• Title/Summary/Keyword: time to germination

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Dormancy of Ginseng Seed as Influenced by Temperature and Gibberellic Acid (인삼종자의 휴면기간단축에 미치는 온도 및 지베레린의 영향)

  • Jong-Chul Lee
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.220-225
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    • 1986
  • This study was conducted to know the effects of temperature and gibberellic acid on the dormancy block-ing of ginseng seeds at different embryo growth stage. Optimum temperature for embryo growth appeared to be I soc at the beginning stage of post ripening (up to dehiscent time), 1$0^{\circ}C$ at middle stage (for 30 days after dehiscence) and 5$^{\circ}C$ at last stage (between 30 and 92 days after dehiscence). And optimum temperature for dehiscence is about 17$^{\circ}C$, also the optimum temperature for dehiscence is higher than that of embryo growth. Germination of ginseng seed with full grown embryo was accelerated at high temperature (25-3$0^{\circ}C$). Germina-tion percentage was 80% at 105th date after dehiscence under 5$^{\circ}C$, 28% at 147th date under 1$0^{\circ}C$, but no germination under the over 15$^{\circ}C$. Gibberellic acid increased the dehiscent rate, whereas the gibberellic acid treatment may not be substituted for effect of low temperature on the germination. Low temperature may be reguired to finish the embryo growth in thickness.

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Effects of Coal Fly Ash as a Bulking Agent under Co-composting with Swine Manure and Saw Dust

  • Lee, Chang Hoon;Park, Seong Jin;Kim, Myung Sook;Yun, Sun Kang;Sonn, Yeon Kyu
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.47 no.5
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    • pp.356-361
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    • 2014
  • The coal fly ash (CFA) may be utilized as an extender for organic waste composting at the same time fully expected to solve all industrial waste disposal and sawdust tribe. The main objective in this study was to evaluate the effect of CFA addition as a bulking agent for swine manure composting. To determine the suitable addition rate of CFA as a bulking agent, 0, 10, 20 and 30% of saw dust were mixed with 30, 20, 10 and 0% of coal fly ash, respectively. Compost quality for swine manure composting was to evaluate temperature, pH, C/N ratio, and phytotoxicity as germination index. Stability of compost increased with increasing levels of CFA as bulking agent during swine manure composting due to the high alkaline materials including CFA. C to N ratio in treatment added CFA was higher than that of the control without CFA. After finishing composting, germination index of lettuce and cabbage in swine manure compost added 10% of CFA was similar to the control, all the heavy metal contents were far below the stipulated standard for organic farming. These results indicated tahr coal fly ash as bulking agents might be alternative materials to save saw dust and apply industrial products for swine manure composting.

Groeth Charateristics & Matter Yield Ability According to Seed Production Time of Italian Ryegrass (이탈리안 라이그라스 채종시기별 건물생산능력 및 생육특성)

  • 채재석;김영두;김호중;박태일
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 1996
  • The experiment was conducted to inxvestigate matter production ability and growth characteristic variation for Italian ryegrass seed of introduced variety and the different seed production time of the next generation in paddy field at Iksan and Kyehwa experiment field from 1987 to 1988. Germination rate is good at seed production of 35 days before and after heading with introducced variety. Also, Early growth before wintering, dead leaf rate and regenerating day is same tendendy. Panicle numbers per hill like that and heading date is for 15~20 days after heading seed is late about three days, but 35 days before and after heading seed is early about one day. Fresh and drymatter yield at the different cutting time shows decrease in 15~25 days after heading seed but 35 days before and after heading seed is same or increase trend, it's notable at Kyehwa paddy field in reclaimed land. In case of feed value according to cutting time differ little against introduced seed.

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Isoflavone and Quality Improvement of Soymilk by using Germinated Soybean (발아콩을 이용한 콩우유의 isoflavone 향상 및 품질 특성 개선)

  • Lee, Hye-Yeon;Kim, Joo-Sook;Kim, Young-Su;Kim, Woo-Jung
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.443-448
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    • 2005
  • Isoflavone content of soymilk prepared with germinated soybean significantly increased. Soymilk prepared with Shinpaldal-2 germinated far 12 hr showed maximum 5.552 mg/g isoflavone. Solid content in soymilk increased from 5.68 to 6.02% for Shinpaldal-2 and from 5.30 to 6.10% for Seomoktae with 24 hr germination. 'L' values of soymilk increased, whereas 'a' and 'b' values decreased. Viscosity of soymilk decreased, while stability increased as germination time increased up to 24 hr, Organoleptic flavor properties of soymilk improved, showing decrease in benny and increase in savory flavors. Acceptance test showed soymilk prepared with 12 hr germinated Shinpaldal-2 showed highest acceptance, while Seomoktae soymilk showed least.

