• Title/Summary/Keyword: water-soluble component

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Poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) Conjugated Lipid System for the Hydrophobic Drug Delivery

  • Lee, Hye-Yun;Yu, Seol-A;Jeong, Kwan-Ho;Kim, Young-Jin
    • Macromolecular Research
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.547-552
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    • 2007
  • Water soluble polymer, poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) was chosen to conjugate with 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-N-(succinyl) (N-succinyl DPPE) to make a new drug delivery system. PVP with an amine group (amino-PVP) was polymerized by free radical polymerization. The amine group of amino-PVP was conjugated with the carboxylic group of N-succinyl DPPE. The resultant conjugate could form nanoparticles in the aqueous solution; these nanoparticles were termed a lipid-polymer system. The critical aggregation concentration was measured with pyrene to give a value of $1{\times}10^{-3}g/L$. The particle size of the lipid-polymer system, as measured by DLS, AFM and TEM, was about 70 nm. Lipophilic component in the inner part of the lipid-polymer system could derive the physical interaction with hydrophobic drugs. Griseofulvin was used as a model drug in this study. The loading efficiency and release profile of the drug were measured by HPLC. The loading efficiency was about 54%. The release behavior was sustained for a prolonged time of 12 days. The proposed lipid-polymer system with biodegradable and biocompatible properties has promising potential as a passive-targeting drug delivery carrier because of its small particle size.

Particle-size-dependent aging time scale of atmospheric black carbon (입자 크기의 함수로 나타낸 대기 중 블랙카본의 변성시간척도)

  • Park, Sung Hoon
    • Particle and aerosol research
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 2009
  • Black carbon, which is a by-product of combustion of fossil fuel and biomass burning, is the component that imposes the largest uncertainty on quantifying aerosol climate effect. The direct, indirect and semi-direct climate effects of black carbon depend on its state of the mixing with other water-soluble aerosol components. The process that transforms hydrophobic externally mixed black carbon particles into hygroscopic internally mixed ones is called "aging". In most climate models, simple parameterizations for the aging time scale are used instead of solving detailed dynamics equations on the aging process due to the computation cost. In this study, a new parameterization for the black carbon aging time scale due to condensation and coagulation is presented as a function of the concentration of hygroscopic atmospheric components and the black carbon particle size. It is shown that the black carbon aging time scale due to condensation of sulfuric acid vapors varies to a large extent depending on the sulfuric acid concentration and the black carbon particle size. This result indicates that the constant aging time scale values suggested in the literature cannot be directly applied to a global scale modeling. The aging time scale due to coagulation with internally mixed aerosol particles shows an even stronger dependency on particle size, which implies that the use of a particle-size-independent aging time scale may lead to a large error when the aging is dominated by coagulation.

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Source Apportionment and the Origin of Asian Dust Observed in Korea by Receptor Modelling (CMB) (수용모델(CMB)을 이용한 한반도에서 관측된 황사의 발원지 추정과 기여도에 대한 연구)

  • Shin S.A.;Han J.S.;Kim S.D.
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.157-166
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    • 2006
  • Ambient TSP at four sites in Korea and soil samples from the source regions of Asian Dust in northern China were collected and analyzed for 15 metal components and 6 water-soluble ions to conduct a chemical mass balance (CMB). CMB receptor model was used to estimate the source contribution of TSP during the Asian Dust period, and the model results showed that China soil was the largest source contributor, accounting for 81% of TSP ($458.2{\mu}g/m^3$). Vehicle emission and geological sources contributed to about 8.8% and 4.4% of aerosol mass, followed by sea salt (1.5%) and secondary aerosol (2.9%). Fuel combustion and industrial process sources were found to be relatively minor contributors to TSP (${\leq}1%$). In addition to source contribution estimates, this study tried to identify the origin of Asian Dust observed in Korea. Among all 13 China soil profiles presented in this study, the most adoptable profile which can project the case well was selected and considered as the origin of the applied case.

Effects of the pH Change of Ash Solution and the Addition of Chitosan on the Caesalpinia sappan Dyeing in the Simultaneous Mordanting with the Addition of Ash Solution (잿물 동시매염에 의한 소목의 염색에서 잿물의 pH 변화와 키토산 첨가가 염색성에 미치는 영향)

  • Seo, Hee-Sung;Jeon, Dong-Won;Kim, Jong-Jun
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.13 no.5 s.58
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    • pp.686-698
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    • 2005
  • In this study, simultaneous mordanting method of dyeing in the Caesalpinia sappan dye liquor mixed with the rice straw ash solution was employed. The dyeing effects were compared and reviewed according to the changes of dyeing mechanisms of pre-mordanting and simultaneous mordanting using ash solutions. By the direct addition of the ash solution, the pH of the liquor was abruptly changed. In the case of maintaining the pH value of the ash solution at about 7 or 8, compared to the pre-mordanting, $a^{*}$ values increased and $b^{*}$ values decreased. As a result, it is highly desirable in terms of selective emphasis on the reddish hue. The color development, differentiated from that obtainable by the dyeing of chitosan pre-treated fabric, was obtained due to the effect of the water soluble chitosan component on the dyeing mechanism.

