• Title/Summary/Keyword: voice data

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The Quality Characteristics Based on Customer-required Attributes of Middle and Elderly Women's Formal Knitwear (고객요구속성을 반영한 중.노년층 니트정장 품질특성)

  • Lee, Yoon-Mee;Park, Jae-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.844-855
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    • 2010
  • An important issue for the improvement of product quality is to identify and understand the customer-required attributes of a product. This paper identifies and analyzes customer-required attributes of formal knitwear for middle age and elderly women through the use of the Kano model in order to develop competitive products. Various research methods were used in this study. Customer voices for formal knitwear were collected by means of brainstorming and in-depth interviews. The collected customer voices were transformed into customer-required attributes with the use of an affinity diagram. In addition, the data was collected by means of a questionnaire and was statistically analyzed to examine the dimensions of customer-required attributes on the basis of the Kano model. The results are as follows. Five categories of customer-required attributes were identified (symbolism, aesthetic, fitness, usefulness, and maintenance). The analysis based on the Kano model identifies a strong one-dimensional quality in all of the categories of customer-required attributes and the attractive quality that includes a one-dimensional quality in the categories of fitness and usefulness. The findings of this study demonstrate the applicability of the affinity diagram for apparel that educates formal knitwear developers of the customer-required attributes that they should strategically focus on in order to develop competitive products.

Usefulness of Audio-visual Methods that is used to Customer to Help Smooth Public Prosecutor at CT Examination (CT Scan Positioning시 고객의 검사진행의 이해를 돕기 위한 시청각 자료의 유용성)

  • Ahn, Hyeong-Taek;Jeon, Jung-Keun
    • Korean Journal of Digital Imaging in Medicine
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.17-22
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    • 2008
  • It is to improve customer satisfaction measurement and CT Scan process without delay of examination time when is using Scan positioning time(Planning time) that time is happened always between research reactor CT examination to increase fear and examination satisfaction by the customer's comprehension tribe which get the latest contrast enhancement CT examination. Needs and interests that customer wants to compose visual and auditory Contents to be played to Scan positioning time did questionnaire about curiosity later before CT examination to 600 people for October - November 2 months of 2006 to customer whole that get CT examination on source. Data getting through questionnaire investigated examination comprehension and satisfaction through questionnaire after experiment Scan Positioning to 500 coming to help customers to be source CT examination for 3 months February December - 2007 year in 2006 manufacturing Voice and Visual announce media for reference. To customer who interest degree appeared, and answers preparatory audit from preparatory audit about curiosity of CT examination customer to order of examination time required(43%), contrast media side effect(26%), examination region(20%), breath(10%), etc..(1.5%) audio-visual materials in questionnaire that attain after do reclamation among examination age, sex, reception type of irrelatively in 91% of target increase of hailing degree and examination satisfaction appear. Searched that customer hailing and satisfaction are increased greatly when use of audio-visual materials in satisfaction result that use CT Positioning delay time. In experiment process, It took lacking part by method that use hearing in case of do not use sight as is unavoidable in subject position or old age. Through this, audio-visual materials could analogize that it is more useful method that use sight and hearing at the same time.

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Better Analysis of Lower Bounds of Frequency Assignment Problems in Wireless Networks with Cellular Topology (셀룰러 위상구조 무선망에서의 주파수 할당 문제의 향상된 하한 값 분석)

  • Lee, Sang-Kyu;Lee, Ju-Young
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.33 no.11
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    • pp.830-835
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    • 2006
  • Because of its exponential growth of data and voice transmissions through wireless communications, efficient resource management became more important factor when we design wireless networks. One of those limited resources in the wireless communications is frequency bandwidth. As a solution of increasing reusability of resources, the efficient frequency assignment problems on wireless networks have been widely studied. One suitable approach to solve these frequency assignment problems is transforming the problem into traditional graph coloring problems in graph theory. However, most of frequency assignments on arbitrary network topology are NP-Complete problems. In this paper, we consider the Chromatic Bandwidth Problem on the cellular topology wireless networks. It is known that the lower bound of the necessary number of frequencies for this problem is $O(k^2)$. We prove that the lower bound of the necessary number of frequencies for the Chromatic Bandwidth Problem is $O(k^3)$ which is tighter lower bound than the previous known result.

