• 제목/요약/키워드: women in 20s

검색결과 4,229건 처리시간 0.033초

폐과오종 37예에 대한 임상 고찰 (Clinical Analysis of Pulmonary Hamartoma: 37 Cases)

  • 최시영;윤정섭;왕영필;박재길;박찬범;사영조;전현우;강철웅;김용환
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제40권8호
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    • pp.564-568
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    • 2007
  • 배경: 폐과오종은 원발성 폐종양의 $2{\sim}5%$를 차지하며, 양성 종양 중에서는 가장 흔한 형태이나, 폐과오종에 대한 임상 고찰의 국내 논문은 흔하지 않다. 대상 및 방법: 2000년 1월부터 2005년 5월까지 본원에서 조직학적으로 폐과오종이 진단된 37명의 환자를 대상으로 후향적 분석을 하였다. 결과: 발생빈도는 60대가 12예(32.4%)로 가장 많았다. 남성이 23명(62.6%)이었고, 여성이 14명(37.8%)이었으며, 평균 연령은 55.6세였다. 26명(70.3%)의 환자는 무증상이였고, 11명(29.7%)은 증상이 있었다. 29예(78.4%)는 폐실질내 과오종이였고, 8예(21.6%)는 기관지내 과오종이였다. 20예(54.1 %)가 우측폐에 발생하였으며, 17예(45.9%)가 좌측폐에 발생하였고, 우하엽이 가장 많은 빈도를 보였다. 수술적 절제로 진단 받은 환자가 32명(86.%)이었으며, 기관지 내시경과 경피적 생검이 각각 4예(10.8%)와 1예 (2.7%)였다. 34예에서 종양제거를 시행하였으며 큰 합병증은 없었다. 재발이나 악성 변화는 관찰되지 않았다. 결론: 폐과오종의 40대에서 60대의 남자에 흔하며, 우측폐에 더 빈발한다. 추적 검사기간 동안 재발이나 악성 변화는 없었다.

한국여자대학(韓國女子大學) 기숙사생(寄宿舍生)의 계절별(季節別) 영양실태(營養實態) 조사(調査) (Seasonal Dietary Survey of Woman's College Students Living in a Dormitory in Korea)

  • 현순영
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.91-98
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    • 1969
  • 여자(女子) 대학생(大學生)의 대다수(大多數)가 기숙사(寄宿舍)에서 단체(團體) 급식(給食)에 의하여 식사(食事)를 하고있는 성심여자대학(聖心女子大學)의 기숙생(寄宿生) 360명(名)에 대한 계절별(季節別) 영양(營養) 실태(實態)를 파악하기 위하여 1967년(年) 추동(秋冬)과 1968년(年) 춘하(春夏) 사계절(四季節)에 걸쳐 각(各) 계절(季節)마다 1주일간(週日間)의 식사(食事) 섭취 상태를 조사 하였다. 그 결과(結果)를 요약(要約)하면 피실험자(被實驗者)의 연령(年齡) 분포(分布)는 만(滿) 19세(歲) 20세(歲) 21세(歲) 나는자(者)가 전원(全員)의 70% 이상(以上)을 차지하고 있었다. 식사(食事) 섭취량(攝取量)은 사계절(四季節)을 통(通)해서 Calorie를 저량(低量) 섭취하고 있었으며 기중(其中)에서 가장 많이 섭취한 계절(季節)은 봄철이고 다음으로는 여름 가을 겨울의 순위(順位)로 되어있다. 각(各) 영양소량(營養素量)도 봄철이 가장 많었고 겨울은 가장 낮았다. 단백질은 권장량에 가까웠고 그중(中)의 약(約) $1/2{\sim}1/3$은 동물성(動物性) 급원(給源)에서 오고 있다. 칼슘과 vitamin A 역시 다른 계절(季節)에 비(比)해서 겨울에는 상당(相當)히 낮았다. Vitamin C와 niacin은 사계절(四季節)을 통(通)해서 전반적(全般的)으로 충분(充分)한 양(量)을 보이고 있다. 겨울철만 제외하고는 $vitamin\;B_1$$B_2$의 섭취량은 상당(相當)한 수치(數値)를 보이고 있다. 사계절(四季節) 식사(食事) 섭취량(攝取量)의 차이를 나타내는 주요(主要)한 원인은 식단(食單)의 질(質)과 다양성(多樣性)에 관계(關係)되고 있고 부수적 원인으로는 외식(外食)을 하기 때문이다. 즉(卽) 매식사시(每食事時)에 충분(充分)한 양(量)을 섭취하지 않기 때문이다. 그리고 상당수(相當數)의 학생(學生)이 기분에 좌우 되어서 외식(外食) 간식(間食)을 하고 있는 것으로 본다.

