• Title/Summary/Keyword: the multiple regression analysis

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An Empirical Study on the Analysis of Chinese Foreign Students' Academic Achievement and Fallout (중국 유학생의 학업성취 및 중도탈락 분석에 관한 실증연구)

  • Chae, Dong Woo;Chen, Guo Hua;Jung, Kun Oh
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.37-54
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    • 2020
  • In response to the recent decline in the school-age population, universities have made attracting foreign students a major policy task for universities. As a result, the number of foreign students increased rapidly in terms of quantity, but in terms of quality, the risk is inevitable. Accordingly, the government presented education and internationalization competency certification system indicators on the basis of which quality control of students was systematized. Based on the above certification system, this study focused on analyzing the multiple factors that are actually given to the academic adaptation (performance) of the 2200 students who entered a certain university. In addition, factors other than the certification system index were discovered to comprehensively track how they affect the academic performance of students studying abroad. The researcher found the multi-reciprocal model analysis showed that the difference between the learner and the moderator was significant, and whether or not they had the Korean proficiency test (TOPIK) was significant. It also said that it could have a direct impact on Chinese University Entrance Exams (高考) are significant. If a model that is very effective in selecting students is established by each university and used as an indicator through this study, it will serve as a basis for efficient selection of students.

Relations between Scenic Desirability and Landscape Component of the Copse in the City Park

  • Lee, Hyuk-Jae;Koshimizu, Hajime
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture Conference
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    • 2007.10b
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    • pp.72-77
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    • 2007
  • Civic participation in managing the work of a park is a natural experience, and urban culture has a role in forming and communicating ideas. However, when it comes to managing a copse, there is no clear scenic image. In this study, my intention was to determine a desirable scene involving a copse and suggest a target image for managing work from a scenic perspective. I selected 12 photographs and listed 10 pairs of adjectives that were judged to reflect the effect produced by the copse scene using the repertory grid development technique. In addition, I performed a scenic evaluation using the semantic differential(SD) method with each pair of adjectives. Factor analysis was performed based on questionnaire survey results, such that the scenic structure of the copse had a clear definition. In addition, the physical characteristics of the photographs were analyzed using Adobe Photoshop 6.0 and the correlations between the results of the questionnaire survey were understood using multiple regression analysis. A desirable scenic image of the copse became clear through this process and I was able to suggest various options of scenic images. Taking the aspects of urban culture into consideration, park improvement projects(including their planning stages) should be implemented by involving residents, which will lead to further development of park planning and maintenance theories and projects giving due consideration to residents' opinions.

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Source Characterization of Suspended Particulate Matter in Taegu Area, Using Principal Component Analysis Coupled with Multiple Regression (주성분/중회귀분석을 이용한 대구지역 대기중 부유분진의 발생원별 특성평가)

  • 백성옥;황승만
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.179-190
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    • 1992
  • This study was carried out to characterize sources of atmospheric total suspended particulates (TSP) in urban and sub--urban areas of metropolitan taegu. The sources were tentatively identified by a multivariate technique, i.e. principal component analysis (PCA), and the source contributions to the atmospheric concentrations of TSP were further estimated by stepwise multiple regression analysis. A total of 5 sources was identified in the urban area of Taegu (soil dust resuspension, fuel combustion, secondary aerosol, traffic related aerosol, and refuge burning), while 4 sources were found to be significant in the sub--urban area as following: fuel combustion/secondary aerosol, soil dust resuspension, traffic related aerosol, and wood/agricultural burning. The largest contributor to the atmospheric TSP appeared to be the soil dust resuspension in both areas. The source apportionment of the extractable organic matter (EOM) was also carried out for the Taegu data. The EOM was determined with respect to the solvent polarity, i.e. cyclohexane (non-polar), dichloromethane (semi--polar), and acetone (polar). In addition, the source profiles for the TSP in Taegu area were estimated using a PCA-based algorithm, and the validity was evaluated tentatively by comparing the data in the literature.

