• Title/Summary/Keyword: vowel perception

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Nonlinear Interaction between Consonant and Vowel Features in Korean Syllable Perception (한국어 단음절에서 자음과 모음 자질의 비선형적 지각)

  • Bae, Moon-Jung
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.1 no.4
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 2009
  • This study investigated the interaction between consonants and vowels in Korean syllable perception using a speeded classification task (Garner, 1978). Experiment 1 examined whether listeners analytically perceive the component phonemes in CV monosyllables when classification is based on the component phonemes (a consonant or a vowel) and observed a significant redundancy gain and a Garner interference effect. These results imply that the perception of the component phonemes in a CV syllable is not linear. Experiment 2 examined the further relation between consonants and vowels at a subphonemic level comparing classification times based on glottal features (aspiration and lax), on place of articulation features (labial and coronal), and on vowel features (front and back). Across all feature classifications, there were significant but asymmetric interference effects. Glottal feature.based classification showed the least amount of interference effect, while vowel feature.based classification showed moderate interference, and place of articulation feature-based classification showed the most interference. These results show that glottal features are more independent to vowels, but place features are more dependent to vowels in syllable perception. To examine the three-way interaction among glottal, place of articulation, and vowel features, Experiment 3 featured a modified Garner task. The outcome of this experiment indicated that glottal consonant features are independent to both the place of articulation and vowel features, but the place of articulation features are dependent to glottal and vowel features. These results were interpreted to show that speech perception is not abstract and discrete, but nonlinear, and that the perception of features corresponds to the hierarchical organization of articulatory features which is suggested in nonlinear phonology (Clements, 1991; Browman and Goldstein, 1989).

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Perceptual Vowel Space and Mental Representation of Korean Monophthongs (한국어 단모음의 지각적 모음공간과 심적 표상)

  • Choi, Yang-Gyu
    • Speech Sciences
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.287-301
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to examine whether the same vowel sounds are perceived differently by the two local dialect speakers, Seoul dialect speakers (SDS) and Kyungnam dialect speakers (KDS), whose vowel systems differ each other. In the first experiment SDS and KDS heard vowels synthesized in vowel space with F1 by F2 and categorized them into one of 10 Korean monophthongs. The results showed that SDS and KDS perceived the synthesized vowels differently. For example, /$\varepsilon$ versus /e/ contrast, ${\o}$/, and /y/ are differentiated by SDS, whereas they are perceptually confused by KDS. We also observed that /i/ could not be perceived unless the vowel synthesis included F3 or higher formants. In the second experiment SDS and KDS performed the similarity rating task of 10 synthesized Korean monophthongs. Two-dimensional MDS solution based on the similarity rating scores was obtained for each dialect group. The first dimension can be named 'vowel advancement' and the second 'vowel height'. The comparison of the two MDS solutions showed that the overall psychological distances among the vowels are shorter in KDS than SDS and that especially the distance between /$\Lambda$/ and /i/ is shorter in KDS than SDS. The result suggested that perception or mental representation of vowels depends on the vowel system of the listener's dialect or language. Further research problems were discussed in the final section.

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An acoustic and perceptual investigation of the vowel length contrast in Korean

  • Lee, Goun;Shin, Dong-Jin
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2016
  • The goal of the current study is to investigate how the sound change is reflected in production or in perception, and what the effect of lexical frequency is on the loss of sound contrasts. Specifically, the current study examined whether the vowel length contrasts are retained in Korean speakers' productions, and whether Korean listeners can distinguish vowel length minimal pairs in their perception. Two production experiments and two perception experiments investigated this. For production tests, twelve Korean native speakers in their 20s and 40s completed a read-aloud task as well as a map-task. The results showed that, regardless of their age group, all Korean speakers produced vowel length contrasts with a small but significant differences in the read-aloud test. Interestingly, the difference between long and short vowels has disappeared in the map task, indicating that the speech mode affects producing vowel length contrasts. For perception tests, thirty-three Korean listeners completed a discrimination and a forced-choice identification test. The results showed that Korean listeners still have a perceptual sensitivity to distinguish lexical meaning of the vowel length minimal pair. We also found that the identification accuracy was affected by the word frequency, showing a higher identification accuracy in high- and mid- frequency words than low frequency words. Taken together, the current study demonstrated that the speech mode (read-aloud vs. spontaneous) affects the production of the sound undergoing a language change; and word frequency affects the sound change in speech perception.

