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Was Dried Pollack a Talisman against Evil or for Good Luck?: An Examination of the Socio-economic Origins of the Magical Symbolism of Dried Pollack (북어는 액막이 부적인가, 행운의 부적인가? -북어의 주술적 상징성의 사회경제적 기원에 관한 고찰-)

  • Shim Hyoung-june
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.49
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    • pp.229-263
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this article is to elucidate the origins of the symbolic significance of traditional Korean talismanic ornaments such as dried pollack, bokjori (luck-bringing strainer), silk threads, and sokotture (a nose-block). Previous studies have primarily interpreted the magical meanings of these ornaments based on their shapes or functions, but such approaches are limited due to this likely being an ex-post-facto interpretation. This study argues that the symbolic meanings of these ornaments originated from the socio-economic characteristics of the time. These items were food resources or products closely related to the economic activities of the people of the time, and therefore, could be considered symbols of abundance and fortune. In particular, dried pollack served as an important food resource and commodity during the Late Joseon Dynasty, even functioning as a quasi-currency, and considering that fish are seen as symbols of abundance and fertility in various cultures around the world, its symbolic significance becomes clearer. Bokjori and sokotture acquired the meaning of abundance by being associated with major goods or properties of the time such as rice and cattle, and silk thread was linked to sericulture, a significant source of income for farmers of the time. These economic characteristics form the basis of the symbolism of these ornaments, and the function of these talismans can be seen as a secondary symbolism added in the process of social justification of these customs. This study reveals that economic motives underlie magical-religious customs and suggests that a broad consideration of the cultural and ecological environment of the time is necessary to understand the origins and transformations of cultural phenomena.

Beloved Chunhyang and Changing Emotions - Focused on the Transformation of <Chunhyangjeon> in Mass Media after the 2000s - (사랑하는 춘향, 변이하는 감정 - 2000년대 이후 대중매체에서의 <춘향전> 변용을 중심으로 -)

  • 류진희
    • 한국학연구
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    • no.53
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    • pp.191-213
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    • 2019
  • This paper focuses on the popular reception of <Chunhyangjeon> through transformations in mass media since the 2000s. The narrative of Chunhyang was richly created through transformed copies in which the original and copied stories were indistinguishable, and it has been enjoyed ceaselessly throughout the twentieth century. Then, <Chunhyangjeon> was revamped in the neoliberal era of the 2000s and onward. After the June Democracy Movement in 1987 and because of the IMF financial crisis in 1997, the meaning of love of the story of Chunhyang changed. This paper examines the aspects in which the emotion of love changes along with neoliberalism by analyzing the performance of the characters of Chunhyang from the different renditions of the story since the 2000s. In the film <Chunhyangdyeon> (ChunHyang) (2000) and television drama series <Kwoegeol Chunhyang> (Delightful Girl Choon-hyang) (2005), Chunhyang appears as a woman who preserves tradition and is contemporary. They are not victims of authority but rather they are global at the same time appeal as Korean, and attain their love. However, in <Bangjajeon> (The Servant) (2010), Chunhyang who seeks a strategic love is punished, and the story focuses more on how Bangja, a male from the lower class, confronts his antagonist Mongryong. As such, the Chunhyang of the neoliberal era that appears as a strong character in the spectrum of love in the new millennium disappears for a while. However, at a time when love is being critically considered as an ideology, there is a need to think once again about the possibility of the narrative surrounding Chunhyang.

A Phenomenological Study for Hospitalized Elderly무s Powerlessness (병원에 입원한 노인의 무력감 현상 연구)