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Association of Blood Pressure with Sodium and Potassium Intake for Adolescents (Sodium, Potassium 섭취와 성장기 혈압과의 관계)

  • Choi, Yoon-Sun;Kim, Young-Ok;Suh, Il
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.493-501
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    • 1995
  • To investigate an effect of dietary sodium and potassium on blood pressure, 418 adolescents living in Kangwha area were studied. Two measurements were taken on each blood pressure(diastolic, systolic) and the average of the two readings was used in the analysis. Sodium and potassium intake were estimated by the determination of those electrolytes in 24hr urine. Not only dietary factors but also physical growth factors such as weight, height, arm-circumference and skinfold-thickness were induced in the stepwise multiple regression analysis to indentify the relative importance between the factors. The variation of blood pressure both in systolic and diastolic in both sexes was inconsistent with the levels of sodium and potassium intake. The results of multiple regression analysis showed that the physical growth were more influential than nutrient factor. It suggested that hypertension risk factors observed form the adults, may not be identical with that of the growing aged population. After control of the physical growth, there was no significant variation observed by the level of sodium and potassium intake on blood pressure. In summary, the results indicate that growth has been more influential than dietary factor on blood pressure for growing aged population.

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A study on the visual image assessment of interior landscaping plants (실내조경 식물의 시간적 이미지 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Kyoung-Og;Bang, Kwang-Ja;Huh, Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.101-110
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study was on suggesting what is the image and image formation factor of interior landscaping plants. For this purpose, the sixty interior landscaping plants were selected. Selected plants were classified into 9 groups by similar characteristics of plants, for example, leaf color and leaf pattern. Data analysis were performed by semantic differential scale method, mean score and multiple regression algorithm. The results are as follows, 1. Comparing with image assessment, group 9 got the highest score in all aspects. 2. Comparing with the image assessment of interior landscaping plants, the "impressive" image was obtained the highest score and "bright", "cool", "beautiful" and "fresh" were followed. 3. Multiple regression analysis was performed to clarify influence degree of the adjectives related to the beauty. The next adjectives were significant check points on assessing the beauty of interior landscaping plants. Also, Guzmania magnifical was investigated to have the most beautiful image with the results of preference analysis. Vriesea splendens, Cordyline terminalis Kunth 'Lilliput' and Peperomia sandersii were identified as considerably preferred plants. were identified as considerably preferred plants.

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Studies on Blood Pressure and Diet for Kangwha and Nepal Adolescents (한국과 네팔 청소년들의 혈압과 식이 섭취수준에 관한 연구)

  • 김영옥;이연경
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.151-158
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    • 1997
  • This study was conducted to observe the relationship between diet and blood pressure for Korean(kangwha) and Nepali adolescents. 542 middle school students in Korea and 159 students in Nepal in the same age(14-15yr) group were investigated as the study subjects. Data for blood pressure as well as weight and diet were collected for the analysis. multiple regression analysis was employed to identify the influencing factors among the variables considered. As the results, the mean body weight of body weight of boys and girls in Kangwha was 54.5Kg, 50.6Kg which was 17Kg and 10Kg heavier than the weight of the Nepal students. Dietary survey result showed that there was no big difference in energy intake in Kangwha and Nepal students., Mean energy intake of Kangwha boys was 2, 848kcal and that of Nepal boys was 2, 720 kcal. The similar result showed significantly lower intake in other nutreints than that of Kangwha subjects whose consumption level was close to the Korean Recommended Dietary Allowances. The result of multiple regression analysis showed that weight was the greatest influencing factor on blood pressure both in Kangwha and in Nepal subjects. Nevertheless, after controlling the weight factor, there were axxociations observed between diet and blood pressure. And the relationship was stronger in case of Nepal than in Kangwha.

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Identification of Unmet Healthcare Needs: A National Survey in Thailand

