• Title/Summary/Keyword: urban classification

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A Study on the Environmental Color of New Genre Public Art in Luzinterruptus' Work (러진테럽터스의 뉴 장르 공공미술에 나타난 환경색채 연구)

  • Kim, Sun-Young
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.112-120
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of the thesis is to explore ways of improving the quality of urban life by analyzing the Luzinterruptus's work looking for a new perspective on the relationship between environmental color and society. The street artist Luzinterruptus was born in Spain, is a leader in the field of New Genre Public Art brush on a canvas of light in the night. They should seek the views of other common color system and color environments. The method of research is urban design, we consider the concept of the public good understanding, and New Genre Public Art. It also analyzes the environmental color of Luzinterruptus to take advantage of the phenomenology by David Katz color classification. The scope of the thesis is focused on the analysis of the works featured in their website and webzine. Then select a sculpture installation information is stated on the environmental color of their work. The role of environmental color in their work is not an aesthetic experience of harmonious urban landscape was seeking Public Art. The citizens of the area and the installation work themselves. Also it listed as demolition after the exhibition to realize the difference with other people and take advantage to environmental color. Therefore, they the contemporary agenda in many part of narrative takes in the garbage or disposables that you can easily look at our surroundings, In addition, citizens are directly experiencing the fantastic custom-made lights and colors and objects of the oversize as a potential recalls memories. Thus, the use of environmental color comfortable life there is horizontal participation and communication of the 'citizens' critical perspective of the 21st century cumulative cities.

Automatic 3D soil model generation for southern part of the European side of Istanbul based on GIS database

  • Sisman, Rafet;Sahin, Abdurrahman;Hori, Muneo
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.893-906
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    • 2017
  • Automatic large scale soil model generation is very critical stage for earthquake hazard simulation of urban areas. Manual model development may cause some data losses and may not be effective when there are too many data from different soil observations in a wide area. Geographic information systems (GIS) for storing and analyzing spatial data help scientists to generate better models automatically. Although the original soil observations were limited to soil profile data, the recent developments in mapping technology, interpolation methods, and remote sensing have provided advanced soil model developments. Together with advanced computational technology, it is possible to handle much larger volumes of data. The scientists may solve difficult problems of describing the spatial variation of soil. In this study, an algorithm is proposed for automatic three dimensional soil and velocity model development of southern part of the European side of Istanbul next to Sea of Marmara based on GIS data. In the proposed algorithm, firstly bedrock surface is generated from integration of geological and geophysical measurements. Then, layer surface contacts are integrated with data gathered in vertical borings, and interpolations are interpreted on sections between the borings automatically. Three dimensional underground geology model is prepared using boring data, geologic cross sections and formation base contours drawn in the light of these data. During the preparation of the model, classification studies are made based on formation models. Then, 3D velocity models are developed by using geophysical measurements such as refraction-microtremor, array microtremor and PS logging. The soil and velocity models are integrated and final soil model is obtained. All stages of this algorithm are carried out automatically in the selected urban area. The system directly reads the GIS soil data in the selected part of urban area and 3D soil model is automatically developed for large scale earthquake hazard simulation studies.

A Study on the Characteristics of Paridae Nesting Material by Urban Green Area Type (도시녹지 유형별 박새과 둥지 재료 특성 연구)

  • Kim, Kyeong-Tae;Lee, Hyun-Jung;Kim, Whee-Moon;Kim, Seoung-Yeal;Song, Wonkyong
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.256-264
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    • 2021
  • Rapid urbanization around the world has negatively affected wildlife habitats, including birds. Wild birds settled in the city are adapting to the changed surroundings, and are typically known to make nests using materials that are easy to find around the city. This study was conducted for the purpose of analyzing the nesting materials on the Paridae using artificial bird nests installed in cities. In this study, the researchers established a total of 33 artificial bird nests in urban parks (22) and forests (11) in Cheonan-si, Chungcheongnam-do. Then we collected 4 artificial bird nests in urban parks (18.19%) and 5 in urban forests (45.46%) to compare the characteristics of bird nest materials by the nest, species, and urban green area types. Eight nests, excluding a nest abandoned by a pair of Paridae, were used for the material analysis. The collected nests were dried, and classified into natural materials (vegetable materials, animal materials, moss, and soil) and artificial materials (cotton, paper pieces, plastics, vinyl, and synthetic fibers), and then each nest was weighed. The classification result shows that the portion of moss (50.65%) was the highest in all nests, followed by soil (21.43%), artificial material (13.95%), vegetable material (5.78%), animal material (4.57%), and others (3.59%) in that order. Artificial materials were used in all nests in urban green areas. Moreover, although the Paridae used about 5.16% more vegetable material than the Parus varius, it was not significant (t=2.17, p=0.07). Plant materials and soil were most preferred in urban forests, and moss, animal, and artificial materials were widely used in that order in urban parks. There was a significant difference in the use of vegetable materials between urban parks and urban forests (t=3.07, p<0.05*). In the habitats like urbanized and dry areas, where artificial materials are highly accessible, artificial materials replaced some roles of natural materials. This study is a basic study for the analysis of the types of materials used in artificial bird nests to understand the habitat system of urban ecosystems. It can be used as the basic data for ecological studies and conservation of the Paridae species.

