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Studies on the Effects of Systematic Applications of Several Insecticides on the Population of the Brown Planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal. II. Some Properties of Buprofezin (Applaud) and Isoprothiolane (Fuji-one) in their Effects upon the BPH Population (살충제의 체계적 처리에 의한 벼멸구개체군밀도 억제효과에 관한 연구 II. Buprofezin(Applaud)과 Isoprothiolane(Fuji-one)의 벼멸구개체군 밀도억제에 미치는 몇가지 생물학적특성)

  • 배윤환;현재선
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.61-68
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    • 1989
  • To investigate the possibility of the BPH control by systematic application of insecticides, biological effects of buprofezin and isoprothiolane upon the BPH population was evaluated in the laboratory and pot. Both chemicals did not affect the developmental period of the nymphal stage with the applied dosages. When the buprofezin treated instar nymph was developed to the adult, adult's longevity was fairly reduced and such an effect of buprofezin was greater upon the younger instar nymphs. Residual effect of buprofezin was about 30 days in the pot. And it could suppress the BPH population when the younger instar nymphs were dominant age group in the population at the time of treatment. Isoprothiolane was also more effective for the suppression of the BPH population when the younger instar nymphs were dominant at the time of treatment. And it was expected that by buprofezin treatment in July the control effect of isoprothiolane against the BPH population could be maximized when it was treated to control the rice neck blast in late July or early August, because buprofezin could induce the biased population age distribution in which younger instar nymphs were main group at the time of isoprothiolane treatment.

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Effects of Food Quality and Temperature on life History Traits of Moina macrocopa Reared in Laboratory

  • Yoon, Seong Myeong;Lee, Jung Sup;Jung, Suk Hun;Baek, Kyoung Hwan;Chang, Cheon Young;Lee, Sung Kyu;Kim, Won
    • Animal cells and systems
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.329-336
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    • 2000
  • Life table experiments were performed in order to examine the effects of food quality on Moina macrocopa fed with four kinds of algal foods, Botryococcus sp., Scenedesmus subspicatus, Selenastrum capricornutum, and Chlorella sp., at 20C . The temperature effects on M. macrocopa were also assessed, feeding Chlorella at 17C,20C,25C, and a combination of 28C (light) and 25C (dark). The cartilaginous Botryococcs cells were Inappropriate food for Moina. Among the foods tested, Chlorella was the food of the best quality in all accounts of life history traits. Moina grown on Chlorella showed higher net reproductive rate (R0), longer mean and maximum longevities, earlier mean age at maturity, longer mean carapace length at maturity, larger mean clutch size, and shorter mean time interval between clutch productions than those grown on Selenastrum and Scenedesmus. An optimal temperature for Moina was 20C . When Moina were grown on Chlorella at 20C, they showed the highest r, the highest R0, the shortest T, the longest mean longevity, the earliest mean age at maturity, the longest mean carapace length at maturity, and the largest mean clutch size. The results of life table experiments showed that the individual and population growth patterns were much more affected by low temperature 17C, than by high temperature (20C). In the optimal condition, the r value was very high, 5.1 in d1. In conclusion, the food quality and the temperature are the most important factors to govern the size and continuity of Moina population, by which the individual growth rates and reproductivity of members in the population can be controlled to survive in their environment such as small and temporary water bodies in nature.

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Behavior and Circadian Rhythm of Emergence, Copulation and Oviposition in the Oriental Tobacco Budworm, Heliothis assulta Guenee (담배나방의 우화, 교미 및 산란의 행동과 일일리듬)

  • 조점래;부경생
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.103-110
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    • 1988
  • The behavior and circadian rhythm of emergence, copulation and oviposition in the Oriental tobacco budworm (Heliothis assulta Guenee) were studied to obtain the following results. More than three quarters of adults emerged within 3 hours after the light-off. It took about 33 min for an adult to expand and tan its wings after emergence. Adult male showed a sequential pattern of mating behavior, such as antennal movement, wing elevation and vibration, exten¬sion of hairpencils, and tapping of female ovipositor leading to a copulation. However, adult female revealed a rather simple behavior, such as protraction and retraction of her terminal abdomen and vibration of wings. All of the mating took place during the early part of the scotophase, with the peak from 1 hr to 2 hrs after the light-off. But the mating peak in virgin females tended to advance with age. Adult females showed the highest rate of mating among 24 hr-olds and the rate declined with age. The rate of first matings in males gave a very similar pattern to that of females. The duration of copulation was 77±14min. Oviposition occurred throughout the entire scotophase, with the peak during the first 2 hrs. The most nu¬mber of eggs deposited daily was seen on the 3rd day after the mating. Mating rate, number of eggs laid and longevity we~e compared under different sex ratio. Unmated adults lived longer than mated adults.