A Vision Disabled-Aid using the Context of Internet of Things (사물인터넷을 이용한 시각 장애자 보조 방법)

  • Sahu, Nevadita;Jeong, Min Hyuk;Chun, Jonghoon;Kim, Sang-Kyun
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.78-86
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    • 2017
  • The Internet of Things can offer disabled people the assistance and support, which is essential to achieve a good quality of life. The visually impaired people need assistance in finding locations, detecting obstacles on the way, and getting directions while moving around to reach their destination. Based on this persistent need, this paper proposes a navigation system for blind people using Internet of Things. The technologies used in our proposed system are: a smart cane containing an RFID reader and an ultrasonic sensor, a smart phone and Internet. The sensed data from the ultrasonic sensor for detecting obstacle is converted to International Standard format from ISO/IEC 23005-5 (MPEG-V Part 5). The system detects the blind person's location using the RFID tags implemented on the way. The system uses voice message in the smart phone to communicate with the blind person to lead him to his destination. The proposed system has been tested to navigate successfully in the campus.

A SVM-based Spam Filtering System for Short Message Service (SMS) (휴대폰 SMS를 위한 SVM 기반의 스팸 필터링 시스템)

  • Joe, In-Whee;Shim, Hye-Taek
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.34 no.9B
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    • pp.908-913
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    • 2009
  • Mobile phones became important household appliance that cannot be without in our daily lives. And the short messaging service (SMS) in these mobile phones is 1.5 to 2 times more than the voice service. However, the spam filtering functions installed in mobile phones take a method to receive specific number patterns or words and recognize spam messages when those numbers or words are present. However, this method cannot properly filters various types of spam messages currently dispatched. This paper proposes a more powerful and more adaptive spam filtering system using SVM and thesaurus. The system went through a process of isolating words from sample data through pro-processing device and integrating meanings of isolated words using a thesaurus. Then it generated characteristics of integrated words through the chi-square statistics and studied the characteristics. The proposed system is realized in a Window environment and the performance is confirmed through experiments.

Transmission performance Improvement of Wireless ATM Cell in Fading Channel (페이딩 채널에서 무선 ATM 셀전송 성능개선에 관한 연구)

  • Chung, Boo-Young;Park, Ki-Sik;Kang, Young-Heung;Cho, Sung-Joon;Lee, Jin
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.179-190
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    • 1998
  • One of the most important topics of recent years is that a multimedia technology such as wireless ATM has been introduced in radio systems for video, voice and data transmission. A major problem in such systems is the occurrence of errors due to multipath fading or interference. To combat this problem, forward error correction (FEC) coding is commonly used as a means of eliminating these errors. This paper has analyzed theoretically the effect of fading to design effective wireless ATM system. The BER, CLR, and CER of wireless ATM system adopting FEC coding and diversity reception techniques have been derived in fading environment. Also, simulations of BER and CLR have been carried out and compared with the above theoretical results.

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A Design of Encryption Method for Strong Security about Tapping/Interception of VoIP Media Information between Different Private Networks (이종 사설망간에 VoIP 미디어의 도.감청 보안 강화를 위한 암호화 기법 설계)

  • Oh, Hyung-Jun;Won, Yoo-Hun
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.113-120
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    • 2012
  • VoIP provides voice data service using existing IP networks and has received much attention recently. VoIP service has a variety of security vulnerabilities. Types of main attacks on VoIP service are tapping/interception, DoS attacks, spam, misuse of service attacks and the like. Of these, confidential information leak because of tapping/interception has been considered as a critical problem. Encryption techniques, such as SRTP and ZRTP, are mostly used to prevent tap and intercept on VoIP media information. In general, VoIP service has two service scenarios. First, VoIP service operates within a single private network. Second, VoIP service operates between different private networks. Both SRTP and ZRTP for VoIP media information within a single private network can perform encryption. But they can not perform encryption between different private networks. In order to solve this problem, in this paper, we modify SRTP protocol. And then, we propose an encryption method that can perform encryption of VoIP media information between the different private networks.