  • 최영희;김경은
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.223-247
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    • 1996
  • This study was done to provide information which would lead to nursing care of the elderly being more holistically through an understanding of the phenomena of powerlessness based on the lived experience of powerlessness by the elderly, the meaning the elderly give to such phenomena, and what essence of powerlessness is. The methodology used in this study was Max Van Manen's phenomenological method based on the philosophy of Merleu-Ponty and a concerted approach was realized through the 11 steps suggested in the Van Manen's method. Data collection was done from March 2, 1995 to December 30, 1995. The subjects for this study were four elderly persons who lived with their families and who were over 60 years of age. Data were collected about the lived experience of the elderly, this researcher's experience of powerlessness, the linguistic meaning of powerlessness, idioms of the word or a feeling of powerlessness, and descriptions of powerlessness in the elderly as they appeared in the literature, are works, and phenomenological literature. All data were used to provide insights into the phenomena of powerlessness. Data about the experience of powerlessness by the elderly were collected through open interviews, participation, and observation. In the analysis of the theme of this study, the aspects of the theme, powerlessness in the elderly were clarified, thereby abstracting and finding meaningful statements by the elderly about their feeling of powerlessness, and then those significant statements were expressed as linguistic transformations. The summarized findings from the study are as follows : 1. Five meanings of powerlessness in the elderly were defined. 〈weakness〉, 〈dependence〉, 〈frustration〉, 〈worthlessness〉 and 〈giving up〉. 2. 〈Weakness〉 means that the elderly experience, not only their aging but also, their becoming weak and the loss of physical function frequently caused by diseases. 〈Dependence〉 means that the elderly experience dependence without any influence from the surroundings and that elderly patients who are hospitalized lose their autonomy, follow entirely their doctor's prescriptions, use aid equipment and directions, and depend only on those things. 〈Frustration〉 means that the elderly experience the loss of their roles from the past, there by feeling that there is no work for them to do anymore and therefore feel unable to do anything. 〈Worthlessness〉 means that the elderly experience the feeling of losing their social roles from the past, having no financial ability, thereby being a burden to their children or the people around them, and therefore regarding themselves useless. 〈Giving up〉 means that the elderly experience the feeling of closeness to death in the final stage of their lifetime, lose hope to be healed from their disease, and recognize the incontrollability of their own body. 3. From a general view of the meaning of the theme the powerlessness in the elderly-the most essential meaning of the theme is the 〈sense of loss〉. For the elderly are experiencing a sense of loss in the situation of being elderly and therefore being often hospitalized. Brief definitions of the five phenomena could be 〈weakness〉 meaning the loss of physical strength, 〈dependence〉 the loss of mentality caused by disease and hospitalization, 〈frustration〉 and 〈worthlessness〉 the loss of social performance caused by the loss of social functions from the past, and lastly 〈giving up〉 the loss of the controllability of such situations of aging and suffering disease. In light of the discussion above, it is understandable that the hospitalized elderly experience powerlessness not only as it related to their diseases but also to their normal aging, and this related to other characteristics of being elderly means that the 〈sense of loss〉 is the very essence of their powerlessness. 4. While most cases are of the normal elderly experiencing powerlessness in relation to their social network, cases of elderly who are hospitalized are of those experiencing powerlessness in relation to the loss of their physical desire. 5. The findings discussed above can serve as guidelines for nurses who take care of the ill elderly who are hospitalized and that can provide cues to appropriate nursing service, recognizing that the subjective experience of the objective age of the elderly is so important. Nurses can provide highly qualitative nursing service, based on their deep understanding of the suffering of the elderly due to feelings of powerlessness.

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Phase Transformation of 2 Components(CaO-, $Y_2O_3$-, MgO-$ZrO_2$) and 3 Components(MgO-$ZrO_2-Al_2O_3)$ Zirconia by X-ray Diffraction and Raman Spectroscopy (X-선회절과 Raman 분광분석을 이용한 2성분계(CaO-, $Y_2O_3$-, MgO-$ZrO_2$) 및 3성분계(MgO-$ZrO_2-Al_2O_3)$ Zirconia의 상전이연구)