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Effects of Temperature on the Development and Reproduction of Ostrinia scapulalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) (콩줄기명나방(Ostrinia scapulalis) (나비목: 포충나방과)의 발육과 산란에 미치는 온도의 영향)

  • Jeong Joon, Ahn;Eun Young, Kim;Bo Yoon, Seo;Jin Kyo, Jung
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.61 no.4
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    • pp.577-590
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    • 2022
  • Ostrinia scapulalis is one of important pests in leguminous crops, especially red bean. In order to understand the biological characteristics of the insect, we investigated the effects of temperature on development of each life stage, adult longevity and fecundity of O. scapulalis at eleven constant temperatures of 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31, 34, and 36℃. Eggs and larvae successfully developed next life stage at most temperature subjected except 7, 10 and 13℃. The developmental period of egg, larva and pupa decreased as temperature increased. Lower and higher threshold temperature (TL and TH) were calculated by the Lobry-Rosso-Flandrois (LRF) and Sharpe-Schoolfield-Ikemoto (SSI) models. The lower developmental threshold (LDT) and thermal constant (K) from egg hatching to adult emergence of O. scapulalis were estimated by linear regression as 13.5℃ and 384.5DD, respectively. TL and TH from egg hatching to adult emergence using SSI model were 19.4℃ and 39.8℃. Thermal windows, i.e., the range in temperature between the minimum and maximum rate of development, of O. scapulalis was 20.4℃. Adults produced viable eggs at the temperature range between 16℃ and 34℃, and showed a maximum number, ca. 416 offsprings, at 25℃. Adult models including aging rate, age-specific survival rate, age-specific cumulative oviposition, and temperature-dependent fecundity were constructed, using the temperature-dependent adult traits. Temperature-dependent development models and adult oviposition models will be useful components to understand the population dynamics of O. scapulalis and will be expected using a basic data for establishing the strategy of integrated pest management in leguminous crops.

A Study on Strategic Development Approaches for Cyber Seniors in the Information Security Industry

  • Seung Han Yoon;Ah Reum Kang
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.73-82
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    • 2024
  • In 2017, the United Nations reported that the population aged 60 and above was increasing more rapidly than all younger age groups worldwide, projecting that by 2050, the population aged 60 and above would constitute at least 25% of the global population, excluding Africa. The world is experiencing a decline in the rate of increase in the working-age population due to global aging, and the younger generation tends to avoid difficult and challenging occupations. Although theoretically, AI equipped with artificial intelligence can replace humans in all fields, in the realm of practical information security, human judgment and expertise are absolutely essential, especially in ethical considerations. Therefore, this paper proposes a method to retrain and reintegrate IT professionals aged 50 and above who are retiring or seeking career transitions, aiming to bring them back into the industry. For this research, surveys were conducted with 21 government/public agencies representing demand and 9 security monitoring companies representing supply. Survey results indicated that both demand (90%) and supply (78%) unanimously agreed on the absolute necessity of such measures. If the results of this research are applied in the field, it could lead to the strategic development of senior information security professionals, laying the foundation for a new market in the Korean information security industry amid the era of low birth rates and longevity.

Effects of Temperature on the Development and Reproduction of Four Species of Aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae) Damaging Cereal Crops (식량작물에 피해를 주는 진딧물 4종의 발육과 번식에 미치는 온도의 영향)

  • Ahn, Jeong Joon;Choi, Kyung San;Seo, Bo Yoon;Jung, Jin Kyo
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.60 no.4
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    • pp.339-355
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    • 2021
  • Aphids can damage plants directly by absorbing their phloem sap and indirectly by transferring plant viruses and causing sooty mold. We compared the thermal effect on the development, survivorship, and reproduction of four cereal crop-damaging aphid species, Rhopalosiphum padi, Aulacorthum solani, Aphis craccivora, and Acyrthosiphon pisum using a life table analysis method. We investigated the stage-specific development period, survivorship, adult longevity, and fecundity of the above mentioned four aphids at 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30℃, respectively, and analyzed their life table parameters using the age-stage, two-sex life table analysis. A. solani nymphs could not complete their development to adulthood at 30℃. The intrinsic increase rate of R. padi was the highest at all tested temperatures except for that at 15℃ (0.12, 0.34, 0.47, and 0.32 at 10, 20, 25, and 30℃, respectively), and that of A. pisum displayed negative values at 30℃ (-0.04). It is speculated that R. padi would be a dominant species under high temperature conditions and A. solani is a highly adaptive species at low temperatures through the comparative analysis of the life table parameters of four aphid species damaging to cereal crops.