Effects of vowel duration on the perceived naturalness of English monosyllabic words ending in a stop: Some preliminary findings

  • Ko, Eon-Suk
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2021
  • Preliminary findings are reported from five experiments testing the perceived naturalness of word tokens whose vowel durations are altered. The stimuli were minimal pairs of English words ending in a voiced/voiceless plosive. Results show an asymmetric effect of shortening and lengthening of the vowel on the perceived naturalness of the word. Incremental shortening of vowel duration initially shows a stable degree of perceived naturalness but rapidly deteriorates beyond a certain point. On the contrary, only a small degree of lengthening of the vowel made the perceived naturalness of the word quickly decay, but there was a floor effect such that the perceived degree of naturalness does not lower beyond a certain level. Further, the tokens with the original vowel duration were not always scored higher than the stimuli with a small degree of shortening. Future studies should address the issue of speaking rate and the ratio between the vowel and the stop closure duration to better understand the phenomenon. The issue investigated here has implications on the role of prototypical exemplars in the perception of phonotactic naturalness.

Production and Perception of English Vowels by College Students Before and After Lessons (대학생들의 영어모음 학습 전후의 발화와 지각)

  • Yang, Byunggon
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.79-88
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    • 2015
  • English vowels are difficult to teach and learn because both teachers and learners cannot show or see shapes of vocal tract inside their own mouth cavities. The aim of this study is to examine what kind of changes occur in production and perception of English vowels by college students before and after lessons in order to provide fundamental materials for teaching students English vowels. Fifteen volunteer female students attending an English phonetics course participated in the lessons for one and half a month period. Formant values of vowels produced and perceived before and after the lessons were obtained using Flying Popcorn and Praat. Results showed that a produced vowel space after the lessons was greater than that before the lessons with no significant difference. Distances between some adjacent corner vowels were too close to be distinguished. Secondly, perceived vowels before and after the lessons were almost the same. Here again, some adjacent vowels were closely spaced. Thirdly, three groups which were divided by the length of the distance between the vowel /i-${\ae}$/ showed similar patterns in their perception and production. Generally the vowel space expanded from [u] to [${\ae}$]. The author concluded that there was no drastic improvement of vowel perception and production within a short period of time. Further studies would be desirable to examine how successful any long-term English vowel lessons would be and which methods should be taken to evaluate students' achievements proposed here.

A Link between Perceived and Produced Vowel Spaces of Korean Learners of English (한국인 영어학습자의 지각 모음공간과 발화 모음공간의 연계)

  • Yang, Byunggon
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.81-89
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    • 2014
  • Korean English learners tend to have difficulty perceiving and producing English vowels. The purpose of this study is to examine a link between perceived and produced vowel spaces of Korean learners of English. Sixteen Korean male and female participants perceived two sets of English synthetic vowels on a computer monitor and rated their naturalness. The same participants produced English vowels in a carrier sentence with high and low pitch variation in a clear speaking mode. The author compared the perceived and produced vowel spaces in terms of the pitch and gender variables. Results showed that the perceived vowel spaces were not significantly different in either variables. Korean learners perceived the vowels similarly. They did not differentiate the tense-lax vowel pairs nor the low vowels. Secondly, the produced vowel spaces of the male and female groups showed a 25% difference which may have come from their physiological differences in the vocal tract length. Thirdly, the comparison of the perceived and produced vowel spaces revealed that although the vowel space patterns of the Korean male and female learners appeared similar, which may lead to a relative link between perception and production, statistical differences existed in some vowels because of the acoustical properties of the synthetic vowels, which may lead to an independent link. The author concluded that any comparison between the perceived and produced vowel space of nonnative speakers should be made cautiously. Further studies would be desirable to examine how Koreans would perceive different sets of synthetic vowels.

