• 제목/요약/키워드: vascular embolization

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Experience of vascular injuries at a military hospital in Korea

  • Doohun Kim;Soyun Nam;Yoon Hyun Lee;Hojun Lee;Hyun Chul Kim
    • Journal of Trauma and Injury
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    • 제37권3호
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    • pp.182-191
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: Vascular injuries require immediate surgical treatment with standard vascular techniques. We aimed to identify pitfalls in vascular surgery for trauma team optimization and to suggest recommendations for trauma and vascular surgeons. Methods: We reviewed 28 victims and analyzed the patterns of injuries, methods of repair, and outcomes. Results: Ten patients had torso injuries, among whom three thoracic aorta injuries were repaired with thoracic endovascular aortic repair, one left hepatic artery pseudoaneurysm with embolization, and two inferior vena cava with venorrhaphy, three iliac arteries with patch angioplasty or embolization, and three common femoral arteries with bypass surgery or arterioplasty. Four patients had upper extremity injuries, among whom one brachial artery and vein was repaired with bypass surgery after temporary intravascular shunt perfusion, two radial arteries were repaired with anastomoses, and one ulnar artery was repaired with ligation. One radial artery under tension was occluded. Fourteen patients had lower extremity injuries, among whom one superficial femoral artery and vein was repaired with bypass and concomitant ligation of the deep femoral artery and vein, three superficial femoral arteries were repaired with bypass (two concomitant femoral veins with bypass or anastomosis), one deep femoral artery with embolization, two popliteal arteries with bypass or anastomosis, four infrapopliteal transected arteries, one arteriovenous fistula with ligation, and one pseudoaneurysm with bypass. However, one superficial femoral artery and all femoral veins were occluded. One leg replantation failed. Conclusions: There are potential complications of vascular access during resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta procedures. Vascular repair should be performed without tension or spasm. Preservation of the harvested vein in papaverine solution and blood while using a temporary intravascular shunt is a method of eliminating spasms.

알지네이트 젤을 이용한 혈관 색전술의 유용성 : 토끼에서의 실험적 연구 (The Efficiency of Vascular Embolization Using Alginate Gel : An Experimental Study in Rabbit)

  • 이우백;강영한;김종기
    • 대한방사선기술학회지:방사선기술과학
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    • 제32권1호
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    • pp.61-67
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    • 2009
  • 연구목적 : poly-L-guluronic alginate(PGA) 겔이 혈관색전술에 적용가능한지 시뮬레이션을 통해 확인하고, PGA 겔이 혈관 내에서도 유용한지 혈관조영술을 통해 알아보고자 하였다. 연구방법 : 겔을 형성하는 PGA는 다시마에서 추출하여 생물학적 적합성 시험을 거쳤고, 단백질 불순물을 완전히 정제한 후 실험에 이용하였다. 유리 동맥류 모형을 이용하여 PGA가 겔을 형성하여 색전을 일으키는지 확인하였고, 가토의 신장 혈관에서도 PGA가 색전을 일으키는지 혈관조영술을 통해 확인하였다. 결 과 : 유리 동맥류 모형에서 PGA는 자동 주입기를 이용하여 카테타를 통해 주입한 후 염화칼슘($CaCl_2$)을 주입하니 유리 동맥류 모형 내에서 겔을 형성하며 색전을 일으켰다. 가토 실험에서는 우신 동맥과 대동맥을 결찰한 후 혈관조영술을 통해 좌신의 혈류를 확인하였다. 좌신동맥으로 PGA와 염화칼슘($CaCl_2$)을 동일한 카테터를 통해 순서대로 주입한 후 우신동맥과 대동맥의 결찰을 제거하였다. 혈관조영술을 다시 실시하여 좌신동맥의 혈류를 확인하니 좌신동맥이 보이지 않았다. 이는 좌신 혈관 내에세 PGA가 겔을 형성하여 혈류를 완전히 차단하였기 때문이었다. 결 론 : PGA는 혈관 내에서 혈관을 완전히 차단하고 색전을 일으킴을 확인하였다. 그러므로 PGA는 혈관 색전물질로 유용할 것이고, 혈관색전술과 조영술 적용에 상당히 효과적일 것이다.