Modelling The Population Dynamics of Laodelphax striatellus Fallén on Rice (벼에서 애멸구(Laodelphax striatellus Fallén) 개체군 밀도 변동 예측 모델 구축)

  • Kwon, Deok Ho;Jeong, In-Hong;Seo, Bo Yoon;Kim, Hey-Kyung;Park, Chang-Gyu
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.58 no.4
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    • pp.347-354
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    • 2019
  • Temperature-dependent traits of Laodelphax striatellus, rice stripe virus vector, were investigated at 10 constant temperatures (12.5, 15.0, 17.5, 20.0, 22.5, 25.0, 27.5, 30.0, 32.5, and 35.0 ± 1℃) under a fixed photoperiod (14/10-hr light/dark cycle). Unit functions for the oviposition model were estimated and implemented into a population dynamics model using DYMEX. The longevity of L. striatellus adults decreased with increasing temperature (56.0 days at 15.0℃ and 17.7 days at 35.0℃). The highest total fecundity (515.9 eggs/female) was observed at 22.5℃, while the lowest (18.6 eggs/female) was observed at 35.0℃. Adult developmental rates, temperature-dependent fecundity, age-specific mortality rates, and age-specific cumulative oviposition rates were estimated. All unit equations described adult performances of L. striatellus accurately (r2 =0.94~0.97). After inoculating adults, the constructed model was tested under pot and field conditions using the rice-plant hopper system. The model output and observed data were similar up to 30 days after inoculation; however, there were large discrepancies between observed and estimated population density after 30 days, especially for 1st and 2nd instar nymph densities. Model estimates were one or two nymphal stages faster than was observed. Further refinement of the model created in this study could provide realistic forecasting of this important rice pest.

A Study on the Blood Health Status and Nutrient Intake in Elderly Women Dwelling in Longevity Region in Jeonla Province according to Bone Mineral Density (전라도 장수지역에 거주하는 여자노인의 골밀도에 따른 생화학적 지표 및 영양섭취상태에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Se In;Kwak, Chung Shil;Lee, Mee Sook
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.228-240
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    • 2015
  • This study was conducted to investigate the dietary and other factors affecting bone mineral density (BMD) in older Korean women. A total of 340 women aged 65 to 74 were recruited from the Kugoksoondam area (Kurye, Goksung, Soonchang and Damyang counties), known as the longevity-belt region in Jeonla province, Korea. They were categorized into two groups according to bone status by T-score : a nonosteoporotic group and an osteoporotic group. Demographic characteristics were collected, as well as information on physical measurements, blood tests for biochemical indicators, health status health-related life style, dietary behavior, favorite food groups, nutrient intake and mini nutrition assessment (MNA). The results are as follows: The mean age of 185 nonosteoporotic women was 69.6 years and that of 155 osteoporotic women was 70.9 years (p<0.001). The mean T-score of the nonosteoporotic group was 1.5mg/cm3 and that of theosteoporotic group was 3.2mg/cm3 (p<0.001). Height and body weight in the nonosteoporotic group were significantly higher than in the osteoporotic group (p<0.001, respectively). There was no significant difference in BMI, although the BMI in the nonosteoporotic group was slightly higher. Waist and hip circumferences in the nonosteoporotic group were significantly higher than in the osteoporotic group (p<0.01, respectively), and the mid upper arm and calf circumferences were also significantly higher than in the osteoporotic group (p<0.001, p<0.01, respectively). The 5 m walking ability was significantly superior compared to the osteoporotic group. Serum levels did not show any significant differences between the groups and were within normal range. The serum total protein, albumin and Insulin-like growth factor (IGFs) levels of the nonosteoporotic group were significantly higher than those of the osteoporotic group (p<0.05, p<0.05, p<0.001, respectively). IGF was 104.7 ng/mL for the nonosteoporotic group and 88.1 ng/mL for the osteoporotic group. Physical activity and appetite in the nonosteoporotic group were significantly higher (p<0.01, p<0.05, respectively). The favorite food groups of the nonosteoporotic group comprised more meats and fish than those of the osteoporotic group (p<0.05, respectively). Nutrient intake was not significantly different, with the exception of niacin intake (p<0.05), but the nutrient intake of the nonosteoporotic group was slightly higher than that of the osteoporotic group. The niacin intake of the nonosteoporotic group and the osteoporotic group were 11.4 mgNE and 10.0 mgNE, corresponding to 103.6% and 90.9% of the Korean EAR, respectively. The MNA score of the nonosteoporotic group was significantly more favorable than for the osteoporotic group. In conclusion, it is necessary to maintain adequate body weight and muscle mass. Habitual physical activity may have a beneficial effect on BMD for older women. Dietary factors, such as meat and fish, higher intake of niacin rich foods and nutrient status for older women also appear to have favorable effects on bone mineral density.

