• Title/Summary/Keyword: vertical vibrations

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Evaluation of vertical dynamic characteristics of cantilevered tall structures

  • Li, Q.S.;Xu, J.Y.;Li, G.Q.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.357-372
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    • 2001
  • In this paper, cantilevered tall structures are treated as cantilever bars with varying cross-section for the analysis of their free longitudinal (or axial) vibrations. Using appropriate transformations, exact analytical solutions to determine the longitudinal natural frequencies and mode shapes for a one step non-uniform bar are derived by selecting suitable expressions, such as exponential functions, for the distributions of mass and axial stiffness. The frequency equation of a multi-step bar is established using the approach that combines the transfer matrix procedure or the recurrence formula and the closed-form solutions of one step bars, leading to a single frequency equation for any number of steps. The Ritz method is also applied to determine the natural frequencies and mode shapes in the vertical direction for cantilevered tall structures with variably distributed stiffness and mass. The formulae proposed in this paper are simple and convenient for engineering applications. Numerical example shows that the fundamental longitudinal natural frequency and mode shape of a 27-storey building determined by the proposed methods are in good agreement with the corresponding measured data. It is also shown that the selected expressions are suitable for describing the distributions of axial stiffness and mass of typical tall buildings.

Characteristic analysis on train-induced vibration responses of rigid-frame RC viaducts

  • Sun, Liangming;He, Xingwen;Hayashikawa, Toshiro;Xie, Weiping
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.55 no.5
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    • pp.1015-1035
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    • 2015
  • A three-dimensional (3D) numerical analysis for the train-bridge interaction (TBI) system is actively developed in this study in order to investigate the vibration characteristics of rigid-frame reinforced concrete (RC) viaducts in both vertical and lateral directions respectively induced by running high-speed trains. An analytical model of the TBI system is established, in which the high-speed train is described by multi-DOFs vibration system and the rigid-frame RC viaduct is modeled with 3D beam elements. The simulated track irregularities are taken as system excitations. The numerical analytical algorithm is established based on the coupled vibration equations of the TBI system and verified through the detailed comparative study between the computation and testing. The vibration responses of the viaducts such as accelerations, displacements, reaction forces of pier bottoms as well as their amplitudes with train speeds are calculated in detail for both vertical and lateral directions, respectively. The frequency characteristics are further clarified through Fourier spectral analysis and 1/3 octave band spectral analysis. This study is intended to provide not only a simulation approach and evaluation tool for the train-induced vibrations upon the rigid-frame RC viaducts, but also instructive information on the vibration mitigation of the high-speed railway.

Development of Frequency Weighting Shape for Evaluation of Discomfort due to Vertical Whole-body Shock Vibration (수직방향 전신 충격진동의 불편함 평가를 위한 주파수가중곡선 개발)

  • Ahn, Se-Jin;Jeong, Weui-Bong
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.16 no.6 s.111
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    • pp.658-664
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    • 2006
  • Shock vibrations are usually experienced in vehicles excited by impulsive input, such as bumps. The frequency weighting functions of the current standards in ISO 2631 and BS 6841 are to help objectively predict the amount of discomfort of stationary vibration. This experimental study was designed to develop frequency weighting shape for shock vibration having various fundamental frequencies from 0.5 to 16Hz. The specks were produced from the response of single. degree-of-freedom model to a half-sine force input. Fifteen subjects used the magnitude estimation method to judge the discomfort of vertical shock vibration generated on the rigid seat mounted on the simulator. The magnitudes of the shocks, expressed in terms of both peak-to-peak value and un-weighted vibration dose values (VDVs) , were correlated with magnitude estimates of the discomfort. The frequency weighting shapes from the correlation were developed and investigated having nonlinearity due to the magnitude of the shock.

A Design Of Active Vibration Control System For Precise Maglev Stage (초정밀 자기부상 스테이지용 능동진동제어시스템 설계)

  • Lee, Joo-Hoon;Kim, Yong-Joo;Son, Sung-Wan;Lee, Hong-Ki;Lee, Se-Han;Choi, Young-Kiu
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.121-124
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we address an active vibration control system, which suppresses the vibration engaged by magnetically levitated stage. The stage system consists of a levitating platen with four permanent magnetic linear synchronous motors in parallel. Each motor generates vertical force fer suspension against gravity and propulsion force horizontally as well. This stage can generate six degrees of freedom motion via the vertical and horizontal forces. In the stage system, which represents the settling-time critical system. the motion of the platen vibrates mechanically. We designed an active vibration control system for suppressing vibration due to the stage moving. The command feedforward with inertial feedback algorithm is used fer solving stage system's critical problems. The components of the active vibration control system are accelerometers for detecting stage table's vibrations, a digital controller with high precise signal converters, and electromagnetic actuators.

