• Title/Summary/Keyword: turbidostat cultivation

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Kinetics of producing ${\beta}$-carotene from Dunaliella salina by Light Limited Turbidostat Cultivation (Dunaliella salina 의 광 제한 현탁 연속배양에 의한 ${\beta}$-carotene 의 생산)

  • Park, Young-Shik;You, Ho-Keum;Ohh, Shang-Jip;Lee, Hyeon-Yong
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.342-347
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    • 1993
  • It was proved that the cell growth followed a photo-inhibition model in light-limited turbidostat cultivation, having 1.06 (1/h) of maximum specific growth rate and 0.00094(kcal/$cm^2$/h) and 0.063 (kcal/$cm^2$/h) as half saturation and light inhibition constants, repectively. ${\beta}$-carotene production showed a growth related porcess. And the activation energy of Dunaliella salina was roughly estimated as 12.36 (kcal/mole) in employing Arrhenius relationship. It should also point out that relatively much porduction of ${\beta}$-carotene was observed at hight light intensity with yieding 1.04 (mg-carotene/g-dry cell/day) of specific product production rate while the cell growth was decreased. The optimal conditions of producing ${\beta}$-carotene in turbiodostat cultivation were as follows: $7.5{\times}10^{-3}$(kcal/$cm^2$/h)of light intensity, 2 (mM) and 50(mM) of nitrate and sodium bicarbonate concentrations and 100(ml/h) of $CO_2$ flow rate.

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