Studies on Dormancy Breaking, Sowing Time and Inhibition of Germination during Storage of Seed in Wasabia japonica MATSUM (고추냉이 종자(種子)의 휴면타파(休眠打破), 저장중(貯藏中) 유아출현억제(幼芽出現抑制) 및 파종기(擺種期)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Sun-Kon;Kim, Dong-Won;Whang, Chang-Ju;Nam, Sang-Sig
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.64-67
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    • 1996
  • This experiment was carried out to obtain the information on seed dormancy, germinability during storage in wasabia japonica Matsum. $GA_3$ 100ppm+BA 10ppm was more effective than $GA_3$100ppm alone in breaking the dormancy. Storage of seeds pretreated with growth retardants (CCC, Uniconazol) seemed to be a useful method for preventing germination during storage. The stratification was an effective storage method to germinate the seeds for sowing them in fall.

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Seed Morphological Characteristics and Dormancy type of Eranthis stellata Maxim., Korea Rare Plant. (희귀식물 너도바람꽃(Eranthis stellata Maxim.) 종자의 형태특성 및 휴면유형 분석)

  • Inhwan Chae;Geon Hui Ryu;Se-kyu Song;Jin-Woo Kim;Gi Ho Kang;Hayan Lee
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2020.08a
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    • pp.20-20
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    • 2020
  • Eranthis stellata Maxim. is a perennial plant that grows around the valley. E. stellata is concerned about the decline in natural habitats due to climate change in KOREA, continues to be observed and protected as an endangered species (Least Concrned, LC). Nevertheless, studies on the characteristics of the seeds of E. stellata are insufficient. So, this study analyzed the morphological characteristics and dormancy types of seeds. Seeds of E. stellata was collected in April at Gyeongsangbuk-do Arboretum and kept at 5 ℃ until using. To investigate the morphology of seeds, an optical microscope and a scanning electron microscope (SEM) were used. GA3 treated or untreated seeds (4 replicates of 25 seeds each) were observed germination and embryo growth for 1 month at 5 ℃ and 25/15 ℃ (12h day/12h night). The seed surface of E. stellata, light brown, was observed as a common characteristic of Eranthis genus, reticulate. The short axis of seeds was 1.11~1.77mm (average 1.44mm), and the long axis was 1.27~1.91mm (average 1.63mm), which was investigated in a slightly round shape (subglose). While no germination was observed at all conditions, Embryo growth was observed at 5 ℃ both in the control group and with GA3treated groups. Thus, seeds of E. stellata are classified as morphological physiological dormancy (MDP), which requires embryonic development and dormant break at the same time. These results can be useful information for determining morphological physiological seed dormancy and germination, and will be an important basic data for seed propagation of E. stellata as a resource.

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Effects of Depth and Duration of Water-logging on Growth and Yield at Germination and Seedling Stage in Tomato(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) (토마토(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)의 발아기(發芽期) 및 유묘기(幼苗期) 침수(浸水) 처리(處理)에 따른 생육(生育) 반응(反應))

  • Guh, Ja-Ock;Roh, Sang-Eun;Kuk, Yong-In;Chon, Sang-Uk;Lee, Young-Man;Oh, Yun-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.406-418
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    • 1996
  • Tomatoes are water logged differently 0, 5, 10 and 15 cm, according to the developing stages such as germination and seedling stage under the condition of greenhouse. Along with this, they are treated according to the time condition such as 6, 12, 24, 48 and 120 hours. The results obtained are summarized as follows. 1. The result at germination stage Remarkable germination failure was observed when tomatoes were water-logged for 25 to 27 hours in the depth of 0 to 5 cm. Plant height recovered within 24 hours regardless of the water-logging depths. In the case of leaves, the recoverable time limit became shorter gradually in accordance with the increase of the water-logging depth. The decrease of the fresh weight showed acute response in the shoot rather than the root. It recovered with the 24 hours of water logging. Significant correlation was observed in all characteristics of plant height, number of leaves, fresh weight and germination rates according to the depth of water-logging. 2. The result at seedling stage Plant height recovered within the 24 hours of water-logging in the depth of 0 cm. On the deeper level, there was significant decrease regardless of time. With regard to the number of leaves, there was recovery up to 120 hours in the depth of 0 cm, up to 24 hours in the depth of 5 cm. There was, however, significant decrease when done for more than 6 hours on the deeper level. Growth of the shoot displayed the same tendency as in plant height and number of leave. The length of the longest root could be maintained by 80% in the water-logging of 0 cm compared with control. However in depth of 5 cm or more, it could not be maintained by the 120 hours water-logging. Root activity became conspicuously diminished with the logging over 0 cm. Respiration showed conspicuous decrease by the depth of 5 cm as a turning point. On the other hand, photosynthesis became decreased linearly by the depth of water-logging. Chlorophyll content displayed gradual decrease up to 48 hours, but conspicuously decreased up to 120 hours according to the varying depth of water-logging. Dieases tended to increase according to the depth and hours of water-logging. Diseases would be prevented by dint of insecticide, but there was no effect of fertilization. Weight and number of fruit per plant displayed gradual decrease as the depth and hours of water-logging became increased. Average weight of a fruit became increased. There was no statisticaly reciprocal effects between the depth and hours of water-logging. There was significant positive correlation among all the investigated characteristics, such as traits of growth and yield.

