• 제목/요약/키워드: unit of perception

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Analysis of Perceptions of Teachers on Teaching "Changes in the Positions of the Sun and Moon during the Day" ('하루 동안 태양과 달의 위치 변화' 지도에 대한 교사의 인식 분석)

  • Kim, Dong Seok;Kim, Ji Suk;Lee, Gyu Ho;Oh, Phil Seok;Choi, Sun Young
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.627-641
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to help elementary school teachers increase their knowledge about the changes in the positions of the sun and moon during the day and the first time the moon observation begins in the Earth and Space section of the Earth and the Moon. The survey questions were grouped into four categories, namely, textbook explanation, inquiry activities, achievement of learning goals, and other opinions. The perception of each question differed according to advanced science majors and teaching careers and experiences of this unit. In addition, understanding the diverse views of the participants using descriptive questions was possible. The study recruited 67 teachers working at an elementary school in Gyeonggi-do. The conclusion is as follows. First, the teachers exhibited similar positive and negative perceptions about the description of the textbook on the changes in the positions of the sun and moon during the day. Second, the study found that majority of teachers used alternative methods when guiding students regarding the change in the positions. This trend was not correlated with the sun and the moon, and the study observed no difference in advanced majors and teaching careers and experience of this unit. Third, the majority of teachers responded that they could achieve their learning goals through this learning. However, many teachers complained of various difficulties in guiding students about the lesson, and the majority alternative methods. The results demonstrated the perception of teachers that students can achieve learning goals through alternative methods without direct observation.

A Survey on the Practice Taekyo Among Childbearing Couples (임신부부의 태교 실태조사)

  • Choi, Yun-Soon;Kim, Hyeon-Ok
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.174-199
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    • 1995
  • This study examined the antenatal care known as Taekyo. The sample consisted of 795 women and 564 men who had be seen in the antenatal care unit, delivery room, or postpartal care unit of general hospitals in Korea between March 20 and April 22, 1995. Data were collected using the "Taekyo questionnaire for childbearing women" and "Taekyo questionnaire for husbands of childbearing women" developed by researchers. Data were self-reported. Data were analyzed using the SPSS PC+ program, and descriptive statistics, T-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient were applied. The results of this study were as follows : 1. Encouragement to practice Taekyo was at a relatively high level. Items on Taekyo encouraging behaviors had a mean score of 3.51(33 items 5 point scale). According to the five categories of Taekyo encouraging behaviors, subjects indicated they practice "food intake(mean score 4.02)". "praying(mean score 3.78)", "cumulative virtuous deeds (mean score 3.58)". "mind and body management(mean score 3.47)", "maternal fetal interaction(mean score 3.15)". 2. The childbearing women's practices related to forbidden behaviors by Taekyo were relatively high. Item on forbidden behaviors by Taekyo had a mean score 3.71(43 items 5 point scale). According to the five categories of forbidden behaviors by Taekyo, subjects indicated they practiced "voluntary abstention of drugs(mean score 4.78)," avoiding behaviors(mean score 4.78)," avoiding behaviors(mean score 3.77), "good behaviors(mean score 3.71)", "taboo on fetal death tendency (mean score 3.53)", "taboo on certain intake(mean score 3.47)". 3. The practice score of husbands for childbearing women which related to Taekyo behaviors were relatively high. Item on Taekyo behaviors had a mean score 3.59(33 items 5 point scale). According to the six categories of Taekyo behavior, subjects indicated they practiced "mind and body management(mean score 3.94)", "praying(mean score 3.80)", "support of women’s practice related to Taekyo(mean score 3.66)", "good behaviors(mean score 3.58)", "continency(mean score 3.33)", "paternal fetal interaction (mean score 3.19)". 4. On the childbearing women's perception of Taekyo, most of the subjects(88%) had confidence in the positive effects of Taekyo on Child development. The result showed that the childbearing couples practiced Taekyo behavior relatively often and sincerely and most of the childbearing women had a positive perception of Taekyo's effect on prenatal child development.

