• 제목/요약/키워드: weaning practice

검색결과 41건 처리시간 0.031초

Genetic Parameters and Responses in Growth and Body Composition Traits of Pigs Measured under Group Housing and Ad libitum Feeding from Lines Selected for Growth Rate on a Fixed Ration

  • Nguyen, Nguyen Hong;McPhee, C.P.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제18권8호
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    • pp.1075-1079
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    • 2005
  • The main objective of this study is to examine genetic changes in growth rate and carcass composition traits in group housed, ad libitum fed pigs, from lines of Large White divergently selected over four years for high and low post-weaning daily gain on a fixed but restricted ration. Genetic parameters for production and carcass traits were also estimated by using average information-restricted maximum likelihood applied to a multivariate individual animal model. All analyses were carried out on 1,728 records of group housed ad libitum fed pigs, and include a full pedigree of 5,324 animals. Estimates of heritability (standard errors in parentheses) were 0.11 (0.04) for lifetime daily liveweight gain (LDG), 0.13 (0.04) for daily carcass weight gain (CDG) and 0.28 (0.06) for carcass backfat (CFT). Genetic correlations between LDG and CDG were highly positive and between LDG and CFT negative, suggesting that selection for lifetime daily gain under commercial conditions of group housing with ad libitum feeding would result in favourable improvement in carcass traits. CFT showed negative genetic correlations with CDG. Correlated genetic responses evaluated as estimated breeding values (EBVs) were obtained from a multivariate animal model-best linear unbiased prediction analysis. After four years of divergent selection for 6 week post-weaning growth rate on restricted feeding, pigs performance tested on ad libitum feeding in groups exhibited changes in EBVs of 6.77 and -9.93 (g/d) for LDG, 4.25 and -7.08 (g/d) for CDG, and -1.42 and 1.55 (mm) for CFT, in the high and low lines, respectively. It is concluded that selection for growth rate on restricted feeding would significantly improve genetic performance and carcass composition of their descendants when group housed and ad libitum fed as is a common commercial practice.

한국인영양(韓國人營養)의 현황(現況) (Nutritional Situation in Korea)

  • 주진순
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.37-42
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    • 1968
  • According to the dietary surveys and national food balance sheets, the dietary state of person living in Korea is ingesting a high level of grain and vegetable diet and very low animal sources. The daily calory intake is about 2,300-2,600 Cal. per head in which a total protein intake is 69-86 gm respectively. These data indicate no shortage of calory and total protein intake. However, the intake of animal protein is only 4-11 gm and the fat is 8-18 gm, both of which are far below the requirment. The low fat intake brings about a low level of fat soluble vitamins, and that V-A intake is as short as the half amount of the allowance. Riboflavine is also about a half of dietary requirment. Both thiamin and ascorbic acid intake are sufficient. The calcium intake is 0.26-0.5 gm per day which is inadequate. In fact, biochemical findings through field survey show; serum protein 6.7 gm, hemoglobin 13.1 gm and hematocrite 41.5% all of which are lower than the Kwon's report. The serum V-A and uunrinary riboflavin value are also lower than the Williams'es report. Clinically, inflamation of the eyes, cheilosis, pathological signs of tangue, xerosis of the hand and arm, or the like are frequently seen. On the other hand, there is no suitable diet available for the weaning infant and delayed weaning is a common practice. A school lunch program is still in an early stage of development. Another example can be cited that the Korean infant grows faster than the Japanese until one year of age, and no difference is noted between the Korean and the American infants up to six monthes of age, thereafter the former lags in the growth rate. This might be mainly due to the nutritional reasons as mentioned above, and in part due to the high inidence of intestinal parasitism and others.