  • 은희태;황진명
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.145-156
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    • 1997
  • ZrO2 phase transformations depending on the type and amount of dopants and the sintering temperatures were studied for the 2 components (CaO-, Y2O3-, MgO-ZrO2) and the 3 components(MgO-ZrO2-Al2O3)ZrO2 powder by X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. In the CaO- and Y2O3-ZrO2 systems, as the CaO and Y2O3 contents increased to 6~15mol% and 3~15mol% respectively, we were not able to identify between tetragonal and cubic in the X-ray diffraction patterns. On the other hand, all Raman modes shifted to lower wavenumbers, decreasing in intensity and the number of bands, markedly. These phenomena were caused by tetragonallongrightarrowcubic phase transformation and interpreted by the breakdown of the wave vector selection rule(k=0) and the structural disorder associated with the formation of oxygen sublattice which was caused by the substitution between Zr4+ ion and Ca2+ or Y3+ ion in ZrO2 matrix. The monoclinic to cubic phase transformation occurred in 10mol% MgO-ZrO2 system. As the Al2O3 content increased from 0 to 20mol% in the MgO-ZrO2-Al2O3 systems, cubic phase transformed to monoclinic phase, this is because the MgO didn't play a role in a stabilizer because of the formation of the spinel(MgAl2O4) by the reaction between MgO and Al2O3, Also, the ZrO2 phase transformation was explained by the change of it's lattice parameters depending on the type and amount of dopants. Namely, as the amount of dopant increased to 10~13mol%, the axial ra-tio c/a came close to unity with increasing the lattice parameter a and decreasing the lattice parameter c. At that time, the tetragonallongrightarrowcubic phase transformation occurred.

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Ultrastructural Changes Induced by Telluric Acid in the Rat Liver (Telluric Acid가 흰쥐 간조직의 미세구조에 미치는 영향)

  • Son, Serk-Joo;Jeong, Young-Gil;Cho, Seung-Muk;Baik, Tai-Kyung;Choi, Chang-Do;Choi, Wol-Bong
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.83-103
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    • 1995
  • This experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of telluric acid on the histological and fine structural changes in the rat liver. Fischer 344 rats($150{\sim}200gm$) were used in this study as control and experimental groups. Telluric acid(5 mg/100 gm of body weight) suspensed in olive oil was given intraperitoneally to the animals of the experimental group and only olive oil to those of the control group. At the intervals of 3, 6 and 12 hours, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30 and 60 days after administration, the animals were sacrificed, and livers were obtained from the rats. For light microscopic examination of the liver, sections($5{\mu}m$) were stained with hematoxylineosin(H-E). For electron microscopic examination of the liver, sections were stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate, finally examined with Zeiss EM 109 electron microscopes. The results obtained were as follows. 1. In the control group, round nucleus. well developed mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, rough endoplasmic reticulum(RER) and numerous glycogen particles were observed in the cytoplasm of the hepatocyte. In the cytoplasmic membranes of the hepatocyte, sinusoidal surface had numerous microvilli and cellular surface is combinated adjacent hepatocyte with desmosomes. The RER cisterns were dilated and zymogen granules were fewer than those of the dark cells. Kupffer cells with irregular nuclear membrane were observed. Fat storing cell and collagenous fiber bundle were observed in the Disse space. 2. Kupffer cell, inflammatory cells in the connective tissue of hepatic triad and lysosome were increased in the 3, 6, and 12 hour experimental group comparing with that of the control group. 3. In the 1 day experimental group, infiltration of inflammatory cells in interlobular connective tissue, dilatation of sinusoidal capillary and increasing of Kupffer cell were observed. Atropic change of hepatocyte and aggregation of glycogen particles in the cytoplasm of hepatocyte were observed. In this group, desmosome near bile canaliculi and collagenous fiber bundle in the Disse space were increased comparing with that of the 12 hours experimental group. In the 2 days experimental group, desmosome, lysosome, peroxisome and collagenous fiber bundle were increased comparing with that of the 1 day experimental group. Furthermore, lamellated bodies were also seen in the cytoplasm of the hepatocyte. 4. In 3 and 5 days experimental groups, transformations of hepatic cell cord and degeneration of the hepatocyte were markedly inclosed comparing with the all experimental groups. And damaged RER and mitochondria. collagenous fiber bundle were also inclosed comparing with that of the 2 days experimental group. Autophagosome and fat storing cells with large lipid droplets were also observed comparing with that of the 2 days experimental group. Tight junction and desmosome between the hepatocytes were separated. These degenerating changes were severe through the all experimental groups. 5. In the 10 and 20 days experimental groups, arrangement of hepatic cell cords and cell organelles of hepatocytes were similar to those of the control group. However, aggregation of glycogen particles, dilatation of sinusoidal capillary and infiltration of inflammatory cells remained. 6. In the 30 days experimental group, the tissue findings were similar to those of the control grout. But lamellated bodies in some hepatocytes and lysosome were remained in the cytoplasms of the Kupffer cells. In the 60 days experimental group, these all changes were recovered as the control group. In conclusion, telluric acid would directly induce the degenerative and necrotic changes on the hepatic tissue. However, these changes were perfectly recoverd in the 60 days experimental group as the control group.