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Establishment of Fungicidal Spray Schedule for Effective Control of Apple White Rot 1. Guiding Principles for Selecting Protective Fungicides in Accordance with Apple Growing Season (사과 겹무늬썩음병의 효과적 방제를 위한 약제살포 체계의 수립 1. 사과의 생육시기별 보호살균제의 선택 원칙)

  • 정미혜;김대희;엄재열
    • Korean Journal Plant Pathology
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.284-291
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    • 1994
  • In order to establish an appropriate spray schedule to reduce the infection, 11 kinds of chemicals were tested for their properties on the inhibition of spore germination at the surface of apple fruits and the duration of the inhibitory effect after spray of each chemical was examined from late June to early September with basically 10 day intervals. Actual control efficacy of each chemical by the 8 successive spray and the patterns of waterborne spore dispersals during that periods were also examined. Combining those results with the meteorological observation data, actual control efficacy of each chemical in the given periods could be estimated. It was revealed that folpet, Brodeaux mixture, mancozeb, oxine copper and imminoctadine-triacetate could be used at any time during the possible infection periods. Captan and dithianon could also be used except the rainy season due to the short duration of inhibitory efficacy against spore germination under heavy rain. However, the usefulness of propineb, benomyl and chlorothalonil against the apple white rot could not be demonstrated in this experiment. Thiram, even though has not been used for apple white rot, can also be used before or after the rainy season to control not only white rot but also alternaria blotch.

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Seed and Germination Characteristics by the Seed Coat Colors of Three Species of Genus Pinus (소나무류 3수종의 종피색깔에 따른 종자 및 발아특성 비교)

  • Choi, Chung-Ho;Kim, Sun-Young;Seo, Byeong-Soo;Park, Woo-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.150-154
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    • 2007
  • This study was carried out to increase germination by classifying seeds as seed coat colors of three species of genus Pinus. As result, the seeds classified as colors showed a difference. In seed length, Pinus densiflora (Pd) and P. thunbergii (Pt) had no difference while P. rigitaeda (Pr) had a difference between light yellow seeds and dark brown seeds (p<0.05). Only Pt was different in seed width. And in 1,000 seeds weight the three species showed a great difference while were not significantly different in seed moisture contents. In percent germination, all of the three species had a difference, especially that of Pr was very wide. Pd and Pt were not different in mean germination time but Pr showed a difference between light yellow seeds and dark brown seeds.

Effects of Plant Growth Regulators on In Vitro Germination and Organ Formation of Wild Angelica gigas N. (야생 참당귀(Angelica gigas N.)의 기내발아 및 기관유도에 미치는 PGRs의 영향)

  • Lee, Su-Gwang;Cho, Won-Woo;Lee, Song-Hee;Park, Kwang-Woo;Choi, Kyung;Kang, Ho-Duck
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.456-464
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to establish the in vitro optimal condition for seed germination and organogenesis of wild Angelica gigas. The experiment was evaluated the effects of $GA_3$ for pre-treatment with different periods of time (0h, 24h, 48h, 72h) and followed the treatment of seeds by control, scarification and methanol-heating method. As a result, the highest rates (15%) of seed germination was shown under the treatment without soaking of $GA_3$ and methanol-heating treatment. The seed germination was highly increased 60% under the condition of treatment on ultrasonic waves (frequency 80 KHz) with methanol-heating treatment including 0.1 mg/L $GA_3$. The highest callus induction rate was obtained from in vitro germinated stem, root and hypocotyl on the MS medium with 1.0 mg/L NAA and 0.5 mg/L BA. The highest percentages of shooting (50%) and rooting (85%) induction were observed in hypocotyl and root cultured on PGRs free medium and 0.1 mg/L NAA, respectively. In addition, somatic embryogenesis was observed from stem (1.0 mg/L 2,4-D) and hypocotyl (0.1 mg/L NAA).