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연세지역 아파트 주민의 모자보건에 관한 실태조사 (A Study of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice Relative to Maternal and Child Health Among Women Residing in Apartments at Yonsei Community Health Area)

  • 유승흠;정영숙;이경자;김광종
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제4권1호
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    • pp.77-87
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    • 1971
  • 연세지역 아파트 주민의 모자보건과 가족계획에 대한 지식, 태도와 실천을 파악하기 위하여 1970년 11 월24일부터 12월 30일까지 305명의 유배우가임부인을 대상으로 조사 하였다. 본 연구를 통해 얻어진 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. A. 임신과 출산 1. 현 임신율 16.4% 2. 분만장소 출산경험이 있는 281명에 대한 최종아의 분만중 48.0%가 의사 또는 조사원이 개조 하였고 그 나머지 52.0%는 가정분만이었다. 교육정도, 매스메디아 접촉정도가 높을수록, 그리고 도시출생성장일수록 병원 또는 조산원 분만이 높았다. 9. 분만시 방포 사용 종류 가정분만 141예중 세멘트 포대와 비닐을 깐 경우가 합해서 50%이었고 아무것도 깔지 않고 분만한 경우도 4예가 있었다. 4. 제대 절단 용구와 소독 가정 분만 141예중 70.2%가 가위를 사용했고, 소독해서 사용한 예는 불과 24.1%이었다. 5. 산후 휴식기간 산후 1달 혹은 1달이상 휴식한 예가 47.3%이었고 교육정도가 높아짐에 따라 길어지고 있다. 6. 초유처리 초유를 애기에게 먹인 예가 52.4%이있고 교육정도에 따라 유의한 차이가 없었다. 7. 산전 산후의 금기 음식 42.9%가 산전 산후에 먹어서는 안될 음식이 있다는 그릇된 지식을 갖고 있다. B. 아동 보건 1. 예방접종에 관한 지식과 실천 어린이 예방접종 6가지 모두 알고있는 부인은 20.3%이며 93.2%가 1가지 이상 알고있었다. 1가지 이상 실시한 경우는 85.2%이었고 교육정도별 유의한 차이는 없었다. 2. 최종아의 이환과 치료 48.1%가 아픈 일이 있었으며 그중 병원 이용은 41.5%이었다. 3. 육아 상담 76.5%가 상담한 일이 없었으며 세브란스 병원 육아 지도회 이용율은 13.2%의 저율을 보였고 앞으로의 육아지도회 이용할 생각은 54.1%가 생각 없다고 하였다. 4. 수 유 최종아의 이유기간은 6개월${\sim}$1년미만이 33.9%로 수위이며 젖뗀 이유는 모자 보건을 위해서가 수위였다. 5. 출생 및 사망신고장소에 대한 지식과 실천구청으로 답한 옳은 답은 64.6%였고 14일 이내 출생 신고한 비율은 29.2%에 한 하였다. C. 가족계획에 대한 지식, 태도, 실천정도 가족계획 찬성율은 95.0%의 고율을 보이고 있고, 97.7%가 1가지 이상의 방법을 알고 있었으나 가족계획 실천율은 35.4%이었다. 첫아이갖는 이상적인 연령은 $24{\sim}25$세가 수위였다. D. 자녀수 이상적인 평균 자녀수는 3.1명이며 인공유산 경험자는 31.1%이다. 본 논문을 완성함에 있어서 간곡하신 지도와 교열의 수고를 베풀어 주신 연세의대 예방의학교실 김일순 선생님과 연세간호대학 김모임 선생님께 충심으로 감사를 드린다.

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Preventive Strategies of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia

  • Kim, Jin-A;Kim, Keum-Soon
    • 중환자간호학회지
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.42-55
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: Despite numerous evidence based preventive strategies of ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) have been introduced, the incidence rate of VAP continues in an unacceptable range. The purposes of this review were to identify risk factors and diagnosis of VAP and to introduce current evidence based preventive strategies of VAP. Methods: A comprehensive literature search using keywords, including ventilator associated pneumonia were entered into a search engine. A number of highly pertinent papers relevant to the purpose of the review were identified. The papers that discussed specific preventive strategies of VAP were selected for analysis and inclusion in this review. Results: A number of evidence based preventive strategies that nurses can implement in their clinical practice to prevent VAP were identified. Such strategies include hand washing, use of protective gloves and gowns, oral care, stress ulcer prophylaxis, avoidance of unnecessary intubation, weaning protocol, sedation vacation, use of non-invasive ventilation, semi-recumbent position, continuous aspiration of subglottic secretions, and maintenance of proper endotracheal tube cuff pressure. Staff education is essential in preventing VAP. Conclusion: Preventive strategies of VAP should be applied to daily nursing care and each critical nurse should play a functional role in preventing VAP.