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Trace Metals Characterization of Respirable Dust during Yellow Sand Phenomena in Seoul Area (서울지역의 황사발생시 호흡성 분진 중 미량원소의 특성 평가)

  • 신은상;선우영
    • Journal of environmental and Sanitary engineering
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.41-51
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    • 2002
  • This research was carried out using Anderson air sampler which were set up on the roof of the Engineering College of Konkuk University at Hwayang-Dong, Kwangjin-Gu, Seoul from Aug. 1992 to foul. 1999. The results are as follows: The major component of yellow sand is soil particles based upon the observation that particles ranging from $3.3~7.0{\mu}m$ occupy 36~63%. It is certain that the increase of fine particles of respirable dust during yellow sand phenomenon in Seoul area affects the human body. The trace metals from natural sources like Al, Ca, Fe, K, Na, and Si show larger mass median diameter(MMD) values during yellow sand phenomenon than in normal situations while the values of MMD for Mn and Pb rarely changes. Noticeably, the changes in value of MMD of water soluble elements like ${NO_3}^{-}$ and ${SO_4}^{2}$ are 2.3 and 6.6 times higher during the yellow sand phenomenon compared to normal situations, respectively. This fact is regarded as decisive evidence showing that ${NO_3}^{-}$ and ${SO_4}^{2}$ in the air are attached to yellow sand and move together.

The Nitro-scavenging Effects by the Component of Cassiae Torae Semen (결명자의 아질산염 소거작용)

  • Do, Jeong-Ryong;Kim, Seon-Bong;Park, Yeung-Ho;Park, Yeung-Beom;Choi, Jae-Sue;Kim, Dong-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.526-529
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    • 1993
  • The present study was conducted to investigate nitrite-scavenging ability of the components of Cassiae torae semen, Cassia tora L. The nitrite-scavenging effects of fractions obtained from methanol extract of Cassiae torae semen, Cassia tora L. were strong in ethyl acetate fraction, chloroform fraction, water soluble fraction and ethyl ether fraction in order. Compound D showed the strongest nitrite-scavenging effects among compound A, B, C, D separated from Cassiae torae semen. Compound D separated from Cassiae torae semen possessed ten-fold stronger the nitrite-scavenging effect than ascorbic acid.

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Tainting and Depuration in Fish by Petroleum Hydrocarbon (유류오염이 어체에 미치는 영향과 유성분 제거에 관한 연구)

  • 강석중;최병대
    • Journal of Aquaculture
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.189-197
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    • 1997
  • A series of short (8 hours) and long term (96 hours) exposure studies was conducted on a laboratory scale to evaluation (1) the threshold concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbon in seawater which can lead to tainting problems in yellow tail (Seriola quinqueradiata) and (2) the time to recover (depuration period) once the tainting has occurred. The water-soluble fraction (WSF) of crude oil was prepared by stirring the oil with cold seawater. The main component of the WSF were low-boiling aromatics, although these were only al small proportion of the starting oil. From the sencory evaluation it was concluded that the threshold hydrocarbon levels in seawater which will impart a taint in yellow tail fillets within a 8-hour exposure period (short exposure period) are in the range of 0.4 to 1.0 ppm and within a 96-hour exposure period (long exposure period) are in the range of 0.2 to 0.5 ppm. Depuration trials were carried out with WSF from crude oil. The fish were exposed for 48 hours to concentration of 2.5 ppm hydrocarbons. After 48-hour exposure period, the fish were allowed to depurate in fresh, uncontaminated seawater. Depuration time for these fish was 10 days. The taste panelists were able to detect the contaminated fillets very easily while the depurated fish could not be distiguished from the control.