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세기말 현상으로 본 속옷의 겉옷화 현상 (The Vogue about Outwearization of Underwear in a Tendency to the Century-end)

  • 이상례
    • 복식
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    • 제35권
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    • pp.325-341
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    • 1997
  • One of the noticeable trends of female wear in 1990s is the Outwearization of Underwear as it is called 'Lingerie look' This trend meaned 'Exposure Fashion' raised splendidly its head to the whole stage of fashion destrying the tradional concept having divided the fashion between outwear and underwear by Madonna an Americal populer singer showed up in front of the audience wearing the corset-dress as a stage custome. This corset-dress which can not be recognised whether it is underwear or outwear has been diffused into the mass as a fashionable trend re-gardless of any reason; therefore discrimi-nation of wear by space by far that is underwear should have the sstandard telling between private and public sector has been gradually tumbled. By the way what has propelled desigers to introduce the style continuously having the underwear motive such as outwear almost as same as underwear or underwear worn on out-wear etc. and has made it a fashion trends? How do we accept this "Ligerie look'fashion" The rearch on vogue of outwearization of underwear started by the questions above can be summarized as the followings The division between the sprit and the ma-terial-economic shrinkage by the collapse of the bubble economy in the late of 20 century and expectation for the next century doubt by changes of international politics dynamics for the next century and increasement of psycho-logical tention by the environmental destruc-tion etc, has been extended to break the sense of value down These frustration of the tra-ditional values and dissatisfaction on the pres-ent have reflected on the fashion pursuing some more sensational style to increase the ex-posure of the body. The revolution of wearing bouncing the con-servatismhas outwardly expressed underwear of the private sector. Therefore the spatial concept of wear which for the public sec-tor has been fallen into pieces and has broken the wall of the concept fixed by outwear on underwear. in addition the stage costome for the popular people like Madonna has not been limited by the specularity any more and has been assimilated with the normal wear on the street to take the distinction for away. The circumstances of the late of 20 century pursuing sensation and making sex commer-cialized have accordance with the outweari-zation of underwear. there it is on the basis of Minimalist's dogmatism has been expressed the maximization of expoure in the pubric space to popularize bra pants(knickers) as outwear. The reaction on the attribute of hiding and shanding has brought 'See-Through fashion' with the transparent materials, The contemporary doubt recalling the mem-ory of the past has sublimated corset which was an instument of toture for women into Romanticism to introduce it to fashion with the development of a new material not to be a tool of any oppression and maltretment any longer. The popularization of outwear like underwear what's more has brought high quality of underwear. There it has called for the variety of materials such as knit demin and velvet etc, and has urged the famous designers to enlarge their working boundaries to underwear designs, Besides outwearization of underwear has been popular even in the Orient which has the con-servative opinions on exposure ; so changes of the thoughts can be seen among the establish-ment generation on exposure of the body. As the more high tech information publi-cized and the more technology and media digitalized the more expression being analog the pursue for the new in fashion with vision never been seen and even though it is imprac-tical the experimental designers have drived the freedom beyond the traditional roles of the previous century. Consequently outwearization of underwear may be viewd as a trial as an expression responded the contemporary background. This trend in my opinion will have been lasted for a while by being proliperlated among lasted for a while by being proliperlated among the pub-lic who has the century-end anxiety and doubt and expectation for the next century.

