• Title/Summary/Keyword: vector computer

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Counterfeit Money Detection Algorithm based on Morphological Features of Color Printed Images and Supervised Learning Model Classifier (컬러 프린터 영상의 모폴로지 특징과 지도 학습 모델 분류기를 활용한 위변조 지폐 판별 알고리즘)

  • Woo, Qui-Hee;Lee, Hae-Yeoun
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.2 no.12
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    • pp.889-898
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    • 2013
  • Due to the popularization of high-performance capturing equipments and the emergence of powerful image-editing softwares, it is easy to make high-quality counterfeit money. However, the probability of detecting counterfeit money to the general public is extremely low and the detection device is expensive. In this paper, a counterfeit money detection algorithm using a general purpose scanner and computer system is proposed. First, the printing features of color printers are calculated using morphological operations and gray-level co-occurrence matrix. Then, these features are used to train a support vector machine classifier. This trained classifier is applied for identifying either original or counterfeit money. In the experiment, we measured the detection rate between the original and counterfeit money. Also, the printing source was identified. The proposed algorithm was compared with the algorithm using wiener filter to identify color printing source. The accuracy for identifying counterfeit money was 91.92%. The accuracy for identifying the printing source was over 94.5%. The results support that the proposed algorithm performs better than previous researches.

A Study on Real-time Tracking Method of Horizontal Face Position for Optimal 3D T-DMB Content Service (지상파 DMB 단말에서의 3D 컨텐츠 최적 서비스를 위한 경계 정보 기반 실시간 얼굴 수평 위치 추적 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Seong-Goo;Lee, Sang-Seop;Yi, June-Ho;Kim, Jung-Kyu
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.48 no.6
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    • pp.88-95
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    • 2011
  • An embedded mobile device mostly has lower computation power than a general purpose computer because of its relatively lower system specifications. Consequently, conventional face tracking and face detection methods, requiring complex algorithms for higher recognition rates, are unsuitable in a mobile environment aiming for real time detection. On the other hand, by applying a real-time tracking and detecting algorithm, we would be able to provide a two-way interactive multimedia service between an user and a mobile device thus providing a far better quality of service in comparison to a one-way service. Therefore it is necessary to develop a real-time face and eye tracking technique optimized to a mobile environment. For this reason, in this paper, we proposes a method of tracking horizontal face position of a user on a T-DMB device for enhancing the quality of 3D DMB content. The proposed method uses the orientation of edges to estimate the left and right boundary of the face, and by the color edge information, the horizontal position and size of face is determined finally to decide the horizontal face. The sobel gradient vector is projected vertically and candidates of face boundaries are selected, and we proposed a smoothing method and a peak-detection method for the precise decision. Because general face detection algorithms use multi-scale feature vectors, the detection time is too long on a mobile environment. However the proposed algorithm which uses the single-scale detection method can detect the face more faster than conventional face detection methods.

The big data method for flash flood warning (돌발홍수 예보를 위한 빅데이터 분석방법)

  • Park, Dain;Yoon, Sanghoo
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.11
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    • pp.245-250
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    • 2017
  • Flash floods is defined as the flooding of intense rainfall over a relatively small area that flows through river and valley rapidly in short time with no advance warning. So that it can cause damage property and casuality. This study is to establish the flash-flood warning system using 38 accident data, reported from the National Disaster Information Center and Land Surface Model(TOPLATS) between 2009 and 2012. Three variables were used in the Land Surface Model: precipitation, soil moisture, and surface runoff. The three variables of 6 hours preceding flash flood were reduced to 3 factors through factor analysis. Decision tree, random forest, Naive Bayes, Support Vector Machine, and logistic regression model are considered as big data methods. The prediction performance was evaluated by comparison of Accuracy, Kappa, TP Rate, FP Rate and F-Measure. The best method was suggested based on reproducibility evaluation at the each points of flash flood occurrence and predicted count versus actual count using 4 years data.

Interaction Augmented Reality System using a Hand Motion (손동작을 이용한 상호작용 증강현실 시스템)

  • Choi, Kwang-Woon;Jung, Da-Un;Lee, Suk-Han;Choi, Jong-Soo
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.425-438
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, We propose Augmented Reality (AR) System for the interaction between user's hand motion and virtual object motion based on computer vision. The previous AR system provides inconvenience to user because the users have to control the marker and the sensor like a tracker. We solved the problem through hand motion and provide the convenience to the user. Also the motion of virtual object using a physical phenomenon gives a reality. The proposed system obtains geometrical information by the marker and hand. The system environments like virtual space of moving virtual ball and bricks are made by using the geometrical information and user's hand motion is obtained from the hand's information with extracted feature point through the taping hand. And it registers a virtual plane stably by getting movement of the feature points. The movement of the virtual ball basically is parabolic motion with a parabolic equation. When the collision occurs either the planes or the bricks, we show movement of the virtual ball with ball position and normal vector of plane and the ball position is faulted. So we showed corrected ball position through experiment. and we proved that this system can replaced the marker system to compare to jitter of augmented virtual object and progress speed with it.

