• 제목/요약/키워드: which-path experiment

검색결과 259건 처리시간 0.029초

Development of Flow Forming Process for Hollow Shaped Parts from Seamless Steel Tube (유동성형을 이용한 중공형 부품 제조공정 개발)

  • Kwon, Y.N.;Kim, S.W.;Kim, B.J.;Park, E.S.;Cha, D.J.
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • 제20권8호
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    • pp.611-618
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    • 2011
  • Flow forming is an incremental forming process in which rollers are used to form cylindrical parts with repeated turning of both roller and starting material. Both sheet and tube can be used as the starting material. The process is highly useful for producing hollow shaped parts from a tube, with the benefit of the average strain in the final shape being significantly lower than that from a sheet material. In the present study, the flow forming process was studied and optimized for producing a hollow shaped part from seamless steel tube by both experiment and numerical analysis. Upon considering the difficulty of forming seamless steel sheet, the thickness reduction was distributed over several tool paths. In the end, an optimum process condition was attained, and the experiment verified the simulation results.

Another Quantum Eraser Experiment with Two-photon States of Light

  • Kim, Tae-Soo;Ko, Jeong-Hoon;Kim, Heonoh
    • Journal of the Optical Society of Korea
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    • 제6권3호
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    • pp.100-104
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    • 2002
  • The quantum eraser experiment was revisited, using entangled photons of visible light in a Hong-Ou-Handel type interferometer with a magnitude two orders higher than before in count rates. We introduced which-path information by polarization and subsequently erasied this information by means of polarizers in front of detectors. It was found that the visibility of the interference fringe is revived from 0% to 88% as the polarizers are changed from 0$^{\circ}$ to 45$^{\circ}$.

A Methodology of Path based User Equilibrium Assignment in the Signalized Urban Road Networks (도시부 도로 네트워크에서 교통신호제어와 결합된 경로기반 통행배정 모형 연구)

  • Han, Dong-Hee;Park, Jun-Hwan;Lee, Young-Ihn;Lim, Kang-Won
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • 제26권2호
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    • pp.89-100
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    • 2008
  • In an urban network controlled by traffic signals, there is an interaction between the signal timing and the routes chosen by individual road users. This study develops a bi level programming model for traffic signal optimization in networks with path based traffic assignment. In the bi level programming model, genetic algorithm approach has been proposed to solve upper level problem for a signalized road network. Path based traffic assignment using column generation technique which is proposed by M.H. Xu, is applied at the lower-level. Genetic Algorithm provieds a feasible set of signal timings within specified lower and upper bounds signal timing variables and feeds into lower level problem. The performance of this model is investigated in numerical experiment in a sample network. In result, optimal signal settings and user equilibrium flows are made.

A Path Storing and Number Matching Method for Management of XML Documents using RDBMS (RDBMS를 이용하여 XML 문서 관리를 위한 경로 저장과 숫자 매칭 기법)

  • Vong, Ha-Ik;Hwang, Byung-Yeon
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • 제10권7호
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    • pp.807-816
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    • 2007
  • Since W3C proposed XML in 1996, XML documents have been widely spreaded in many internet documents. Because of this, needs for research related with XML is increasing. Especially, it is being well performed to study XML management system for storage, retrieval, and management with XML Documents. Among these studies, XRel is a representative study for XML management and has been become a comparative study. In this study, we suggest XML documents management system based on Relational DataBase Management System. This system is stored not all possible path expressions such as XRel, but filtered path expression which has text value or attribute value. And by giving each node Node Expression Identifier, we try to match given Node Expression Identifier. Finally, to prove efficiency of the suggested technique, this paper shows the result of experiment that compares XPath query processing performance between suggested study and existing technique, XRel.