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A Study on the Origin and Transformation of Jeonju-Palkyung (전주팔경의 시원(始原)과 변용(變容)에 관한 연구)

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun;Son, Hee-Kyung;Shin, Sang-Sup;Choi, Jong-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2015
  • Based on the analysis and interpretation of the headwords and poetic words of a group of eleven collecting sceneries of Jeonju, the origin and transformations of the Jeonju-Palkyung(Eight sceneries of Jeonju) investigated by a time-series analysis are as follows. As there is no collection of landscape with a formal structure similar to that of the current Jeonju-Palkyung, prior to the Palkyung by Chujae(秋齋) Cho Soo-Sam(趙秀三, 1762~1849), there is no significant problem in assuming the eight poems in Chujaejib(秋齋集) are the origins of the Jeonju-Palkyung, and it is estimated to have been produced in 1829. In the late-19th century poem 'Wansanseunggyeong(完山勝景)', 'the Palkyung in Yeollyeo Chunhyang Sujeolga', and 'the Palkyung delivered by poet Shin Seokjeong in the Japanese colonial era', only the 'Dongpogwibeom(東浦歸帆)' changed from Dongjipo to Dongchon of Bongdong as for 'Landscape Setting There($L_{ST}$)' according to changes in district administration; despite this change, the fact that they are not too different from the Palkyung of Cho Soo-Sam, also supports this. Moreover, according to the headword concordance analysis, it is proven that the Jeonju-Palkyung was established in the late-19th century and continued to be the region's representative sceneries even during the Japanese colonial era, and later 'Namcheonpyomo(南川漂母)' and 'Gonjimangwol(坤止望月)' were added to expand to the Jeonju-Sipkyung(ten sceneries of Jeonju). But when we see there are famous spots that are the origins of the Jeonju-Sipkyung, including Gyeonggijeon, Geonjisan, Jogyeongdan, Omokdae, and Girinbong, Deokjinyeon, and Mangyeongdae, all of which have great representational significance as the capital of Jeolla Provincial Office as well as of the place of origin for Joseon Dynasty in the grouping of sceneries during the early Joseon Dynasty, including "Paehyangsipyeong (沛鄕十詠)", "Gyeondosipyeong (甄都十詠)", and "Binilheonsipyeong(賓日軒十詠)", the beginnings of the semantic Jeonju-Palkyung should be considered up to the first half of Joseon Dynasty. During this period, not only the fine sceneries with high retrospective merit as the capital of Hubaekje, like Gyeonhwondo(甄萱都), but also the sceneries like Mangyeongdae that reminds people of Jeong Mongju(鄭夢周) and Yi Seonggye(李成桂) in the late period of Goryeo appeared, elevating the status of Jeonju as the capital of Hubaekje and shortening the historical gaps as the place of origin of the Joseon Dynasty. The Jeonju-Palkyung is an organic item that carries the history of the Joseon Dynasty after Hubaekje and has gone through many cycles of disappearing and reappearing, but it has continued to change and transform as the region's representative sceneries. The Jeonju-Palkyung is a cultural genealogy that helps one understand the 'Jeonju Hanpunggyeong(韓風景: the sceneries of Korea in Jeonju)', and the efforts to preserve and pass it down to the next generation would be the responsibility of the people of Jeonju.

