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Formative Characteristics of Nasori(納曾利) Masks in Komagaku (高麗樂) and Korean Masks (일본에 전래된 고려악 나소리(納曾利)와 한국 가면의 조형적 특징)

  • Kang, Choon-ae
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.33
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    • pp.129-163
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    • 2016
  • This study examines processes of cultural introductions and transformations among Korea, China and Japan via focuses on the formative characteristics of nasori(納曾利) masks belonging to komagaku (高麗樂), part of bugaku (舞樂), a Japanese court dance and music. Previous studies of traditional masks in East Asia focus on their dramatic characters and entertaining aspects. On the contrary, it approaches to their origins through the formative characteristics of komagaku nasori masks. Prince of Lanling, the representative togaku passed to Japan, and komagaku nasori perform a pair of toubu (答舞). One formative characteristic between Prince of Lanling and nasori masks is a dangling jaw (吊り顎). Masks having 'he' (へ)-shaped eyes like Japan's okina (翁) masks are characterized by a division (切顎) between the face and jaw, which is as same as the Korean masks. Other common grounds between Prince of Lanling and nasori masks are grotesque ghost faces and concentric double-circled eyes with their outlines painted gold. Concentric double-circled eyes prove that they spread to broader areas before the age of togaku and developed into a variety of divine-animal mask patterns. That Korean masks and nasori masks both have concentric double-circled eyes and dangling jaws is a significant starting point in studying the origin of traditional performing art in East Asia. Japan's bugaku has been passed down in shrines as part of folk religion. However, there exist in Korea no records or examples related to komagaku nasori masks introduced to Japan. This study provides some clues to comparison between Korean masks and komagaku nasori masks by focusing on the formative characteristics of the latter. The researcher suggests a new perspective to nasori mask dance by re-examining earlier Korean studies of the introduction of Daemyeonmu of Prince of Lanling to Japan through Shilla and the assumption of Nasori as Shilla music.

Changes in Literary Trend During the Late Joseon and Lee Yong-hyu's Writing (조선후기 문풍의 변화와 이용휴의 글쓰기)

  • Lee, Eun-bong
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.48
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    • pp.91-116
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    • 2012
  • Writing is a process and work of expressing one's own feelings and thoughts that are not contained in rigid forms; however, the literary trend and environment during the Late Joseon was not so tolerant. A revivalist approach to writing was dominant during this period, which was summarized in the expression that "Prose must be written in the style of Qin and Han; and Poetry in that of High Tang. "Hence, it was practically a taboo to express one's raw emotions and disregard the custom and regulations of writing. Nevertheless, literati, who got tired of the dogmatic rule of Neo-Confucianism at the time that refused to see the changing world and the pseudo-archaic writing that merely imitated the outside and was empty inside, attempted new styles of writing to escape from the model or example and what was familiar. Lee Yong-hyu, who was in the middle of such transformations, learned the trends of Late Ming and Early Qing through the newly imported Chinese books and created his own style that reflected his personality. His writings refused the Neo-Confucian system of thoughts, which was a dominant ideology of the time, paid attention to the human nature and emphasized the restoration of the self. His writing could be described as being anti-pseudo-archaic and criticized the pretentious trend of the time. He argued that in order to restore the true self, one must recover the innocent mind that was bestowed on human by heaven/nature (cheon-li, 天理), and for this purpose, one must straighten out one's mind (sim, 心). His argument is similar to that of "Yangming School of Mind," which could be represented by the phrase, "Mind is the Principle (心卽理)." Yangming School claimed that moral principle existed within one's mind; and this was in stark contrast with the Neo-Confucian idea that "principle (li)"was external and transcendent, and was spoken by the great Confucian masters and written down in Confucian Classics. By denying the externality of the principle and underscoring its immanence, the idea that centralized Confucian Classics and canons was dismantled. Lee Yong-hyu's writing styles that denied the model and emphasized the restoration of the self was influenced by such thoughts. However, one must neither hastily judge that he is an advocate of Yangming School of Mind, nor determine the anti-pseudo-archaic writers' ideological basis as the philosophy of Yangming School. Once it is rigidly defined, be it Zhu Xi's philosophy or Wang Yangming's philosophy, it becomes another model that one must abide by, and again the self disappears. Thus, Lee Yong-hyu defied any kind of model that claimed authenticity or precedence and wished that people would live independently as oneself, and left such claims and wishes in writing. That is the reason, after more than two hundred years later, we still read his writings.