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'낙태죄' 헌법재판소 헌법불합치 결정의 취지와 법률개정 방향 - 헌법재판소 2019. 4. 11. 선고 2017헌바127 전원재판부 결정에 따라 - (A Review on Constitutional Discordance Adjudication of the Constitutional Court to Total Ban on Abortion)

  • 이석배
    • 의료법학
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.3-39
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    • 2019
  • 헌법재판소가 2012년 8월 23일 낙태죄 규정을 합헌으로 결정한 이후에도 낙태죄 폐지에 대한 논란은 지속되어 왔다. 낙태죄의 존폐논란은 최근에만 일어난 일이 아니라 이미 형법제정 당시부터 있었던 것으로, 대한민국의 근대입법과정과 역사를 같이 한다. 당시 형법제정과정에서 낙태죄의 전면삭제를 주장하면서 수정안을 제출했던 의원들은 사회·경제적 적응사유를 핵심적인 제안이유로 제시하기도 하였다. 이후 개발독재기에도 낙태죄의 폐지가 논의되었으나, 이는 여성의 인권을 보장하기 위한 것이 아니라, 박정희 독재정권의 '산아제한', '가족계획'이라는 국책사업과 관련이 있었다. 이후 인공임신중절을 제한적으로나마 허용하는 「모자보건법」의 제정은 유신으로 국회가 해산된 후 입법권을 대신하게 된 비상국무회의에서 1973년 2월 8일 이루어졌고, 1973년 5월 10일부터 시행되었다. 그나마 일부라도 낙태의 합법화를 포함하는 「모자보건법」이 가능했던 배경은 당시 유신독재가 어떠한 이견도 허락하지 않았기 때문에, 종교계에서도 반대 의견을 표명하기 어려웠기 때문일 것으로 보인다. 이렇게 제정된 「모자보건법」은 지금까지 약간의 수정만을 거치며 그대로 유지되어왔다. 낙태죄 존폐론의 논거들도 형법제정 당시와 큰 차이 없이 그대로 평행선을 달려왔다고 볼 수 있다. 2012년 8월 23일 헌법재판소의 결정에서도 합헌의견과 위헌의견이 4:4로 팽팽하게 맞섰었다. 다만 헌법재판소의 위헌결정을 위한 정족수를 채우지 못하여 합헌으로 결정하였다. 이 낙태죄 폐지 논쟁은 이번 헌법재판소의 헌법불합치 결정으로 일단락되었고, 국회는 새로운 입법이라는 과제를 부담한다. 즉 국회는 적어도 2020년 12월 31일까지 개선입법을 이행하여야 하고, 그때까지 개선입법이 이루어지지 않으면 낙태죄조항들(「형법」 제269조제1항, 제270조제1항)은 2021년 1월 1일부터 효력을 상실한다. 따라서 아래에서 우선 형법상 낙태죄 규정에 대한 헌법재판소 헌법불합치 결정의 논거가 무엇인지를 살펴보고(II), 과거의 헌법재판소와 대법원의 논증구조와 어떠한 점에서 차이를 가지는지, 그리고 헌법재판소 헌법불합치 결정에서 나타난 쟁점을 무엇인지를 검토한 후(III), 헌법재판소가 제시한 기준에 따른 입법재량의 범위 안에서 입법방향과 이미 제출된 「형법」과 「모자보건법」의 개정안에 대하여 검토(IV)하였다.

우리나라 간호학 및 간호학 관련 학위논문 분석 (A Statistical Analysis on Nursing-Related These in Korea)