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A comparative study on damping of finite dry and saturated sand stratum under vertical vibrations

  • Prathap Kumar, M.T.;Ramesh, H.N.;Raghavebdra Rao, M.V.;Asha, M.
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.29-44
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    • 2010
  • Vertical vibration tests were conducted using model footings of different size and mass resting on the surface of finite sand layer with different height to width ratios which was underlain by either rigid concrete base, under both dry and saturated condition. The effect of saturation on the damping ratio of finite sand stratum underlain by a rigid base has been verified and compared with the results obtained for the case of finite dry sand stratum underlain by the rigid base. Comparison of results of the experimental study showed that the damping in both the cases is less than 10%. The damping ratio obtained for finite saturated sand stratum is marginally lower than that obtained on finite dry sand stratum at H/B ratio of 0.5. The difference between the two cases becomes significant when the H/B ratio increases to 3.0, indicating the significant influence of soil moisture on damping ratio of foundation- soil system with increase in the thickness of the finite sand stratum. Comparison of the predicted damping ratio for a homogeneous sand stratum with the experimental damping ratio obtained corresponding to the height to width ratio of 3.0 of the finite sand stratum underlain by the rigid concrete base indicates a significant reduction in damping ratio of the foundation-soil system for both the cases.

Dynamic Characteristics of Truss-Type Lift Gate According to Installation Direction (트러스형 리프트 게이트의 설치방향에 따른 진동 특성)

  • Lee, Seong-Haeng;Kong, Bo-Sung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.12
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    • pp.120-127
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    • 2016
  • This study examined the dynamic characteristics of the gate to identify the optimal gate installation direction according to the installation direction. A 1:31 scale model was constructed for a 47.5m prototype gate using acrylic. The scaled weights were tuned by adding lead weights. The first step was to measure the natural frequencies of the model gates, and compare them with finite-element analysis of the prototypes as a calibration. The scaled model was tested in a 1.6 m wide concrete flume for two orientations to determine the effects of the gate orientation on structural vibrations. Vertical vibrations were measured under a range of operational conditions, including a range of bottom opening heights and different upstream and downstream water levels. For large bottom opening heights in the normal direction, relatively large vibrations were induced by vortices shed at the plate bottom that would strike the horizontal truss member. This phenomenon was avoided in the reverse direction. For small bottom opening heights in the normal direction, these vibrations were caused by a suction force that developed at the gate bottom. The gate model in the reverse direction was preferred because of its low overall vibrational response under general gate opening and flow level combinations.

A Study on the Sounds and Vibrations of the Temporomandibular Joint using Electrovibratography (전자 진동술을 이용한 악관절의 잡음과 진동에 관한 연구)

  • Seok-Man Kang;Kyung-Soo Han;Min Shin
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.141-158
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    • 1995
  • This study was performed to invetigate the relationship between clinical manifestations related to temporomandibular joint sounds and temporomandibular joint vibrations that occurred synchronously with sounds. There have been reported in many articles that joint sounds indicate internal joint pathology. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate type and patterns of joint sounds, and radiographic changes of temporomandibular joint(TMJ) in order to diagnose and deal with the Temporomandibular Disorders(TMD). For this study 142 patients with TMDs were collected and they were examined by routine diagnostic procedure for TMDs. The author classified TMJ sounds clinically into 3 types : click, popping, and crepitus. Transcranial and panoramic radiographs were taken for observein bony changes of TMJ, and for observing vibrations of TMJ Sonopak of Biopak system was used. The obtained results were as follows : 1. Female subjects with crepitus were older than those with click or popping and their mean ages were about 45 years old. But in male subjects, there was no age difference. 2. For all subjects, mean value of maximal mouth opening were above 40mm, which are lower limit of normal vertical opening. But in subjects with L-type opening deviation, mouth opening capacity were about 36mm of range. 3. Symptom duration stated when patient presented first were slightly longer in subjects with crepitus but there were no statistical differences. And there were also no radiographic differences among 3 types of joint sounds in regard to symptom duration. 4. In subjects wih click, it might have been interpreted that 12% had closed lock, 12% had degenerative joint disease, and about 17% of he subjects had normal joints by Sonopak. 5. There were no significant relationships between subjective loudness of joint sounds and magnitude of joint vibrations. 6. The highest value of Integral and peak amplitude were observed in popping sounds and though it was not significant, value of peak frequency was highest in crepitus. 7. Amount of mandibular positional change were differed between click and crepitus on frontal plane, between click, crepitus and popping on horizontal plane in rotational movement, respectively. However, there no difference among them in translational movements.