  • Chongthawonsatid, Sukanya
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.129-136
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    • 2021
  • Objectives: This study examined demographic factors hampering access to healthcare at hospitals and suggests policy approaches to improve healthcare management in Thailand. Methods: The data for the study were drawn from a health and welfare survey conducted by the National Statistical Office of Thailand in 2017. The population-based health and welfare survey was systematically carried out by skilled interviewers, who polled 21 519 384 individuals. The independent variables related to demographic data (age, sex, religion, marital status, education, occupation, and area of residence), chronic diseases, and health insurance coverage. The dependent variable was the degree of access to healthcare. Multiple logistic regression analysis was subsequently performed on the variables found to be significant in the univariate analysis. Results: Only 2.5% of the population did not visit a hospital when necessary for outpatient-department treatment, hospitalization, or the provision of oral care. The primary reasons people gave for not availing themselves of the services offered by government hospitals when they were ill were-in descending order of frequency-insufficient time to seek care, long hospital queues, travel inconvenience, a lack of hospital beds, unavailability of a dentist, not having someone to accompany them, and being unable to pay for the transportation costs. Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that failure to access the health services provided at hospitals was associated with demographic, educational, occupational, health welfare, and geographic factors. Conclusions: Accessibility depends not only on health and welfare benefit coverage, but also on socioeconomic factors and the degree of convenience associated with visiting a hospital.

The association between the social adaptive skills of school-aged children with congenital heart disease and mothers' decision factors for providing disease explanations in Japan: a cross-sectional study

  • Endo, Shinsaku;Higuchi, Michiyo;Hotta, Noriko
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.187-196
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: This study aimed to clarify the factors related to mothers' decisions to provide disease explanations to their children, investigate the associations between those factors and social adaptive skills, and examine support relative to children's growth and development. Methods: Data were collected from anonymous, self-administered questionnaires answered by 71 mothers of outpatient school-aged children with congenital heart disease. The questionnaire items included characteristics of mothers and children, decision factors for providing disease explanations, and children's social adaptive skills (Asahide-Shiki social adaptive skills test). Factor analysis was performed on the decision factors, and multiple regression analysis was performed to examine the association between the identified factors and each social adaptive skill. Results: The decision factors for providing disease explanations were the mother's explanation ability, the receptive capability of the child, and the child's interest and literacy regarding the explanation. Multiple regression analysis showed that language and social life skills were significantly associated with the child's receptive capability, and language and daily life skills were significantly associated with the child's interest and literacy regarding the explanation. Conclusion: Improving children's language, social life, and daily life skills may enhance their receptive capability and literacy regarding explanations of their disease.

The Influencing Factors on Adolescent's Self-Efficacy (청소년의 자기효능감 영향 요인)

  • Jeon, Eun-Young
    • Journal of East-West Nursing Research
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.116-123
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the influencing factors on adolescent's self-efficacy. Method: This was a descriptive study. The data were collected from 7th through 12th graders(N=1710) enrolled in middle schools(N=873) and high schools(N=837) in the metropolitan area of Daegu. The instruments had used for this study were the self-efficacy, the life event checklist, and Family APGAR. The data were analyzed using frequency, t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient, and multiple regression analysis. Result: Pearson correlation analysis revealed that there were negative correlations between the self-efficacy and the stress. However, in case of the subjects who recorded higher scores at self-efficacy they showed higher scores at family function. Stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed that powerful predictors of adolescent's self-efficacy were family function and relations of schoolmate. Conclusion: From these results, we can find that the family function and relations of schoolmate were actual factors theta affected the self-efficacy of adolescents. Accordingly, affirmative emotion in family, harmonic communication among family members and sharing housekeeping works is recommended as a useful method in order to enhance the family function, and then the self-efficacy of adolescence will be increased.

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Effects of Financial Knowledge and Financial Management on Objective Financial Well-Being and Subjective Financial Satisfaction (도시가계의 재무지식 및 재무관리가 객관적 재무건전성과 주관적 재무만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho, Dong-Pil;Yang, Se-Jeong;Bae, Mi-Kyeong
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.333-348
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    • 2007
  • The study examines the relationships among financial knowledge, financial management, and objective financial well-being and subjective financial satisfaction. The data used in the study was 331 households from the survey in both Seoul and Kyeonggi-Do. The data analysis was dome using the SAS-PC program and several statistical techniques were utilized such as frequency, and multiple regression analysis. The results of the study were as follows; The results from multiple regression analysis providing the information about the relationships between two variable after controlling other effects on the variables, showed that, the households with more financial knowledge tended to do more on both financial management plan and financial management implement. The households doing more on financial management implement were found to have more subjective financial satisfaction, while those doing more on financial management plan were found to have more objective financial well-being. Also, a positive relationship was found between objective financial well-being and subjective financial satisfaction.