• Title/Summary/Keyword: web-based GIS

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Development of Air Pollution Information System Using GIS (e-AIR) (GIS를 이용한 대기질 관리 정보 지원시스템(e-AIR) 구현( I ))

  • 박기학;오승교
    • Journal of environmental and Sanitary engineering
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.42-51
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    • 2003
  • Public awareness of air pollution problem has increased the need for real time air pollution information system about changes in air pollution level. The purpose of this study is to construct e-AIR, a user-friendly air pollution information system for urban air quality using GIS(geographic information system) technology for windows. GIS was ideally suited featuring a geographical characteristics(e.g., road, traffics, buildings) and very effectively used in mapping and symbolization for the distribution of the spatial/periodic pollution status(e.g., pie or column chart, graduated symbols) which can be effectively applied to a information system on the web-site. And a user interface, GUI(graphic user interface) was designed very diversely and simply enabled the users connect with e-AIR and obtain a useful information of air quality. A interpretive technique, air pollution health index(e.g., PSI, AEI) was used also which transforms complex data on measured atmospheric pollutant concentrations into a single number or set of numbers in order to make the data more understandable. Eventually the final-step of this study was to construct e-AIR based on Web GIS could be assessed anywhere if internet is available and offer a very useful information services of the air pollution to the public like a weather news.

Geo-Visualization of Storm-Surge Study based on Web-GIS (Web-GIS 기반 폭풍해일 시각화 기법 연구)

  • Kim, Jin-Ah;Park, K.S.;Kwon, Jae-Il;Park, Jin-Ah
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2008.06b
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    • pp.246-249
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    • 2008
  • 최근 지구온난화로 인한 기후변화 및 해양온난화로 태풍의 강도가 높아지고 빈도가 증가함에 따라 연안 지역의 침수범람과 같은 자연재해로 인한 인명 재산 피해가 심각해지고 있다. 이에 폭풍해일로 인한 연안 재해저감을 위한 해양 관측 및 수치 모델을 통한 정확한 폭풍해일 예측에 대한 연구가 활발히 진행되고 있다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 Web-GIS 기반 실시간 폭풍해일 예측 결과의 시각화 기법에 대한 연구를 통하여 자연재해 저감을 위한 효과적 정보전달 통한 의사결정에 도움을 주고자한다.

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Development of the Railroad Geotechnical Information Management System using Web GIS (Web GIS를 이용한 철도 지반정보 관리프로그램의 개발)

  • Hwang Seon-Keun;Lee Seong-Hyeok;Kim Hyun-Ki;Kim Jung-Moo
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.326-330
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to develop railroad geotechnical management system using Web GIS and the DB used in system included railroad informations and digital maps. Digital maps are primarily based on a topographical map(NGIS, 1:5000) and by adding digital maps(KRRI, 1:5000) and their spatial database system to NGI code layer, the management system was developed. The system was connected to geotechnical database already developed. The system was able to separate three parts which were layer choice, geotechnical information view and geotechnical analysis and it was possible to save geotechnical and spatial informations using ZEUS DB simultaneously. ZEUS/X was used for usefulness of GIS operation and by offering GUI, user interface for facility was achieved. Geotechnical and spatial informations in this system will provide basic data for plans, design and construction of railway lines in practical use.

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A Study on Visualization of Urban Landscape Information Using 3D-GIS Topological Relationship (3D-GIS 위상관계를 활용한 도시경관정보 가시화 방안 연구)

  • Jang, Mun-Hyun
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.35-52
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    • 2007
  • Three-dimensional GIS, which provides spatial information through expression techniques of virtual reality close to the real world and the web, is one of the fields that attract a new attention. In particular, Open GIS Consortium(OGC) announced a topological relationship specification of spatial object which supports interoperability while interest in interoperability of spatial data is increasing. However, this specification is limited to two-dimensional spatial object. So this research established a topological relationship of three-dimensional spatial object in order to improve urban landscape and provide a foundation to use GIS. Based on this, this study proposes ways to visualize landscape information which is appropriate for new town's circumstances. It can be concluded that this research has a bigger meaning since it established a base of sharing information about realistic urban landscape that can be accessed regardless of place and time.

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GML-based Strategic Approach and Its Application for Geo-scientific Infrastructure Building

  • Moon, Sun-Hee;Lee, Ki-Won;Kwon, Byung-Doo
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.235-237
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    • 2003
  • GIS became increasingly important in information-oriented society as social indirect capital and many GIS data are developed. To use these data effectively standard format that enables easy to transport and store is needed. For this purpose, OGC developed GML based on XML as web standard format of geographical information. In this study, web based mapping with respect to digital geologic map and gravity anomaly map was accomplished using GML. While, styling methods were implemented in XSLT to make the visualizing suitable for the character of each layer, so it is possible to make dynamic maps in the SVG. GML-base map produced in this study can be transferred and represented without loss of the meaning and degrading on the web.