The Study on the History of Pugation therapy From -'Treatise on Febrile Diseases' to 'Longevity and Life Presservation In Oriental Medicine'- (하법(下法)의 발전 과정에 대한 연구(硏究) -상한론(傷寒論)에서 사상의학(四象醫學) 까지-)

  • Choi, Yei-Kwen;Kim, Kyung-Yo
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.524-552
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    • 1998
  • Purgation therapy has played an important role as a influential remedy from the begining of the Chinese medicine. Especially purgation therapy is raised as the effective remedy on the acute infectious disease in the book of 'Treatise on Febrile Disease'. But It was inclined to cold-nature and available only in the excess syndrome. Nevertheless it is evident that the book has showed an example of this therapy. During the middle age, purgation therapy is classified into several subtype; hydrogogue therapy, laxation with lubricants, purgation with cold-natured drugs and purgation with warm-natured drugs. Comparing with the ancient times, it must be a progression. It was investigated earnestly by a school leaded by Zhang Congzheng. They were not restricted to several diseases, but applied it to the wide range of diseases. They thought as following. 'One is ill from pathogenic factor so that you should eliminate it from the human body'. Hence, they frequently used three major remedies such as diaphoresis, emesis and purgation. In this process, purgation therapy had showed eye-opening progress. But opposition to it was not little. Li Gao was a representative man on the opposite side. He expressed a critical opinion and placed great importance on the genuine energy, the natural healing force. Under his influence, a large number of doctors evaded purgation and put it under taboo. On account of these trend, purgation therapy had took a backward step and retrograded. Therefore cathartics such as Rhei Radix et Rhizoma, Rharbitidis Semen, cold drugs such as Gypsum Fibrosum, etc. had been excluded for preservation of the genuine energy, and came about an obnoxious custom to value only 'tonity deficiency', or 'warm and tonify'. As it had came into fashion to approach most disease from the point of view, purgation therapy was merely fall into a remedy of constipation. After the eighteenth century purgation therapy encountered the new period of rivival. It was introduced by them who strived for the study of Epidemics to the new current of thought, so called '增水行舟'. It was because 온병 was apt to dissipate one's Yin fluid. Therefore purgation therapy of this period was characterized by establishing nourishment Yin and body fluid with or without use of timely purgation of accumulation of heat. From the time of Zhang Congzheng, it was accomplished by Lee Je-ma to the most epoch-making change. He caused an improvement in the use of purgation therapy by regarding innate constitutional contradiction as importance than representing clinical symptoms. He warned that existing remedies that depend only upon symptoms and signs, not upon individual characteristics including constitutional features didn't bring round to but kill them. And he understood all the pathologic processes in his constitutional theory, investigated specific drugs on four constitution, made indications of each prescriptions clear. For giving to differentiation of constition before differentiation of syndrom, his new slant on the pathologic phenomena overcome the limitations of 변증시치, and revaluate purgation therapy from remedy impaire the genuine energy to that restore it by recover the balance between the internal organ. It is the product of him to fundamentally upset the cause to be in disregard of purgation therapy.

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Perceptions and Experiences of Acupuncture among Expatriates Living in Korea: A Qualitative Study (국내 거주 외국인의 침 치료 경험과 한의학에 대한 인식: 질적연구)

  • Lee, Seungmin Kathy;Park, Inhyo;Miller, David B.;Lee, Sangjae
    • Korean Journal of Acupuncture
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.172-182
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    • 2020
  • Objectives : In this study, we conducted a focus group interview among expatriates living in Korea, to investigate their experiences and perceptions of acupuncture and Korean Medicine in order to improve the usage of Korean Medicine in the medical tourism market. Methods : The inclusion criteria for the focus group interview was: (1) participants between the age of 20 to 75 years old; (2) those who had lived in Korea for more than 90 days, and (3) those who were able to express their thoughts freely in English. The participants were informed that the interviews will be recorded and transcribed. We ended recruitment once saturation of materials was met. Semi-structured interviews were conducted, and the data was analyzed after each interview. Results : The interviews were held between June to December 2016. Twenty-four participants were recruited but four dropped out and a total of twenty participants successfully finished the interviews. Six focus group interviews were conducted. Analysis revealed that Korean Medicine was relatively less known compared to Traditional Chinese Medicine or Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Participants automatically associated acupuncture with the management of pain or stress and replied that these were the areas that they thought acupuncture would be most effective. Positive experiences with acupuncture and with the acupuncture practitioners were factors that promoted the use of acupuncture whereas lack of awareness, accessibility and accreditation were factors that hindered its use. Other factors that hindered the use of acupuncture was needle phobia and the perception that acupuncture lacks scientific evidence. Conclusions : Awareness on Korean Medicine and acupuncture is low. Participants lack awareness on what diseases acupuncture can treat, the scientific evidence behind the mechanism of action, and the rigorous education system that Korean Medicine doctors must go through to get their license. Rigorous marketing should be encouraged, which includes greater exposure in the media, more honest reviews from patients, and promotion of the scientific evidence base.