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술전색전술과 경상악법을 이용한 비인강 혈관섬유종의 치료 (Management of Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma using Preoperative Embolization and Transmaxillary approach)

  • 임상철
    • 대한기관식도과학회지
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.120-124
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    • 1996
  • Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma is rare highly vascular tumor and occurs almost exclusively in adolescent boy. This tumor is histologically benign but clinically malignant because of massive bleeding, destruction of surrounding tissue, difficulty in surgical access and recurrence. Preoperative embolization is required to decrease bleeding during operation Surgical method varies according to staging of angiofibroma. Recently, we had experienced a case of angiofibroma that was resected by transmaxillary approach after preoperative embolization.

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Comprehensive understanding of vascular anatomy for endovascular treatment of intractable oronasal bleeding

  • Moon, Sungjun
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • 제35권1호
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    • pp.7-16
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    • 2018
  • Oronasal bleeding that continues despite oronasal packs or recurs after removal of the oronasal packs is referred to as intractable oronasal bleeding, which is refractory to conventional treatments. Severe craniofacial injury or tumor in the nasal or paranasal cavity may cause intractable oronasal bleeding. These intractable cases are subsequently treated with surgical ligation or endovascular embolization of the bleeding arteries. While endovascular embolization has several merits compared to surgical ligation, the procedure needs attention because severe complications such as visual disturbance or cerebral infarction can occur. Therefore, comprehensive understanding of the head and neck vascular anatomy is essential for a more effective and safer endovascular treatment of intractable oronasal bleeding.

Update on Transradial Access for Percutaneous Transcatheter Visceral Artery Embolization

  • Hee Ho Chu;Jong Woo Kim;Ji Hoon Shin;Soo Buem Cho
    • Korean Journal of Radiology
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.72-85
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    • 2021
  • Transfemoral access (TFA) is a widely used first-line approach for most peripheral vascular interventions. Since its introduction in cardiologic and neurointerventional procedures, several advantages of transradial access (TRA) over TFA have been demonstrated, such as patient preference, lower complication rates, early ambulation, and shorter hospital stay. However, studies reporting the safety and efficacy of this approach for peripheral vascular interventions performed by interventional radiologists are relatively few. This review aimed to summarize the technique and clinical applications of TRA in percutaneous transcatheter visceral artery embolization and the management of complications.

Interventional Therapy for Renal Artery Pseudoaneurysms

  • Ji, Wen-Bin;Wang, Wei-Zheng;Sun, Song;Mi, Yu-Cheng;Xu, Qiong;Chen, Yi-Er;Yang, Song;Tao, Dan;Xu, Wei;Xu, Chao
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • 제13권4호
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    • pp.1595-1598
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    • 2012
  • The aim of this study was to explore the angiographic diagnosis and embolization therapy for renal artery pseudoaneurysms due to acute urinary tract hemorrhage after conservative medical management failed. Seven out of ten cases had fever symptoms after the kidney surgery. The pseudoaneurysms were treated with gelatin sponge and (or) spring coil and the majority demonstrated rapid blockage of hemorrhage. Angiography diagnosis and trans catheter embolization are rapid, safe and effective methods for diagnosis and treatment of renal artery pseudoaneurysms.

Angiographic embolization for hemorrhage control after dental implantation

  • Hwang, Hee-Don;Kim, Jin-Wook;Kim, Yong-Sun;Kang, Dong-Hun;Kwon, Tae-Geon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • 제39권1호
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    • pp.27-30
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    • 2013
  • Dental implantation in the mandibular anterior region is considered a safe and reliable surgical procedure. On the other hand, several articles have reported that inadvertent hemorrhage of the sublingual artery can result in life-threatening airway obstruction. Surgical ligation under intubation or tracheostomy is the most widely used approach for controlling mouth floor bleeding in this highly vascular region. Nonetheless, surgically exploring the bleeding focus is difficult because of anatomical distortion followed by widespread edema and swelling. Since swelling of the mouth floor advances quickly, timely management is essential for favorable postoperative outcome. This paper reports a case of immediate hemorrhage control with angiographic embolization to perform rapid hemostasis before the ongoing swelling causes airway obstruction. Less invasive, angiographic embolization can prevent neurovascular damage during a surgical exploration of injured vascular structures on the mouth floor.

