• Title/Summary/Keyword: tuber crop

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Studies on the Effects of Various Treatments on the Tuber Formation of Potatoes (각종처리가 감자 괴경형성에 미치는 영향)

  • Jae-Young Cho
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.125-131
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    • 1976
  • To study the effects of temperature, day length, and various plant growth regulator treatments on the tuber formation of Irish cobbler, this experiment was carried out with 2 combinations of day-length and temperature and 11 kinds of growth regulator, including GA, and their combinations. For the tuber formation, low temperature-short day condition played decisive role, and exceeded the effects of growth regulators. 4 times foliar application of 10 ppm GA resulted marked elongation of stolon but did not inhibit the tuber formation even under high temperature longday condition.

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Studies on the Environmental Factors Affecting Growth and Tuber Formation of Eleocharis kuroguwai Ohwi (올방개(Eleocharis kuroguwai Ohwi)의 생장(生長)과 괴경형성(塊莖形成)에 미치는 환경요인(環境要因))

  • Ku, Y.C.;Choung, S.G.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.44-54
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    • 1993
  • This experiment was conducted to understand the environmental factors affecting growth and tuber formation such as temperature, day length, tight intensity, water condition and cutting time of Eleocharis kuroguwai Ohwi. Plant height, shoot number and dry weight of E. kuroguwai were higher at high temperature, 25/$25^{\circ}C$ (day/night), while nitrogen content was higher at low temperature, 20/$15^{\circ}C$. Plant height was more affected by water temperature, while shoot number and dry weight were more affected by air temperature. Contents and absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in top parts of E. kuroguwai were higher under greater difference between air and water temperatures, i.e., 18/$28^{\circ}C$ and 28/$18^{\circ}C$. The number and weight of tubers were increased under greater difference between air and water temperatures, i.e, 18/$28^{\circ}C$ and 28/$18^{\circ}C$, while they were inhibited at low or high air/water temperatures (18/$18^{\circ}C$ or 28/$28^{\circ}C$). Tubers of E. kuroguwai were formed at 8-or 12-hour day length, however, no tuber was formed at l6-hour day length. Photoinductive period for tuber initiation of E. kuroguwai was between 30 and 45 days after emergence, and the induction period of short-day treatment was less than 10 days. Tuber number and weight were reduced by shading due to inhibition of the growth of top and underground parts. Number of days from planting to tuber initiation was shortned as planting time was delayed and plant height, dry weight, and tuber number were also reduced by delayed planting. Tuber number at l0 to 15cm water depth was decreased 63 to 75% as compared with 1 to 5cm water depth. Tuber number and dry weight were not affected by the size of tubers at planting. Due to the reduced growth of top and underground parts, tuber number and dry weight of E. kuroguwai were decreased by delayed shoot cutting. The critical cutting time to inhibit the growth of E. kuroguwai was about 70 days after emergence.

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Comparison of lsozymes and Growth Characteristics of Cultivars in Dioscorea batatas DECNE (재배마의 동위효소와 생육특성 비교)

  • Park, Chung-Heon;Seong, Nak-Sul;Ahn, Byunng-Og;Kim, Choon-Shik;Lee, Seung-Tack
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.52-57
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    • 1996
  • This study was carried out to compare isozyme band pattern, growth characteristics and tuber yield of Dioscorea batatas to get basic information for varietal classification. It could be identify clearly by protein and esterase band pattern of leaf, petiole and stem tissue in three cultivar but with peroxidase band it was difficult to identify because of similar pattern in leaf and petiole tissue. Three cultivars has different leaf shape as Dan-ma and Jang-ma were lanceolate, Sukunea was long-heart shape in upper part of plants. In phyllotaxis, Dan-ma and Jang-ma shows alternate and opposite but Suwon 2 shows opposite in upper parts of stem. Root length shows significant difference from 9.7cm to 51cm respectively as 30cm, 51cm and 9.7cm in Dan-ma, Jang-ma and Sukunea. Tuber yield of three cultivars were 27.5M/T in Dan-ma, 22.8M/T in Jang-ma and 22.8M/T/ha in Sukunea.

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Identification of genes related to ER stress in bZIP28 gene transgenic potato plant

  • Kim, Dool Yi;Kim, Kyung Hwa;Choi, Man Soo;Ok, Hyun Choog;Kim, Jae Hyun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Crop Science Conference
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    • 2017.06a
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    • pp.153-153
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    • 2017
  • Potato (Solanum tubersosum L.) is susceptible to various environmental stresses such as frost, high temperature, and drought. Enhancement of potato drought tolerance can reduce yield loss under drought that has negative effect on potato tuber growth. Genetic engineering can be utilized to achieve this goal, but such approaches using endogenous potato genes have rarely been applied. Since unpredictable global weather changes cause more severe and frequent water limiting conditions, improvement of potato drought tolerance can minimize such adverse effects under drought and can impact on sustainable potato production. Genetic engineering can be utilized to improve potato drought tolerance, but such approaches using endogenous potato genes have rarely been applied. We were obtained AtbZIP28 gene transgenic potato plants. It is identified transcript levels at various stress conditions, polyethylene glycol (PEG), NaCl, abscisic ${\underline{acid}}$ (ABA). Also, For identification to regulate ER stress response genes in AtbZIP28 gene transgenic potato plant, we screened seven potato genes from RNA-seq analysis under TM treatment. Five and two genes were up- and down-regulated by TM, respectively. Their expression patterns were re-examined at stress agents known to elicit TM, DTT, DMSO and salt stress.

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Effect of Planting Data and Cutting Management on Jerusalem Artichoke ( Herianthus tuberosus L. ) (파종기와 예취관리가 돼지감자 생육 및 수량에 미치는 영향)

  • 임근발;이호진
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.147-151
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    • 1983
  • In order to know the effect of planting date and cutting management on Jerusalem Artichoke (Helianthus truberosus L.) as a new forage or energy crop, JA tubes were planted from April 7 to June 27 with 20 day interval. Growth and yield could stay high as normal planting if tuber planting had been done until late May. The delayed planting after June caused deterioration of seed tuber, produced poor emergence and retarded growth. Previous harvested field did not need additional planting every spring because there were enough leftover tubers usually small size, less than 3gr., to provide a dense seedling establishment. This plot had too dense in population to adjust its spacing by thinning some of seedlings. One or two times cutting for forage or silage production reduced tuber yield very significantly. Therefore, it was not a good management to harvest for both forage and tuber production. Topping at 20cm from growing point in early July prevented from lodging and assured tuber yield.

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