• Title/Summary/Keyword: triethyl amine

검색결과 19건 처리시간 0.024초

무기염을 이용한 다공성 PVDF 고분자막의 친수화를 통한 초저압용 나노여과막 제조 연구 (Studies on the Preparation of Nanofiltration Membrane for Ultra-low Pressure Application through Hydrophilization of Porous PVDF Membrane Using Inorganic Salts)

  • 박찬종;조은혜;임지원;정성일
    • 멤브레인
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    • 제24권1호
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    • pp.69-77
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    • 2014
  • 초저압용 나노여과 중공사 복합막을 제조하기 위하여 poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) 소수성 중공사막 표면에 무기염인 $K_2Cr_2OH$$KMnO_4$ 수용액으로 친수화 처리를 하였으며, 처리된 막 표면 위에 piperazine (PIP)과 trimesoyl chloride (TMC)로 계면 중합하여 복합막을 제조하였다. NaCl, $CaSO_4$, $MgCl_2$ 100 ppm 용액 및 300 ppm의 NaCl과 $CaSO_4$ 혼합용액을 이용하여 코팅물질의 농도, 코팅시간 및 건조시간에 따른 복합막의 투과특성을 알아보았다. 실험 결과 친수화 물질로는 $K_2Cr_2OH$을 사용하였을 때 더 높은 배제율을 보였으며, 친수화 시간이 길어질수록 투과도는 향상되고 배제율은 감소하는 경향을 나타내었다. 또한 촉매인 triethyl amine (TEA)과 sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS)의 농도가 높을수록 투과도는 감소하고, 염제거율은 증가하였다. 최적 조건으로는 $K_2Cr_2OH$으로 10분 동안 친수화 시킨 PVDF 중공사막 위에 PIP 2 wt% 용액(PIP 함량 대비 Triethyl amine (TEA) 7 wt%, SLS 20 wt% 혼합용액)과 TMC 0.1 wt%를 이용하여 계면중합한 것으로 공급액 NaCl 100 ppm에 대해서는 투과도 40 LMH, 제거율 50%이었고, $CaSO_4$ 100 ppm에 대해서는 투과도 48 LMH, 제거율 55%를 나타내었다.

음이온성 폴리우레탄의 합성 및 에멀젼화에 관한 연구 (Synthesis and Emulsification of Polyurethane Anionomer)

  • 안춘기;진제용;이경원;최세영
    • Elastomers and Composites
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    • 제34권5호
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    • pp.399-406
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    • 1999
  • Polytetramethylene ether glycol (PTMG)와 4,4'-diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI), toluene 2,4-diisocyanate(TDI), isophoron diisocyanate(IPDI)로 polyurethane (PU) prepolymer를 합성하고, dimethylol propionic acid(DMPA)로 쇄연장시킨 후 triethyl amine(TEA)으로 중화시켜서 안정한 수분산성의 음이온성 폴리우레탄을 제조하였다. 음이온성 폴리우레탄의 합성과정에서 쇄연장제의 함량과 중화비에 따른 에멀젼의 유화안정성, 접착강도, 점도, 유리전이온도 및 cast film의 물리적 성질을 UTM, Viscometer와 DSC를 사용하여 검토하였다.

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Photochemical Reactions of Saccharin-$\alpha$-Silylamine Systems. Desilylmethylation of $\alpha$-Silylamine via Single Electron Transfer Pathway

  • Ung Chan Yoon;Young Sim Koh;Hyun Jin Kim;Dong Yoon Jung;Dong Uk Kim;Sung Ju Cho;Sang Jin Lee
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • 제15권9호
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    • pp.743-748
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    • 1994
  • Photochemical reactions of saccharin with tertiary amines were explored. Saccharin was found to undergo an acid-base reaction with N-trimethylsilylmethyl-N,N-diethyl amine to form N-trimethylsilylmethyl-N,N-diethyl ammonium saccharin salt which is in equilibrium with free saccharin and N-trimethylsilylmethyl-N,N-diethyl amine insolution. Photoreaction of N-trimethylsilylmethyl-N,N-diethyl ammonium saccharin in $CH_3OH\;or\;CH_3CN$ results in the generation of desilylmethylated product, N,N-diethyl ammonium saccharin mainly along with benzamide. Photoreaction of N-methylsaccharin with N-trimethylsilylmethyl-N,N-diethyl amine in $CH_3OH$ leads to the production of o-(N-methylcarbamoyl)-N-ethylbenzenesulfonamid e as the major product along with N-methylbenzamide as the minor product. On the other hand, photoreaction of N,N,N-triethyl ammonium saccharin, generated from saccharin and triethylamine, produces N-methylbenzamide as the exclusive product. These photoreactions are quenched by oxygen indicating that triplets of saccharin and N-methylsaccharin are the reactive excited states. Based on the consideration of the redox potentials of saccharin and N-trimethylsilylmethyl-N,N-diethyl amine, and the nature of photoproducts, pathways involving initial triplet state single electron transfer are proposed for photoreactions of the saccharins with the ${\alpha}$-silylamine.