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Circular Path Generation Technique for Ball Bar Measurement by Simultaneous Movement of Two Axes (2 축 동시구동을 통한 볼바 측정용 원호경로 생성 방법)

  • Lee, Dong-Mok;Lee, Hoon-Hee;Yang, Seung-Han
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • 제37권6호
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    • pp.783-790
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    • 2013
  • Circular path generation for ball bar measurement using the simultaneous movement of two axes with at least one rotary axis requires the execution of CAM software. However, a change in the machine type or measurement condition requires a new execution of the CAM software, which is cumbersome. This paper presents a circular path generation technique that does not require CAM software and is applicable to different types of driving axes with an arbitrary structural configuration of machine tools and any ball bar setup condition. Mathematical equations are derived for three cases using the proposed technique. In addition, to inspect the measurement feasibility for avoiding physical interference among the ball bar parts, a tilting angle calculation is proposed. The validity of the proposed technique was verified by performing a ball bar experiment with A and C as the simultaneous axes of a five-axis machine tool.

Disabled Alpine Ski Athlete's Kinematic Characteristic Changes by Computer Aided Design Based Mono Ski Bucket: A Case Study (컴퓨터 디자인 기반 모노스키 버킷 사용에 따른 장애인 알파인 스키 선수의 운동학적 특성 변화 연구: 사례 연구)

  • Koo, Dohoon;Eun, Seondeok;Hyun, Boram;Kweon, Hyosun
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • 제24권4호
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    • pp.425-433
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of CAD (Computer Aided Design) based alpine mono-ski bucket design on disabled ski athletes' kinematic characteristics. Two national team ski athletes with LW11 disabilities (Locomotion Winter Classification) category for sit ski participated in both pre and post experiment. Both of the subjects performed 3 trials of carved turn on a ski slope under two conditions. Where, subject "A" performed pre experiment with personal bucket and post experiment with the newly developed CAD based bucket whereas, Subject "B" as control subject performed both pre and post experiment with his personal bucket. For the experiment, 24 Infrared cameras were positioned on the ski slope which covered the path of the ski turn. Also, motion capture suit with reflective markers were worn by both subjects. In the result, decrement in medial/lateral displacement of COM, anterior/posterior displacement of COM, flexion/extension angle of trunk as well as velocity losing rate of COM was observed in subject "A" when using the newly developed CAD based bucket. In contrast, no larger effect on performance was observed when using personal buckets. In conclusion, the findings obtained from the study indicated effectiveness of newly developed CAD based bucket by reducing excessive movement of hip and trunk which is an important factor to perform an effective turn.

Adaptive Migration Path Technique of Mobile Agent Using the Metadata of Naming Agent (네이밍 에이전트의 메타데이터를 이용한 이동 에이전트의 적응적 이주 경로 기법)

  • Kim, Kwang-Jong;Ko, Hyun;Lee, Yon-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • 제12권3호
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    • pp.165-175
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    • 2007
  • The mobile agent executes a given task by which the agent code moves to the server directly. Therefore, node migration method becomes an important factor which impact on the whole performance of distributed system. In this paper, we propose an adaptive migration path technique of mobile agent using the metadata of naming agent. In this proposed technique, node selection for migration depends on the content of referenced metadata, and the reliability of migrated information is determined by the metadata updating method and cooperative operations of individual agents in multi-agents system. For these, we design the metadata using by the number of hit documents, hit ratio, node processing time and network delay time, and describe the methods for creating, using and updating metadata for which determine the adaptive node migration path of mobile agent according to the cooperation of individual agents and number of hit documents using by designed metadata. And results of evaluated performance for proposed adaptive migration path technique through the proper experiment and analysis gain rate of high effective information earning, because of high hit ratio(72%) about of fathered documents by case of applying metadata move to the 13 nodes. But, in case of non-applying metadata is hit ratio(46%) of gathered documents and rate of effective information earning about of 26 nodes is 36.8%.