  • 김희걸;이영숙
    • 대한간호
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    • 제34권5호
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    • pp.68-81
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    • 1996
  • In order to see the development of nursing related research activities in Korea over the last three decades, abstracts of almost all of the Masters and Ph. D. theses that had appeared from 1961 up to August 1991 were collected. Number of theses amounted to 1779(76%) out of a total of 2354 theses. We analysed the papers research patterns, which are research problem, research design, population, place. Here is what we have found. 1). The types of research problems were as follows. 58.0% papers did factor-analysis, 29.1% studied factor~relations, 11.4% situation relations and 1.5% did situation~creations. With respect to the years, we found that the factor-analysis papers decreased with time but the factor~relating, the situation -relating, and the situation~creating papers were increased. Especially the situation-creating paper increased notably since the 80s'. Relating to the kind of degrees, we found that for M.S.theses 60.2% of the papers did factor-analysis, 29.0% the factor-relating studies, 10.4% the situation-relating studies, and 0.4% the situation -creating studies. For the Ph.D. theses 30.5% did the factor~relating, 30.5% the situation-relating. and 20.0% the situation-creating papers. Considering the graduate schools, we found that the regular graduate schools and the graduate school of education produced about the same number of papers of each kind, but 81.2% and 64.6% papers produced by the graduate school of public health and the graduate school of public administration, respectively, did the factor-analysis thus taking majority of the papers. 2). Research designs were as follows : 10.8% experimental studies, 89.0% non experimental studies, and 0.2% quality studies were found. So the majority of the research designs were nonexperimental. We see a meaningful difference between the M.S.theses showing 9.8% experimental studies and 90. 1% nonexperimental studies. and Ph.D. theses showing 28.4% experimental studies and 68. 4% nonexperimental studies. Relating to the graduate schools, we find that the regular graduate schools and the graduate school of education with 15.8% and 10.6% experimental studies respectively, did a little more experimental studies than other schools. but still the regular graduate schools, the graduate school of public health, and the graduate school of education each show 83.8%, 97.4%, and 89.4% nonexperimental studies, so most schools are concentrating on nonexperimental studies. 3). On the relation between research problem and research design, experimental studies show 88.0% of situation-relations and 6.8% of factor-relations. Nonexperimental studies had factor-analysis taking the majority by 64.4% and 31.9% were factor-relations. 4). On the research subjects, we have 90.8% of the papers dealing with a single subject and 9.2% of the papers dealing with two or more subjects. Most of the research subjects are patients or nurses for the regular graduate schools and the graduate school of education, but for the graduate school of administration as much as. 60% of the studies took nurses as subjects. Subjects taken were patients, nurses. and students in decreasing order for the M.S. theses and for patients, women, and nurses again in decreasing order for the Ph.D.theses. 5). On the places of study, we've had 47, 8% of the studies done in hospital rooms, 15, 1% in schools, and 9, 6% in the local community, With respect to the years, we found 36.7% in the hospital rooms, 22.4% in the schools, and 14, 8% in the local communities in the 1970's and 50.1%in the hospital rooms, 13.4% in the schools. and 9, 2% in the local communities in the 80's.

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제주도 민간요법에 관한 조사연구 (Survey on Personal Medicines in Cheju Island)

  • 이경희
    • 동서간호학연구지
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.37-53
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    • 1997
  • The purpose is to inspect the personal medicines in Cheju island that are used traditionally and to get their characteristics. The subjectives are 39 Cheju people, men 10, women 29, who were horned, grown up in Cheju and agreed with this study. The ranges of age are 10 persons(m : 1, w: 9) over 40 less 50 years old, 14(m : 7, w : 7) over 50 less 60, 5(m : 1, w : 4) over 60 less 70, 6(m : 0, w : 6) over 70 less 80, and 4(m : 1, w : 3) over 80. The average age is 64.5 years old. The method to collect the data is 20 structured opening questionaires that are based on references. The duration to collect datas is 11days from 4th, Aprill 1997 to 14th, Aprill 1997. The workers who are trainned the interview methods went their villages and got answers after explaining the purpose and contents to them. Somtimes they used to record the answers. The analysis was identified the subjectives to four regions of Cheju, arranged answers with items, rearranged the same answers, counted with number and percentage. And classified the materials and characteristics. The results of this study are followed: The things that is used as personal medicines are the effects through experiences ans misteries that have hand down by word of mouth, even though they are not scientific. People used the materials arround their circumference. It is an accumulation of experiences. The ways used in eating, doing acupuncture or sting, exposing to smoke, wheedling, fixing after pounding. Almost materials are plants. Mugwort is effective in fever, gastritis, hemorrhoid, diarrhea, edematous hands or feet and dermatitis. Citron and Arrowroot in fever, gastritis. Seeds of Pumpkin in indigestive, hemorrhoid, edematous hands or feet. Gallic in fever, diarrhea, frostbite, dermatitis, and toothache. Motherwort in diarrhea, gastritis. Radish juice in indigestive, jaundice. Bean paste in burn, wound. Acupuncture in fever, gastritis, indigestive, back pain, edematous hands or feet. Sting as similar with it in fever, indigestive, edematous hands or feet. Cigarrette in hemorrhoid, wound, toothache. Cowstools in edematous hands or feet, wound. Sault is usded a lot in fever, gastritis, indigestive, hemorrhoid, uneffective voiding, edematous hands or feet, dermatitis, having a boil around the mouth, toothache, and eye disease. Japanese Parsley in fever, gastritis. Egg Apple in diarrhea, edematous hands or feet, frostbite. And Wild Chrysanthemum is effective in jaundice. In the conclusion, people used the things arround. A things is effective in several symptoms. If these are not effective, they would used the magic as god's anger. As locally, they used the grasses and fruits in the middle of Mt. Halla and seafood on the sea village.

