• Title/Summary/Keyword: visual picture stimuli

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Physiological Responses-Based Emotion Recognition Using Multi-Class SVM with RBF Kernel (RBF 커널과 다중 클래스 SVM을 이용한 생리적 반응 기반 감정 인식 기술)

  • Vanny, Makara;Ko, Kwang-Eun;Park, Seung-Min;Sim, Kwee-Bo
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.364-371
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    • 2013
  • Emotion Recognition is one of the important part to develop in human-human and human computer interaction. In this paper, we have focused on the performance of multi-class SVM (Support Vector Machine) with Gaussian RFB (Radial Basis function) kernel, which has been used to solve the problem of emotion recognition from physiological signals and to improve the accuracy of emotion recognition. The experimental paradigm for data acquisition, visual-stimuli of IAPS (International Affective Picture System) are used to induce emotional states, such as fear, disgust, joy, and neutral for each subject. The raw signals of acquisited data are splitted in the trial from each session to pre-process the data. The mean value and standard deviation are employed to extract the data for feature extraction and preparing in the next step of classification. The experimental results are proving that the proposed approach of multi-class SVM with Gaussian RBF kernel with OVO (One-Versus-One) method provided the successful performance, accuracies of classification, which has been performed over these four emotions.

Neural Substrates of Picture Encoding: An fMRI Study (그림의 부호화 과정과 신경기제 : fMRI 연구)

  • 강은주;김희정;김성일;나동규;이경민;나덕렬;이정모
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.23-40
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    • 2002
  • This study is to examine brain regions that are involved in picture encoding in normal adults using fMRI methods. In Scan 1, the picture encoding was studied during a semantic categorization task in comparison with word. In Scan 2 task type effects were studied both during a picture naming task and during a semantic categorization task with pictures. Subjects were asked to make decision either by pressing a mouse button (Scan 1) or by responding subvocally (naming or saying yes/no) (Scan 2). Regardless of stimulus type, left prefrontal, bilateral occipital, and parietal activations were observed during semantic processing in comparison with fixation baseline. Processing of word stimulus relative to picture resulted in activations in prefrontal and parieto-temporal regions in the left side while that of picture stimulus relative to word resultd in activations in bilateral extrastriatal visual cortices and parahippocampal regions. In spite of the same task demands, stimulus-specific information processings were involved and mediated by different neural substrates; the word encoding was associated with more semantic/lexical processings than pictures and the picture processing associated with more perceptual and novelty related information processings than word. Activations of dorsal part of inferior prefrontal region, i.e., Broca's areas were found both during the picture naming and during the semantic tasks subvocally performed Especially, during the picture naming task, greater occipital activations were found bilaterally relative to the semantic categorization task. indicating a possibility that greater and higher visual processing was involved in retrieving the name referred by picture stimuli.

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An EEG Study of Emotion Using the International Affective Picture System (국제정서사진체계 ( IAPS ) 를 사용하여 유발된 정서의 뇌파 연구)

  • 이임갑;김지은;이경화;손진훈
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Emotion and Sensibility Conference
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    • 1997.11a
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    • pp.224-227
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    • 1997
  • The International Affective Picture System (IAPS) developed by Lang and colleagues[1] is a world-widely adopted tool in studices relating a variety of physiological indices to subjective emotions induced by the presentation of standardized pictures of which subjective ratings are well established in the three dimensions of pleasure, arousal and dominance. In the present stuey we investigated whether distinctive EEG characteristics for six discrete emotions can be discernible using 12 IAPS pictures that scored highest subjective ratings for one of the 6 categorical emotions, i. e., happiness, sadness, fear, anger, disgust, and surprise (Two slides for each emotion). These pictures as visual stimuli were randomly given to 38 right-handed college students (20-26 years old) with 30 sec of exposure time and 30sec of inter-stimulus interval for each picture while EEG signals were recorded from F3, F4, O1, and O2 referenced to linked ears. The FFT technoque were used to analyze the acquired EEG data. There were significant differences in RP value changes of EEG bands, most prominent in theta, between positive positive and negative emotions, and partial also among negative emotions. This result is in agreement with previous studies[2, 3]. However, it requires further studied to decided whether IAPS could be a useful tool for catigorical approaches to emotion in addition to its traditional uwe, namely dimensional to emotion.

