• Title/Summary/Keyword: the age of longevity

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Effects of Employment and Marital Status on Health Status of Women and Men (취업과 결혼상태가 남녀의 건강에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Eun-Ok
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.84-97
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    • 1995
  • There is a widespread concern that women's increasing involvement in dual role (job plus family role) may harm their physical health. Longevity of women is longer than that of men. By contrast, prevalence rate is higher in women than men, and No. of prevalence days, No. of days in bed and No. of days with treatment are more in women. Generally, women live longer, but women are worse in health status than men. Rate of labor participation in women is increasing gradually in Korea. This study presents an analysis of the relationships between employment. marital status and health for both Korean women and men to examine how women's increasing involvements in dual role affect their physical health. The data used in this analysis were collected by The National Statistical Office in the spring of 1992. Households, which were sampled by using a three-stage stratified cluster sampling method, were interviewed. Response rate was 99.43%. Of these, student or widowed or divorced people were excluded. 47,552 women and men aged 21-50 were available for the analysis. Health status was measured by self-assessed health status (1=excellent, 5=poor), No. of prevalent days, No. of days with treatment, and No. of days in bed in two previous weeks. And control variables are age, and education. Research findings are as follows : 1. Men have better self-rated health, fewer prevalent days, fewer days in bed, and fewer days with treatment than women. 2. The employed are more healthier than the non-employed. 3. Unmarried people are more healthier than married people. 4. Interaction effects of sex, marital status, employment are significant. This finding shows that effects of empolyment, marital status on health status is not same for women and men. 5. For male, employed people are more healthier than non-employed people. Unmarried people are more healthier than married people. This differences are significant. For female, The employed are more healthier than the non-employed. However, no differences are noticed between the married and the unmarried in health status. In conclusion, there is no evidence that women's involvements in dual role affect their physical health negatively.

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Probability of Early Retirement Among Emergency Physicians

  • Shin, Jaemyeong;Kim, Yun Jeong;Kim, Jong Kun;Lee, Dong Eun;Moon, Sungbae;Choe, Jae Young;Lee, Won Kee;Lee, Hyung Min;Cho, Kwang Hyun
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.154-162
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: Early retirement occurs when one's job satisfaction suffers due to employment mismatch resulting from factors such as inadequate compensation. Medical doctors report high levels of job stress and burnout relative to other professionals. These levels are highest among emergency physicians (EPs), and despite general improvements in their working conditions, early retirement continues to become more common in this population. The purpose of this study was to identify the factors influencing EPs intention to retire early and to develop a probability equation for its prediction. Methods: A secondary analysis of data from the 2015 Korean Society of Emergency Physicians Survey was performed. The variables potentially influencing early retirement were organized into personal characteristics, extrinsic factors, and intrinsic factors. Logistic regression analysis was performed to identify risk factors and to develop a probability equation; these findings were then arranged in a nomogram. Results: Of the 377 survey respondents included in the analysis, 48.0% intended to retire early. Risk factors for early retirement included level of satisfaction with the specialty and its outlook, slanderous reviews, emergency room safety, health status, workload intensity, age, and hospital type. Intrinsic factors (i.e., slanderous reviews and satisfaction with the specialty and its outlook) had a stronger influence on early retirement than did extrinsic factors. Conclusions: To promote career longevity among EPs, it is vital to improve emergency room safety and workload intensity, to enhance medical professionalism through a stronger vision of emergency medicine, and to strengthen the patient-doctor relationship.

A Study on Headdresses for Ceremony in the Latter Period of Chosun -Focusing on Chok-Du-Ri(족두리).Hwa-Gwan(화관)- (조선후기 예장용 쓰개류에 관한 고찰 - 족두리ㆍ화관을 중심으로 -)

  • 전혜숙;박수옥
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.101-118
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    • 2002
  • This study focuses on the ideas that Chok-Du-Ri(족두리)ㆍHwa-Gwan(화관) are mentioned a substitute preventing abuses of luxury mood by Gache(가채) as the sharpest social problem at that time. First, the origin of Chok-Du-Ri(족두리) was introduced from Ko-Ko-Gwan(고고관) of Mongo(몽고) in Korea dynasty, then was linked to Chosun. That is, Ko-Ko(고고) started from headgear reflecting spiritual view of the northen people, its size was getting smaller passing through Ming(명) dynasty, its essential decoration changed and it carried out Jeon-Ja(전자) remaining decoration nature by real accessories, then it might be descended to Chosun. Second, Hwa-Gwan(화관) is very different from Nanaec(난액) of Chosun Dynasty Records, rather Jeonia, the original form of Chok-Du-Ri, is more similar to it. Third, its decoration like color, jewel, pattern etc influenced wishes of this life like sex, prosperity, glory, longevity, blessing, wealth and fame. Fourth, Chok-Du-Ri(족두리) was restored a substitute for Gache(가채), it was accessory for preventing luxury life, besides it was modeled from headgear in China, Chosun people had it. It is worthwhile as it was based on Chosun Sinocentrism(조선중화주의) in the latter period of Chosun and made it the fruit of that age. Moreover, in those days Qing(청) society accepted the advanced culture and institutional profit of Qing(청) actually, social mood is that home and overseas policy was corrected in many parts, Chok-Du-RiㆍHwa-Gwan were mentioned a substitute of Gache, symbol of luxury. It shows one part of Practical Thougth that abolishes vanity and affectation and makes useful profits in the latter period of Chosun.