5배위 결합된 옥사포스포린을 이용한 제미널 비스포스포노 아민 유도체의 합성에 관한 연구 (Studies on the Synthesis of Geminal Bisphosphono Amine Derivatives Using Pentacovalent Oxaphospholenes)

  • 이미영;정강연
    • 대한화학회지
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    • 제43권3호
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    • pp.294-301
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    • 1999
  • 제미널 비스포스폰에이트기를 포함하는 화합물들은 칼슘과 관련된 다양한 질병들 즉 Paget's disease, 악성칼슘과다증, 골다공증등에 약효가 있는 것으로 잘 알려져 있다. 이러한 화합물을 합성하기 위하여 먼저 methylvhyl ketone과 triethylphosphite를 가지고 5배 위된 옥사포스포린 화합물을 합성하였다. 이렇게 합성된 5배위 결합된 옥사포스프린을 bromination, 응용된 Westheimer반응, 그리고 가수분해를 통해서 Y-keto-bisphosphonates를 얻을 수 있었다. 그리고 이 Y-ketobisphosphonates 화합물들은 환원성아민화를 이용해서 N-알킬화된 Y-aminobisphosphonates로 전환하였다. 이렇게 합성된 2차아민 형태의 N-알킬화된 Y-aminobisphosphonates는 N-알킬화반응으로 3차아민을 만든 후 N,N디알킬화된Y-aminobisphosphonates 화합물로 합성할 수 있었다.

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1,4-Dihydropyridine-5-Formyl 유도체의 합성 (Synthesis of 1,4-Dihydropyridine-5-Formyl Derivatives)

  • 홍유화;서정진
    • 약학회지
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    • 제33권5호
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    • pp.290-295
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    • 1989
  • 2,6-Dimethyl-4-(3'-nitrophenyl)-1,4-dihydropyridine-3-carboxylic acid methyl ester (1) was formylated to 2,6-dimethy-4-(3'-nitrophenyl)-5-formyl-1,4-dihydropyridine-3-carboxylic acid methyl ester (2) in 76% yield. At the elevated temperature, 2,6-dimethyl-4-(3'-nitrophenyl)-1,4-dihydropyridine-3,5-dicarboxylic acid 3-monomethyl ester (3) was also converted into compound 2 in 46% yield. The compound 2 was reduced to 2,6-dimethyl-4-(3'-nitrophenyl)-5-hydroxymethyl-1,4-dihydropyridine-3-carboxylic acid methyl ester (4) in 91% yield. Compound 2 was reacted with triethyl phosphonoacetate to give 2,6-dimethyl-4-(3'-nitrophenyl)-5-(2-ethoxycarbonyl ethenyl)-1,4-dihydropyridine-3-carboxylic acid methyl ester (5) in 50% yield. Reaction between compound 2 and amines (methyl amine, ethylamine, methoxylamine, hydroxyl amine, phenyl hydrazine and 1-amino-4-methyl piperazine) gave six schiff bases 7a, 7b, 7c, 7e, 7f in 81%, 91%, 82%, 81%, 50% and 84% yield, respectively.

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철 프탈로시아닌 유도체에 의한 아민 및 황 화합물의 흡착 (Adsorption of Amine and Sulfur Compounds by Iron Phthalocyanine Derivatives)

  • 이정세;박진도;이학성
    • 한국대기환경학회지
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    • 제23권5호
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    • pp.575-584
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    • 2007
  • The adsorption capability of iron phthalocyanine derivatives were investigated by means of X-ray diffractometor (XRD), IR (infrared) spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and temperature programmed desorption (TPD). According to TPD results, iron phthalocyanine derivatives showed two desorption peaks at low temperature ($100{\sim}150^{\circ}C$) and high temperature ($350{\sim}400^{\circ}C$) indicating that there were two kinds of acidities. Tetracarboxylic iron phthalocyanine (Fe-TCPC) have a stronger desorption peak (chemical adsorption) at the high temperature and a weaker desorption peak (physical adsorption) at the low temperature than iron phthalocyanine (Fe-PC). The specific surface areas of Fe-TCPC and Fe-PC were $26.46\;m^2/g\;and\;11.77\;m^2/g$, respectively. The pore volumes of Fe-TCPC and Fe-PC were $0.14\;cm^3/g\;and\;0.06\;cm^3/g$, respectively. The adsorption capability of triethyl amine calculated by breakthrough curve at 220 ppm of equilibrium concentration was 29.2 mmoL/g for Fe-TCPC and 0.8 mmoL/g for Fe-PC. The removal efficiency of dimethyl sulfide of Fe-TCPC and Fe-PC in batch experiment of 225 ppm of initial concentration were 44.9% and 28.9%, respectively. The removal efficiency of trimethyl amine of Fe-TCPC and Fe-PC in batch experiment of 118 ppm of initial concentration were approximately 100.0% and 33.9%, respectively.