Object-Based Video Segmentation Using Spatio-temporal Entropic Thresholding and Camera Panning Compensation (시공간 엔트로피 임계법과 카메라 패닝 보상을 이용한 객체 기반 동영상 분할)

  • 백경환;곽노윤
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.126-133
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    • 2003
  • This paper is related to a morphological segmentation method for extracting the moving object in video sequence using global motion compensation and two-dimensional spatio-temporal entropic thresholding. First, global motion compensation is performed with camera panning vector estimated in the hierarchical pyramid structure constructed by wavelet transform. Secondly, the regions with high possibility to include the moving object between two consecutive frames are extracted block by block from the global motion compensated image using two-dimensional spatio-temporal entropic thresholding. Afterwards, the LUT classifying each block into one among changed block, uncertain block, stationary block according to the results classified by two-dimensional spatio-temporal entropic thresholding is made out. Next, by adaptively selecting the initial search layer and the search range referring to the LUT, the proposed HBMA can effectively carry out fast motion estimation and extract object-included region in the hierarchical pyramid structure. Finally, after we define the thresholded gradient image in the object-included region, and apply the morphological segmentation method to the object-included region pixel by pixel and extract the moving object included in video sequence. As shown in the results of computer simulation, the proposed method provides relatively good segmentation results for moving object and specially comes up with reasonable segmentation results in the edge areas with lower contrast.

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A Design of Customized Market Analysis Scheme Using SVM and Collaboration Filtering Scheme (SVM과 협업적 필터링 기법을 이용한 소비자 맞춤형 시장 분석 기법 설계)

  • Jeong, Eun-Hee;Lee, Byung-Kwan
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.609-616
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    • 2016
  • This paper is proposed a customized market analysis method using SVM and collaborative filtering. The proposed customized market analysis scheme is consists of DC(Data Classification) module, ICF(Improved Collaborative Filtering) module, and CMA(Customized Market Analysis) module. DC module classifies the characteristics of on-line and off-line shopping mall and traditional markets into price, quality, and quantity using SVM. ICF module calculates the similarity by adding age weight and job weight, and generates network using the similarity of purchased item each users, and makes a recommendation list of neighbor nodes. And CMA module provides the result of customized market analysis using the data classification result of DC module and the recommendation list of ICF module. As a result of comparing the proposed customized recommendation list with the existing user based recommendation list, the case of recommendation list using the existing collaborative filtering scheme, precision is 0.53, recall is 0.56, and F-measure is 0.57. But the case of proposed customized recommendation list, precision is 0.78, recall is 0.85, and F-measure is 0.81. That is, the proposed customized recommendation list shows more precision.

Analysis of Surface Plasmon Resonance on Periodic Metal Hole Array by Diffraction Orders

  • Hwang, Jeong-U;Yun, Su-Jin;Gang, Sang-U;No, Sam-Gyu;Lee, Sang-Jun;Urbas, Augustine;Ku, Zahyun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2013.02a
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    • pp.176-177
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    • 2013
  • Surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) have attracted the attention of scientists and engineers involved in a wide area of research, microscopy, diagnostics and sensing. SPPs are waves that propagate along the surface of a conductor, usually metals. These are essentially light waves that are trapped on the surface because of their interaction with the free electrons of conductor. In this interaction, the free electrons respond collectively by oscillating in resonance with the light wave. The resonant interaction between the surface charge oscillation and the electromagnetic field of the light constitutes the SPPs and gives rise to its unique properties. In this papers, we studied theoretical and experimental extraordinary transmittance (T) and reflectance (R) of 2 dimensional metal hole array (2D-MHA) on GaAs in consideration of the diffraction orders. The 2d-MHAs was fabricated using ultra-violet photolithography, electron-beam evaporation and standard lift-off process with pitches ranging from 1.8 to $3.2{\mu}m$ and diameter of half of pitch, and was deposited 5-nm thick layer of titanium (Ti) as an adhesion layer and 50-nm thick layer of gold (Au) on the semiinsulating GaAs substrate. We employed both the commercial software (CST Microwave Studio: Computer Simulation Technology GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany) based on a finite integration technique (FIT) and a rigorous coupled wave analysis (RCWA) to calculate transmittance and reflectance. The transmittance was measured at a normal incident, and the reflectance was measured at variable incident angle of range between $30^{\circ}{\sim}80^{\circ}$ with a Nicolet Fourier transmission infrared (FTIR) spectrometer with a KBr beam splitter and a MCT detector. For MHAs of pitch (P), the peaks ${\lambda}$ max in the normal incidence transmittance spectra can be indentified approximately from SP dispersion relation, that is frequency-dependent SP wave vector (ksp). Shown in Fig. 1 is the transmission of P=2.2 um sample at normal incidence. We attribute the observation to be a result of FTIR system may be able to collect the transmitted light with higher diffraction order than 0th order. This is confirmed by calculations: for the MHAs, diffraction efficiency in (0, 0) diffracted orders is lower than in the (${\pm}x$, ${\pm}y$) diffracted orders. To further investigate the result, we calculated the angular dependent transmission of P=2.2 um sample (Fig. 2). The incident angle varies from 30o to 70o with a 10o increment. We also found the splitting character on reflectance measurement. The splitting effect is considered a results of SPPs assisted diffraction process by oblique incidence.