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중소규모 산업장 미혼 근로여성의 성행태에 관한 연구 (The Study on the Sexual Behavior of Unmarried Female Workers in the Small and Medium Scale Industries)

  • 한성현;박민향
    • 한국인구학
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.175-205
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    • 1996
  • 영세산업장의 미혼 근로여성들이 당면하고 있는 성에 대한 갈등을 해결하고 삶의 질을 향상시키는 데 대한 사회적 요구가 증가하고 있으나 이에 대한 구체적 대안이 마련되지 못하고 있는 실정이다. 이에 본 연구는 이들 미혼 근로여성들이 삶의 질을 결정하는 여러 요인들을 조사하고 이들 요인이 성에 대한 태도나 행위에 미치는 영향을 분석하여 영세산업장 보건관리정책의 기초자료로 제공하고져 시행되었다. 이 연구는 경인지역에 위치한 일부 중소규모의 제조업에 근무하고 있는 306명의 미혼 근로여성을 대상으로 자기기입식 설문조사방법으로 조사하였고, 성에 대한 지식 및 행태를 종속변수로 하고 삶의 질을 평가할 수 있는 건강행태 및 건강상태, 작업조건에 대한 만족도, 작업환경에 대한 인식 등을 독립변수로 대수회귀분석을 적용하여 분석하였다. 응답자들의 특성은 대부분 19세부터 20대 초반의 고등학교 이상의 학력을 가진 성인기로 이행중인 준비과정에 속한 집단이다. 이들은 대부분 자신들이 스스로 건강하지 못하다고 인식할 뿐만 아니라 높은 음주율과 불규칙한 식습관 등 건강한 삶을 위한 노력이 부족하다. 근무조건에 대해 대부분 불만족하고 유해한 작업환경에 노출되어 있다고 인식하고 있다. 피임방법에 대한 인지율은 높은 편이지만 임신원리 등 성에 대한 구체적이 지식은 낮고 성이나 가족계획에 대한 교육경험이 매우 낮았다. 성에 대한 태도로서 혼전순결에 대해서는 비교적 보수적이었지만 과반수 이상이 혼전 동거를 허용하는 태도를 보였으며 혼전 성경험은 약 15%정도였다. 대수회귀분석 결과 혼전 순결에 대한 개방적 태도에는 가족수가 적은 경우, 하숙이나 자취를 하는 경우, 성지식이 높은 경우, 근무기간이 긴 경우 등이 영향을 미쳤고, 성경험과 상관성이 높은 변수는 근무기간이 짧은 경우, 피임지식이 높은 경우였다. 성경험은 성에 대한 개방적 태도와는 달리 준비되지 않은 상태에서 경험한 후 피임에 관심을 갖는 것으로 해석된다.증가시켰으며 특히 그 중 고학력 여성의 노동수요 증가가 두드러졌다. 요약하면, 한국의 경우 풍부한 고학력 남성노동력의 공급과 비육체노동직에서 여성노동에 대한 수요의 완만한 증가로 여성노동참여에 관한 교육의 효과는 미미할 수 밖에 없다.W.Y 조국은 북쪽으로 279.5m, 그리고 X.Y 조국은 북서쪽으로 224.3m 편위하여, Loran - C 위치가 GPS 위치보다 약 250m 더 편위 된 것을 알 수 있었다.경우 본 논문에서 계산한 각 침로교각에 대한 최소피항개시거리와 안전피항개시거리을 미리 염두해 두고 피항조선을 하게 되면, 감각에 의한 조선방법으로 야기되는 충돌해난사고를 지양 할 수 있으리라 사료된다.만도에 따른 유의적인 증가를 (p<0.05)보여주었으나 여자의 경우는 유의적인 차이가 없었다. TG의 수치는 남자의 경우 KI가 110%미만인 그룹은 $102.9\pm108.2mg/dl,$ 120% 이상인 그룹은 $112.2\pm40.0mg/dl로$ 비만도가 증가함에 따라 TG가 증가되었으나 유의적인 차이는 없었으며, 여자의 경우 유의적인 차이가 없었다. 남자의 경우 HDL-C은 비만도가 증가함에 따라 유의적으로 감소하는 경향을 보였으나(p<0.05) 여자의 경우는 유의적인 차이가 없었다. 6. 조사 대상자의 체지방량 측정결과 체기방률은 남자의 겨우 16.4% 여자의 겨우 24.0%로 나타나 여자의 체지방률이 남자보다 높았다. 7. 신체계측치, 혈압, 혈청 지질간의 상관관계를 살펴보면 TC, TG는 KI, BMI와 유의적인 양의 상관관계를 보였고 (p<0.01), HCL-C은 비체중, BMI, LBM, TBM와 유의적인 음의 상관관계를 보였으며, (p<0.01), KI, SBP와도 음의 상관관계를 보였다. (p<0.05), LCL-C는 KI와 유의적이인 양의 상관관계를 나타내었으며 (p<0.01) BF%, TBF, BMI와도 양의 상관관계를 나타냈었다. (p<0.05).