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Assessment of the Effects of Breast Cancer Training on Women Between the Ages of 50 and 70 in Kemalpasa, Turkey

  • Mermer, Gulengul;Turk, Meral
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.15 no.24
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    • pp.10749-10755
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    • 2015
  • Background: In both developed and developing countries; breast cancer is the major cancer observed in women. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of nursing and mammographic intervention on women with breast cancer between the ages of 50 and 70. Materials and Methods: A training program, which was quasi-experimental and had a pretest-protest design, was applied in Kemalpaaa district of Izmir, between October 2008 and August 2010. The target population was women between the ages of 50 and 70, who were registered in the list of 3rd Family Medicine Unit in Izmir's Kemalpasa metropolis. A total of 106 women who were in conformity with the study criteria participated in the study. Research data were collected through home visits that included face-to-face interviews; Ministry of Health education material and video films were modified and used for the training. Data analysis was performed through 82 women who were paired at the first and the second phase. Results: It was observed that although the rate of breast self examination significantly increased after the training (p=0.022), the rate of clinical breast examination (p=0.122) and mammographic screening (p=0.523) did not. Differences in the stages of change after training were found to be statistically significant (p<0.001) and the group showed a progression in the stages of change in general (46.3%). In women mean scores of breast cancer awareness (p<0.000), severity (p<0.000), health motivation (p<0.000) and perception of the benefits of mammography (p<0.000) increased significantly and mean score of perception of mammography barriers decreased significantly (p<0.000) after the training. Conclusions: After the training on breast cancer and mammography it was determined that nursing interventions provided positive progression of stages of change of women, affected health beliefs positively and significantly increased BSE incidences. However, it did not have a significant effect on CBE and mammographic screening.

Teacher's Perception for Korean's Achievement Standards-Based Testing System and Evaluation Method of Learners' Academic Ability

  • Yoon, Mabyong;Baek, Kwangho
    • International Journal of Contents
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.52-57
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this research is to evaluate teachers' perception of Korean's achievement standard-based testing system (ASTS) and its process of implementation, and to propose a method of evaluating students' academic aptitude based on university entrance examinations. The core of the 2015 Revised National Curriculum is asserted by changes in classroom instruction, specifically encouraging students' participation in class based on a new method to evaluate student achievement. A total of 124 teachers in charge of student career counseling in middle and high schools in the Jeonbuk province participated in the study. The schools implementing the new method of ASTS were using 61.6% for unit school cut-off point, as opposed to the existing fixed cut-off point of 38.4%. The teachers understanding of the achievement evaluation method was rated 3.54 on the 5-point Likert scale, implying that they had a relatively good understanding of the method. Some of the challenges associated with reflecting the scores from the new student ASTS include difficulty of comparing scores across schools; grade inflation; advantages and disadvantages associated with the type of high school; and the increased importance of university entrance examination. In the ASTS, the fairness during the evaluation of the high school grades and the consequently the reliability of the evaluation prove worrying. As an ultimate result, selecting students based on university admissions data became untrustworthy. There should be further discussions on how students' achievement obtained from the new ASTS should be applied during the university admission process and how students' academic aptitude can be assessed in order to set a direction for secondary school education.

Protease activity and meat-tenderizing effect of Hypsizygus marmoreus (느티만가닥버섯의 단백질분해효소 활성과 연육증진효과)

  • Shin, Bok-Eum;Baek, Il-Sun;Kim, Jeong-Han;Lee, Yun-Hae
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.235-240
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    • 2019
  • In this study, we investigated the effects of pH, temperature, and salt concentration on protease activities in Hypsizygus marmoreus, and the ability of H. marmoreus extract to tenderize beef. In fact, H. marmoreus was shown to have higher protease activity than kiwi fruits. The pH of beef was dose dependently increased with addition of H. marmoreus extract. Cooking loss, cutting strength, and color value (L, a, b) were also dose dependently decreased with addition of H. marmoreus extract. In sensory assessments, H. marmoreus extract dose dependently enhanced perception of tenderness, flavor, and taste. In contrary, use of kiwi fruits as a meat tenderizer decreased positive perception of taste. The protease activitiy of H. marmoreus decreased sharply at pH < 2.0, and temperature > 50 ℃. Protease activity was relatively stable in NaCl concentrations ranging from 0-5 M, but incrementally decreased with increasing NaCl. These results suggest that, H. marmoreus extract can improve the texture and taste of beef.