Semi-IPN 구조를 갖는 다이싱 테이프용 자외선 경화형 점착제의 경화거동 (Curing Behaviors of SEMI-IPN Structure UV-curable Pressure Sensitive Adhesive for Dicing Tape)

  • 도현성;김현중;심창훈
    • 한국전기전자재료학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국전기전자재료학회 2005년도 하계학술대회 논문집 Vol.6
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    • pp.127-128
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    • 2005
  • UV-curable pressure sensitive adhesives were prepared by blending acrylic copolymer, copolymerized with butyl acrylate (BA), acrylic acid (AA) and vinyl acetate (VAc) by solution polymerization, triethyl amine (TEA) and trimethylolpropane triacrylate (TMPTA). The PSAs were evaluated by peel strength with varying contents of TMPTA and UV dose, and also glass transition temperature($T_g$) of PSAs were measured. When exposed on UV irradiation, the PSAs showed the decreased peel strength and increased $T_g$. And following UV irradiation, the PSAs did not leave any residue on wafer after peel off PSA.

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Synthesis and Antitumor Activity of New Anthracycline Analogues

  • ;김완중;유동진;강현수;장순량
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • 제22권9호
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    • pp.963-968
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    • 2001
  • New anthracycline analogues 2-9 as potential anticancer agents have been synthesized from daunomycin (1a) and doxorubicin (1b). Compounds 2 and 6 were prepared by the nucleophilic displacement type esterification of 14-bromodaunomycin (1c) with N-benzoyl-(2R,3S)-phenylisoserine and L-pyroglutamic acid in triethyl-amine, respectively. Compounds 3, 7 and 4, 8 were prepared by the reaction of either daunomycin (1a) or doxorubicin (1b) with one equivalent of the corresponding acids in the presence of EDCI/PP. Compounds 5, 9 were obtained from 1b by reaction with 2.2 equivalents of the corresponding acids in the same manner. The cytotoxic activities of the analogues in comparison with adrimycin on cultured SNU-16 and MCF7 cell were described.

불소기 함유 수분산 폴리우레탄의 합성과 물성 (Synthesis and Properties of Water Dispersion Polyurethane Containing Fluorine)

  • 이정은;김형중
    • 폴리머
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    • 제29권2호
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    • pp.172-176
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    • 2005
  • 불소의 함량이 $62\%$인 불소화된 폴리올($Fluorolink^{(R)}$:평균분자량 1000)을 이용하여 환경친화적인 불소함유 수분산 폴리우레탄을 합성하였다. 사용된 diisocyanate는 isophorone diisocyanate(IPDI)였으며, 폴리우레탄 내 불소의 함량 조절을 위해 폴리올은 poly(tetramethylene glycol)(PTMGG2000)과 $Fluorolink^{(R)}$을 정해진 비율로 조절하였고 친수성 음이온기의 도입을 위해 dimethanol propionic acid(DMPA)를 사용하였다. 이온성 작용기는 수분산 전에 triethyl mine(TEA)으로 중화하여 생성하였으며, 최종적으로 ethylene diamine(EDA)을 이용하여 사슬연장하였다. 기계적 물성을 측정한 결과 불소의 함량이 증가함에 따라 탄성률은 증가하였으나, 파괴 변형률은 감소하는 것을 알 수 있었다. 접촉각으로부터 얻은 표면에너지 값은 불소함량에 따라 감소하였으나 $Fluorolink^{(R)}$$20\%$ 이상에서는 큰 변화가 없어 소량의 $Fluorolink^{(R)}$ 만으로도 불소함유의 충분한 효과를 얻을 것으로 예상된다. 또한 열적 성질을 알아본 결과, $Fluorolink^{(R)}$의 함량이 증가할수록 $T_g$와 열분해온도가 낮아졌는데 이것은 soft segment를 구성하는 $Fluorolink^{(R)}$$T_g$와 분해온도가 PTMG 2000보다 낮기 때문에 나타나는 현상으로 여겨진다.

Styrenic Polymers연구(1), Poly(styrene-co-maleic anhydride)의 이미드화와 열적 성질 (Studies on the Styrenic Polymers(1), Imidization of Poly(styrene-co-maleic anhydrides) and Their Thermal Properties)

  • 안태완;박이순;이상수;김기현
    • 공업화학
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.179-187
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    • 1992
  • Poly(styrene-co-maleic anhydride), SMA를 DMF 용매에 약 10%(w/w) 용액으로 한 다음 aniline, p-toluidine 및 p-chloroaniline 등으로 maleic anhydride 반복 단위를 imide화 하였다. 이미드화에 있어서 환화 탈수제(cyclodehydration agents)를 사용하였으며 최적 반응조건은 다음과 같았다. (a) 반응온도 : $80^{\circ}C$ (b) 환화 탈수제의 몰비 : SMA내 anhydride/acetic anhydride/sodium acetate/triethyl amino = 1.0/2.0/0.2/1.1. 생성된 imide-modified SMA (SMI) 시료들은 이미드화도가 증가됨에 따라 $T_g$가 증가하였으나 그 변화 정도는 크지 않았다. SMI의 $T_g$는 이미드화에 사용된 아민의 종류에 따라 aniline < p-toluidine < p-chloroaniline의 순으로 $T_g$가 증가하였다.

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