A COVID-19 Diagnosis Model based on Various Transformations of Cough Sounds (기침 소리의 다양한 변환을 통한 코로나19 진단 모델)

  • Minkyung Kim;Gunwoo Kim;Keunho Choi
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.57-78
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    • 2023
  • COVID-19, which started in Wuhan, China in November 2019, spread beyond China in 2020 and spread worldwide in March 2020. It is important to prevent a highly contagious virus like COVID-19 in advance and to actively treat it when confirmed, but it is more important to identify the confirmed fact quickly and prevent its spread since it is a virus that spreads quickly. However, PCR test to check for infection is costly and time consuming, and self-kit test is also easy to access, but the cost of the kit is not easy to receive every time. Therefore, if it is possible to determine whether or not a person is positive for COVID-19 based on the sound of a cough so that anyone can use it easily, anyone can easily check whether or not they are confirmed at anytime, anywhere, and it can have great economic advantages. In this study, an experiment was conducted on a method to identify whether or not COVID-19 was confirmed based on a cough sound. Cough sound features were extracted through MFCC, Mel-Spectrogram, and spectral contrast. For the quality of cough sound, noisy data was deleted through SNR, and only the cough sound was extracted from the voice file through chunk. Since the objective is COVID-19 positive and negative classification, learning was performed through XGBoost, LightGBM, and FCNN algorithms, which are often used for classification, and the results were compared. Additionally, we conducted a comparative experiment on the performance of the model using multidimensional vectors obtained by converting cough sounds into both images and vectors. The experimental results showed that the LightGBM model utilizing features obtained by converting basic information about health status and cough sounds into multidimensional vectors through MFCC, Mel-Spectogram, Spectral contrast, and Spectrogram achieved the highest accuracy of 0.74.

Microbial Influence on Soil Properties and Pollutant Reduction in a Horizontal Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetland Treating Urban Runoff (도시 강우유출수 처리 인공습지의 토양특성 및 오염물질 저감에 따른 미생물 영향 평가)

  • Chiny. C. Vispo;Miguel Enrico L. Robles;Yugyeong Oh;Haque Md Tashdedul;Lee Hyung Kim
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.168-181
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    • 2024
  • Constructed wetlands (CWs) deliver a range of ecosystem services, including the removal of contaminants, sequestration and storage of carbon, and enhancement of biodiversity. These services are facilitated through hydrological and ecological processes such as infiltration, adsorption, water retention, and evapotranspiration by plants and microorganisms. This study investigated the correlations between microbial populations, soil physicochemical properties, and treatment efficiency in a horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland (HSSF CW) treating runoff from roads and parking lots. The methods employed included storm event monitoring, water quality analysis, soil sampling, soil quality parameter analysis, and microbial analysis. The facility achieved its highest pollutant removal efficiencies during the warm season (>15℃), with rates ranging from 33% to 74% for TSS, COD, TN, TP, and specific heavy metals including Fe, Zn, and Cd. Meanwhile, the highest removal efficiency was 35% for TOC during the cold season (≤15℃). These high removal rates can be attributed to sedimentation, adsorption, precipitation, plant uptake, and microbial transformations within the CW. Soil analysis revealed that the soil from HSSF CW had a soil organic carbon content 3.3 times higher than that of soil collected from a nearby landscape. Stoichiometric ratios of carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) in the inflow and outflow were recorded as C:N:P of 120:1.5:1 and 135.2:0.4:1, respectively, indicating an extremely low proportion of N and P compared to C, which may challenge microbial remediation efficiency. Additionally, microbial analyses indicated that the warm season was more conducive to microorganism growth, with higher abundance, richness, diversity, homogeneity, and evenness of the microbial community, as manifested in the biodiversity indices, compared to the cold season. Pollutants in stormwater runoff entering the HSSF CW fostered microbial growth, particularly for dominant phyla such as Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Acidobacteria, and Bacteroidetes, which have shown moderate to strong correlations with specific soil properties and changes in influent-effluent concentrations of water quality parameters.

Mineral Transformation Characteristics of Jarosite to Goethite Depending on Cation Species and pH (자로사이트 내 양이온 종과 pH에 따른 침철석으로의 광물 변화 특성)

  • Yeongkyoo Kim
    • Korean Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.47-57
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    • 2024
  • Jarosite, a mineral belonging to the alunite family, is found in various low pH environments and can incorporate cations or oxyanions into its structure, either by coprecipitation or substitution. This mineral is sensitive to pH changes and can easily transform into goethite upon geochemical changes, such as an increase in pH. This transformation can release toxic ions from the jarosite, potentially causing additional environmental damage. In addition to potassium (K), sodium (Na) and ammonium (NH4) can also substitute for cations in jarosite. The formation of jarosites containing these and other cations is significant not only for acid mine drainage but also for the smelting industry. In this study, three different types of jarosites containing various cations were synthesized and the phase transformation of each jarosite to goethite upon pH change were compared. All the jarosites were sensitive to pH changes, showing much higher rates of phase change at pH 8 than at pH 4. At the relatively low pH of 4, the phase transformation of K-jarosite, which is most stable in structure, to goethite was the slowest. For the other two jarosites, the cations have either smaller or larger radii than K ions, resulting in differences in structural stability and they showed more rapid transformations to goethite. However, at pH 8, K-jarosite exhibited a much more rapid transformation to goethite than the other jarosites, which was also evident from the rapid increase in K ions in aqueous solution. The mineral transformation behavior of K-jarosite at higher pH is significantly different from that at lower pH, indicating that the mechanism of the transformation to goethite differs between these conditions, which requires further investigation. The results of this study indicate that the mineral transformation of jarosite in acid mine drainage or smelter waste disposal may significantly influence the behavior of heavy metals. This research provides valuable insights for predicting the behavior of heavy metals in smelting industry waste disposal.