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보건분야 치과위생사들의 건강증진사업을 위한 전문교육 필요도 조사 (A Study on Dental Hygienists' Needs for Specialized Education in Health Promotion Projects)

  • 황윤숙
    • 한국치위생학회지
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    • 제7권4호
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    • pp.611-625
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze dental hygienists' opinions on health promotion projects in public health and their needs for specialized education in the projects, so that it could help prepare specialized education program required for health promotion projects in the future. To meet the goals, total 364 dental hygienists working in public health were asked to join a questionnaire survey via e-mail in September 2007 for data analysis. As a result, this analysis came to the following conclusions: First, it was found that 29.9% of total respondents took in charge of health promotion projects, and 26.9% respondents considered it very necessary to be responsible for the health promotion projects(56.0% considered it necessary). Almost half respondents considered nonsmoking assistance most desirable task(48.4%) and foremost demanded(50.5%) out of all current health promotion projects, 39.8% respondents answered that they could carry on health promotion task, if assigned, after completing occupational training course. Second, it was found that 39.3% respondents acquired other licenses and qualifications than certificate of registered dental hygienist, and their medical licenses or qualifications included certificate of nursing assistant(18.7%) and certificate of social worker(11.8%) by category. Third, in terms of opinions on possible ways to facilitate health promotion projects, it was found that over half respondents considered it recommended to step up specialized education(56.9%) and prepare legal basis and administrative system(53.6%). Notably, 90.7% respondents considered it necessary to step up specialized education in health promotion. Fourth, in terms of opinions on participation in health promotion projects, it was found that almost half respondents(49.7%) considered it necessary and very positive for extending dental hygienists' works in the future. Moreover, in terms of reasons for sum positive answers, it was found that many respondents considered it helpful for appointment(41.8%) and contributing to capability development and job satisfaction(44.5%). In terms of opinions that sud, participation would be unnecessary, 29.7% respondents thought that nothing would be changed in their dental health projects even with reduced number of public health dentists, and 31.3% respondents thought that dental hygienists are professional manpower responsible only for dental health works. Finally, in terms of on-the-job training(OJT) related to health promotion, it was found that 92.9% respondents desired for OJT. In terms of experiences in OJT, 79.9% respondents answered that they never joined OJT course. In other words, only 20.1% respondents joined OJT courses for health promotion task, such as nonsmoking assistance(8.8%), health promotion FMTP training(2.2%), exercises(1.4%) and nutrition(0.6%).

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생쥐 초기배아의 Glucose Transporter유전자 발현 양상에 관한 연구 (Differential Expression of Glucose Transporter Gene in Mouse Early Embryos)