Suggestion of Urban Regeneration Type Recommendation System Based on Local Characteristics Using Text Mining (텍스트 마이닝을 활용한 지역 특성 기반 도시재생 유형 추천 시스템 제안)

  • Kim, Ikjun;Lee, Junho;Kim, Hyomin;Kang, Juyoung
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.149-169
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    • 2020
  • "The Urban Renewal New Deal project", one of the government's major national projects, is about developing underdeveloped areas by investing 50 trillion won in 100 locations on the first year and 500 over the next four years. This project is drawing keen attention from the media and local governments. However, the project model which fails to reflect the original characteristics of the area as it divides project area into five categories: "Our Neighborhood Restoration, Housing Maintenance Support Type, General Neighborhood Type, Central Urban Type, and Economic Base Type," According to keywords for successful urban regeneration in Korea, "resident participation," "regional specialization," "ministerial cooperation" and "public-private cooperation", when local governments propose urban regeneration projects to the government, they can see that it is most important to accurately understand the characteristics of the city and push ahead with the projects in a way that suits the characteristics of the city with the help of local residents and private companies. In addition, considering the gentrification problem, which is one of the side effects of urban regeneration projects, it is important to select and implement urban regeneration types suitable for the characteristics of the area. In order to supplement the limitations of the 'Urban Regeneration New Deal Project' methodology, this study aims to propose a system that recommends urban regeneration types suitable for urban regeneration sites by utilizing various machine learning algorithms, referring to the urban regeneration types of the '2025 Seoul Metropolitan Government Urban Regeneration Strategy Plan' promoted based on regional characteristics. There are four types of urban regeneration in Seoul: "Low-use Low-Level Development, Abandonment, Deteriorated Housing, and Specialization of Historical and Cultural Resources" (Shon and Park, 2017). In order to identify regional characteristics, approximately 100,000 text data were collected for 22 regions where the project was carried out for a total of four types of urban regeneration. Using the collected data, we drew key keywords for each region according to the type of urban regeneration and conducted topic modeling to explore whether there were differences between types. As a result, it was confirmed that a number of topics related to real estate and economy appeared in old residential areas, and in the case of declining and underdeveloped areas, topics reflecting the characteristics of areas where industrial activities were active in the past appeared. In the case of the historical and cultural resource area, since it is an area that contains traces of the past, many keywords related to the government appeared. Therefore, it was possible to confirm political topics and cultural topics resulting from various events. Finally, in the case of low-use and under-developed areas, many topics on real estate and accessibility are emerging, so accessibility is good. It mainly had the characteristics of a region where development is planned or is likely to be developed. Furthermore, a model was implemented that proposes urban regeneration types tailored to regional characteristics for regions other than Seoul. Machine learning technology was used to implement the model, and training data and test data were randomly extracted at an 8:2 ratio and used. In order to compare the performance between various models, the input variables are set in two ways: Count Vector and TF-IDF Vector, and as Classifier, there are 5 types of SVM (Support Vector Machine), Decision Tree, Random Forest, Logistic Regression, and Gradient Boosting. By applying it, performance comparison for a total of 10 models was conducted. The model with the highest performance was the Gradient Boosting method using TF-IDF Vector input data, and the accuracy was 97%. Therefore, the recommendation system proposed in this study is expected to recommend urban regeneration types based on the regional characteristics of new business sites in the process of carrying out urban regeneration projects."