Differential Bandwidth Allocation Method using Upstream Bandwidth Wavelength Division of EPON (상향트래픽 파장분할 EPON에서 우선순위 큐를 고려한 차등대역폭 할당방법)

  • Seo, Chang-Jin;Jang, Yong-Suk
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.265-270
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    • 2012
  • The subscriber access network is cause of the bottleneck phenomenon because equipment and infrastructure were not originally designed for busty high-bandwidth traffic between MAN(Metro Area Network) and LAN(Local Area Network). Whether riding on shorter copper drops or optical fiber, Ethernet is emerging as the future broadband protocol of choice, offering plug and play simplicity, and low cost. EPON(Ethernet Passive Optical Network) combines point-to-multipoint optical infrastructure with low-cost high-bandwidth Ethernet. The future broadband access network will be a combination of point-to-point and point-to-multipoint Ethernet, optimized for transporting IP data, as well as time critical voice and video. EPON is being considered as a novel communications infrastructure for next-generation broadband access network for the convergence of low-cost Ethernet equipment and low-cost fiber infrastructure. But, EPON has a problem with duplex multimedia services. It is the insufficiency of bandwidth for upstream. Because all ONUs use a shared transmission media for upstream. In this paper, we addressed the problem of upstream bandwidth in EPONs. We presented a wavelength division EPON supporting QoS in the differentiated services framework.

Development and Evaluation of Repeatability of the Integrated Constitutional Diagnosis System (통합 체질진단 시스템 개발 및 반복성 평가)

  • Jeon, Young-Ju;Kim, Jang-Woong;Kim, Jae-Uk;Bae, Jang-Han;Kim, Jong-Yeol;Kim, Keun-Ho
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.34-41
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    • 2012
  • Objectives In this study, we developed a mock-up of the system for Sasang Constitutional (SC) diagnosis. This system consists of 5 devices which are the face analyzer, the voice analyzer, the skin analyzer, the pulse analyzer, and the computer-based questionnaire. Our goal is to evaluate the repeatability of the system. Methods Each device is capable of classifying SC types. The classification probability of the integrated system for the SC types was obtained by summing the probability from each device. For evaluating the repeatability of the system, we collected data for 5 subjects, and repeated the measurement three times for each individual. The average and standard deviation were used for calculating the Coefficient of Variation. Results The results showed that the repeatability of the classification probability of the integrated system is about 8%, which implies the system is repeatable. Conclusions To increase usability of this system, it is desirable for the system to offer information on health condition of the user. The integrated constitutional diagnosis system will be upgraded to complement the convenience and to develop the diagnostic algorithm for the user's health condition.

A Study on the State Policy for the Development of National Information Infrastructure (국가정보화 추진정책에 관한연구 - 초고속정보통신망기반의 구축을 중심으로 -)

  • 정충식
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.7-24
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    • 1996
  • In the emerging information society. a well-established national Information network plays a crucial role In enhancing economic efficiency and creating national wealth. Most of the advanced nations In the world are putting forward government-driven projects for the construction of their national Information Infrastructures. strategically focusing on the development of key technologies and Industrial essential for their Infrastructures. Development of the NII (National Infrastructure) can help unleash an Information revolution that will change forever the way people 1ive, work. and interact with each other. Nonetheless. the present Information Infrastructure In Korea loaves a lot to be Improved In order to realize the vision of Information society. The establishment of the KII (korea Information Infrastructure) does not merely mean the construction of physical network that enables the transmission of various modes of information such as voice, data, and image. It further implies the creation of a new kind of social overhead capital, ranging from the establishment of social and cultural which are conductive to seamless flow of information. For the successful implementation of the KII, it is critical to build the public consensus on the importance and necessity of informatization. At the same time, careful consideration should be given to the institutional factors such as timely and adequate supply of specialized personnel, the updating of policy and regulations, and the strengthening of interntional cooperation.

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