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Design and implementation of a GIS-based accident management system using tracking technique

  • Niaraki Abolghasem Sadeghi;Kim Kye-Hyun
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.8 no.2 s.17
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2006
  • This paper addresses a GIS (Geographic Information System) based system in order to reduce the rate of public transportation accidents occurring in Iranian roads network. Over the years, the road accidents are a major issue throughout the world. Today, particular consideration is given to those technologies which can lead to diminish on the number of critical incidents. One of the main factors resulting in accidents and fatalities rates growth is the speed violation of buses in Iranian road network. The conventional speed controlling approach in Iran based on the Tachograph which records vehicle's speed, time, and stoppage in the mechanical processing has many problems. Hence, this research is intended to design and implement a GIS-based system to manage road accident of Bus transportation system using offline tracking system. This was accomplished using a GIS-based technique that encompasses three steps. The first step is developing a GIS-based accident system. The second step includes designing and applying a tracking system inside 90 buses for recording Bus information for speed controlling. Lastly, by using mentioned system in police center, the illegal drivers' punishment would be considered properly. Overall, this system has been successfully applied in this work. Therefore, the police and transportation office are able to control and make policy to diminish the number of accident. It is anticipated that online tracking system through the Web GIS would be utilized In this system in the near future.

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State-of-the-art 3D GIS: System Development Perspectives

  • Kim, Kyong-Ho;Lee, Ki-Won;Lee, Jong-Hun;Yang, Young-Kyu
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 1998.09a
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    • pp.153-158
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    • 1998
  • Since the mid-1990′s, researches on 3D GIS have been regarded as one of main issues both in the academic sites and commercial vendors; recently, some prototyped systems or the first versioned software systems of commercial basis are being reported and released. Unlike conventional 2D GIS, which consists in intelligent structured GIS or desktop GIS, every 3D GIS has its own distinguished features according to data structure-supporting capability, GIS-styled functionality, external database accessibility, interfacing extents with 2D GIS, 3D visualization/texture mapping ability, and so forth. In this study, technical aspects related to system development, SERI-Web3D GIS ver. 1.2, are explained. Main features in this revised 3D GIS can be summarized: 2-tier system model(client-server), VGFF(Virtual GIS File Format), internal GIS import, Feature manager(zoning, layering, visualization evironment), Scene manager(manage 3D geographic world), Scene editor, Spatial analyzer(Intersect, Buffering, Network analysis), VRML exporter. While, most other 3D GISes or cartographic mapping systems may be categorized into 3D visualization systems handling terrain height-field processing, 2D GIS extension modules, or 3D geometric feature generation system using orthophoto image: actually, these are eventually considered as several parts of "real 3D GIS". As well as these things, other components, especially web-based 3D GIS, are being implemented in this study: Surface/feature integration, Java/VRML linkage, Mesh/Grid problem, LOD(Level of Detail)/Tiling, Public access security problem, 3-tier architecture extension, Surface handling strategy for VRML.

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A study on the Implementation of Geoweb Service Based on Mobile Web (모바일웹 환경에서의 지오웹 서비스 구현에 관한 연구)

  • Ahn, Jae-Seong;Kim, Hyung-Tae
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 2010.09a
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    • pp.145-146
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    • 2010
  • 이 연구에서는 모바일웹 방식으로 지오웹 서비스를 제공하는 업무지원용 서비스 프로토타입을 구현하였다. 구현한 서비스는 LH의 택지개발업무 중 기본조사를 수행하는데 필요한 현장업무를 지원하는 것이다. HTML5를 이용하여 웹 브라우저를 통해서 스마트폰 디바이스에 접근하고 사용자의 위치를 확인하며, 온라인 지도 서비스에서 제공하는 OpenAPI와 OWS(OpenGIS Web Service)를 융합하는 모바일 메시업 기법을 적용하였다.

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Web Service System for GIS-based Storm-surge Visualization (GIS기반 폭풍해일 시각화를 통한 웹 서비스 시스템 구축)

  • Kim, Jin-Ah;Park, K.S.;Kwon, Jae-Il
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.02a
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    • pp.611-614
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    • 2009
  • Understanding the severity of the typhoon-induced storm-surge helps in planning reaction and in preventing further disaster. Natural disasters due to the storm-surge are predictable from accurate observations and forecasts from numerical simulations. What we can do is to make intelligent effort to minimize the loss due to the disaster to the most extent with the technology of early warning, forecast and prevention activity. In this paper, we propose the design of GIS-based Web Service System to visualize the time-varying storm-surge's height and wind field data effectively with 3 different kinds of resolution for predict and prevent storm-surge disasters. This system is one of the efforts to provide the storm-surge forecast service to general public and share two-way more helpful information to coastal resident through the Internet.

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A Spatial Structural Query Language-G/SQL

  • Fang, Yu;Chu, Fang;Xinming, Tang
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.860-879
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    • 2002
  • Traditionally, Geographical Information Systems can only process spatial data in a procedure-oriented way, and the data can't be treated integrally. This method limits the development of spatial data applications. A new and promising method to solve this problem is the spatial structural query language, which extends SQL and provides integrated accessing to spatial data. In this paper, the theory of spatial structural query language is discussed, and a new geographical data model based on the concepts and data model in OGIS is introduced. According to this model, we implemented a spatial structural query language G/SQL. Through the studies of the 9-Intersection Model, G/SQL provides a set of topological relational predicates and spatial functions for GIS application development. We have successfully developed a Web-based GIS system-WebGIS-using G/SQL. Experiences show that the spatial operators G/SQL offered are complete and easy-to-use. The BNF representation of G/SQL syntax is included in this paper.

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