Classification of Carbon-Based Global Marine Eco-Provinces Using Remote Sensing Data and K-Means Clustering (K-Means Clustering 기법과 원격탐사 자료를 활용한 탄소기반 글로벌 해양 생태구역 분류)

  • Young Jun Kim;Dukwon Bae;Jungho Im ;Sihun Jung;Minki Choo;Daehyeon Han
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.5_3
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    • pp.1043-1060
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    • 2023
  • An acceleration of climate change in recent years has led to increased attention towards 'blue carbon' which refers to the carbon captured by the ocean. However, our comprehension of marine ecosystems is still incomplete. This study classified and analyzed global marine eco-provinces using k-means clustering considering carbon cycling. We utilized five input variables during the past 20 years (2001-2020): Carbon-based Productivity Model (CbPM) Net Primary Production (NPP), particulate inorganic and organic carbon (PIC and POC), sea surface salinity (SSS), and sea surface temperature (SST). A total of nine eco-provinces were classified through an optimization process, and the spatial distribution and environmental characteristics of each province were analyzed. Among them, five provinces showed characteristics of open oceans, while four provinces reflected characteristics of coastal and high-latitude regions. Furthermore, a qualitative comparison was conducted with previous studies regarding marine ecological zones to provide a detailed analysis of the features of nine eco-provinces considering carbon cycling. Finally, we examined the changes in nine eco-provinces for four periods in the past (2001-2005, 2006-2010, 2011-2015, and 2016-2020). Rapid changes in coastal ecosystems were observed, and especially, significant decreases in the eco-provinces having higher productivity by large freshwater inflow were identified. Our findings can serve as valuable reference material for marine ecosystem classification and coastal management, with consideration of carbon cycling and ongoing climate changes. The findings can also be employed in the development of guidelines for the systematic management of vulnerable coastal regions to climate change.

A Study on the status of treatment by acupunctury of community people in city area (도시민의 침치료에 대한 의식과 관련요인분석)

  • 정홍수;변정환;남철현
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.66-78
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    • 1992
  • This study carried out to investigate consciousness level and situation of treatment by acupuntury (the most important part of oriental medicine) and analyze factors affection to the praetice of exercise. The main purpose of the study was to give basic and necessery data in formulating a policy related to Oriental Medical Treatment. The study was conducted by trained surveyers, for dueller in three cities (Seoul, Busan and Taegu) during 1990. 1. 4 -1990. 1. 23. The result of this study can be summerized as follows. 1. The subject of criticism an investigation for general charactristic be conducted in seoul, Busan and Taegu city area an objective 417 person, 423 person, and 366 person was among those comparatively little more by male was higher rate than female. Those in classification age group evaluation was adopted by age group 10, 20 years old adult 41.3% of most higher rate, next rank was adopted by age group 40 years old (24.9%). 2. An objective of investigation survery was made to personnel were comparative an educated level significantly higher such as college graduated 48.8%, high school graduated 30.1%. And the native comes from urban area, rural, midium and small city rate were shown as 29.6%, 28.4% and 19.9% each other. There by classification of occupational job was shown by students has 27.4% are most higher significantly also there sales and servive field job appearanced 15.1% and expert technical job is 9.0%. Religion is buddist, Christianity, Catholicism all them each other shown 33.6%, 16.7% and 12.4%. An evaluation in economic situation value rate was appearanced by middle class is 61.7% and upper and lower classes are 14.4% and 23.9% with each other and married were 59.2% 3. The people resident in cities area has experience of acupuncture were 70.4% There by classification of an area was shown by Seoul, Busan and Taegu all them other shown 59.7%, 85.2%, 68.1%. According as sex was shown by male 71.7% was more higher than female. According as age was shown by 40 years 85.0% 50 years 77% 20 years old was more higher than 30, 60 years old.

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Resources Evaluation System for Rural Planning Purposes( I ) - Formulation of Goal System for Resource Evaluation - (농촌계획지원용 지역자원평가시스템 구축(I) - 자원평가 구성요소의 목표체계 구축 -)

  • 최수명;황한철
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.54-67
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    • 1997
  • Korean societies have been experiencing the wholesale structural changes in the rapid currents of recent openness, globalization and democratization, which effect much more heavily in rural areas than in urban areas, so rural recomposition works being an important national concern. In order to systematically reconstruct the rural structure, the decision makers, with a four step hierarchy of rural resident-residents group-community-region, should be endowed with the objective judgement on basic elements of resource potentialities under their control. In this process. rational resource evaluation works would be firstly necessiated from expert groups. Based on the view mentioned above, this study principally aimed at developing a rational evaluation framework for rural resources. For that objective, the first step of the study pigeonholed the total resources items identifiable in rural areas from the existing study results, spatial planning and field surveying data. After then, using the formalized classification criteria of resources items, a tentative goal system for rural resources evaluation was proposed and the final one determined through expert-group checking. The results obtained during the study are summarized as follows ; 1. Using the existing examples of resources identification/classification and the basic data list for county-level development planning as the principal reference ones, total rural resources elements were classified into 3 constituent units : land, natural environment and human resources, which correspond to places to work, to play and to live, respectively, as 3 constituent ones of life-supporting space. 2. Three characteristic areal types were adopted to represent the total rural areas : lowland, upland and seashore areas, and also 3 practical use types to represent the objectives of resources evaluation systems : for land use planning, natural conservation policy and village improvement planning. Thus 9 different types of goal system for resources evaluation were developed(each system by 3 areal typesX3 practical use types) 3. Each goal system has 3-tier classification steps from the higher, middle and lower one. The higher and middle steps should contain equally applicable components to all the rural areas, of which allowable number being around 3 and 4 respectively. However the lower step would contain detailed sub-components changeable to areal characteristics of which allowable number being around 7.