The Effects of Portfolio Applied Science Instruction on the Students Scientific Affective Domain and Perceptions of Portfolio in Elementary Schools (자연과 포트폴리로 적용 수업이 초등학생의 과학 정의적 특성과 포트폴리오 인식에 미치는 영향)

  • 문유정;김효남
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.29-41
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of the Portfolio applied science instruction on the students' scientific affective domain and perceptions of portfolio in elementary schools. Portfolio applied science instruction of the 6th grade science unit 'Environment pollution and Nature protection' was developed for this study. Traditional instruction was implemented to the control group and portfolio applied science instruction was implemented to the experimental group. Pretests of the scientific affective domain were administered to both groups. The treatment was given for about seven weeks for both groups. Instruments about scientific affective domain were administered to both groups. A questionnaire on perception of portfolio applied science instruction was given to the experimental group after the treatment. The results were analyzed using t-test on the students' scientific affective domain. The results of this study are as follows: 1. Portfolio applied science instruction program for elementary schools was developed. Students themselves determine the portfolio learning goal in a portfolio applied science instruction. Students construct the portfolio and they evaluate themselves and other colleagues. Also teachers go on portfolio applied science instruction considering portfolio purpose, concepts, evaluation. 2. There was not a statistically meaningful difference between an experimental group and a control group o]1 the students' scientific affective domain. In three sub categories of a scientific affective domain, the science perception, the interest on science and scientific attitude, there were not statistically meaningful difference among them. 3. As the results of the questionnaire on perceptions of portfolio, they didn't understand it very well but after learning portfolio, they showed positive attitude to perceptions of portfolio. Students in portfolio applied science instruction like more the portfolio applied science instruction than general instruction. 4. Portfolio applied science instruction has an useful value as a method of teaching and evaluation. Students and teachers can produce various portfolios products in portfolio applied science instruction. As a conclusion, portfolio applied science instruction was not statistically meaningful on the students' scientific affective domain, but it gives positive effects on perceptions of portfolio in elementary schools. Therefore, portfolio has an educational value as a method of teaching and evaluation for students' growth. In the future, teachers and students must have interaction and feedback in portfolio applied science instruction.

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Participation in and perceptions of antibiotic stewardship behaviors among nurses at a children's hospital in South Korea: a descriptive study

  • Jihee Lim;Kyung-Sook Bang
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.54-66
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: This study investigated participation in and perceptions of antibiotic stewardship among nurses at a children's hospital. Methods: This descriptive study included 125 nurses working in the inpatient ward, intensive care unit and emergency room of a single tertiary children's hospital. The study measured 14 factors influencing antibiotic stewardship behaviors using the theoretical domains framework. Each factor was analyzed by categorizing it into components (capability, opportunity, and motivation) that have been proposed as influencing factors in the COM-B model of behavior. One-way analysis of variance and Pearson correlation coefficients were used to explore differences in antibiotic stewardship behaviors and influencing factors according to general characteristics and the correlation between antibiotic stewardship behaviors and COM-B components. Results: No statistically significant difference in antibiotic stewardship behaviors was found based on the experience of antibiotic stewardship education or the nursing department. However, significant differences were observed in the perception levels of factors related to antibiotic stewardship behaviors according to the experience of antibiotic stewardship education in skill (physical) (p=.042), knowledge (p=.027), intentions (p=.028), and social influences (p=.010). Additionally, significant differences were observed in perception levels according to the sub-components of the COM-B model, specifically physical capability (p=.042), psychological capability (p=.027), and social opportunity (p=.010). Conclusion: To expand nurses' involvement and roles in antibiotic stewardship, nurses should acknowledge the significance of appropriate antibiotic use, aiming to enhance the quality of medical care and ensure patient safety. In pursuit of this objective, tailored education aligning with the specific needs and practices of nurses is essential.