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Differences on Use of Colors before and after Color Stimulations -Two different stimuli of images by design majors and non-design majors- (색채자극 전과 후 달라진 색 사용에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sun-Hwa;Lee, Seung-Hee
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.351-356
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    • 2009
  • The study is about how the difference in education levels can affect the subjects' use of color and find out the features of the effect. This experimental study focused on the differences in color expression using the outline picture of a painting before and after being exposed to a full-color picture of the original painting. Differences between two conditions with two different stimuli were observed and the cause of the differences was analyzed based on the number of colors and the quantity of colors and composition of the colors used by the subjects. The study precedes an experiment based on how the level of education though experience can affect the use of colors. This study is focused on the various effects of color usage by children and adults who have various degrees of visual experience. In addition, the study analyzes how design majored subject differed in the use of color from non-design majored subject and compares the use of colors by the two groups. The results showed that design majored subject tended to use less coloring patterns after seeing the stimulus of the Monet picture with more colors, and included the colors from the stimuli they were exposed to. The non-design majored subject who viewed the Mondrian painting demonstrated opposite results by using less number of colors than before seeing the stimuli. In comparison to design majored subject, the variations in selected colors and the quantity of color by non-design majored subject were not consistent.

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LORETA analysis of EEG responding to positive/negative emotional stimuli for different sensitivities of behavioral activation and inhibition systems (긍/부정 감성자극에 대한 행동활성화체계 및 행동억제체계 민감도에 따른 뇌파의 LORETA 분석)

  • Kim Wuon-Shik;Jin Seung-Hyun
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.403-413
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of the present study was to investigate the responses to positive/negative emotional stimuli for the different sensitivities of behavioral activation system (BAS) and behavioral inhibition system (BIS). We recorded If-channel EEG data for 8 BAS sensitive subjects an48 BIS sensitive subjects. EEGs were analyzed with LORETA (Low-resolution electromagnetic tomography) From scalp-recorded electrical potential distribution, LORETA computes the three-dimensional intracerebral distributions of current density for specified EEG frequency bands. hs results , significant differences between the BAS sensitive group ant the BIS sensitive group appeared LORETA alpha activities over the prefrontal lobe and the cingulate gyrus. Prefrontal regions and limbic system including cingulate gyrus are involved in emotional processing. Moreover, subjects with the high BAS sensitivity. responded more sensitively to the positive stimulation than subjects with the high BIS sensitivity. Therefore, our results suggest the possibility of correlation between BAS/BIS sensitivity and positive/negative emotional stimuli.

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Basic Emotions Elicited by Korean Affective Picture System Can be Differentiated by Autonomic Responses

  • Sohn, Jin-Hun;Estate Sokhadze;Lee, Kyug-Hwa;Imgap Yi
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Emotion and Sensibility Conference
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    • 2000.04a
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    • pp.370-379
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    • 2000
  • Autonomic responses were analyzed in 323 college students exposed to visual stimulation with Korean Affective Picture System (KAPS). Cardiac, vascular and electrodermal variables were recorded during 30 sec of viewing affective pictures. The same slides intended to elicit basic emotions (fear, anger, surprise, disgust, sadness, happiness) were presented to subjects in 2 trials with different experimental context. The first time slides were shown without any instructions (passive viewing), while during the second with instruction to exert efforts to magnify experienced emotion induced by pictures (active viewing). The aim of the study was to differentiate autonomic manifestations of emotions elicited by KAPS stimulation and to identify the role of instructed emotional engagement on physiological response profiles. The obtained results demonstrated reproducibility of responses in both trials with different contexts. Pairwise comparison of physiological responses in emotion conditions revealed the most pronounced differentiation for "ear-anger" and "fear-sadness" pairs (in electrodermal and HR variability parameters). "Fear-surprise" pair was also well differentiable. The typical response profile for all emotions included HR acceleration (except happiness and surprise), an increase of electrodermal activity, and a decrease of pulse volume. Higher cardiovascular and electrodermal reactivity to fear observed in this study, e.g., as compared to data with IAPS as stimuli, can be explained by cultural relevance and higher effectiveness of KAPS as stimuli, can be explained by cultural relevance and higher effectiveness of KAPS in producing certain emotions such as fear in Koreans.

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Alcohol Craving in Subjects with Alcohol Use Disorders in Response to Alcohol Cues (알코올 사용 장애자의 알코올 단서에 의해 유발된 갈망 특성)

  • Park, Mi-Sook;Sohn, Sun-ju;Park, Ji-Eun;Kim, Suk-Hee;Yu, In-Kyu;Sohn, Jin-Hun
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.603-611
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    • 2007
  • Initially, this study was to develop reliable and effective alcohol-associated visual cues. Alcoholic picture cues were chosen from the Normative Appetitive Picture System (NAPS). Additional images consisted of Korean beer and mild liquor was pre-tested to select the pictures that would induce craving most intensely. The images that recorded the highest scores on a scale were chosen through the pre-test. And then, the reliability and validity were examined for the selected alcohol cues from NAPS and pre-test via another psychometric test. Secondly, the study was to investigate differences in craving between subjects with alcohol use disorders (AUDs) and non-alcoholic control subjects when exposed to the alcohol visual cues. Alcohol abusers with AUD (n=9) and demographically similar non-abusers (n=9) participated in this study. After given 5cc of alcohol, subjects were exposed to different types of stimuli (i.e., alcohol, nonalcoholic beverage, and visual control pictures and one rest (cross-hair)). Craving levels were rated through self-report on a Likert scale immediately after the presentation of visual cues. Results showed statistically significant differences between the AUD group and the control group in the Obsessive Compulsive Drinking Scale (OCDS) scores, pre-sip and post-sip alcohol craving. Also, the AUD group showed significantly a higher level of craving during alcohol cues compared to the control group. In conclusion, alcohol craving induced by alcohol cues among subjects with AUD was found to be different from that of non-abusers.