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A Spatial Change Analysis of Water Quality Pollutant using GIS and Satellite Image (GIS와 위성영상을 이용한 수질 오염인자의 공간 변화 분석)

  • Jo, Myung-Hee;Kwon, Bong-Kyum;Bu, Ki-Dong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.60-70
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the spatial change of water quality pollutant in the upper-stream of Kumho River basin. For this purpose, it compared with ground survey data of water quality measurement, using GIS and Landsat TM image, and then constructed a database of water quality pollutants in the watershed by Arc/Info. Also the land cover classification maps of 1985 and 1997 were prepared using maximum likelihood classification. This study detected and analysed the classified images to produce the area of land cover change per sub-basin. In addition, choropleth maps were prepared with spatial change value of water quality pollutants, and overlay analysis was carried out with weight score for each layer. The results of this study revealed that population, animals and fruit orchards were main factors in the spatial change of water pollution of Kumho River basin. The Comparision of pollutions by sub-basins showed a high pollution value in Daechang-chun and Omok -chun stream which follows through the urban area.

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Comparative Analysis of Land-use thematic GIS layers and Multi-resolution Image Classification Results by using LANDSAT 7 ETM+ and KOMPSAT EOC image (Landsat 7 ETM+와 KOMPSAT EOC 영상 자료를 이용한 다중 분해능 영상 분류결과와 토지이용현황 주제도 대비 분석)

  • 이기원;유영철;송무영;사공호상
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.331-343
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    • 2002
  • Recently, as various fields of applications using space-borne imagery have been emphasized, interests on integrated analysis or fusion using multi-sources are also increasing. In this study, to investigate applicability of multiple imageries for further regional-scaled application, DN value analysis and multi-resolution classification by using KOMPSAT EOC imagery and Landsat 7 ETM+image data in the Namyangju-city area were performed, and then this classified results were compared to land-use thematic data at the same area. In case of classified results by using muff-resolution image data, it is shown that linear-type features can be easily extracted. furthermore, it is expected that multi-resolution classified image can be effectively utilized to urban environment analysis, according to results of similar pattern by comparative study based on multi-buffered zone analysis or so-called distance analysis along main road features in the study area.

The Development and Application of Biotop Value Assessment Tool(B-VAT) (비오톱의 보전가치 평가도구(B-VAT) 개발과 적용)

  • Cho, Hyun-Ju;Ra, Jung-Hwa;Kim, Jin-Hyo;Kwon, Oh-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.131-145
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    • 2013
  • The purposes of this research are : to analyze biotop type and carry out conservation value assessment in study areas, Daegu Science Park national industrial complex; to supply basic data for the landscape ecological planning; and to improve the application of assessment model with the development of Biotop Value Assessment Tool (B-VAT). The result is as follows. First of all, the field survey showed 434 species of flora and 220 species of insecta. According to the result of biotop type analysis in the biotop classification system with field survey, 13 biotope groups and 63 biotope types were classified. In the map of biotop type classification, readjusted farmland biotop(FA) was prevalent and forest biotop(E) was shown to the southeast side of the site. Next, according to the first assessment with B-VAT, total 19 biotop types including natural river(BA) with abundant plants had I grade and total 16 biotop types such as vegetable garden adjacent to river(BC) had V grade. In terms of the second assessment, we analyzed total 30 areas, total 82 areas, respectively, which had special meaning for the conservation of species and biotop(1a, 1b) and which had meaning for the conservation of species and biotop(2a, 2b, 2c). This research will be a basic data, which can solve the damage problem systematically and control it landscape-friendly with biotop classification and assessment which we developed. In particular, we expect that biotop value assessment tool(B-VAT) with GIS will be a great contribution to popularity compared with the value model by complicated algorism such as adding-matrix, weight and equal distribution. In addition, this will save the time and improve the accuracy for hand-counting.