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Frit-Inlet Asymmetrical Flow Field-Flow Fractionation (FI-ARIFF): A Stopless Separation Technique for Macromlecules and Nanopariticles

  • Mun, Myeong Hui
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.337-348
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    • 2001
  • This article gives an overview of a recently developed channel system, frit-inlet asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation (FI-AFlFFF), which can be applied for the separation of nanoparticles, proteins, and water soluble polymers. A conventiona l asymmetrical flow FFF channel has been modified into a frit-inlet asymmetrical type by introducing a small inlet frit near the injection point and the system operation of the FI-AFlFFF channel can be made with a great convenience. Since sample components injected into the FI-AFlFFF channel are hydrodynamically relaxed, sample injection and separation processes proceed without interruption of the migration flow. Therefore in FI-AFlFFF, there is no requirement for a valve operation to switch the direction of the migration flow that is normally achieved during the focusing/relaxation process in a conventional asymmetrical channel. In this report, principles of the hydrodynamic relaxation in FI-AFlFFF channel are described with equations to predict the retention time and to calculate the complicated flow variations in the developed channel. The retention and resolving power of FI-AFlFFF system are demonstrated with standard nanospheres and protreins. An attempt to elucidate the capability of FI-AFlFFF system for the separation and size characterization of nanoparticles is made with a fumed silica particle sample. In FI-AFlFFF, field programming can be easily applied to improve separation speed and resolution for a highly retaining component (very large MW) by using flow circulation method. Programmed FI-AFlFFF separations are demonstrated with polystyrene sulfonate standards and pululans and the dynamic separation range of molecular weight is successfully expanded.

Afzelin suppresses proinflammatory responses in particulate matter-exposed human keratinocytes

  • Ju Hee Kim;Minjeong Kim;Jae Min Kim;Mi‑Kyung Lee;Seong Jun Seo;Kui Young Park
    • International Journal of Molecular Medicine
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.2516-2522
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    • 2019
  • Particulate matter (PM), a widespread airborne contaminant, is a complex mixture of solid and liquid particles suspended in the air. Recent studies have demonstrated that PM induces oxidative stress and inflammatory reactions, and may cause certain skin diseases. Afzelin is a flavonoid isolated from Thesium chinense Turcz, which has anti-inflammatory, anticancer and antibacterial properties. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate if afzelin affected inflammatory responses in human keratinocytes exposed to PM. HaCaT cells were treated with PM (25 ㎍/cm2) in the presence or absence of afzelin (200 µM). Here, standard reference material 1649b was used as PM. Cell viability was assessed using the water-soluble tetrazolium salt-1 assay. The generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) was measured using the dichloro-dihydro-​fluorescein diacetate assay. Gene and protein expression were investigated using reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction and western blot analysis, respectively. Levels of secreted inflammatory cytokines were measured using ELISA. The results suggested that afzelin inhibited PM-induced proinflammatory cytokine mRNA expression and protein secretion in HaCaT cells. In addition, afzelin suppressed PM-induced intracellular ROS generation, and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase and transcription factor activator protein-1 component c-Fos and c-Jun activation. The results indicated that afzelin exerts anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects in PM-exposed HaCaT. Afzelin may have potential for preventing PM-induced inflammatory skin diseases.

Chemical characteristics of particulate species in Mt. Sobaek atmosphere(I) : The distribution and behaviour of major ion components (소백산 대기 중 입자상 물질의 화학적 특성에 관한 연구(I) : 이온 성분의 분포와 거동을 중심으로)

  • 이선기;최재천;이민영;최만식
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.179-184
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    • 1995
  • This study was carried out to characterize sources of suspended particulate matter(SPM) in Mt. Soback area from January to Novembver in 1993. The collection and major water soluble ion analysis of SPM were conducted by using a High Volumn Air Sampler(HVAS; W&A Inc., PM-10) and ion chromatograph(DIONEX 4000i), respectively. The variations of SPM and major ion concentrations were found to be 9. sim. 156.mu.g/ $m^{3}$, $F^{-10}$ 0.00 .sim. 0.15.mu.g/ $m^{3}$, C $l^{-10}$ 0.06 .sim. 3.79.mu.g/ $m^{3}$, N $O_{3}$$^{-10}$ 0.90 .sim. 6.85.mu.g/ $m^{3}$, S $O_{4}$$^{2-}$ 1.99 .sim. 9.36.mu.g/ $m^{3}$ N $a^{+}$0.00 .sim. 0.27.mu.g/ $m^{3}$, N $H_{4}$ $^{+}$0.72 .sim. 5.77.mu.g/ $m^{3}$, $k^{+}$0.03 .sim. 0.88.mu.g/ $m^{3}$ and $Ca^{2+}$0.12 .sim. 2.76.mu.g/ $m^{3}$. Tree sources were identified by Principal Component Amalysis(PCA) using a SPSS/P $C^{+}$. The explanation ability of forst, second and third Principal Component were 60.8%, 13.6%, 8.2%, of total variance. The sources classfied by PCA were found to be secondary aerosol/fuel combustion, soil dust related cement production/yellow sand and aerosol related waste burning.related waste burning.g.

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