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Psychophysiological Reactivity to Affective Visual Stimulation of Negative Emotional Valence: Comparative Analysis of Autonomic and Frontal EEG Responses to the IAPS and the KAPS

  • Sohn, Jin-Hun;Estate M. Sokhadze;Lee, Kyung-Hwa
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.29-40
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    • 2000
  • Autonomic and EEG responses were analyzed in 32 college students exposed to visual stimulation with Korean Affective Picture System (KAPS) and 36 students exposed to the International Affective Picture System (IAPS). Cardiac, electrodermal, and electrocortical measures were recorded during 30 sec of viewing affective pictures. The slides intended to elicit basic emotions (fear, anger, surprise, disgust, and sadness) were presented to subjects via Kodak slide-projector. The aim of the study was to differentiate autonomic and EEG responses associated with the same negative valence emotions elicited by KAPS and IAPS stimulation and to identify the influence of cultural relevance on physiological reactivity. The analysis of obtained results revealed significant differences in physiological responsiveness to emotionally negative valence slides from KAPS and IAPS. The typical response profile for all emotions elicited by the KAPS included HR acceleration (except surprise), and increase of electrodermal activity, slow and fast alpha blocking and fast beta power increase in EEG, which was not associated with significant asymmetry (except fast alpha in sadness). Stimulation with the IAPS evoked HR deceleration, specific electrodermal responses with relatively high tonic electrodermal activation, alpha-blocking and fast beta increase, and was accompanied also by theta power increase and marked frontal asymmetry (e.g., fast beta, theta asymmetries in sadness, fast alpha in fear). Physiological responses to fear and anger-eliciting slides from the IAPS were significantly less profound and were accompanied by autonomic and EEG changes more typical for attention rather than negative affect. Higher cardiovascular and electrodermal reactivity to fear emotion observed in the KAPS, e.g., as compared to data with the IAPS as stimuli, can be explained by cultural relevance and higher effectiveness of the KAPS in producing certain emotions such as fear in Koreans.

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A Propensity of Formative Presentation by Line Drawing (라인드로잉에 의한 디자인 조형의 표현성향)

  • 우흥룡
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.95-103
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    • 1998
  • During design thinking and developing, its idea into the real world, and we are under pattern recognition and gestalt principles of perceptual organization. Generally originality is a part of creativity which consists an integral factor of the designing. This is a study on the measure system for an ability of originality in design. It is reorganized that the OTLD(Originality Test of Line Drawing) is a measuring system for personal originality. In order to catch the development the thoughts, we presented 10 picture planes as stimuli (each picture plane contained 3-18 dots), recorded the tape displaying eye-mark trajectories and outputting the trajectories with EMR(Eye Mark Recorder), then found the process of visual sensation and perception. From the results of this study, we examined the relationships between connections and complexity of the objects on the picture plane, which could be transformed into some objective measuring parameters. We would suggest this OLTD as a measurement system for an ability of originality in design fields, but we couldn't find any reliability and validity for fine art fields.

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Examining the way of presenting reliable information on web page

  • Sohn, Jin-Hun;Lee, Jeong-Mi;Lee, Kyung-Hwa
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Emotion and Sensibility Conference
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    • 2001.05a
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    • pp.231-238
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    • 2001
  • Frontal (F3, F4) EEG responses were analyzed and compared during exposure too slides of International Affective Picture System (IAPS) in the study on 42 students. EEG responses during 20 s of exposure to slides intended to elicit happiness (nurturant and erotic), sadness, disgust, surprise, fear or anger emotions were quite similar and were exhibited in theta increase, alpha-blocking and increased beta activity, and frontal asymmetry. However, particular emotions demonstrated variations of the EEG response profiles, enabling to differentiate some pairs of emotions. The profiles showed higher magnitudes of EEG responses in exciting (i.e., erotic happiness) emotion. The most different pairs were exciting -sadness (theta, alpha and alpha asymmetry), exciting-surprise (theta, alpha asymmetry), and exciting-fear (theta, F3 alpha, alpha asymmetry). Nurturant happiness yielded the least differentiation. Differences were found as well within negative emotions, e.g., anger-sadness were differentiated by theta asymmetry, while disgust-fear by beta asymmetry. Obtained results suggest that magnitudes of profiles of EEG variables differentiate emotions elicited by affective pictures.