• Title/Summary/Keyword: water release

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Maximizing of hydropower generation of Hwacheon Reservoir using HEC-ResPRM model

  • Karimizadeh, Keivan;Choi, Changwon;Yi, Jaeeung
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.219-219
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    • 2015
  • Hwacheon Reservoir is one of the reservoirs, which are located on the North Han River in South Korea. Construction of this reservoir was started in 1939 and completed in 1944. At the upstream of this reservoir there are Peace Reservoir, which is located in South Korea and Imnam Reservoir, which is located in North Korea. After construction of Imnam Reservoir, inflow regularity of Hwacheon Reservoir was changed and inflow of Hwacheon Reservoir also, was decreased. Peace Reservoir is used to decrease flood and damage at downstream due to unexpected release from Imnam Reservoir. This reservoir also, has a special role to regulate inflow of Hwacheon Reservoir. Hwacheon Reservoir has an important role for hydropower generation and flood control. Capacity and maximum discharge capacity of Hwacheon Reservoir are 1018 million $m^3$ and $9500m^3/s$, respectively. This reservoir has four generators to produce power and it is one of the important reservoirs for hydropower generation in South Korea. Due to the important role of this reservoir in generating power, maximization of hydropower generation of this reservoir is important and necessary. For this purpose, HEC-ResPRM model was applied in this study. HEC-ResPRM is a useful and applicable model to operate reservoirs and it gives optimal value for release to maximize power by minimizing penalty functions. In this study, after running the model, amount of release was optimized and hydropower generation was maximized by allocating more water for hydropower release instead of spillway release. Also, the model increased release in dry period from October to June to prevent high amount of release in flood season from July to September.

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Drug Release Behavior and Degradability of Microspheres Prepared using Water-Soluble Chitosan (수용성 키토산으로 제조한 미세구의 분해성과 약물 방출 거동)

  • 장미경;최창용;김원석;정영일;나재운
    • Polymer(Korea)
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.291-297
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    • 2004
  • Water-soluble chitosan micro spheres were prepared by emulsification of chitosan solution in mineral oil followed by cross linking reaction with different amount of the cross linking agent (glutraraldehyde), different chitosan concentration. Then, the physicochemical properties such as morphological change by degradation, drug loading efficiency, and drug release profiles were investigated with the drug loaded water-soluble chitosan microspheres. Norfloxacin loaded water-soluble chitosan micro spheres showed excellent drug entrapping capacities without burst release caused by surface bound drug. The absence of the surface bound drug also confirmed by X-ray diffraction study. Degradation and drug release studies showed that the amount of the crosslinking agent played a crucial role for drug loading, release and degradation. The water-soluble chitosan micro spheres showed more sustained drug release profiles with slower degradation and larger particle size by increasing crosslinking agent.

Assessment of changes on water quality and aquatic ecosystem health in Han river basin by additional dam release of stream maintenance flow (하천유지유량 추가 댐방류에 따른 한강유역의 수질 및 수생태계 건강성 변화 평가)

  • Woo, So Young;Kim, Seong Joon;Hwang, Sun Jin;Jung, Chung Gil
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.52 no.spc2
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    • pp.777-789
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate changes in water quality and aquatic ecosystem health by additional dam release of stream maintenance flow from multipurpose dams in Han river basin ($34,148km^2$) using SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool). The period of additional release was spring (April to June) and autumn (August to October) to evaluate the changes with the data of aquatic ecosystem health survey. The amount of additional release was set proportional to the present dam release, and the maximum release amount was controlled not to exceed the officially notified stream maintenance flow from dam. The 10 percent to 50 percent additional releases showed that the stream water quality (T-N, $NH_4$, T-P, and $PO_4-P$) concentrations except $NO_3-N$ decreased in spring while increased in autumn period. Using the stream water quality results and applying with Random Forest algorithm, the grade of aquatic ecosystem health index (FAI, TDI, and BMI) was improved for both periods especially in the downstream of basin. This study showed that the additional release of stream maintenance flow was more effective in spring than autumn period for the improvement of water quality and aquatic ecosystem.

Preparation and Physical Characteristics of High-Performance Heat Storage.Release Fabrics with PCMMc : Wet coating process (상전이 마이크로캡슐이 함유된 고기능성 축열.발열 직물의 제조 및 물리적 특성 : 습식코팅)

  • Koo, Kang;Choe, Jong-Deok;Choi, Jong-Suk;Kim, Eun-Ae;Park, Young-Mi
    • Textile Coloration and Finishing
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    • v.19 no.1 s.92
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    • pp.24-30
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    • 2007
  • Heat storage/release system in textile is a useful tool to increase energy efficiency and enhance comfortable microclimate of clothing. Phase change materials(PCM) are used in regulating storage and release properties of thermal energy. To investigate the temperature regulating ability of fabrics with PCM microcapsule(PCMMc), Nylon fabrics were coated with PCMMc via wet processing and they were characterized by SEM, DSC and infrared thermal analyzer. Also, water moisture transpiration, water penetration resistance, peel strength and washing durability of the fabrics were assessed. The water vapor permeation and water penetration resistance decreased with increasing PCMMc content. In DSC analysis, it can be seen that the microencapsulated fabric showed both exothermic md endothermic phenomena at specific temperature. Peel strength was decreased with increasing PCMMc content.

