• Title/Summary/Keyword: traffic matrix estimation

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An Accurate Method to Estimate Traffic Matrices from Link Loads for QoS Provision

  • Wang, Xingwei;Jiang, Dingde;Xu, Zhengzheng;Chen, Zhenhua
    • Journal of Communications and Networks
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.624-631
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    • 2010
  • Effective traffic matrix estimation is the basis of efficient traffic engineering, and therefore, quality of service provision support in IP networks. In this study, traffic matrix estimation is investigated in IP networks and an Elman neural network-based traffic matrix inference (ENNTMI) method is proposed. In ENNTMI, the conventional Elman neural network is modified to capture the spatio-temporal correlations and the time-varying property, and certain side information is introduced to help estimate traffic matrix in a network accurately. The regular parameter is further introduced into the optimal equation. Thus, the highly ill-posed nature of traffic matrix estimation is overcome effectively and efficiently.

Selection of the Optimal Traffic Counting Links using Integer Program Method for Improving the Estimation of Origin Destination Matrix (기종점 OD행렬의 추정력 향상을 위한 교통량 관측구간 선정)

  • Lee, Heon-Ju;Lee, Seung-Jae;Park, Yong-Kil
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2004
  • When we estimate an origin-destination matrix from traffic counts. origin-destination matrix estimation from traffic counts according to the selected optimal traffic counting links is method for improving the results of origin-destinaation matrix estimation and for increasing economic efficiency. This paper proposed model of selecting traffic counting links using integer program technique, and selected a traffic counting links using this model, and estimated and origin-destingtion matrix from traffic counts according to the selected optimal traffic counting links. Also, we compared a result of estimating origin-destination matrix from the selected optimal traffic counting links using this model to a result of estimating origin-destination matrix from the randomly selected traffic counting links. The error analysis result was more improved a result of origin-destination matrix estimation using this model than a result of randomly selected links.

Development of a demand estimation method by using multiclass traffic assignment based on traffic counts (다차종통행배분을 이용한 통행량기반 수요추정기법개발)

  • 김종형;이승재
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.77-88
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    • 2001
  • Until now, though most of the studies related to demand estimation method using traffic counts use methods based on singleclass, travel demands or flows are made by mixing various vehicles in real networks. In general, existing demand estimation methods based on traffic counts estimate O/D by converting a multiclass O/D matrix and traffic counts into a singleclass O/D matrix and traffic counts through PCE conversion, and analyze a O/D matrix by dividing into a multiclass O/D matrix and traffic counts after multiplying an estimated O/D matrix by the fixed ratio of a singleclass O/D matrix and traffic counts before PCE conversion. However, the merits of a demand estimation method based on multiclass calculate each route choice ratio about multiclass O/D, and maximize the estimation capability of multiclass by calculating each gradient, the reduction direction of objective function. Therefore, this study aims to establish a demand estimation method which considers congestion between vehicle and vehicle by using multiclass instead of singleclass.

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A Novel Compressed Sensing Technique for Traffic Matrix Estimation of Software Defined Cloud Networks

  • Qazi, Sameer;Atif, Syed Muhammad;Kadri, Muhammad Bilal
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.12 no.10
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    • pp.4678-4702
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    • 2018
  • Traffic Matrix estimation has always caught attention from researchers for better network management and future planning. With the advent of high traffic loads due to Cloud Computing platforms and Software Defined Networking based tunable routing and traffic management algorithms on the Internet, it is more necessary as ever to be able to predict current and future traffic volumes on the network. For large networks such origin-destination traffic prediction problem takes the form of a large under- constrained and under-determined system of equations with a dynamic measurement matrix. Previously, the researchers had relied on the assumption that the measurement (routing) matrix is stationary due to which the schemes are not suitable for modern software defined networks. In this work, we present our Compressed Sensing with Dynamic Model Estimation (CS-DME) architecture suitable for modern software defined networks. Our main contributions are: (1) we formulate an approach in which measurement matrix in the compressed sensing scheme can be accurately and dynamically estimated through a reformulation of the problem based on traffic demands. (2) We show that the problem formulation using a dynamic measurement matrix based on instantaneous traffic demands may be used instead of a stationary binary routing matrix which is more suitable to modern Software Defined Networks that are constantly evolving in terms of routing by inspection of its Eigen Spectrum using two real world datasets. (3) We also show that linking this compressed measurement matrix dynamically with the measured parameters can lead to acceptable estimation of Origin Destination (OD) Traffic flows with marginally poor results with other state-of-art schemes relying on fixed measurement matrices. (4) Furthermore, using this compressed reformulated problem, a new strategy for selection of vantage points for most efficient traffic matrix estimation is also presented through a secondary compression technique based on subset of link measurements. Experimental evaluation of proposed technique using real world datasets Abilene and GEANT shows that the technique is practical to be used in modern software defined networks. Further, the performance of the scheme is compared with recent state of the art techniques proposed in research literature.