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An Epidemiologic Study of Metastatic Bone Tumor (전이성 골종양의 역학적 연구)

  • Kim, Jae-Do;Lee, Duk-Hee;Park, Jeong-Ho;Son, Young-Chan;Hong, Yonng-Gi;Son, Jeong-Hwan
    • The Journal of the Korean bone and joint tumor society
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.38-44
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    • 1995
  • Metastatic bone tumor is the most common bone tumor and 32.5% of all primary malignant tumors are eventually metastasize to bone. Metastatic bone tumor has been more frequently encountered disease in the orthopedic fields due to the greater longevity of life of the patients with primary visceral cancers by major advances in early detection, diagnosis, and surgical/radiotherapeutic/chemotherapeutic treatment of primary and metastatic lesions. Therefore, the epidemiologic data about the incidences and the patterns of bone metastasis is important. We reviewed 417 patients who were diagnosed and treated for metastatic bone tumor at Kosin University Medical Center from 1985 to 1993 to analyse the primary lesion, age and sex distributions, location of bone metastasis, patterns of metastasis according to the primary. The results were as follows : 1. The common origin of bone metastasis were lung(29.5%), stomach(15.3%), breast(11.3%), unknown(7.7%), cervix(5.3%), liver(4.8%) in order of frequency. 2. There were 251 men and 166 women and their mean age was 54.8 years and the peak age incidence was in 6th decades. Most cases(85.3%) were occured beyond 5th decades. 3. The preferred sites of metastatic deposits were spine(64.0%), pelvis(40.5%), rib(38.8%), femur(36.7%), skull(21.1%), humerus(13.9%), scapula(13.0%) in order of frequency. In the spine, thoracic(42.1%), lumbar(39.1%), cervical(13.2%), sacral(5.6%) vertebrae were involved in order of frequency. 4. Multiple bone metastases were more common(73.1%) than single metastasis(26.9%). 5. In the lung cancer, the peak age incidence was 6th decades, and the preferred sites of bone metastasis were spine, pelvis, femur. 6. In the stomach cancer, the peak age incidence was 6th decades, and the preferred sites of bone metastasis were spine, femur, pelvis. 7. In the breast cancer, the peak age incidence was 5th decades, and the preferred sites of bone metastasis were spine, rib, pelvis. 8. In the bone metastasis with unknown primary site, the peak age incidence was 7th decades, the preferred sites of bone metastasis were spine, femur, pelvis, and the common histologic types were adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma.

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Smart Health Screen (스마트 건강 스크린-과학적 건강관리)

  • Jung, Hee-Young;Choi, Sung-Hoon;Kim, Hee-Cheol;Kim, Dae-Young
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2017.05a
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    • pp.595-597
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    • 2017
  • Modern people are exposed to obesity problems with convenient lifestyle, over nutrition, and lack of exercise. The greater the desire for longevity, the greater the problem of obesity. People work out in neighborhood parks, walkways, and hiking trails to improve their obesity. The municipal government encourages its residents to provide various exercise information by setting up signs on the promenade or hiking trail. However, conventional exercise signs do not provide various athletic and health information because they are built-in fixed type. Therefore, this study suggests scientific exercise management through smart health screen in accordance with the healthcare IT age. The IT-based smart health screen provides real-time calorie consumption, step count, and heart rate. The systematic and scientific exercise management provided by the smart health screen helps the locals to control the amount of exercise and strength suitable for each individual. In addition, walking without special cost makes it possible to manage health and obesity. We hope that our research will be of little help in resolving obesity.