A Study on the Changes in Gwi-po from Tang to Jin Dynasty in China - Focusing on the connection type of Jwau-dae(左右隊) - (중국 당대~금대 목조 건축의 귀포 변천에 관한 연구 - 좌우대의 결구 유형을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Byung-Chun;Lee, Ho-Yeol
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.96-119
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    • 2015
  • This research has studied the changes of Gwi-po(轉角包) by taking the cases of China's medieval wooden buildings as objects. The purpose of the study is to examine the time-periodic transition process of Gwi-po through the cases of 71 wooden buildings which were built from Tang(唐) dynasty(AD 618~690 & 705~907) until Jin(金) dynasty(AD 1115~1234) and also designated as 'Major Historical and Cultural Sites Protected at the National Level'. This research has taken note of various frame types of Jwau-dae(左右隊), which are architectural components of Gwi-po, to study the changes and development process of Gwi-po. The results are as follows. An important factor in the transformations of Gwi-po format is the changes in perception of the craftsmen about Jwau-dae, who took charge in the building process. In the early periods, the principles of Yidou sanshen dougong(一斗三升) in constructing ancons of Gwi-po had been well-maintained, while there appeared many different types of Gwi-po in later periods, due to the usage of Jwau-dae and $Shu{\check{a}}$ $t{\acute{o}}u$(?頭) in each Chulmok of Gwi-po. Transitional types of Gwi-po, which were evolved from the earlier ones, are divided into 3 categories by different forms of Jwau-dae, placed on odd number stages. The first one is 'none-$f{\bar{a}}ng$ $t{\acute{o}}u$(無枋頭) type' of Song(AD 960~1127, 1127~1279) and Liao dynasty(AD 907~1125) buildings, which doesn't have $f{\bar{a}}ng$ $t{\acute{o}}u$(枋頭)s, for the reason that Jwau-dae(左右隊) is in direct contact with Gwihan-dae(耳限大). The second one is '$Shu{\check{a}}$ $t{\acute{o}}u$ $f{\bar{a}}ng$ $t{\acute{o}}u$(?頭枋頭) type' of Song(AD 960~1127, 1127~1279) and Jin dynasty(AD 1115~1234), that has $f{\bar{a}}ng$ $t{\acute{o}}u$(枋頭)s of Jwau-dae(左右隊) identical to $Shu{\check{a}}$ $t{\acute{o}}u$(?頭) in form. The last one is '$Xi{\check{a}}o$ $g{\check{o}}ng$ $t{\acute{o}}u$(小?頭) type' of Jin(AD 1115~1234) and Yuan dynasty(AD 1271~1368), which has $f{\bar{a}}ng$ $t{\acute{o}}u$(枋頭)s of Jwau-dae identical to $Xi{\check{a}}o$ $g{\check{o}}ng$ $t{\acute{o}}u$(小?頭) in form. The earlier forms of Gwi-po, which appeared between Tang dynasty(AD 618~690 & 705~907) and Five Dynasties periods(907~960) went through transitional forms of 'non-$f{\bar{a}}ng$ $t{\acute{o}}u$(無枋頭) type', '$Shu{\check{a}}$ $t{\acute{o}}u$ $f{\bar{a}}ng$ $t{\acute{o}}u$(?頭枋頭) type' and '$Xi{\check{a}}o$ $g{\check{o}}ng$ $t{\acute{o}}u$(小?頭) type' and finally had its form settled between Yuan(元, AD 1271~1368) and Ming(明. AD 1368~1644) dynasty periods. In Liao(遼) dynasty period(AD 907~1125), as the buildings got bigger and the tendency of longer eave-exposure was implemented, there grew a certain need to structurally reinforce Gwi-po, on which load of the whole roof is concentrated. Especially, the transition from Tōuxīn $z{\grave{a}}o$(偸心造) style to Jì xīn $z{\grave{a}}o$(計心造) style in this period had a great influence on standardization of Gwi-po, along with None-${\acute{A}}ng$(無仰) style. Furthermore, Wing-type Gong(翼型?), which developed in Liao dynasty(AD 907~1125), is also thought to have had a great influence on the transition from Tōuxīn $z{\grave{a}}o$(偸心造) style to Jì xīn $z{\grave{a}}o$(計心造) style by changing the forms of Gongs(?), such as Gwi-po. However, unlike None-${\acute{A}}ng$(無仰) style, there occurred a gradual change from '$Shu{\check{a}}$ $t{\acute{o}}u$ $f{\bar{a}}ng$ $t{\acute{o}}u$(?頭枋頭) type' to '$Xi{\check{a}}o$ $g{\check{o}}ng$ $t{\acute{o}}u$(小?頭) type' of Gwi-po in $Xi{\grave{a}}$ ${\acute{a}}ng$ style.