미치는 영향 (The influences of work-family conciliation strategies on work-family conflict and enrichment in dual-earner couples who live in Daegu with children)

  • 장윤옥;정서린
    • 가족자원경영과 정책
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    • 제21권2호
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    • pp.73-93
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the influences of work-family conciliation strategies on work-family conflict and enrichment in dual-earner couples who live in Daegu with children. The subjects of this study were 176 dual-earner couples, who have under 16 youngest children and work over 15 hours each week. The research tool was questionnaires. For data analysis, factor analysis, Cronbach ${\alpha}$, paired t-test and multiple regression were performed. The main results of this study were as following. First, there were significant differences in management and planning skill strategy, work-family conflict and enrichment according to gender. Second, positive attitudes strategy toward multiple responsibilities, wives use, had an influence on work${\rightarrow}$family conflict in wives. Also, partner coping, management and planning skill, and positive attitudes strategy, wives use, and management and planning skill strategy, husbands use, had an influence on family${\rightarrow}$work conflict in wives. And management and planning skill and professional adjustment strategy, husbands use, had an influence on family${\rightarrow}$work conflict in husbands. work-family conciliation strategies had no influence on work${\rightarrow}$family conflict. Third, positive attitudes strategy toward multiple responsibilities, wives use, had an influence on work${\rightarrow}$family enrichment in wives. Also, partner coping strategy, wives use, and management and planning skill strategy, husbands use, had an influence on family${\rightarrow}$work enrichment in wives. And positive attitudes strategy toward multiple responsibilities, husbands use, had an influence on work${\rightarrow}$family enrichment in husbands. Also management and planning skill strategy, wives use, and partner coping, professional adjustment and management and planning skill strategy had an influence on family${\rightarrow}$work enrichment in husbands.

성과극대화를 위한 기능인력의 육성 및 활용전략 (Development of Metric-Based Two-Tier Work Force Strategy)

  • 장순웅
    • 한국건설관리학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국건설관리학회 2003년도 학술대회지
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    • pp.73-81
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    • 2003
  • 미국 건설산업은 숙련된 기능공의 부족이라는 도전적 과제를 경험해 오고 있다. 이 문제는 다음과 같은 여러 원인들에 의해 야기된것이다. 건설산업의 이미지 저하, 훈련과 교육의 부족, 불분명한 경력관리, 임금의 저하, 노동인력의 구성변화. 건설인력과 관련된 이러한 문제점들을 근본적으로 해결하기 위해 Two-Tier Work Force Strategy라는 획기적인 접근방법이 Center for Construction Industry Studies (CCIS)에서 제안되었다. Two-Tier Work Force Strategy는 Tier I과 Tier II Strategy로 구성되어 있다. Tier I 전략은 기술이 떨어지고 단순작업이 가능한 기능인력을 활용하며, 많은 수의 현장관리인원을 필요로 한다. Tier II 전략은 상대적으로 잘 교육받고, 기술수준이 높은 소수의 기능인력을 활용하며, 그들은 기능능력과 더불어 관리능력도 갖추고 있어야 한다. 그들은 더 높은 급여를 받지만, 높은 기술수준으로 인해 더 생산적으로 일할 수 있고, 다중기술의 보유로 더 오래 현장에머물며, 안전, 품질, 공정, 그리고 원가적 측면에서 향상된 프로젝트 성과를 가져온다. Two-Tier Work Force Strategy는 근래의 기능인력에 대한 문제점을 해결하고, 미래에 더 나은 노동환경을 가져올 수 있는 방안이 될 수 있을 것이다.

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스마트워크 전략에 관한 연구 (A Study of the Strategy on Smart Work)

  • 박경혜
    • 디지털융복합연구
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    • 제9권4호
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    • pp.213-222
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    • 2011
  • 본 논문은 한국 기업의 스마트워크 도입 전략을 제시하고자 하였다. 최근 한국에서는 스마트워크에 대한 관심이 고조되고 있으며 민간기업의 도입이 활발하게 추진되고 있으나 스마트워크 전략이 부재하여 여러 문제점이 부각되어 왔다. 본 논문에서는 그 중에서도 도입을 위한 전략체계와 관련하여 관련 연구 성과에 대해 문헌연구하여 가이드라인이 될 만한 전략체계를 소개하였다. 그리고 그 기본방향에 따른 실제적인 도입 절차에 대하여 방송통신위원회가 제시한 스마트워크 도입운영 가이드북을 검토하고 스마트워크 2.0시대에 맞는 스마트워크 도입절차를 제시하였다.