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일개 농촌지역 다문화가정의 이유식에 대한 지식, 태도 및 실천 (Baby Food Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Multi-cultural Families in a Rural Area)

  • 김민서;김건엽;김경나;김광환
    • 한국산학기술학회논문지
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    • 제18권7호
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    • pp.500-509
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    • 2017
  • 본 연구는 농촌지역 다문화가정의 이유식 실태와 지식, 태도 등을 살펴보고자 2015년 12월부터 2016년 3월까지 설문조사로 진행되었으며 92명을 최종 대상으로 하였다. 조사내용으로는 가구 및 아기에 대한 일반적인 특성, 이유식 실태, 이유식에 대한 지식, 태도, 실천 등이었다. 이유식 지식 평균점수는 3.79였고, 태도 평균점수는 4.07이었으며, 실천군은 25.0%였다. 이유식 지식에서는 총 자녀수가 2명 이상, 아기 어머니의 학력이 높은 경우, 출신국적이 중국 또는 일본, 한국어 능력이 상급, 아기 아버지의 학력이 높은 경우, 결혼생활 기간이 6년 이상, 아기 할머니와 동거하지 않는 경우, 이유식 주담 당자가 아기 어머니인 경우, 이유식 상담 및 교육을 받은 경우에서 높았다(p<0.05). 이유식 태도에서는 총 자녀수가 2명 이상, 아기 어머니 한국어 능력이 상급, 이유식 주담당자가 아기 어머니인 경우와 이유식 상담 및 교육을 받은 경우에서 높았다(p<0.05). 이유식 실천에서는 아기 어머니 출신국적이 일본과 캄보디아인 경우, 직업이 없는 경우, 이유식 주담당자가 아기 어머니인 경우에서 높았다(p<0.05). 이유식 실천에 따른 지식과 태도 점수를 보면, 이유식 실천군에서 지식(p<0.001) 및 태도가 미실천군보다 높았다. 다문화가정의 영유아 이유식 실천을 위해서 우선 이유식 주담당자인 아기 어머니를 대상으로 한국어 능력을 향상시키는 것이 중요하며, 주변 동료 지지자를 활용해서 이유식과 관련된 올바른 정보를 제공하는 것이 요구된다. 또한 다문화가정의 문화를 이해하면서 출신국적에 따른 차별화된 맞춤형 교육 및 서비스 제공이 필요하다.

Nutrient intakes of infants with atopic dermatitis and relationship with feeding type

  • Han, Youngshin;Lee, Youngmi;Park, Haeryun;Park, Sunyoung;Song, Kyunghee
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.57-62
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    • 2015
  • BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: The prevalence of atopic dermatitis in infants is increasing worldwide. However, the nutrient intake status of infants with atopic dermatitis has not been studied properly. This study was conducted to compare the nutrient intake status of infants in the weaning period with atopic dermatitis by feeding type. MATERIALS/METHODS: Feeding types, nutrient intake status and growth status of 98 infants with atopic dermatitis from age 6 to 12 months were investigated. Feeding types were surveyed using questionnaires, and daily intakes were recorded by mothers using the 24-hour recall method. Growth and iron status were also measured. RESULTS: The result showed that breastfed infants consumed less energy and 13 nutrients compared to formula-fed or mixed-fed infants (P < 0.001). The breastfed group showed a significantly lower intake rate to the Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans than the other two groups (P < 0.001). In addition, they consumed less than 75% of the recommended intakes in all nutrients, except for protein and vitamin A, and in particular, iron intake was very low, showing just 18.7% of the recommended intake. There was no significant difference in growth by feeding type, but breastfed infants showed a significantly higher rate of iron deficiency anemia (P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Continuous management programs should be prepared for breastfed infants with atopic dermatitis, who are in a period when rapid growth takes place and proper nutrient intake is essential.