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Review on Exercise Training and Protein Intake in Skeletal Muscle Protein Metabolism (운동훈련과 단백질 섭취에 따른 골격근 단백질 대사: 안정성 동위원소 추적체법을 이용한 연구결과를 중심으로)

  • Shin, Yun-A;Kim, Il-Young
    • Exercise Science
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.103-114
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    • 2017
  • INTRODUCTION: Regulation of skeletal muscle protein mass is implicated not only in exercise performance but in metabolic health. Exercise in combination with nutrition, particularly dietary protein/amino acid intake, are the pragmatic approach that effectively induces muscle anabolic response (i.e., muscle hypertrophy) through regulating protein synthesis and breakdown. PURPOSE: The purpose of this review was to summarize available data on the effect of exercise intervention and amino acids intake on muscle protein synthesis and breakdown and provide an insight into development of an effective exercise intervention and amino acids supplements, applicable to training practice. METHODS: In this review, we have reviewed currently available data mainly from stable isotope tracer studies with respect to the effect of exercise intervention and protein or amino acid supplement on muscle protein anabolic response. CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, exercise alone may not be effective in achieving a positive net muscle protein balance due to the fact that protein breakdown still exceeds protein synthesis until nutrition intake such as protein/amino acids. It appears that muscle anabolic response increases in proportional to the amount of protein intake up to 20 - 35 g depending on quality of protein, age, differences on exercise intensity, duration, and frequency, and individual's training status

Bacterial contaminants in extended boar semen and selection of effective antimicrobials (돼지 희석정액의 세균오염도 및 유효 항생제 선발)

  • Kim, Ha-Young;Byun, Jae-Won;Shin, Dong-Ho;Kim, Hyoung-Soon;Yoon, Hachung;Park, Choi-Kyu;Lee, O-Soo;Jung, Byeong Yeal
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.125-131
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    • 2010
  • Bacterial contamination is an unavoidable finding of the semen collection process in boar and can lead in deleterious effects on semen quality and longevity if left uncontrolled. The purpose of this study is to identify the bacteria in extended boar semen and to select the effective antimicrobials to control of the contaminants. Of 116 extended boar semen samples submitted from eight AI centers in Korea, 39 (33.6%) samples were positive for bacterial contamination. Among 39 contaminated semen, most of them (84.6%) were contaminated with one or two bacterial species and there was no significant difference between two age groups $(\leq\;24\;and\;>\;24\;month\;old).$ Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (n = 18) was the most predominant bacterium followed by Elizabethkingia meningoseptica (n = 12), Sphingomonas paucimobilis (n = 12), Myroides spp. (n = 5), Ochrobactrum anthropi (n = 3), and so on. Enrofloxacin (72.9%), florfenicol (72.9%), bacitracin (49.2%) and tylosin (49.2%) showed higher sensitivity compared with penicillin (13.6%) or aminoglycosides (6.8%-18.6%). Brucella spp., Leptospira spp., Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, Mycoplasma hyorhinis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex were not detected in semen by PCR.

Modulation of senoinflammation by calorie restriction based on biochemical and Omics big data analysis

  • Bang, EunJin;Lee, Bonggi;Noh, Sang-Gyun;Kim, Dae Hyun;Jung, Hee Jin;Ha, Sugyeong;Yu, Byung Pal;Chung, Hae Young
    • BMB Reports
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.56-63
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    • 2019
  • Aging is a complex and progressive process characterized by physiological and functional decline with time that increases susceptibility to diseases. Aged-related functional change is accompanied by a low-grade, unresolved chronic inflammation as a major underlying mechanism. In order to explain aging in the context of chronic inflammation, a new integrative concept on age-related chronic inflammation is necessary that encompasses much broader and wider characteristics of cells, tissues, organs, systems, and interactions between immune and non-immune cells, metabolic and non-metabolic organs. We have previously proposed a novel concept of senescent (seno)-inflammation and provided its frameworks. This review summarizes senoinflammation concept and additionally elaborates modulation of senoinflammation by calorie restriction (CR). Based on aging and CR studies and systems-biological analysis of Omics big data, we observed that senescence associated secretory phenotype (SASP) primarily composed of cytokines and chemokines was notably upregulated during aging whereas CR suppressed them. This result further strengthens the novel concept of senoinflammation in aging process. Collectively, such evidence of senoinflammation and modulatory role of CR provide insights into aging mechanism and potential interventions, thereby promoting healthy longevity.