치위생사의 직무스트레스 대처전략 결정요인에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Determining Factors of Work Stress Coping Strategies of Dental Hygienists)

  • 윤영숙
    • 치위생과학회지
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.75-83
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    • 2002
  • By extracting the variables related to the work stress generated from dental hygiene, identifying their relationships, this study aims to contribute to academic progress on work stress. The test results of this study are as follows for each hypothesis: 1. Among the work stress sensing factors, role ambiguity showed correlation to the active coping strategy and the passive coping strategy, whereas it did not have any correlation to the evasive reation. However, the physical resource environmental factor showed correlation to the active coping strategy, whereas it did not have any correlation to the other reation. 2. The passive coping strategy, among the work stress coping strategies, influences the role ambiguity, B type, work ambiguity, physical resource environmental factor by about 18.7%. 3. The active coping strategy, among the work stress coping strategies, influences the social support, role ambiguity, work place of health center factor by about 18.9%. 4. The evasive reaction, among the work stress coping strategies, was influenced by only the 36 years old over factor by approximately 4.2%. 5. It was found in all work stress sensing factors that the group with lower social support had a more degree of experiencing stress than the group with higher social support. In case of the behavior pattern, the type A experienced more stress than the type B only in role ambiguity. 6. It was found that the group with the higher social support tended to choose more active coping strategy than the lower social support. In case of behavior pattern, the type B coped more actively than type A in the passive coping strategy.

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스마트워크 사용자의 업무/비업무간 경계 관리 전략에 관한 연구 (A Study on Smart Workers' Work/Nonwork Boundary Management Strategies)

  • 김용영;오상조;이희진;차경진
    • 지식경영연구
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    • 제16권4호
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    • pp.133-155
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    • 2015
  • Smart Work is an extended version of telecommuting or distance work pursuing an objective of work-life balance which is one of the hottest issues in management research. With diffusion of Smart Work, a problem has been raised that Smart Work makes the boundary between work and non-work blur, and may break the balance of work-life. However, work-life balance will be achieved by actively managing the boundary between work and non-work rather than passively taking the consequences. In order to find out whether Smart work improves work-life balance, we need to understand the precedence factors influencing on job satisfaction and the role of boundary management strategy which Smart Workers actively choose. This paper considered the bi-directional permeability between work and non-work domain and developed a research model containing a causal relationship among three factors, job autonomy, job involvement, and job satisfaction, and the moderation effect of boundary management strategy. The results show that both job autonomy and job involvement affect job satisfaction and boundary management strategy which Smart Workers utilize plays a moderating role influencing on job satisfaction.

병원전략의 수립과 전개가 병원의 경영과 병원의 성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 (An empirical study of the Strategy Development and Deployment effects on the Hospital Management and Hospital Performance)

  • 문재영
    • 한국융합학회논문지
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    • 제6권6호
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    • pp.57-63
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    • 2015
  • 본 연구는 오늘날 우리나라의 병원에서 사용되는 전략의 경우 어떻게 수립이 되고 전개하는지에 알아보기 위한 실증연구이다. 전략은 기존연구들에서 제시한 것처럼 현재 가지고 있는 내부역량과 외부환경을 고려하여 수립한다고 하였다. 이에 본 연구에서는 우리나라의 9개 국립병원들을 대상으로 하여 전략의 개발과 전개로 나누어 환자만족, 종업원만족, 병원업무에는 어떠한 영향을 주는지를 구조방정식 모형을 이용하여 알아보았다. 그 결과 우리나라의 병원들은 전략을 수립하여 전개함에 있어서 내부의 요인인 종업원만족과 병원업무 외부요인인 환자만족에 긍정적인 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 기존의 많은 관련연구들이 제시한 것처럼 우리나라 병원의 경우에도 인건비상승, 원자재 가격의 상승, 외래환자의 감소 등 내부 상황을 고려하고 의약분업, 해외자본의 국내의료시장 진출, 고소득으로 인한 높은 의료서비스의 질의 요구 등 외부상황을 고려하여 전략을 수립하고 전개하고 있다고 할 수 있다. 또한 고객만족, 종업원만족, 업무프로세스를 개선시 각각의 의견을 반영한 전략이 수립되므로 이는 자연히 병원의 성과에 긍정적인 영향을 준다는 연구의 결과가 나타났으며 우리나라의 병원들도 전략을 수립시 내부적인 여러상황을 고려하여 수립하고 전개한다고 할 수 있다.