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Shot Transition Effects for MPEG - 1 Video Stream in Compressed Domain (MPEG-1 비디오 스트림에 대한 압축 영역에서의 장면 전환 효과 처리)

  • Lee, Seung-Cheol;Nang, Jong-Ho
    • Journal of KIISE:Information Networking
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.109-122
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    • 2000
  • As the full-motion videos in MPEG are widely available nowadays, an editor that could easily edit such kind of media data is required to develop various multimedia applications. In order to concatenate and apply a transition effect to two video streams encoded in MPEG, they should be decoded first since there are dependencies in the frames in MPEG-encoded video stream. Since this decode-edit-encode process requires a huge amount of computing/storage resources, a new editing scheme that could apply various transition effects to MPEG video streams directly while keeping the quality of video data is strongly required. This paper proposes a new editing scheme that could apply three transition effects (such as fade-in, fade-out, and dissolve) to MPEG video streams in a compressed domain. In the proposed scheme, an extension of previous method in which the frames are partially decompressed and transition effects are applied is adopted for I- and P-frames. In addition, a new processing scheme for B-frame that could apply the transition effects in DCT domain directly using an approximation of motion compensation based on the motion vector to reference frames. Since this processing scheme could apply the transition effects in a compressed domain directly, the editing process could be speed-up about $3{\sim}4$ times faster than previous decode-edit-encoding method while keeping the quality of video data as good as the source data. The proposed scheme could be used to build a software-only MPEG video editing system that helps to edit MPEG video data even on a low-cost desk-top computer.

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Generalization by LoD and Coordinate Transformation in On-the-demand Web Mapping (웹환경에서 LoD와 좌표변형에 의한 지도일반화)

  • Kim, Nam-Shin
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.307-315
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of map generalization is a method of map making to transmit the concise cartographic representation and geographic meaning. New generalization algorithm has been developed to be applied in the digital environments by the development of computer cartography. This study aims to look into possibilities of the multiscale mapping by generalization in application with the coordinate transformation and LoD(level of detail) in the web cartography. A method of the coordinate transformation is to improve a transmission of spatial data. Lod is a method which is making web map with selection spatial data by zoom level of users. Layers for test constructed contour line, stream network, the name of a place, a summit of mountain, and administrative office. The generalization was applied to zoom levels by scale for the linear and polygonal features using XML-Based scalable vector graphics(SVG). Resultantly, storage capacity of data was minimized 41% from 9.76mb to 4.08mb in SVG. Generalization of LoD was applied to map elements by stages of the zoom level. In the first stages of zoom level, the main name of places and administrative office, higher order of stream channels, main summit of mountain was represented, and become increase numbers of map elements in the higher levels. Results of this study can help to improve esthetic map and data minimization in web cartography, and also need to make an efforts to research an algorithm on the map generalization over the web.

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Cloning of Autoregulator Receptor Gene form Saccharopolyspora erythraea IFO 13426 (Saccharopolyspora erythraea IFO 13426으로부터 Autoregulator Receptor Protein Gene의 Cloning)

  • 김현수;이경화;조재만
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.117-123
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    • 2003
  • For screening of autoregulator receptor gene from Saccharopolyspora erythraea, PCR was performed with primers of receptor gene designed on the basis of amino acid sequences of autoregulator receptor proteins with known function. PCR products were subcloned into the BamHI site of pUC19 and transformed into the E. coli DH5$\alpha$. The isolated plasmid from transformant contained the fragment of 120 bp, which was detected on 2% gel after BamHI treatment. The insert, 120 bp PCR product, was confirmed as the expected internal segment of gene encoding autoregulator receptor protein by sequencing. Southern and colony hybridization using Saccha. erythraea chromosomal DNA were performed with the insert as probe. The plasmid (pEsg) having 3.2 kbp SacI DNA fragment from Saccha. erythraea is obtained. The 3.2 kbp SacI DNA fragment was sequenced by the dye terminator sequencing. The nucleotide sequence data was analyzed with GENETYX-WIN (ver 3.2) computer program and DNA database. frame analyses of the nucleotide sequence revealed a gene encoding autoregulator receptor protein which is a region including KpnI and SalI sites on 3.2 kbp SacI DNA fragment. The autoregulator receptor protein consisting of 205 amino acid was named EsgR by author. In comparison with known autoregulator receptor proteins, homology of EsgR showed above 30%.