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A Study on the Performance of Noise Level and Airflow Amount of a Kitchen Hood by the Different Conditions of Airflow Path. (레인지후드 덕트설치 조건에 따른 소음 및 풍량특성 연구)

  • Kim, Il-Ho;Kim, Youn-Jae;Lee, Yong-Jun;Lee, Kyu-Dong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 한국건축시공학회 2007년도 추계 학술논문 발표대회
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    • pp.11-14
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    • 2007
  • Noise level and Airflow amount of a kitchen hood are affected by the conditions of airflow path. Thus this study is expected to be used as a basic reference in designing airflow path of apartment housing throughout analysing changes in noise level and airflow amount from the various conditions of airflow path. Noise level generated by the kitchen hood is estimated in a kitchen and a living room of two constructed apartment houses, and an experiment is conducted in an half anechoic chamber to analyze noise level and airflow amount by the different length, diameter and number of windings of a round shaped soft duct which is connected to the kitchen hood. The measured results in apartment houses show that the noise level in both apartments exceeds the NC standard greatly in living spaces. In apartment A, a regular apartment house, the noise level was $NC-65{\sim}75$, $NC-45{\sim}60$ and NC-70, NC-45 in the kitchen and living room with an operation of kitchen hood in 1 and 3 stages. In apartment B, an apartment complex, the noise level was NC-55 and NC-60 in the kitchen and living room with an operation of kitchen hood in 3 stages. In particular, there was an increase of noise level at 125Hz-band resulted from an amplification of sound, which requires adequate measures in noise reduction. The results measured in Half anechoic chamber show 99% of airflow amount increase with the modification of a duct' s diameter from ${\Phi}$ 100mm to ${\Phi}$ 125mm, 37% of airflow amount increase with the modification of a duct' s diameter from ${\Phi}$ 125mm to ${\Phi}$ 150mm, and 173% of airflow amount increase with the modification of a duct' s diameter from ${\Phi}$ l00mm to ${\Phi}$ 150mm. The noise level was lower than the level measured in apartment housing about 20 in NC-value and 11.4 in dB(A)-value, which was interpreted as the effect of the load by the pressure condition at the rear end of the duct. Also, an amplification of sound in 125Hz-band influenced NC-value considerably, therefore effective measure is needed.

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Prediction of Powertrain Structure-borne Noise Using Hybrid Model (하이브리드 모델을 이용한 파워트레인 가진에 의한 구조 기인 소음 예측)

  • Lee, Sang-Kwon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 한국소음진동공학회 2007년도 추계학술대회논문집
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    • pp.12-22
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    • 2007
  • This paper presents to predict the powertrain structure-borne noise which is primary resource of interior noise. As the first step, it is built up a hybrid powertrain model which is based on the real powertrain which is verified with static and dynamic properties. The methods for verifying are modal analysis and running vibration testing which are experimentally implemented. Based on the Hybrid powertrain component model, an initial predictive assembly model is simulated. As the second step, the characteristic transfer functions are measured that are dynamic stiffness of rubber mounts and vibro-acoustic transfer function based on the acoustic reciprocity. Several techniques utilizing special experimental devices have been proposed for this research. Finally, the structure-borne noise by powertrain will be predict and verify with dynamic simulation and experiment.

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Development of tool-life prediction program to determine the optimal machining conditions in mold machining (금형 가공 시 최적 가공조건을 결정하기 위한 공구수명 예측 프로그램 개발)

  • Soon-Ok Park;Min-Hak Kim;Sun-Kyung Lee;Sung-Taek Jung
    • Design & Manufacturing
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.7-12
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    • 2023
  • Recently, with the emergence of the 4th industrial revolution, the demand for smart factories and factory automation is increasing. In this study, a tool life prediction program was developed to select optimal machining conditions using CNC milling equipment, which is widely used in flexible production and automation. The equipment used in the experiment was Hwacheon Machine Tool's 5-axis machining equipment, and the tool used was a 17F2R tool. For the machining path, the down-milling cutting method was selected and long-term machining was performed. The analysis standard for side wear on the tool was set at 0.1 to 0.2 mm, and tool life data and wear data were obtained in the cutting experiment. The program was created through the data obtained from the experiment, and a prediction rate of over 90% was secured when comparing the experimental data and the predicted data.

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