Analysis of Librarians' Perception of Teaching and Learning Support Services of Academic Libraries (대학도서관 교수·학습지원 서비스에 대한 사서 인식분석)

  • Ye Jin Choi;Min Kyung Na;Jee Yeon Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.57 no.2
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    • pp.51-77
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    • 2023
  • This study analyzed the respective teaching and learning-related services offered by the Centers for Teaching and Learning and the academic libraries to find the proper roles of libraries regarding this type of service. We interviewed librarians to collect the data. The content analysis of the qualitative interview data enabled us to identify the librarians' perceptions of teaching and learning support, service provision method, strengthening relationships with other academic units, recognition of libraries' roles within the universities, and generating more investment for the libraries. Finally, the analysis led to six suggestions for libraries' teaching and learning support functions, such as advertising the availability of specific academic discipline or unit-oriented library services, strengthening librarian's capabilities as educators, bolstering digital information literacy of the faculty members and students, injecting libraries' views into the development and maintaining fundamental knowledge-related programs, emphasizing the notion of human-centered libraries, and finding new ways to utilize library space.

Perception of Artificial Hydration for Terminally Ill Cancer Patients: Patients, Families and General Public (말기 암 환자에서의 정맥 내 수액요법에 대한 인식도: 환자, 보호자 및 일반인)

  • Yang, Seong-Kyeong;Yong, Jin-Sun
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.220-227
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: The purpose of the study was to investigate how much understand about artificial hydration in patients with terminal cancer, according to the subject groups, including patients, families, and general public. Methods: Data were collected from June 2007 to December 2007 and the participants included 22 hospitalized patients in the hospice unit of S Hospital, 100 families, and 101 participants who participated in a hospice education program for the general public. The questionnaire was developed through literature review, interview with patients' families, and expertise consultation. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics with an SAS program. Results: Understanding of artificial hydration among patients, families and general public was examined from three perspectives. From an ethical perspective, 'if you receive artificial hydration, you can live longer', 45.5%, 63%, and 52.4% of the above three groups, respectively, answered "yes". From an emotional perspective, 'artificial hydration must be provided', 81.8%, 70% and 58.4%, respectively, agreed. From a cultural perspective, 'if artificial hydration is not provided for the patient, the families will feel painful', 95.5%, 83%, and 88.2%, respectively, answered "yes". Conclusion: This study found the differences in understanding of artificial hydration among patients, families and general public, and also found that less than 50 percent of the participants understood artificial hydration appropriately. We suggest, therefore, that patients' understanding about artificial hydration should be determined in the clinical setting and then followed by individualized education according to given medical situations.

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Consumer Awareness Survey for Environmentally Friendly Children's Furniture Development (친환경 아동용 가구 개발을 위한 소비자 인식 조사)

  • Kim, Ja Kyung
    • Journal of the Korea Furniture Society
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.340-354
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    • 2017
  • Currently, the global furniture market can not overlook environmental problems due to changes in environmental regulations. In order to grow into a global corporation, environmentally friendly design became essential. In addition, domestic and foreign consumers are increasingly interested in and spending on children's furniture, and demand for environment - friendly furniture for children's health and emotional development is increasing. In the era of universal consumer tastes due to massive mass production, it has been changed into a multi-product small-volume production period that reflects the preferences of various consumers, so that various types of furniture that meet individual preferences are required. Therefore, in this study, we investigated various personal opinions, perception, preference, propensity to use furniture, purchasing points, etc. for environmentally friendly children's furniture, and provided basic data for environmentally friendly children's furniture development that reflects consumer preference and requirements. Accordingly, 243 parents who have more than one child living in Seoul, Gyeonggi, and Incheon were surveyed about the use of children's furniture and the perception and preference of environmentally friendly children's furniture. According to the survey results, 64.57% of the respondents knew about eco - friendly children's furniture and the most popular way to get to know eco-friendly furniture was Internet advertising (49.48%). The rate of recognizing eco-friendly furniture as healthy furniture with no emission of hazardous substances was high as 56.16%. The purchase intention of eco-friendly children's furniture was very high at 86.01% and the most important factor in purchasing was the harmlessness to the human body (56.88%). 59.50% said that it is not possible to distinguish environmentally friendly furniture, which means that there is not much information to consumers yet. In addition, the preferred price range is 500~1000 thousand won, and the preference for the rest furniture is high. In the preferred form type, unit type modular furniture is 36.13%, in the material, wood is 72.35%, in the color, the color of wood with wood grain is high as 45.56%.