Perception of English High Vowels by Korean Speakers of English

  • Lee, Ji-Yeon
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.1 no.4
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2009
  • This study compares the perception of English high tense and lax vowels (/i, I, u, $\mho$/) by English speakers and Korean speakers of English. The four vowels were produced in /hVd/ context by a native speaker of English, and each word's vowel duration was manipulated to range from 170ms to 290ms in 30ms increments. Two English speakers and six Korean speakers of English were asked to listen to pairs of tense and lax vowel words with manipulated vowel durations and to identify the pair by choosing either heed-hid or hid-heed for front vowels and either who'd-hood or hood-who'd for back vowels. The results show that English speakers distinguished tense vowels from lax vowels with 100% accuracy regardless of the different durations, compared to 62% accuracy for Korean speakers of English. Most errors occurred for lengthened lax vowels and shortened tense vowels. The results of this study demonstrate that Korean speakers mainly rely on vowel duration as a cue to discriminate the tense and lax vowels. The theoretical and pedagogical implications of this finding are discussed.

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Korean Listeners' Perception of English /i/, /I/, and /$\epsilon$/

  • Yun, Yung-Do
    • Speech Sciences
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.75-87
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    • 2005
  • In this study I investigate how native Korean listeners perceive English vowels /i/, /I/, and /$\epsilon$/. I extend Flege et al's (1997) study with synthesized /i/-/I/ and /I/-/$\epsilon$/ continua, and apply the results to Flege's (1995) Speech Learning Model (SLM). The statistical results show that native speakers of English rely more on spectral steps than on vowel duration when they identify the /i/-/I/ continuum, whereas native speakers of Korean rely more on vowel duration than on spectral steps when they identify the same continuum. In the case of the /I/-/$\epsilon$/ continuum, both groups rely on spectral steps when they identify the /$\epsilon$/, which supports the SLM; Koreans identified the /$\epsilon$/ categorically since Korean has the equivalent vowel. However, there was not statistical difference between Korean subjects with more English experience (KE) and those with less English experience in the identification of both continua. This contradicts the SLM, which posits that experienced L2 learners are better than inexperienced L2 learners in perception of L2 sounds. The exact nature of this should be further investigated in the SLM.

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A Production and Perception Experiment of Korean Alveolar Fricatives

  • Yoon, Kyu-Chul
    • Speech Sciences
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.169-184
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    • 2002
  • Korean has two types of voiceless alveolar fricatives: a non-tense fricative /$S^{h}$ and a tense fricative /s'/. Twenty native speakers of Korean produced five pairs of isolated words containing word initial $S^{h}V$ and /s'V/ sequences where V was any one of five (/a, e, i, o, u/) of Korean vowels. Acoustic measures such as duration, fricative noise prominent frequency, energy change of following vowel, and fundamental frequency at vowel onset were examined. Results showed that among the parameters, aspiration noise duration of /s'/ in mid and low vowel contexts was less than 21 ms. In a perception experiment, where only the aspiration noise interval of the /$S^{h}$/ tokens was incrementally reduced, some listeners shifted perception from /$S^{h}$/ to /s'/.

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The Influence of L1 on L2 -Perception of Korean Monophthongs by Polish Speakers- (외국어 습득에 모국어가 미치는 영향에 대하여 -폴란드어 화자의 한국어 단순 모음 청취에 대한 연구-)

  • Paradowska Anna IBabella
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    • no.39
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    • pp.73-86
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    • 2000
  • This paper aims to research the influence of mother tongue (Polish) on the perception of a foreign language (Korean) i.e. how vowel sounds that are totally unfamiliar to the listeners are perceived, how the similar sounds are perceived and whether the perception differs according to the phonetic values of the neighbouring sounds. As a result, the degree of the influence of Ll on the vowels of L2 is different in each case and mostly depends on the familiarity of the vowel in question and on the articulatory similarities between the vowels in both languages. The results are as follows; The best perception was observed with Korean /i/ and /a/ (very similar places of articulation in both languages). The worst degree of perception was Korean /(equation omitted)/ that is very unfamiliar to Polish subjects. Vowels that are not so different from the Ll sounds were perceived fairly well. Another important result is that Polish listeners seem to be more sensitive to lip rounding than to the height of the tongue. The role of the neighbouring sounds seems to be of a considerable importance, Depending on the preceding vowel, a sudden drop or rise in the degree of the perception was observed.

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