Effects of disturbed liver growth and oxidative stress of high-fat diet-fed dams on cholesterol metabolism in offspring mice

  • Kim, Juyoung;Kim, Juhae;Kwon, Young Hye
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • 제10권4호
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    • pp.386-392
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    • 2016
  • BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: Changes in nutritional status during gestation and lactation have detrimental effects on offspring metabolism. Several animal studies have shown that maternal high-fat diet (HFD) can predispose the offspring to development of obesity and metabolic diseases, however the mechanisms underlying these transgenerational effects are poorly understood. Therefore, we examined the effect of maternal HFD consumption on metabolic phenotype and hepatic expression of involved genes in dams to determine whether any of these parameters were associated with the metabolic outcomes in the offspring. MATERIALS/METHODS: Female C57BL/6 mice were fed a low-fat diet (LFD: 10% calories from fat) or a high-fat diet (HFD: 45% calories from fat) for three weeks before mating, and during pregnancy and lactation. Dams and their male offspring were studied at weaning. RESULTS: Dams fed an HFD had significantly higher body and adipose tissue weights and higher serum triglyceride and cholesterol levels than dams fed an LFD. Hepatic lipid levels and mRNA levels of genes involved in lipid metabolism, including $LXR{\alpha}$, SREBP-2, FXR, LDLR, and ABCG8 were significantly changed by maternal HFD intake. Significantly lower total liver DNA and protein contents were observed in dams fed an HFD, implicating the disturbed liver adaptation in the pregnancy-related metabolic demand. HFD feeding also induced significant oxidative stress in serum and liver of dams. Offspring of dams fed an HFD had significantly higher serum cholesterol levels, which were negatively correlated with liver weights of dams and positively correlated with hepatic lipid peroxide levels in dams. CONCLUSIONS: Maternal HFD consumption induced metabolic dysfunction, including altered liver growth and oxidative stress in dams, which may contribute to the disturbed cholesterol homeostasis in the early life of male mice offspring.

The effect of long-term supplementation with different dietary ${\omega}-6/{\omega}-3$ ratios on mineral content and ex vivo prostaglandin E2 release in bone of growing rabbits

  • Alnouri, Doha Mustafa;El-Din, Mohamed Fekry Serag;Al-Khalifa, Abdulrhman Salih
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • 제8권4호
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    • pp.360-367
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    • 2014
  • BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: The aim of this research was to study the different long term effects of consumption of dietary oil sources with varying omega-6/omega-3 (${\omega}-6/{\omega}-3$) polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) ratios on bone marrow fatty acid level, ex vivo prostaglandin $E_2$ ($PGE_2$) release, and mineral content of bone in rabbits. MATERIALS/METHODS: For this purpose, weaning and female New Zealand white rabbits were purchased and randomly divided into five groups and offered ad libitum diets containing 70 g/kg of added oil for 100 days. The dietary lipid treatments were formulated to provide the following ratios of ${\omega}-6/{\omega}-3$ fatty acids: 8.68 soy bean oil (SBO control), 21.75 sesame oil (SO), 0.39 fish oil (FO), 0.63 algae oil (DHA), and 0.68 algae oils (DHA/ARA). DHA and ARA are two types of marine microalgae of the genus Crypthecodinium cohnii. RESULTS: The dietary treatments had significant effects on the bone marrow fatty acids of rabbits. Rabbits fed the FO diet, containing the highest ${\omega}-3$ PUFA concentration, and those fed the SBO diet showed the highest ${\omega}-6$ PUFA. On the other hand, a positive correlation was observed between Ex vivo $PGE_2$ level and the ${\omega}-6/{\omega}-3$ dietary ratio. Significant effects of dietary treatment on femur Ca, P, Mg, and Zn contents were observed in both genders. CONCLUSIONS: Findings of the current study clearly demonstrated that dietary PUFA, particularly ${\omega}-6/{\omega}-3$ and ARA/EPA ratios are important factors in determining bone marrow fatty acid profile, and this in turn determines the capacity of bone for synthesis of $PGE_2$, thereby reducing bone resorption and improving bone mass during growth.