Development of Quality Assurance Software for $PRESAGE^{REU}$ Gel Dosimetry ($PRESAGE^{REU}$ 겔 선량계의 분석 및 정도 관리 도구 개발)

  • Cho, Woong;Lee, Jaegi;Kim, Hyun Suk;Wu, Hong-Gyun
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.233-241
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    • 2014
  • The aim of this study is to develop a new software tool for 3D dose verification using $PRESAGE^{REU}$ Gel dosimeter. The tool included following functions: importing 3D doses from treatment planning systems (TPS), importing 3D optical density (OD), converting ODs to doses, 3D registration between two volumetric data by translational and rotational transformations, and evaluation with 3D gamma index. To acquire correlation between ODs and doses, CT images of a $PRESAGE^{REU}$ Gel with cylindrical shape was acquired, and a volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) plan was designed to give radiation doses from 1 Gy to 6 Gy to six disk-shaped virtual targets along z-axis. After the VMAT plan was delivered to the targets, 3D OD data were reconstructed from 512 projection data from $Vista^{TM}$ optical CT scanner (Modus Medical Devices Inc, Canada) per every 2 hours after irradiation. A curve for converting ODs to doses was derived by comparing TPS dose profile to OD profile along z-axis, and the 3D OD data were converted to the absorbed doses using the curve. Supra-linearity was observed between doses and ODs, and the ODs were decayed about 60% per 24 hours depending on their magnitudes. Measured doses from the $PRESAGE^{REU}$ Gel were well agreed with the TPS doses at central region, but large under-doses were observed at peripheral region at the cylindrical geometry. Gamma passing rate for 3D doses was 70.36% under the gamma criteria of 3% of dose difference and 3 mm of distance to agreement. The low passing rate was resulted from the mismatching of the refractive index between the PRESAGE gel and oil bath in the optical CT scanner. In conclusion, the developed software was useful for 3D dose verification from PRESAGE gel dosimetry, but further improvement of the Gel dosimetry system were required.

A Study on the Application of Bushings Fire Prevent Structure to Prevent Fire Spread of Transformer (변압기의 화재확산 방지를 위한 부싱 방화구조체 적용에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Do-Hyun;Cho, Nam-Wook;Yoon, Choung-Ho;Park, Pil-Yong;Park, Keun-Sung
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.53-62
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    • 2017
  • Electric power which is the energy source of economy and industries requires long distance transportation due to regional difference between its production and consumption, and it is supplied through the multi-loop transmission and distribution system. Prior to its actual use, electric power flows through several transformations by voltage transformers in substations depending on the characteristics of each usage, and a transformer has the structure consisting of the main body, winding wire, insulating oil and bushings. A transformer fire that breaks out in substations entails the primary damage that interrupts the power supply to houses and commercial facilities and causes various safety accidents as well as the secondary economic losses. It is considered that causes of such fire include the leak of insulating oil resulting from the destruction of bottom part of bushings, and the chain reaction of fire due to insulating oil that reaches its ignition point within 1 second. The smoke detector and automatic fire extinguishing system are established in order to minimize fire damage, but a difficulty in securing golden time for extinguishing fire due to delay in the operation of detector and release of gas from the extinguishing system has become a problem. Accordingly, this study was carried out according to needs of active mechanism to prevent the spread of fire and block the leak of insulating oil, in accordance with the importance of securing golden time in extinguishing a fire in its early stage. A bushings fireproof structure was developed by applying the high temperature shape retention materials, which are expanded by flame, and mechanical flame cutoff devices. The bushings fireproof structure was installed on the transformer model produced by applying the actual standards of bushings and flange, and the full scale fire test was carried out. It was confirmed that the bushings fireproof structure operated at accurate position and height within 3 seconds from the flame initiation. It is considered that it could block the spread of flame effectively in the event of actual transformer fire.