사지 혈관 손상의 인터벤션 치료 (Endovascular Treatment for Vascular Injuries of the Extremities)

  • 최태원;권요한;김진우;원제환
    • 대한영상의학회지
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    • 제84권4호
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    • pp.846-854
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    • 2023
  • 상하지 혈관 손상은 높은 사망률과 관계가 있다. 사지 혈관 손상에 대한 전통적인 치료법은 수술이었으나 최근 기술과 시술법의 비약적인 발달로 인해 혈관 내 치료법(endovascular treatment)의 효용 및 임상 적용이 증가하고 있다. 상하지 혈관 손상에서 시행할 수 있는 혈관 내 치료는 크게 스텐트 그래프트(stent graft) 설치술과 색전술로 나눠볼 수 있으며 일반적으로 손상 혈관의 위치와 크기, 혈관 손상의 성격에 따라 치료법이 달라진다. 겨드랑-쇄골하동맥과 장골 동맥 손상의 경우 해부학적 위치상 수술적인 접근이 어려운 것으로 알려져 있으며 스텐트 그래프트 설치술이 수술을 대신할 수 있는 중요한 치료법으로 활용되고 있다. 활동성 출혈, 가성동맥류, 동정맥루 및 색전 시 허혈이 우려되지 않는 동맥의 손상에 대해서는 색전술을 고려해 볼 수 있다. 상하지의 혈관 손상에 대한 혈관 내 치료법은 최소침습적으로 진단과 치료를 동시에 할 수 있다는 장점이 있어 향후 그 적응증이 더 넓어질 것으로 기대된다.

Renal Artery Embolization Using a New Liquid Embolic Material Obtained by Partial Hydrolysis of Polyvinyl Acetate (Embol): Initial Experience in Six Patients

  • Sung Il Park;Do Yun Lee;Jong Yoon Won;Sangsoo Park
    • Korean Journal of Radiology
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    • 제1권3호
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    • pp.121-126
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    • 2000
  • Objective: To evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of a new liquid embolic material, Embol, in embolization of the renal artery. Materials and Methods: Embol is a new embolic material obtained by partial hydrolysis of polyvinyl acetate mixed in absolute ethanol and Iopromide 370 and manufactured by Schering Korea, Kyonggido, Korea. Six patients who underwent embolization of the renal artery using Embol were evaluated. Four were male and two were female and their ages ranged from 11 to 70 (mean, 53) years. Clinical and radiologic diagnoses referred for renal artery embolization were renal cell carcinoma (n = 3), renal angiomyolipoma (n = 2) and pseudoaneurysm of the renal artery (n = 1). After selective renal angiography, Embol was injected through various catheters, either with or without a balloon occlusion catheter. Changes in symptoms and blood chemistry which may have been related to renal artery embolization with Embol were analyzed. Results: The six patients showed immediate total occlusion of their renal vascular lesions. One of the three in whom renal cell carcinoma was embolized with Embol underwent radical nephrectomy, and the specimen thus obtained revealed 40% tumor necrosis. In the two patients with angiomyolipomas, the tumors decreased in size and abdominal pain subsided. Bleeding from pseudoaneurysm of the renal artery was successfully controlled. Four patients showed symptoms of post-embolization syndrome, and one of these also showed increased levels of blood urea nitrogen and creatinine. One patient experienced transient hypertension. Conclusion: Embol is easy to use, its radiopacity is adequate and it is a safe and effective embolic material which provides immediate and total occlusion of renal vascular lesions.

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