Modeling of Water Quality with Sediment-Water Interaction at Sea Bottom in Semi-enclosed Coastal Waters - Application to Osaka Bay (폐쇄성 내만에 있어서 수질$\cdot$저질 상호작용 모델링)

  • Han, Dong-Jin;Yoon, Jong-Sung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.129-137
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    • 2005
  • In this study, we developed a model to simulate the interaction between sediment and the overlying water. The model deals with water-sediment interaction in terms of the sedimentation of organic detritus from the pelagic zone into the benthic zone and the release of nutrients occurring in the reverse direction. The model was tested and verified by comparing the predicted release rates of phosphorus from the sediment in Osaka Bay with actual observed values. The results accurately reproduced the seasonal change in release rates. The results well represented seasonal change of the release rates. A long-term prediction of water and sediment quality was performed for the period from 1950 to 1999. Nutrient loads from land and the boundary conditions of 3-D baroclinic flows were season-adjusted. The model accurately reproduced the changing trends in phosphorus, nitrogen, and COD concentrations in Osaka Bay over a long period of time.

Evaluation of Hydrocortisone Sustained-Release Suppositories Prepared with Eudragit-Polyethylene Glycol Solid Matrix (유드라짓 및 폴리에틸렌글리콜 고체 매트릭스로 제조한 히드로코르티손 좌제의 서방성 평가)

  • Han, Kun;Kim, Hak-Hyung
    • Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.13-18
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    • 1990
  • Hydrocortisone (HC) sustained-release suppositories were prepared by using a solid matrix of methacrylic acid-methacrylic acid methyl ester copolymer $(Eudragit\;L_{100}^{R}:\;EL)$ as a poorly water soluble carrier and polyethylene glycole 1540 (PEG) as an water soluble carrier. HC release rate was controlled by complexation with ${\beta}-cyclodextrin$ $({\beta}-CyD)$ which was confirmed by X-ray diffractometry, IR-spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry. Release rate of HC from the EL-PEG matrix suppositories decreased with increase of EL contents. The release rale from $HC-{\beta}-CyD$ complex decreased in the following order: $HC-{\beta}-CyD/PEG$ > HC/PEG > $HC-{\beta}-CyD/EL_{10%}-PEG$ > $HC/EL_{10%}-PEG$ > $HC-{\beta}-CyD/EL_{15%}-PEG$ > $HC/EL_{15%}-PEG$ > $HC-{\beta}-CyD/EL_{20%}-PEG$ > $HC/EL_{20%}-PEG$. The crystallinity of HC in polymer matrix was identified using X-ray diffractometer and the surface of matrix suppositories after release test was examined by scanning electron microscopy. The sustained release of HC from these matrix suppositories was attributed to the network structure of EL.

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Optimal Reservoir Operation Models for Paddy Rice Irrigation with Weather Forecasts (II) -Model Development- (기상예보를 고려한 관개용 저수지의 최적 조작 모형(II) -모형의 구성-)

  • 김병진;박승우
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.44-55
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    • 1994
  • This paper describes the development of real-time irrigation reservoir operation models that adequately allocate available water resources for paddy rice irrigation. Water requirement deficiency index(WRDI) was proposed as a guide to evaluate the operational performance of release schemes by comparing accumulated differences between daily release requirements for irrigated areas and actual release amounts. Seven reservoir release rules were developed, which are constant release rate method (CRR), mean storage curve method(MSC), frequency analysis method of reservoir storage rate(FAS), storage requirement curve method(SRC), constant optimal storage rate method (COS), ten-day optimal storage rate method(TOS), and release optimization method(ROM). Long-term forecasting reservoir operation model(LFROM) was formulated to find an optimal release scheme which minimizes WRDIs with long-term weather generation. Rainfall sequences, rainfall amount, and evaporation amount throughout the growing season were to be forecasted and the results used as an input for the model. And short-term forecasting reservoir operation model(SFROM) was developed to find an optimal release scheme which minimizes WRDIs with short-term weather forecasts. The model uses rainfall sequences forecasted by the weather service, and uses rainfall and evaporation amounts generated according to rainfall sequences.