The Meaning of Learning Methods for Education to Transmit Intangible Cultural Heritages Seen with Seoul-gut (서울굿을 중심으로 본 무형문화재 전수교육 학습 방법의 의미)

  • Hong, Tea-han
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.36
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    • pp.505-530
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the meaning of learning methods for education to transmit the items designated as intangible cultural heritages focusing on Seoul-gut. Recently, as the Act on the Preservation and Promotion of Intangible Cultural Heritages was promulgated, 'the archetype' instead of 'the prototype' has become highlighted as a crucial axis for transmission. Although there are some controversies over the definition of the archetype among scholars, it is now possible for transmitters to make use of transformations rather freely being freed from strict orientation to the prototype to follow some fixed frame. Examining learning methods used in education to transmit mudang-gut, one of the items designated as intangible cultural heritages, however, this author has found that the prototype is still emphasized or in the center of learning instead. Presenting learning methods employed for Hwanghaedopyeongsansonoreum-gut of a national intangible cultural heritage, Namijanggunsadang-gut of Seoul Special City's intangible cultural heritage, and Bonghwasandodang-gut as examples, this researcher intends to reveal the reality. In the recent situation that education centering around academies is being widely spread to transmit mudang-gut, setting forth the designation of some of the items as intangible cultural heritages, they are publishing articles on newspaper as an advertisement to encourage learning about mudang-gut. Responding to the advertisement, there are more and more shamans intending to learn mudang-gut coming to the society for preserving items designated as intangible cultural heritages. They can, of course, perform mudang-gut on their own but come to learn it as there is no fixed or definite system for it. Even though the concept of the archetype was introduced, as now it is possible to learn the fixed frame through learning about the prototype regarding the item of mudang-gut as an intangible cultural heritage, those involved in shamanism are coming to it more and more. As transmitting the prototype rather deteriorated the liveliness of gut, those involved in shamanism are coming to it to learn about gut thinking that it is where they can learn the basic frame and also acquire more detailed knowledge about shamanism. Therefore, it is needed for the item of mudang-gut designated as an intangible cultural heritage to accept the aspects of change and develop new methods of education to transmit intangible cultural heritages.

The Emergence of Wooden Chamber Tombs with Stone Mound and the Changing Nature of Tombs at the Wolseong North Burial Ground of Gyeongju in the Early Silla Phase (신라 전기 적석목곽분의 출현과 경주 월성북고분군의 묘제 전개)

  • Choi, Byung Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.154-201
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    • 2016
  • During the Incipient and Early Silla phases, which witnessed the establishment and development of the ancient Silla state, the Wolseong North Burial Ground functioned as not only the central burial ground in the Gyeongju region of the capital of Silla but also as the central burial ground of the whole Silla state. Wolseong North Burial Ground is where transformations in Silla funerary architecture first occurred. As such, an empirical study of the tombs constructed at this burial ground can be regarded as a starting point from which an understanding of the development of the tomb culture of the Silla state may be achieved. This paper therefore aims to examine the changing nature of the tomb culture of the Early Silla phase through the burial data of Wolseong North Burial Ground and the Gyeongju region. Wooden chamber tombs were constructed from the late phase of Saroguk. At Wolseong North Burial Ground, which eventually developed into the central burial ground of the Gyeongju region, wooden chamber tombs embellished with stone packing emerged during the Incipient Silla phase; wooden chamber tombs with stone mounds, on the other hand, first appeared in the Early Silla phase and eventually became established as the central tomb type. A key difference between the wooden chamber tomb embellished with stone packing and the wooden chamber tomb with stone mound is that, in the case of the latter, stones were packed not only around sides of the wooden structure that acted as the burial chamber but also on top of this structure. The addition of a high earthen mound surrounded by protective ring of stones is another distinctive feature of the latter, presenting a contrast to the low mound of the former. During the Early Silla phase, two types of wooden chamber tombs with stone mounds were constructed at Wolseong North Burial Ground: those with burial chambers located above ground and those with subterranean burial chambers. Also constructed during this phase were the wooden chamber tomb embellished with packed stones, the wooden chamber tomb embellished with packed clay, simple earth cut burials, which had been used since the Incipient Silla phase, as well as the stone-lined burials with vertical entrance which first appeared in the Early Silla phase. However, of these different types of burials, it was only the wooden chamber tomb with stone mound that was covered with a 'high mound.' Differentiation between the different tomb types can also be observed in terms of location, type of burial chamber used, construction method, and tomb size. It is therefore possible to surmise that stratification between the different tomb types, which first emerged in the Incipient Silla phase, became intensified during the Early Silla phase.