Development of a quasi-dynamic origin/destination matrix estimation model by using PDA and its application (통행 단말기 정보를 이용한 동적 기종점 통행량 추정모형 개발 및 적용에 관한 연구)

  • Lim, Yong-Taek;Choo, Sang-Ho;Kang, Min-Gu
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.123-132
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    • 2008
  • Dynamic origin-destination (OD) trip matrix has been widely used for transportation fields such as dynamic traffic assignment, traffic operation and travel demand management, which needs precise OD trip matrix to be collected. This paper presents a quasi-dynamic OD matrix estimation model and applies it to real road network for collecting the dynamic OD matrix. The estimation model combined with dynamic traffic assignment program, DYNASMART-P, is based on GPS embedded in PDA, which developed for collecting sample dynamic OD matrix. The sample OD matrix should be expanded by the value of optimal sampling ratio calculated from minimization program. From application to real network of Jeju, we confirm that the model and its algorithm produce a reasonable solution.

Selection of the Optimal Location of Traffic Counting Points for the OD Travel Demand Estimation (기종점 수요추정을 위한 교통량 관측지점의 적정위치 선정)

  • 이승재;이헌주
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.53-63
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    • 2003
  • The Origin-Destination(OD) matrix is very important in describing transport movements in a region. The OD matrix can be estimated using traffic counts on links in the transport network and other available information. This information on the travel is often contained in a target OD matrix and traffic counts in links. To estimate an OD matrix from traffic counts, they are the major input data which obviously affects the accuracy of the OD matrix estimated, Generally, the quality of an estimated OD matrix depends much on the reliability of the input data, and the number and locations of traffic counting points in the network. Any Process regarding the traffic counts such as the amount and their location has to be carefully studied. The objective of this study is to select of the optimal location of traffic counting points for the OD matrix estimation. The model was tested in nationwide network. The network consists of 224 zones, 3,125 nodes and 6,725 links except to inner city road links. The OD matrix applied for selection of traffic counting points was estimated to 3-constrained entropy maximizing model. The results of this study follow that : the selected alternative to the best optimal counting points of six alternatives is the alternative using common links of OD matrix and vehicle-km and traffic density(13.0% of 6,725 links), however the worst alternative is alternative of all available traffic counting points(44.9% of 6,725 links) in the network. Finally, it should be concluded that the accuracy of reproduced OD matrix using traffic counts related much to the number of traffic counting points and locations.

Reliability Evaluation on the Transit O/D matrix from Traffic Counts (통행량 기반 대중교통 기종점행량(O/D) 추정의 신뢰성 평가에 관한 연구)

  • 이신해;문수연;이승재;임강원;최인준
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 2001
  • The origin and destination(O-D) matrix is one of the most important elements in transportation planning process. Traditionally, transport planners survey the O-D movements in order to estimate the O-D matrix. Even though the cost of the O-D survey requires high amounts of resources, the accuracy is relatively low. Therefore, many researchers have studied the estimation of the O-D matrix for automobile from traffic counts. however, there is a little attention for the application on the transit O-D matrix estimation from traffic counts. The objective of this study is therefore the estimation of the transit O-D matrix from traffic counts using Gradient method. which is verified by the reliability analysis using a contrived small example network.

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A study on the recognition to road traffic sign and traffic signal for autonomous navigation (자율주행을 위한 교통신호 인식에 관한 연구)

  • 고현민;이호순;노도환
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1997.10a
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    • pp.1375-1378
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    • 1997
  • In this paper, we presents the algorithm which is to recognize the traffic sign on the road the traffic signal in a video image for autonomous navigation. First, the rocognition of traffic sign on the road can be detected using boundary point estimation form some scan-lines within the lane deducted. For this algorithm, index matrix method is used to detemine what sign is. Then, the traffic signal recognition is performed by usign the window minified by several scan-lines which position may be expected. For this algoritm, line profile concept is adopted.

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The performance of OD estimation from link traffic counts in varying OD matrix structure (OD구조 변화시 링크관측교통량으로부터 OD추정모형의 추정력에 관한 연구)

  • 백승걸;김현명;임용택
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.131-142
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    • 2001
  • Previous OD matrix estimation methods from link traffic counts have focused on the formulation of mathematical model and its solution algorithm. Thereby those methods have assumed that true or real OD is similar to the target OD and paid little attention to the properties of the change of OD structure. Although it is general situation that each OD pair increases or decreases due to significant land use and to large time variation between target OD with real OD, those methods have set unrealistic assumptions that target OD increases or decreases uniformly and that the OD structure does not change. Therefore those methods have showed poor performance of OD estimation in general situation. To cope with the problem. this paper suggests a new concept of OD matrix structure and shows the shortcomings of previous method′s dependancy on target OD matrix. We divide "OD trips" into "OD scale" and "OD structure". Where OD scale is a quantitative magnitude of OD trips and "OD structure" is ordinal OD scale. This paper use the same solution algorithm developed by Baek et al. (2000) for analysing the OD structure. Results of numerical examples show that the performance of the method is better than that of previous methods, while the previous methods have better performance in estimation only when OD trips increase or decrease. In addition to, if OD structure does not change, the results show that the error of estimation is low relatively regardless of the large difference of trips between target OD and real OD. This paper also shows that the model performance on OD structure and on OD trips is low as the number of origins that OD structure is changed increase. From the results we suggest that the change of OD structure can be more important information than the difference between target OD and real OD in OD estimation steps.

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