스마트워크 사용자의 업무 영역에서 기술침해 스트레스 대응방안에 관한 연구 (How Smart Workers Cope With Techno-Invasion Stress in Work Domain)

  • 김용영
    • 한국융합학회논문지
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    • 제12권3호
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    • pp.261-272
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    • 2021
  • 스마트워크가 확산되면서 업무와 비업무의 경계가 모호해 지고 있으며, 이로 인해 테크노스트레스가 유발되고 있다. 그러나 테크노스트레스는 수동적으로 그 결과를 받아들이기 보다는 일과 비업무의 경계를 능동적으로 조절함으로써 극복될 수 있다. 스마트워크 환경에서 업무/비업무 영역이 모호해지면서 발생하는 업무 영역에서 기술침해로 인한 스트레스에 대한 대응전략을 파악하기 위해 직무 만족도에 영향을 미치는 요인과 스마트워크 참여자가 적극적으로 선택하는 경계관리전략의 역할을 이해할 필요성이 있다. 본 논문은 비업무의 업무 간섭, 직무 자율성, 직무 몰입, 직무 만족 간의 인과관계와 경계관리전략 유형별 조절 효과를 담은 연구 모델을 개발했다. 스마트워크 참여자를 대상으로 수집된 설문을 분석한 결과, 전체 5개 가설이 채택되었으나, 경계관리전략 유형별로 나눠 검증한 결과는 각 유형에 따라 직무만족에 영향을 주는 3개 가설의 채택과 기각이 상이하게 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 스마트워크 사용자의 경계관리전략에 따라 차별적인 변화관리를 마련할 필요가 있다는 점을 시사한다.

하이브리드 농업용 트랙터의 제어 전략 개발을 위한 작업 부하 분석 (Analysis of Work Load for Developing the Control Strategy of Hybrid Agricultural Tractor)

  • 김진성;박영일
    • 한국자동차공학회논문집
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    • 제23권2호
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    • pp.239-245
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    • 2015
  • In order to control the hybrid power system efficiently, the knowledge for the required load of the system is important. The agricultural tractor performs various farm works such as plow, rotary, and baler. When it performs rotary tillage and baler operation, the generated work load is analyzed. To analyze trend of work load, moving average technique is applied to the measurement data. Optimal control inputs for the two works are obtained from simulation using the dynamic programming. The novel fundamental control strategy for parallel hybrid tractor called Max. SOC is proposed.

Profit-oriented Impact Analysis of Demand Management Strategy on Design-Build Firms Using System Dynamics

  • Yoo, Wi-Sung
    • 한국건축시공학회지
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    • 제12권2호
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    • pp.169-182
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    • 2012
  • In the past, a strategic management of work demands has been increasingly challenged to design-build (DB) firms. Such a management is capable of providing sufficient profitable impact of a project on them. Total project profit is mainly related to actual resources, work completion time, amount of rework, and costs. The degree of recycling work packages in the DB project delivery system is used as a measure of the quality of the performed work. However, there are few models available to evaluate the impact of a demand management strategy on the DB firms and to predict its behavior. We propose a decision-making support model as an aid for assessing the amount of rework and for predicting project profit resulting in a convincible demand management strategy. This model is constructed by using a dynamic feedback approach that can analyze the problems arising in complex managerial systems. For the purpose of illustration, widely acceptable strategies were applied into the model to explore their impacts on the DB firms. The results indicate that the model is helpful for the managers in selecting the most appropriate demand management strategy for successfully achieving their objectives.

A Competitive Advantage Strategy Based on Innovative Culture and Quality of Work Life: Evidence from SMEs of the Tourism Industry in Indonesia

  • HERMAWATI, Adya;ANAM, Choirul;SUWARTA, Suwarta;WARDHANI, Arie Restu
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • 제9권8호
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 2022
  • The objective of this research is to find out the effect of innovative culture and quality of work life on competitive advantage strategy with the mediation of individual performance. This research is the continuance of previous research conducted by Adya Hermawati with an originality aspect emphasizing a concept comprising innovative culture, quality of work life, and individual performance as factors that control competitive advantage strategy. The research subject is Tourism Industry SMEs. Explanatory research is a research method used in this study, by surveying respondents. The data sources in this research are primary and secondary. Primary data is collected from respondents directly through a questionnaire whereas secondary data are obtained from references that are relevant to research problems. In conformity with this explanation, the type of research data is quantitative data. The results of this research show that: innovative culture has an effect on individual performance, quality of work life affects individual performance, innovative culture has an effect on competitive advantage, quality of work life affects competitive advantage, individual performance has an effect on competitive advantage, innovative culture affects competitive advantage with the mediation of individual performance, and quality of work life affects competitive advantage with the mediation of individual performance.