  • 염혜원;변혜경;송견지;김해권;이호준
    • Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine
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    • 제25권1호
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    • pp.77-86
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    • 1998
  • The uptake of glucose for metabolism and growth is essential to most animal cells and is mediated by glucose-transporter (GLUT) proteins. The aim of this study was to determine which class of glucose transporter molecules was responsible for uptake of glucose in the mouse early embryo and at which stage the corresponding genes were expressed. In addition, co-culture system with vero cell was used to investigate the effect of the system on GLUT expression. Two-cell stage embryos were collected from the superovulated ICR female and divided into 3 groups. As a control, embryos were cultured in 0.4% BSA-T6 medium which includes glucose. For the experimental groups, embryos were cultured in either co-culture system with vero cells or glucose-free T6 medium supplemented with 0.4% BSA and pyruvate as an energy substrate. 2-cell to blastocyst stage embryos in those groups were respectively collected into microtubes (50 embryos/tube). Total RNA was extracted and RT-PCR was performed. The products were analysed after staining ethidium bromide by 2% agarose gel electrophoresis. Blastocysts were collected from each group at l20hr after hCG injection. They were fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde, stained with hoechst, and mounted for observation. In control, GLUT1 was expressed from 4-cell to blastocyst. GLUT2 and GLUT3 were expressed in morula and blastocyst. GLUT4 was expressed in all stages. When embryos were cultured in glucose-free medium, no significant difference was shown in the expression of GLUT1, 2 and 3, compared to control. However GLUT4 was not expressed until morular stage. When embryos were co-cultured with vero cell, there was no significant difference in the expression of GLUT1, 2, 3 and 4 compared to control. To determine cell growth of embryos, the average cell number of blastocyst was counted. The cell number of co-culture ($93.8{\pm}3.1$, n=35) is significantly higher than that of control and glucose-free group ($76.6{\pm}3.8$, n=35 and $68.2{\pm}4.3$, n=30). This study shows that the GLUT genes are expressed differently according to embryo stage. GLUTs were detectable throughout mouse preimplantation development in control and co-culture groups. However, GLUT4 was not detected from 2- to 8-cell stage but detected from morula stage in glucose-free medium, suggested that GLUT genes are expressed autocrinally in the embryo regardless of the presence of glucose as an energy substrate. In addition, co-culture system can increase the cell count of blastocyst but not improve the expression of GLUT. In conclusion, expression of GLUT is dependent on embryo stage in preimplantation embryo development.

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Iron Status and Its Relations with Nutrient Intake, Coffee Drinking, and Smoking in Korean Urban Adults

  • Lee, Joung-Won;Hyun, Wha-Jin;Kwak, Chung-Shil
    • Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.44-50
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    • 2003
  • The iron status and its relations with nutrient intake, coffee drinking, and cigarette smoking were evaluated through the blood analysis and 3-day dietary recalls in 102 apparently healthy Korean adults (48 males, 54 menstruating females) aged 20-49 years and living in Daejeon City. Mean values of hemoglobin (Hb) in males and females were 15.5g/dL and 13.2g/dL, mean corpscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) 36.0% and 36.8 %, serum iron (SI) 135 $\mu\textrm{g}$/dL and 97 $\mu\textrm{g}$/dL, transferrin saturation (TS) 39.4% and 29.2%, and serum ferritin (Ft) 88.1 $\mu\textrm{g}$/L and 23.4 $\mu\textrm{g}$/L, respectively. For males the prevalences of abnormal values of iron status indicators were 4.2% in Hb, 2.1% in TS, and 4.2% in Ft, and for females 16.7% in Hb, 25.9% in TS, and 35.2% in Ft. Among females 9.3% had abnormal Ft, TS, and Hb, which was considered as iron-defeciency anemia, and 14.8% had abnormal Ft and TS. As a whole, the impaired iron status prevalences were estimated to be 2.1 - 4.2% for males and 9.3 - 35.2% for females. Mean daily intakes of iron and heme-iron were 13.7mg and 1.51mg in males, and 12.3mg and 1.45mg in females. Ft was positively correlated with dietary energy, protein, iron, and vitamin A, Hb with energy and iron, and MCHC with iron and heme iron. Vitamin A also tended to show positive correlations with Hb, SI, and TS. Coffee drinkers taking 3 cups per day or more had higher levels of Hb, MCHC, and Ft in males and MCHC in females, compared to non-coffee drinkers. Higher levels of Hb and MCHC were found in male smokers than in non-smokers. Coffee drinkers took more energy and vitamin A in males and MPF protein in females than non-coffee drinkers. From the above results, it was suggested that the iron status of men was much better than that of women, and the intakes of energy, iron, heme iron, and especially vitamin A were positively associated with the iron status. Cigarette smoking elevated Hb and MCHC, but the effect of coffee drinking on iron staus was not clear. (J Community Nutrition 5(1) : 44∼50, 2003)