Maternal high-fructose intake during pregnancy and lactation induces metabolic syndrome in adult offspring

  • Koo, Soohyeon;Kim, Mina;Cho, Hyun Min;Kim, Inkyeom
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.160-172
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    • 2021
  • BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: Nutritional status and food intake during pregnancy and lactation can affect fetal programming. In the current metabolic syndrome epidemic, high-fructose diets have been strongly implicated. This study investigated the effect of maternal high-fructose intake during pregnancy and lactation on the development of metabolic syndrome in adult offspring. SUBJECTS/METHODS: Drinking water with or without 20% fructose was administered to female C57BL/6J mice over the course of their pregnancy and lactation periods. After weaning, pups ate regular chow. Accu-Chek Performa was used to measure glucose levels, and a tail-cuff method was used to examine systolic blood pressure. Animals were sacrificed at 7 months, their livers were excised, and sections were stained with Oil Red O and hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining. Kidneys were collected for gene expression analysis using quantitative real-time Polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS: Adult offspring exposed to maternal high-fructose intake during pregnancy and lactation presented with heavier body weights, fattier livers, and broader areas under the curve in glucose tolerance test values than control offspring. Serum levels of alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, glucose, triglycerides, and total cholesterol and systolic blood pressure in the maternal high-fructose group were higher than that in controls. However, there were no significant differences in mRNA expressions of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system genes and sodium transporter genes. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that maternal high-fructose intake during pregnancy and lactation induces metabolic syndrome with hyperglycemia, hypertension, and dyslipidemia in adult offspring.

Flock composition, breeding strategies and farmers' traits of interest evaluation of Wollo highland sheep and their F1 crosses

  • Amare, Tadesse;Goshu, Gebeyehu;Tamir, Berhan
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • 제60권5호
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    • pp.14.1-14.12
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    • 2018
  • Background: Sheep production is a major component of the livestock sector in Ethiopia. The country owing to the large population of 30.70 million estimated numbers of sheep in the country and out of which about 72.14% are females, and 27.86% are males with diverse genetic resources. The real value of indigenous breeds was often under-estimated mostly due to their poor appearance and relatively low productivity. Developing countries in most cases opt for exotic breeds to increase animal productivity through crossbreeding or breed substitution without properly investigating the production potential of the indigenous breeds. The main objective of the research was to identify sheep flock composition and structure, farmers' traits of interest and breeding objective of Wollo highland sheep, and their $F_1$ crossbreed progenies. Results: Smallholder farmers' flock synthesized from breeding ewes, breeding rams, pre-weaned ewe lambs, pre-weaned ram lambs, unproductive ewes, castrated and fattened rams, with the percentage coverage of 29.2, 13.3, 15.5, 16.5, 12.4, and 12.5%, respectively. The maximum number of flock size was 289.0 sheep per flock and higher in the third stratum. The off-take rate percentage of the three strata presented as 21.9% in 1st stratum, 12% in the 2nd stratum, and 16.4% in the 3rd stratum and higher off-take rate recorded in the first stratum. Sheep producer's traits of interest ranked by growth rate (first), body size (second) and marketing value was third rank. Communal breeding (random mating), village based controlled breeding, mixed type and private ram controlled breeding practice were comprised of 39.7, 61.7, 52 and 71.3%, respectively. The percentages of ewes per flock composition were presented as 36.5, 27.1 and 25.5%, respectively in the 3rd stratum, 2nd stratum and 3rd stratum in the order of their importance's. Conclusion: Genetic improvement practices at smallholder sheep producers situation was showing promising outcome with indigenous Washera $F_1$ crossbred lambs and which designated for weaning rate, body size, marketing age, age at first lambing, good temperament and large litter size in the order of their rank. The contemporary breeding practice tendency indicated that, reduced flock size to improve flock productivity via crossbreeding practices.