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Effect of low frequency oscillations during milking on udder temperature and welfare of dairy cows

  • Antanas Sederevicius;Vaidas Oberauskas;Rasa Zelvyte;Judita Zymantiene;Kristina Musayeva;Juozas Zemaitis;Vytautas Jurenas;Algimantas Bubulis;Joris Vezys
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.65 no.1
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    • pp.244-257
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    • 2023
  • The study aimed to investigate the effect of low-frequency oscillations on the cow udder, milk parameters, and animal welfare during the automated milking process. The study's objective was to investigate the impact of low-frequency oscillations on the udder and teats' blood circulation by creating a mathematical model of mammary glands, using milkers and vibrators to analyze the theoretical dynamics of oscillations. The mechanical vibration device developed and tested in the study was mounted on a DeLaval automatic milking machine, which excited the udder with low-frequency oscillations, allowing the analysis of input parameters (temperature, oscillation amplitude) and using feedback data, changing the device parameters such as vibration frequency and duration. The experimental study was performed using an artificial cow's udder model with and without milk and a DeLaval milking machine, exciting the model with low-frequency harmonic oscillations (frequency range 15-60 Hz, vibration amplitude 2-5 mm). The investigation in vitro applying low-frequency of the vibration system's first-order frequencies in lateral (X) direction showed the low-frequency values of 23.5-26.5 Hz (effective frequency of the simulation analysis was 25.0 Hz). The tested values of the first-order frequency of the vibration system in the vertical (Y) direction were 37.5-41.5 Hz (effective frequency of the simulation analysis was 41.0 Hz), with higher amplitude and lower vibration damping. During in vivo experiments, while milking, the vibrator was inducing mechanical milking-similar vibrations in the udder. The vibrations were spreading to the entire udder and caused physiotherapeutic effects such as activated physiological processes and increased udder base temperature by 0.57℃ (p < 0.001), thus increasing blood flow in the udder. Used low-frequency vibrations did not significantly affect milk yield, milk composition, milk quality indicators, and animal welfare. The investigation results showed that applying low-frequency vibration on a cow udder during automatic milking is a non-invasive, efficient method to stimulate blood circulation in the udder and improve teat and udder health without changing milk quality and production. Further studies will be carried out in the following research phase on clinical and subclinical mastitis cows.

Estimation of Wind Resistance Capacity of Nielsen Arch Bridge Based on Measured Data From Monitoring System (모니터링 시스템의 계측자료를 기반으로 한 닐슨아치 교량의 내풍 안정성 평가)

  • Lee, Deok Keun;Yhim, Sung Soon
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.56-64
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    • 2013
  • The wind resistant capacity of bridges with a span of less than 200m is typically evaluated by Wind Resistant Design Manual for Highway Bridges in Japan. Also, the first vertical frequency plays an important role in the evaluation of their aerodynamic performance. An unexpected vortex-induced vibration of Nielsen arch bridge with span of 183m designed by this manual has been measured by monitoring system during typhoon. The amplitude of vibrations was about 2 times than the allowable vibration displacement. This paper presents the feature of vortex-induced vibration of this Nielsen arch bridge based on measured wind velocity, wind direction, and responses at midspan of main girder. From the result of FFT, the $1^{st}$ mode shape of the bridge is antisymmetric and the $2^{nd}$ is symmetric. Also, the dominant vibration of the bridge is the $2^{nd}$ vertical mode. According to these results, the $2^{nd}$ vertical vibration mode of this Nielsen arch bridge is prior to the first for the estimation of wind resistance capacity.

Feasibility of UHPC shields in spent fuel vertical concrete cask to resist accidental drop impact

  • P.C. Jia;H. Wu;L.L. Ma;Q. Peng
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.54 no.11
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    • pp.4146-4158
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    • 2022
  • Ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) has been widely utilized in military and civil protective structures to resist intensive loadings attributed to its excellent properties, e.g., high tensile/compressive strength, high dynamic toughness and impact resistance. At present, aiming to improve the defects of the traditional vertical concrete cask (VCC), i.e., the external storage facility of spent fuel, with normal strength concrete (NSC) shield, e.g., heavy weight and difficult to fabricate/transform, the feasibility of UHPC applied in the shield of VCC is numerically examined considering its high radiation and corrosion resistance. Firstly, the finite element (FE) analyses approach and material model parameters of NSC and UHPC are verified based on the 1/3 scaled VCC tip-over test and drop hammer test on UHPC members, respectively. Then, the refined FE model of prototypical VCC is established and utilized to examine its dynamic behaviors and damage distribution in accidental tip-over and end-drop events, in which the various influential factors, e.g., UHPC shield thickness, concrete ground thickness, and sealing methods of steel container are considered. In conclusion, by quantitatively evaluating the safety of VCC in terms of the shield damage and vibrations, it is found that adopting the 300 mm-thick UHPC shield instead of the conventional 650 mm-thick NSC shield can reduce about 1/3 of the total weight of VCC, i.e., about 50 t, and 37% floor space, as well as guarantee the structural integrity of VCC during the accidental drop simultaneously. Besides, based on the parametric analyses, the thickness of concrete ground in the VCC storage site is recommended as less than 500 mm, and the welded connection is recommended for the sealing method of steel containers.