Death Orientation of the Korean Adult - Data was focused on residents who were living in urban area - (대도시에 거주하는 한국인 성인의 죽음정위)

  • Kim Soon-Ja;Kil Suk-Yong;Park Chang-Seung
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.237-256
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    • 1998
  • Death and dying of human being is a comprehensive system, and death orientation, the subjective meaning related to every component of the death system is developed throughout life. This study was designed and carried out to identify, describe and classify the orientations of Korean adult towards the death system. In an attempt to measure the subjective meaning of death and dying, unstructured Q-methodology was used. The 65 Q-statements developed by Kim(1994), used by Kim(1994) and Park(1996) were adopted as Q-population and 39 Q-statements were selected by the three researchers for Q-items for this study. Thirty-three P-samples were sampled from P-population of literate Korean men and women, 35 and 55 years of age, lived in urban Korea for the last 10 years. Sortings of the 39 Q-items according to the level of personal agreement, and a forced normal distribution into the 9 levels were carried out by the P-samples. The Z-scores of the Q-sort data were computed, and the principal components factor analysis by PC-QUANL Program were carried out. The demographic, socio-cultural and health-related attributes of the P-samples were descriptively analysed. Eight types of death orientation were identified ; Type I ; 'naturalist'. Six P-samples. Death is a natural phenomena, to be accepted as it is and to follow its natural course. Prefer to be informed of all facts and possibilities concernig the course of dying and death to occur to self. Type II ; 'life-after-life negator'. Three P-samples. Time and process of death is the destiny of each person. Death means 'darkness' and 'end to every thing, the absolute end'. Yet, wish physical integrity at the dying and after death. Type III ; 'life-after-life believer'. Six P-samples. Men are travellers passing by this life bound to the life-after-life. Priority concerns are on the activities to prepare self for the eternal life ahead. Disregard premature and sudden death. Type IV ; 'here-now believer' Five P-samples. Positive regard to the cremation of the body and donation of the organs on death. Regard religious and customary post-motem rituals meaningless. Negate life-after life. Type V; 'believer of rituals'. Five P-samples. Death being accepted as a part of, a natural end to, and destiny of human life. Concerned to ensure a dignified end to personal life and dignified post-mortem rituals. Type VI ; 'Realist'(derived from Type I). Two P-samples. Life and death as universal reality. The abrupt death at golden age at the peak of happiness is favored to avoid inevitable physical and mental distress of self and the family. Agreed to the cremation of the body. Disregard rituals. Type VII : 'Fatalist' (derived from Type II). Five P-samples. Not favored, yet, all man are destined to death, the inevitable end of all living beings. To ensure dignified end by personal consummation, information on one's dying and imminent death are to be shared. Type VIII ; 'reality avoider'(derived from Type III). One P-sample. Negative to longevity, artificial prolongation of, meaningless and distressful life. Highly positive to postmortem organ donation.

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Mechanism of aging and prevention (노화의 기전과 예방)

  • Kim, Jay Sik
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.104-108
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    • 2001
  • Aging is a senescence and defined as a normal physiologic and structural alterations in almost all organ systems with age. As Leonard Hayflick, one of the first gerontologists to propose a theory of biologic aging, indicated that a theory of aging or longevity satisfies the changes of above conditions to be universal, progressive, intrinsic and deleterious. Although a number of theories have been proposed, it is now clear that cell aging (cell senescence) is multifactorial. No single mechanism can account for the many varied manifestations of biological aging. Many theories have been proposed in attempt to understand and explain the process of aging. Aging is effected in individual by genetic factors, diet, social conditions, and the occurrence of age-related diseases as diabetes, hypertension, and arthritis. It involves an endogenous molecular program of cellular senescence as well as continuous exposure throughout life to adverse exogenous influences, leading to progressive infringement on the cell's survivability so called wear and tear. So we could say the basic mechanism of aging depends on the irreversible and universal processes at cellular and molecular level. The immediate cause of these changes is probably an interference in the function of cell's macromolecules-DNA, RNA, and cell proteins-and in the flow of information between these macromolecules. The crucial questions, unanswered at present, concerns what causes these changes in truth. Common theories of aging are able to classify as followings for the easy comprehension. 1. Biological, 1) molecular theories - a. error theory, b. programmed aging theory, c. somatic mutation theory, d. transcription theory, e. run-out-of program theory, 2) cellular theories - a. wear and tear theory, b. cross-link theory, c. clinker theory, d. free radical theory, e. waste product theory, 3) system level theory-a. immunologic/autoimmune theory, 4) others - a. telomere theory, b. rate of living theory, c. stress theory, etc. Prevention of aging is theoretically depending on the cause or theory of aging. However no single theory is available and no definite method of delaying the aging process is possible by this moment. The most popular action is anti-oxidant therapy using vitamin E and C, melatonin and DHEA, etc. Another proposal for the reverse of life-span is TCP-17 and IL-16 administration from the mouse bone marrow B cell line study for the immunoglobulin VDJ rearrangement with RAG-1 and RAG-2. Recently conclusional suggestion for the extending of maximum life-span thought to be the calory restriction.

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