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Preparation and Characterization of Poly(lactide-co-glycolide) Micro-spheres for the Sustained Release of AZT

  • Gilson Khang;Lee, Jin-Ho;Lee, Jin-Whan;Cho, Jin-Cheol;Lee, Hai-Bang
    • Macromolecular Research
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.80-88
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    • 2000
  • Biodegradable microspheres were prepared with poly(L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA, 75 : 25 by mole ratio) by an oil/oil solvent evaporation method for the sustained release of anti-AIDS virus agent, AZT The microspheres of relatively narrow size distribution (7.6$\pm$ 3.8 ㎛) were obtained by controlling the fabrication conditions. The shape of microspheres prepared was smooth and spherical. The efficiency of AZT loading into the PLGA microsphere was over 93% compared to that below 15% for microspheres by a conventional water/oil/water method. The effects of Preparation conditions on the morphology and in vitro AZT release pattern were investigated. in vitro release studies showed that different release pattern and release rates could be achieved by simply modifying factors in the fabrication conditions such as the type and amount of surfactant, initial amount of loaded drug, the temperature of solvent evaporation, and so on. PLCA microspheres prepared by 5% of initial drug loading, 1.0% (w/w) of surfactant concentration, and 25$\^{C}$ of solvent evaporation temperature were free from initial burst effect and a near-zero order sustained release was observed. Possible mechanisms of the near-zero order sustained release for our system have been proposed.

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Water-insoluble, Whey Protein-based Microcapsules for Controlled Core Release Application

  • Lee, Sung-Je
    • Journal of Dairy Science and Biotechnology
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.115-123
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    • 2005
  • Microcapsules consisting of natural, biodegradable polymers for controlled and/or sustained core release applications are needed. Physicochemical properties of whey proteins suggest that they may be suitable wall materials in developing such microcapsules. The objectives of the research were to develop water-insoluble, whey protein-based microcapsules containing a model water-soluble drug using a chemical cross-linking agent, glutaraldehyde, and to investigate core release from these capsules at simulated physiological conditions. A model water soluble drug, theophylline, was suspended in whey protein isolate (WPI) solution. The suspension was dispersed in a mixture of dichloromethane and hexane containing 1% biomedical polyurethane. Protein matrices were cross-linked with 7.5-30 ml of glutaraldehyde-saturated toluene (GAST) for 1-3 hr. Microcapsules were harvested, washed, dried and analyzed for core retention, microstructure, and core release in enzyme-free simulated gastric fluid (SGF) and simulated intestinal fluid(SIF) at $37^{\circ}C$. A method consisting of double emulsification and heat gelation was also developed to prepare water-insoluble, whey protein-based microcapsules containing anhydrous milkfat (AMF) as a model apolar core. AMF was emulsified into WPI solution (15${\sim}$30%, pH 4.5-7.2) at a proportion of 25${\sim}$50%(w/w, on dry basis). The oil-in-water emulsion was then added and dispersed into corn oil ($50^{\circ}C$) to form an O/W/O double emulsion and then heated at $85^{\circ}C$ for 20 min for gelation of whey protein wall matrix. Effects of emulsion composition and pH on core retention, microstructure, and water-solubility of microcapsules were determined. Overall results suggest that whey proteins can be used in developing microcapsules for controlled and sustained core release applications.

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Analysis on the Reduction of Phosphorus Release in River and Lake Sediments through Application of Capping Technology (Capping 기술을 이용한 하천 및 호소 퇴적토의 인 용출 저감 효과 분석)

  • Kim, Seog-Ku;Yun, Sang-Leen
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.36 no.11
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    • pp.781-790
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    • 2014
  • Contaminants such as organic matters, nutrients and toxic chemicals in rivers and lakes with a weak flow rate are first removed from the water and accumulated in the sediments. Subsequently, they are released into the water column again, posing direct/indirect adverse effects on the water quality and aquatic ecosystems. In particular, phosphorus is known to accelerate the eutrophication phenomenon when it is released into the water column via physical disturbance and biological/chemical actions as one of important materials that determine the primary production of aquatic ecosystems and an element that is stored mainly in the sediments in the process of material circulation in the body of water. In this study, the effect on reducing phosphorus release in sediments was analyzed by applying different capping materials to lake water, where the effect of aquatic microorganisms is taken into account, and to distilled water, where the effect of microorganisms is excluded. The experimental results showed that capping with chemical materials such as Fe-gypsum and $SiO_2$-gypsum further reduced the phosphorus release by at least 40% compared to the control case. Composite materials like granule gypsum+Sand showed over 50% phosphorus release reduction effect. Therefore, it is determined that capping with chemical materials such as granule-gypsum and eco-friendly materials such as sand is effective in reducing phosphorus release. The changes in phosphorus properties in the sediments before and after capping treatment showed that gypsum input helped to change the phosphorus that is present in lake sediments into apatite-P, a stable form that makes phosphorus release difficult. Based on the above results, it is expected that the application of capping technology will contribute to improving the efficiency of reducing phosphorus release that occurs in river and lake sediments.